Being Authentic

I don’t know exactly where to start….
I am struggling on many fronts, so I will just be authentic. My heart is heavy and since you guys are such awesome bloggy friends and prayer warriors maybe some of you will take a minute and lift some of these needs up in prayer. If I were to pretend that all is well I would feel like I was a fake. I don’t want to ever be a fake. Ever.
My sweet bloggy friend Karin from Our Treasures from Afar, has a little girl named Kate. Kate had heart surgery yesterday. This type of heart surgery she had is a huge deal. Huge. If you hop onto her blog you will see by scrolling down a few posts just what the risks are.
Well yesterday after the surgery they were having trouble keeping little Kate’s blood pressure where it should be. Now she has had a fever of 102 (although meds have taken it down a bit) but she is lethargic, which affects her blood pressure. This is cause for great concern with just having this very serious heart surgery. Kate was one of the little ones at Hope Foster Home with our Isaiah. Please pray with me that her fever will be gone and that her recovery will be complete and quick. We serve a Miracle-working, Mountain-moving, Awe-inspiring, Gasp-giving God who loves these once orphaned kids more than we can ever begin to grasp. Please join me in asking Him to move on little Kate’s behalf, one more time. Please.
And really, truly, leaving Karin a comment would be such a God-sized boost for her. Could you possibly please do me that favor, could you? She would love to know where you are (country or state) that you are praying for her sweet baby girl.

On a different front, today is 3 months since our fire. Dw and I are both overwhelmed with all that means. We are thankful for God’s faithfulness. We went together to the house last night. It felt eerie and creepy. I hated being there – which is also hard for me to grasp after it was once my beloved little log home.
The three bids from contractors have been submitted. The bids have to be for “fixing” the house and making it livable. The bids came in for more than what we even have the house insured for. Quite a bit more. And not one of the three contractors will guarantee getting the smoke smell out of the logs. Obviously, we don’t want to live the rest of our lives with the smell to remind us of what happened. The insurance company has said that they want an engineer to come and see what he thinks. So we are waiting for them to bring an engineer in.
Dw and I each have a very powerful walk with God and have had this for many years. We get along really well and are each others best friend. BUT we both have been equally dumbfounded at how profoundly affected we both are by the fire and its aftermath. We have seen our share of tragedies and difficulties in life in the last 30 years. So we are frustrated that we have been so “hard hit” and wonder how people in less-than-optimal circumstances manage?
And then from a different angle…I wonder if you, my bloggy friends, will get tired of hearing me talk of the fire?
Yesterday our paper put that article about us on the front page.. Our town is very New Age and not really friendly to the message of Christ. At all. There is alot of witchcraft.
When we saw the picture of “Our God Reigns” taken from our loft, where Dw had etched it in the soot blackened walls on the front page we were completely shocked!! And yes, there is no doubt that the enemy of our souls was so very ticked off!! Our God does indeed reign. And from a spiritual standpoint, the acknowledgement of “Our God Reigns” on the front page, has huge spiritual significance.
We will continue to trust that the Lord is working behind the scenes to accomplish all that needs to be accomplished to bring glory to Him. We continue to pray that He will use the fire to make us individually more like him, our family more like Him, that He will use it to draw others to Him and that thru our very public story many, many orphans will find their forever families.
Tomorrow morning, about 6am I am leaving to drive to north of Denver to take Isaiah to a specialist for Arthrogryposis. It’s almost 450 miles one way. He will begin (according to the email exchange with the doctor) a series of castings for his legs. Your prayers for our Isaiah would be appreciated. He is a treasure and our hearts are hurting at this next step.
And then lastly (or at least lastly for now) our daughter Autumn has been having some difficulties physically. The doctor has run some tests. Then the doctor ran some more tests. There is deep concern that something very serious is going on. She will be flying to see a specialist in the next few days and either Dw or I will accompany her. Your prayers would be deeply appreciated. Thank you friends. You guys are the best! xo

78 thoughts on “Being Authentic

  1. My friend, the battle is not ours, we must stand in the middle of the conflict. Your armour is secure.

    There will be a time when you will grow tired of talking about the fire yet that is part of your story and as Corrie Ten Boom once said, “it is the story God gave you.”

