Sunday Wrap-Up

There are so many thoughts swirling around my noggin that I am not sure where to begin…
First off, the response to the Africa trip has been amazing!! It is wonderful to know that some of our bloggy friends will be accompanying Dw and the team…I am so jealous – I want to go so bad!!

If you haven’t heard from Dw yet, you will by tomorrow as the plans have to finalized asap.
And yes, there are even a couple of people who hope to meet the babies with the thought of bringing one home – a great big gigantic YIPPEE JESUS to that!!

Dw and I had an interview with a reporter here on Thursday. He is doing a story on our family and the fire which will be in the paper in a few weeks. We pray for favor. If the story is available online, I will provide a link.


This morning I went in to the sanctuary for first service. I found Dw talking to a sweet young couple. I kissed him on the lips and stood listening to them talk. He turned to me and said, “Have you met so-n-so?” I said, “No, this is my first time visiting here.” (Being goofy since I had just planted a teeny kiss on his lips.) This sweet young woman said, “I know better than that, I read your blog.” LOL That just struck me so funny…I had no idea! So hi Shelly, Mark and baby Nora!!

—————————————Last Sunday I gave away the Sisterhood Blog award to all 407 of you…since last Sunday there are now 431 of you…so from my heart to yours……the bunch that joined in the friends please accept the award and post it and pass it on. You guys just stinkin’ make our day!!


Lastly, I was thinking about doing a post of questions and answers. And there have been many of you have written from time to time and asked things – all kinds of things. I have been unable to answer most of those. So here is your opportunity. If you have been thinking of something you would want to ask me over coffee…ask away….You provide the questions and I will attempt to provide the answers. Go ahead, ask anything you want!!

15 thoughts on “Sunday Wrap-Up

  1. Yes, I have lots of questions, but I’ll stick to one. Have you heard of “New Hope to Africa”? It is located in Kampala,but I sort of think that might cover a large area(?) They have an orphanage and a group from PA is sending quilts (450) to their orphanage. I thought it would be so neat if it was the orphanage that Elizabeth and Elijah lived in.


  2. Linny – what a great response to DW’s Africa trip. God is amazing! I would accept your blog award, but I couldn’t pass it on to 10 other people because the blogs I follow all follow you! LOL! Thanks for including all of us. That was sweet of you!

    Janet and Kevin

  3. I can’t believe that I am one of the ones that God is allowing to go to UGANDA! I simply can’t believe it. I can’t believe that I will get to potentially watch as God brings parents to some of these precious children! I am praising Him!!!!!

  4. This is fun getting to ask a question!!…I have actually been wanting to know what homeschool curriculum you use for your sweet kiddos. And maybe more specifically…what curriculum have you used for the elementary years. Thanks!!

  5. hey, im a long time lurker, but first time commenter! I just wanted to let you know I’ve been praying for your beautiful family since the fire (I think I started reading the day after the fire).

    I’m 16, and have two adopted little brothers, and two little foster sisters. adoption holds such a special place in my heart, and I admire your family so much for listening to God’s calling and reaching out to the orphans!

    thanks for being so sincere in your writing.

    continuing to pray,


  6. I know you homeschool and I just retired from teaching Kindergarten. Would you like some of my stuff? Any suggestions on what I could send your way?

  7. Linny, that is so wonderful that Dw has had such an amazing response for the trip. Oh, how I would LOVE to go. But, I am heading ‘home’ to South Africa at the end of April for my brothers wedding–so I guess that will have to suffice as my time away for the next however long. Still, a huge blessing that I get to go as I have been blessed with a ticket 🙂

    I do have a question–regarding homeschooling many kids at different ages. How do you do it? What curriculum works for you? I am still struggling to find the right curriculum for our family. Every year part of what I buy seems to be a waste of money. I know the problem is that there is just sooooo much to choose from. Any advise would be so appreciated, friend.

    Have a very blessed Monday. More snow for us today!

    Love and hugs.

  8. Hi Linny,

    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog last week! I am so glad you found your way there after reading my my Encouragement for Today devotion through Proverbs 31 Ministries. I love how God connects women’s hearts across the world through blogs.

    Your blog and writings are beautiful. I am so sorry for all that you have been through. I see God’s promise and provision shining through your family for the display of His glory. May He continue to guide your hearts and plans as you seek Him.

    Also, you had asked about our adoption plans. We recently heard that we are only #4 on the list for a little girl in Ethiopia. Since all of our paperwork has been approved through our agency, we feel peace about waiting. Thank you so much for letting us know about Uganda and children there.

    Sweet blessings,

  9. We are workers out at Cross Bar X Youth Ranch and attend 1st B, but was so wanting to contact you about your Africa trip. Our heart cries for that land and for those children! However, 3 under 4 and a nursing baby don’t make it too easy…right now. Hugs to you all. You are in our prayers. Oh, your sweet old horse is my neighbor…glad we could take him for you 🙂
    Marci Miller

  10. My question is one that I left on your "q&a about adoption" page. I was wondering about your thoughts on why it is so common for wives to hear a a clear calling from God to adopt and husbands not (and I'm talking godly men). The long version of my question is near the end of the q&a page. julia.

  11. I have a question. I’d love to know what kinds of things you do to integrate your newest child into the family? We have recently (since 2/13)taken guardianship of little girl and are trying to help us ALL feel like family. God is doing amazing things with us, but I’m wondering if you have any advice for us too? Especially when it comes to our other kids…they are 10, 8, 7 boys and the new child is 7 and a girl. Thanks!

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