Happy Easter – From Our Home to Yours

From Our Home to Yours – Happy Easter!!!! What an AWESOME Easter – probably one of our best ever!! So very special and wonderful for so many reasons….it was Elizabeth and Elijah’s first Easter home; it was Isaiah’s first Easter with Jesus in his heart; the church was packed beyond packed second service – standing room only! (First service was pretty full too.) Then after church we had some of our friends (44 in all) who have become our family over for dinner and to play. It was such a blast with these sweet friends (as it always is – they are some of the sweetest people in the land). Laughs, laughs and more laughs. Too fun!! I am so wound up it is almost midnight and I am posting….just too much of a blast that I hated for the day to end….

PS. Since freshly fallen snow was on the ground this morning I felt like I probably would be a heartless mom if I put the sundresses on the girls that I had dreamed of them wearing….so we opted for a warmer look….*sigh*…..my theory is: if I don’t want to wear it – I doubt they would want to either; no matter just how darling they might look. For the record, if you live in a place where you are so warm already that you are wondering how you will ever survive summer…..yeah, I’m definitely not feeling your pain….

Dw welcomes people to our ‘home’ (our first time having
our family over since the fire)….

Elijah loves having his friends over….Max is his buddy…Max and his Mommy…

Courtney & Autumn

Liberty helping Ann make fruit tray appetizers……Ann sure knows how to do them up!Irma and DwOh, if only I could tell you all what we were laughing about….
you would laugh too..lean closer bloggy friends…I’ll tell you…Pretending we are behaving….Irma, me and Tavvy

Ben, Destini, Elijah & Emmy
Saying Grace….
Some of the food…That Handsome Husband of Mine….

An Easter Egg hunt followed….Hunting all over our mountainy backyard for over 100 eggs hidden….Isaiah’s favorite thing is “sugar” so…. an egg filled with candy?? Does it get any better than that?
Elizabeth loves the whole “hunt for eggs filled with candy thing”…

Cecelia & I Tavvy and Elizabeth Mercy
JD (Irma’s husband) – he is a hoot!!
Grandma and Jeanette

Robin and Rob

Steve and Terry

Irma and I….

10 thoughts on “Happy Easter – From Our Home to Yours

  1. HOW COME I MISSED YOUR PHONE CALL INVITING ME OVER??? Drat darn ocean, I love it but it really is a drag having it inbetween us! 🙂 Well FYI it is warm here, and yes, I’m realizing a few more weeks we will be sweltering. Love and hugs! Don’t worry, when you get here there will be enough heat to get you through the whole stinking summer. 🙂

  2. It is awesome to see the smiles on your faces. What a wonderful way to spend the day with special friends. I’m so happy for you. And to see that so many went to your Passion play….that’s even more awesome! He is indeed risen!! Hugs..

  3. Thank you SO SO much for inviting me over. Even though I wasnt able to come, the simple invitation meant so much. Glad to have finally met you in person! :o)

  4. You are truly BLESSED to have so many friends that feel like family. And, your rental, though not your cozy log cabin, is BEAUTIFUL. Thanking God that He has provided so well for you, even in the midst of such great trials and grief.


    Laurel 🙂

  5. What a special day of celebration you had. The Lord has blessed you with many close friends. I love Easter. We have so much to celebrate. Fun to see all your pictures.

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