    I do suggest you have advirl/ibuprofen for Isaiah. The casting can be uncomfortable (been there, will be there again!) Other than that, make sure he gets Gelato at the coffee shop downstairs at the hospital.

    Praying for your sweet blue-eyed girl. She is God’s child. He will make a way for her.

    Let us know if we can help with the others during this time. They know our home and we love them all – big, little, short and tall!

    Loving you,

  2. My friend, the battle is not ours, we must stand in the middle of the conflict. Your armour is secure.

    There will be a time when you will grow tired of talking about the fire yet that is part of your story and as Corrie Ten Boom once said, “it is the story God gave you.”

    I do suggest you have advirl/ibuprofen for Isaiah. The casting can be uncomfortable (been there, will be there again!) Other than that, make sure he gets Gelato at the coffee shop downstairs at the hospital.

    Praying for your sweet blue-eyed girl. She is God’s child. He will make a way for her.

    Let us know if we can help with the others during this time. They know our home and we love them all – big, little, short and tall!

    Loving you,

  3. how annoying that one problem never comes alone.
    And I was so sad as I read that your city is so against Jesus and His message. I hurt with you one that one. And for Isaiah and Autumn. Prayers your way.

  4. Sweet friend, you absolutely know you have our prayers.

    I will email you more… about something I forgot to share.

    Praying for UNBELIEVABLE blessings that can only come from God today.

  5. Hey Linny,

    I'm praying for healing in your hearts! God bless the kids as they face these medical trials & your friend's daughter as she faces this unrest.

    You may not get your house back, but behind everything God has a purpose.. 🙁 for myself it would be very, very hard to understand & comprehend, thank you for being so open & honest… my thoughts are with you today.

    In Him,

  6. I’ve been following your lives for a while. We are also a family that has grown with both adopted and bio kids. I will lift you up in prayer today and in the upcoming days while you focus on taking care of your Isaiah and also your daughter, Autumn. I lift each of you in prayer to our awesome and wonderful creator and saviour.
    With Aloha~

  7. Linn, I won’t ever get tired of your words on this blog. You will know when the time is right that there won’t be a need to talk about the fire. Until then my friend, share your heart. That’s what friends are for…to lift you up when it’s difficult for you to do alone. We will continue to lift you all up in prayer.

    I left a comment on Our Treasures from Afar…what a precious little one.

    One thing that is so neat about blogging…we can share in other’s lives and pray. What a priviledge that is to know that we can go before the Father on anothers behalf. Hugs and love…Carol

  8. Thanks for being so open and genuine. We all face trials, big and small. How wonderful to have the family of God to lift us up during those times.

    As I was praying for all of you this morning, I was very aware that this was the 3 month anniversary. So I’ll just keep on keepin’ on with my intercession on behalf of your family. And, of course, I’ll be praying for the specific requests you just shared.

    Love you guys!

  9. Bless you sweet friend- we will never tire of hearing your walk with Jesus and that includes all talk about the fire. Talk, blog, express as much as you need too – we actually learn from it and grow closer to God through it.

    The opposition really loves to pile it on- and he is giving you a truck load all at once- but he cannot win. The Lord will prevail, Good will prevail over evil- keep on going, keep on trusting. I will pray that our dear Lord will lighten your burden and strengthen you. I just love you- you are awesome!

