Tired Much?

The other day I was standing at the kitchen counter working on an email for our Tyler. Elizabeth came over and was snuggled against my feet. She is a snuggler so I really didn’t think much about it. In a few minutes I looked down to see exactly what she was doing….and found….
yes, sucking her thumb totally and completely sound asleep curled in one little lump…

25 thoughts on “Tired Much?

  1. That is so sweet! I love those precious moments when they come to you for love and curl up in a ball and fall fast asleep. I am glad you have a picture. You are all continually in our prayers!

    Michelle Webster

  2. They just do not come sweeter that that! Melts my heart.

    Okay—so you totally win 🙂 Backing into the SW car is wayyyyy better than my stuff up with the SW 😉 Tooo darn funny. You got the belly—I got the belly AND the butt—UG! I know, I know—it’s called exercise, think I can bring myself to actually do it? No way.

    My word—I just found the code for your EHMO badge—I am so excited. I never knew where to get it. We are still praying and trusting with you—blessings, my friend, they are just around the corner!

  3. That is the cutest picture! I’m so glad you were able to get it. I have missed a million great shots because the child has woke up as I tried to “quietly” seize the moment. Same with dogs ~ I could have authored a wonderful book with all the pictures I missed out on!

    ~Linda from Northern Colorado

  4. Ok, so I don’t know if that made me want to adopt again, curl up in a ball and go to sleep, or just say “awwwww” but it touched my heart, that’s for sure! Thanks for sharing such treasured moments with your many babies 🙂
    I just want to Eat. Her. Up!!

  5. That is the cutest thing! I just want to hug her! My little girl is our only thumb sucker and she’s also the only one who has fallen asleep on the floor like that.

    Continuing to pray for your family…

  6. That is the cutiest thing I have seen in awhile…the little feet are actually beside her chin!!!
    And, Linn, thank you for your prayers last night and for the “CHEERLEADER” note today…I really did need the encouragement and appreciate it more than I can say!! The little darlin’s are still the same today, but I am being more thankful and that does help MY attitude!

  7. Sweet dream precious cild!

    I gave our daughter katie the link to your Abigail’s photography site! She is certain that Abi has her dream job!
    Thanks for sharing it!

  8. Oh my goodness that is too precious!!!!

    Gotta keep that photo for her scrapbook. 🙂

    blessed mama to 10 ~ 5 thru the birth and 5 thru the miracle of adoption

  9. Now that I see how precious one looks curled up asleep in the corner of the kitchen, I will feel free to just give into temptation to do that myself. And I’m sure sucking my thumb will help ease the tension of the day, don’t ya think?

    If we all did this from time to time we would be so refreshed and rested! 🙂

  10. What a sweet little ball of cuteness. That must of just warmed your heart…she is such a little love. How wonderful for you that she is a cuddly girl…thank you Jesus!

    mama to 7
    one homemade and 6 adopted

  11. How sweet … she just needed to be near her Mama to find some peace and sleep! So cute! How nice that you got a picture of her all curled up, too; that’s a keeper!

    All the best,
    Nicole A. in OH

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