    Your dear family, Isaiah, Autumn and Karen with her little precious Kate are all in our prayers! I’m heading over to her blog now!
    Blessings from MN,

  10. Oh Linn, our God is Mighty to save. Praying that He will show Himself mighty on your behalf – Isaiah and Autumn’s as well.
    Love to you all,

  11. Linn,
    I am praying on all fronts. I will also leave a message for Kates parents and family. I have seen this blog and my heart is burdened for them greatly. I am also praying for you and Dw during all of this fire stuff. I always go back to Acts Chapter 2… “we have all things in common” if I can’t with you physically helping you Miss Linn. You guarantee I am on my knees praying for you guys. I am here for you always sister. I will pray that Isaiah see this as an adventure, that God numb his legs to pain… that his beautiful dimples and smile light up everyone’s hearts who meet him. And as for Autumn, I am praying for her too. Thanks for your authentic self… I love that I have a pastor who is truthful and real. It is the only way we can truly minister to each other. Love you girlfriend,


  12. Linny,
    If you need anything while in Denver (a place to crash, a friend to come “be” with you, a place to eat) anything at all, please, contact me. I would be thrilled to meet you and help in any way possible. Really. Really.

    Karina :o)

  13. Then Satan and his fallen angels were dancing in front of the tomb thinking they had foiled God’s eternal plan, Then…the earth shook and the stone rolled away.

    Today Satan is dancing in front of your log house, your forever gift of Isaiah, and your all growed up young woman Autumn…but Our Miracle-working, Mountain-moving, Awe-inspiring, Gasp-giving God has His own plan that can not be thwarted, curtailed, shortened, modified, or changed by anything that happens down here.

    He, and We win.

    He gives and takes away,
    My heart will choose to say
    Blessed be His name.

    We know who is in control.

  14. Still praying for you! EVERY day!

    Thank You for being honest and transparent. It truly is an inspiration and testimony of God’s faithfulness. How else would we see HOW VERY faithful he has been to you – except that we see what he has brought you through!

  15. I will specifically intercede on your behalf and on Kate’s behalf about all the things you mentioned. AND I will never get tired of hearing how you are feeling about the fire. Grieving is such a personal thing whether it is a death of a loved one, death of a pet, loss of a job or loss of a home – there is no set time table and I know I’m not alone in saying – talk all you need to. You are loved and cherished! Isaiah and Autumn will certainly be a special prayer concern also. One of the things I appreciate the most about you and Dwight is your willingness to be so real with all of us. Dwight is so genuine and authentic from the pulpit as well as in a conversation. You are one of the most warm and genuine people I have ever met. You guys are such a blessing. Thank you! Praying, praying, praying and waiting expectantly for ALL that the Father will do – which we know is more than we can even ask or imagine!

  16. Thanks for sharing it all, it helps to know what and who to specify in our prayers for your family.
    Your heart is open and our prayers hopefully fill it as His spirit lifts you up. Thanks for being authentic. HUGE HUGS!

  17. Praying for you. I was also shocked about the front page coverage! So refreshing since I have to look at the “Coexist” bumper stickers on half the cars in line at school everyday.

  18. Praying for all of these things now…

    My dear friend, we will never get tired of hearing you talk about the fire. That’s what friends are for, to be there to comfort one another and listen when times are tough.

    I do have one kind of random question..I read that article and noticed where it said that you have 3 biological and 6 adopted kids. Now, I’m fairly new to following your story, so I’m just curious. I actually thought that Abi, Autumn, Emma, and Graham were all yours biologically. Who’s adopted? I know that it doesn’t make a difference because they’re still all your kids, but this young mind is just curious. I hope you don’t take offense to this, because that was not my intention at all.

    Much love and many prayers with you today.

  19. I know it sounds trite just to say God holds us in the palm of His hand.

    I have shared a lot on my blog about the trials my family have been through. While going through them, there were times I found myself having to remember to just breath.

    I know He doesn’t waste any trial but our human-ness, our physical body and our emotions, find it so hard to just get through.

    I am praying for you, you’ve been given a hard road to walk but I just KNOW it ends well. 🙂

  20. Linn,
    My heart is so sad for you right now. You deffinently have your plate full, and you even have a second helping that Im sure you didnt ask for. And with all you and your family have gone through your character and unselfish loving spirit shines through. I cant speak for every one else, but I will say that I will never tire of being a sounding block for your frustrations, or concerns. We all come here to be heard, and hopefully be good listiners to one another. I will be praying for you and your family, that God would give you some much deserved peace. Its so hard to move on when you have experienced something so devastating. I think that sounding off here to all of your bloggy friends is probable one of the best things you can be doing right now. I think it is a good way to purge yourself and feel free, even if it is for just a short while. I will be praying for little Kate and her family. For Isaiah, your trip, and for Autumn. God loves you all and I know He is going to take care of you.

  21. your family is such an awesome example as y’all walk through these tuff times…thank you for sharing your heart.

    y’all are in my prayers…

  22. I will pray for all of you. Be encouraged that you are being held up by the prayers of many.

    I also sent Karin a note from Upland, IN through “A Place Called Simplicity” so that she would know the God-made connection!!

    Always remember…”Our God reigns.”

  23. Linn,

    We continue to pray for you. May God give you strength as you heal from the fire and health for your children. Know that someday all of this and it’s timing will make perfect sense. Now though I am sure it is exhausting. Know that many are lifting you up.


    Ann Marie

  24. Praying for you in Japan! Our God reigns and though He doesn’t have to prove it, He DOES over and over again. Thank you Jesus for this wonderful family and the way they share your love and light in all that they do. Please bless them Lord in this rough time.

  25. I am praying for you all and am so sorry for the things you are going through. Thank you for the testemony of love for the LORD that you all show in the midst of the trials…

  26. Linny, my heart hurts with you. Thanks for sharing so we know how to pray. I love you, friend. I’m praying right now for all these things. Hugs.

  27. Awww, Linny, thank you for sharing these burdens. I will lift them up, with you, to our heavenly Father. Doesn’t He talk about “where two or more are gathered in My name…”, I’ll bet that even means when two or more are gathered in cyberspace!

    We WON’T tire of you talking about your fire. You need to work through your loss. Your fire story is not over. You are still working through the rubble.

    I will lift up each of these precious children up, as well. Sweet Kate, Autumn, and Isaiah. My heart is with you, as you prepare to take him North of Denver, to his appointment. My son, Jacob, has CP, and had to spend six weeks with his legs cast from his toes to his hips, with a 36 inch bar separating them. Not fun. I was just learning about Arthrogyposis in my Pediatric Nursing class on Monday. I thought of you, and your sweet Isaiah.

    I don’t “know you”, but I sure feel like I do. I am praying for you and yours…

  28. I’m not sure what else to add here, Linny. Your other bloggy friends have written it so beautifully. They love your hearts…they love your words…they love your faith…they love your family. I do too. But don’t forget, rejoice in the fact that someone has a love for you that is WAYYY more intense, and WAYYY bigger than any of our loves could be. Rest in that knowledge!

    Hebrews 12:1
    …let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.

    Keep your eye on the finish line. The victory is not ours…it’s for JESUS!

    Storming Heaven for you!

  29. Lynny,

    My prayers are with you and your family through these trying times. We brought home our daughter from China last May and after several castings, and surgery, her doctor thinks she has Arthrogryposis. She started off with weekly castings (a total of 7), then therapy to strengthen and stretch her muscles. After a couple of months of that we had to turn to surgery. After the surgery she spent another 6 weeks in casts and is finally out of them. Her knees are bending much better, but her doctor did say she may never walk “normal.”
    She has already come so far, and I can’t wait to see what HE has in store for her. She is an amazing little girl that lets nothing stop her.


  30. There will be praying in New York!!! For all of you!!!

    Amd no, I don’t get tired of you talking about the fire. You need to do that and that’s what we are here for!!!

  31. Praying for you and your children as well as little Katie. Have a safe drive. I drove 15 hrs/way for my sons castings so I know it’s no fun, but the end result is great and so worth it. I pray for comfort for you during this challenging time.

  32. Well Linn you indeed have much on your plate tonight. After I send this I will go to the precious little girl’s site that had the heart surgery,, but I want to take a moment to let you know that YOU my friend will be uplifted in prayer tonight from the ‘East’.

    I actually believe Satan targets this most holy of days (Easter time) to attack believers (not that he is dormant the rest of the time!!) but it seems he delights his efforts during this season.

    If I can give you just a quick reminder to take ONE thing at a time and not focus on all the tasks that lay before you, but rather each situation individually at the appropriate moment.

    NEVER feel your readers get tired of hearing you talk about the fire or anything else going on in your amazing brood’s lives! I think thats what we love about you Linn is that you are indeed REAL. You aren’t donning a mask and we can learn so much from your trials when they are tossed our own way.
    Keep the “fire” going on all fronts!!!

    Love in HIM.

  33. Oh, honey! My goodness, Satan certainly HATES what you are up to! I will be praying!!!!!! For peace, for wisdom, for healing…you name it! Hang on, dear sister…God obviously has BIG PLANS for your lives!!!

    Love and hugs…Nancy in CT (ShaoXi’s mama)

  34. Oh sweet friend,

    My heart is so heavy for you. I just visited Karin’s blog to leave a little prayer for Kate. Please, please know that I am lifting you up, lifting Isaiah up, lifting your precious Autumn up before the One who is Able to sustain you, and heal your babies.

    Oh Father,

    Please give Linny strength for this journey, it’s tough Lord, and I know You know that–but hold her up Lord, please hold her up. Let her lean into Your strength Lord. Father as she makes this long drive with sweet Isaiah, let it somehow be a time of refreshing. It sounds silly to us that a long drive could be refreshing, but Father use this time to encourage her heart, and to pour into her weary body. Surround her Lord with your protection, give her clear thinking, and above all be her hope. Reassure her Lord that you are on top of these tough, tough situations. Father would you move the mountain of insurance issues that this family may be “simply settled” once again. Would You help Linn and Dw as they work through the grief and frustration of the fire, and bring emotional healing Lord. You are the Great Physician, and we ask you to come to Isaiah and Autumn during their time of need. Bring healing Lord, nothing is too tough for You. Nothing. Father I pray a hedge of protection around this family, including Abi and Ryan and Ty. Hide them Lord under the shadow of Your wings. Bless them and keep them. In Jesus mighty name, Amen.

    Love you friend,

    xo Tina

  35. Oops…forgot to say…don’t you EVER be anything but real, and don’t you EVER feel you are “boring” us, or can’t talk about the things on your heart and mind. THAT, my friend, is what makes your blog an oasis in the desert for many of us. We KNOW you face hardships, and have the normal range of feelings and thoughts, and YET…and YET…GOD!
    Don’t you go and change a thing, girl! LOVE YOU!!!!

    Nancy in CT (ShaoXi’s mama)

  36. I’m praying for Kate and your Isiah. Poor kids…they shouldn’t have to deal with health problems and pain. But they are in my prayers!
    I love that your family was in your local newspaper but I hate to hear that about your town. I hope your family’s story will open some people’s eyes.
    Please don’t EVER be fake. Always be yourself, even in your blogging. 🙂 I love reading your blogs. And I can say, among many others, that I don’t get tired of you talking about the fire. It was a life changing experience for you and your family and you need to express how you feel. I would do the same in your situation. God bless your family!

  37. I am praying for your family Linny!! ((Hugs)) Sounds like you guys are just being bombarded in every direction. I will be praying for you lots!!

  38. Dear Linny, thank you for posting about our precious Kate. I am praying for you and your family, sweet Isaiah and Autumn. You have ticket satan off, but he will not win. We will never tire of hearing you talk about the fire because we love you. We will sit with you while you grieve and just lift you up. Love you bunches…

  39. Linny, I don’t think I (we) will ever be sick of hearing about the fire. I can’t imagine the trouble your family has been through all of this and you all deserve a metal for how you are handling this! I thought the article was awesome and the picture of the “writing on the wall” was definitely a message to the community, maybe even the world! Be blessed and know that you are touching many lives through this blog and your ministry! I, for one, can’t wait to be united with the child that God has picked for us at Sanyu!

  40. I am not surprised that you are struggling. You have been under so many spiritual assaults, and the flesh is so weak. I am praying for you, friend. Do you need a place to stay while in Denver? We are only 50 mile north – straight up I-25, and we would be glad to put you and Isaiah up. In fact, I’ll e-mail you privately and give you my phone # just in case!

    ~Linda from Northern Colorado

  41. Hi, I don’t normally comment, but I’m an avid reader. I found your blog right after the fire. Just wanted to let you know that I will be lifting you up to the Father.

    “Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” Heb. 4:16

  42. You do have a lot on your mind! Thank you for sharing your heart. You are right. It is always best to be authentic. How else would we know how to really pray for each other? I will commit these things to prayer. And never worry about talking about the fire. I’m sure we all understand what a HUGE crisis that was/is, and of course it wouldn’t go away in 3 months time. God is good and He will heal, but it takes time. We all love you and are praying with you!!!

  43. Linny,
    Thanks for sharing your heart with us! We will never tire of hearing about the fire and I am praying for all these burdens right now. Thank you far sharing about precious Kate. My Samuel also has a single ventricle. It is a blessing to find kate and be able to cover her in prayer!

    Praying for you my friend!


  44. Praying for you all tonight …

    Will be praying for you tomorrow as you take Isaiah to Denver.

    Will be praying for Autumn’s situation … for wisdom for the doctors, for wisdom for you and DW as to who should travel with her … peace for the whole family as you are headed in several directions seeking answers from doctors …

    (I don’t know where Autumn is flying to to see a specialist … but if it is in Seattle, where there are LOTS of specialists … we would LOVE to meet you there to pray with you and for you.)

    Thanks for your authenticity! That’s what true friends (bloggy or real life) are all about.

    love and hugs,

    Laurel 🙂

  45. Linn,

    I will lift your requests to our Father. We won’t tire of hearing about the fire. This is all a part of the process of working through it all.

    Thank you for being authentic.


  46. Everytime I read about your fire my heart aches for you. I can’t even begin to imagine the memories of it have on you.

    Praying for Autumn, Landis and you all.

  47. Oh, Linny, I am praying for your family and for sweet little Kate’s–I’m so glad you linked her blog–we can all approach the throne with our requests on her behalf.

    Praying you are completely wrapped up in His arms today. I think of a fuzzy blanket enveloping your entire being–the comfort of Jesus!! You will get through this…and on the other side–what triumph!

    Love to you, my precious friend!

  48. Missed your blog yesterday… it is 7:47 pst so you are well on your way to Denver.
    Praying for God’s peace and ease for your hearts… a quietness of any anxiety that Isaiah may be having… and gentle skill on the medical team’s part.
    Also praying for Autumn’s comfort and concern… that God grant her compassion and to place His huge arms around her giving her a tranquility to face the hurdles ahead.
    May the Lord Bless and Keep All of Your Family,
    Barbara Lyman 🙂
    Marysville, WA

  49. Many prayers for Kate, Isaiah and Autumn…may God simply show off and be glorified in a big way.

    Please don’t let Satan convince you that “talking” to us about the fire is going to get old. We are more than happy to “listen” to you. It’s good for you and all part of the process, I’m sure.

    May God be your peace and comfort,

  50. Linn,
    I’ve just happen to stumble upon your blog through a few others that I follow. My husband and I recently have gone through a journey of losing our twin sons at birth. The prayers that were said on our behalf number more than I’ll ever know. The love and comfort shown was greater than I’ve ever known. May you feel His presence and peace, and know that your name is being spoken to our Father.

    Thank you for sharing – Alyssa Henry

  51. Hi Linn,
    We love you and your family a bunch. We will be holding you up in prayer in all these things.

    I just want to encourage you with Philippians 4:13. He is your strength. Ans He is ever faithful.

    Hugs and Prayers Sommer:)

  52. Praying Linny, God is going to use this for sure to bring others (in your town and in the world) to Himself. THere is no mistake that THAT picture made the front page.

    I only wish that I could invite you over and hold you, and sip a cup of something…and just talk and talk and let the kids run and play.

    You have touched so many lives…thank you for touching mine.

    Praying for your hearts concerns.

    mama to 7
    one homemade and 6 adopted

  53. Hello! I have been very quiet in bloggy land lately; just busy with many things. But I wanted to let you know that we are still praying for you all daily from here in Ohio, and we will continue to, so please keep the prayer requests coming!

    All the best,
    Nicole A. in OH

  54. When you share honestly, we know how to pray. My heart was heavy as I read today. I will be praying! He is good, all the time!

    Blessings, Kathy

  55. I wish I could say that I can make everything better, to go back to the way it use to be, but unfortunately I can’t. What I can say is that our Abba Father hears your cry, and He has a master plan that is far beyond our understanding. Hang in there, and keep your eyes on Him. And no, we don’t get tired of you talking about the fire…your feelings are valid, and if we didn’t want to listen, we wouldn’t continue to be reading your blog:)

  56. Our God DOES reign and He makes himself known for all to see. I love the story of the paper!

    We’ve been praying hard for sweet Kate and will continue. Your precious daughter is now added to my prayer list.

    Have a safe trip and as always, thank you for your prayers for our own little ones.



  57. Praying for Kate and for her healing. Praying also for Isaiah and Autumn. Oh, how I wish we still lived in Colorado Springs so you would have a place to stop and rest on your journey to Denver. Praying for the insurance issues as well.
    Thanks for being authentic that is what I have always loved about your blog. You don’t try to hide the fact that life is hard but by the grace of God we get through it.


  58. I wasn’t online much yesterday and didn’t read many blogs (gasp! and the world is still spinning? I am seriously addicted to my favorite blogs!). I hope “better late than never” still applies here. Your sweet family is always in my prayers- I hope all goes well with I and A!

  59. Dearest Linny, I gues I’m what you would call a “lurker”. A couple months ago I found your site and went back to the beginning of your journey to find and claim Elizabeth and Elijah. I read straight through for the next few days until I was caught up. I plan to eventually read through all the old posts I missed out on before finding you. Coming down to the computer each day to find out what’s going on in your life has been a bright spot. I’m so sorry to hear what you’re going through just now, but I’m also elated at the news that the “Our God Reigns” photo made the article and front page of your paper. God continues to use your family despite and through these hardships. I’m praying for you.
    Bekah from Iowa

  60. Linny,

    I was blessed to find your blog a few weeks ago. We are an adoptive family, as well. We have 2 boys from Ethiopia and I had the adoption application on my desk ready to fill it out when, on April 3 we were awakened by the smoke alarms and had to get all the kids and run out, leaving everything else behind.

    It was a major fire and the house has to be taken completely down to the studs and the entire roof truss system must come off.

    You have been on my heart since your post about your insurance company and the builder situation. I don’t know where you live but just in case you don’t know these things, I wanted to share a little of what I’ve learned.

    You definitely need a restoration company to demo and reconstruction. They are experts in fire damage and know how to get the smell out. I actually spoke to the owner of the company we are using (LeMaster in MN) and asked him about getting the smell out of your logs. He said they would set an ozone machine up in your house and probably leave it there 2 weeks or so and he felt certain they could guarantee the smell would come out. First, though the walls have to be soda blasted to get the soot off.

    So *if* you haven’t worked with a fire restoration company, you might want to contact one to check into this.

    I’m so sorry your insurance coverage isn’t adequate. As if this isn’t hard enough.

    If you want to look at it my blog is

    I’ll be praying for you as you continue to go on with your lives. Just know you are a blessing to those who read you blog.


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