Memorial Box Monday

The purpose of each Memorial Box Monday post is to remind myself and others of God’s great faithfulness, His powerful provision and His Unexpected Gifts in each of our lives.
It is not a sign of super spirituality to have a Memorial Box. It is something that anyone who has seen God work in their lives can do. There are no rules….just sharing the story of something recent or long ago about how God showed up in your family (or just to you if you are single) to meet a need, rescue, protect, heal, or even give a surprise you didn’t expect!

From the response of many over the last months, it is clear that others love to hear of God’s faithfulness. It invigorates people to see Him as the Miracle-working, Mountain-moving, Awe-inspiring, Gasp-giving God. For me, it’s kind of like my spiritual adrenalin. I get all fired up and super-charged when I talk about our Memorial Box or I hear another’s Memorial Box story.

Since beginning Memorial Box Monday posts in October of last year I have prayed and prayed that you, my bloggy friends, would catch the vision. After almost 31 years of marriage I am more convinced then ever that families who have Memorial Boxes are more apt to not just stay together but to thrive as together they remind themselves how they have seen God at work continually in their lives.

So you can just imagine how thrilled (more like doing a big ol’ happy dance) that last Monday two bloggy friends started Memorial Box Monday posts. Actually go to your window – I am certain you will hear me screaming Yippee Jesus??!?!!! I can’t wait to read their stories each week and be reminded again, of God’s great faithfulness in the lives of my sweet friends. So welcome (finally!) to Shelly and Karin. (And no I did not beg them, twist their arm or in any way coherce them!)
If you don’t have a Memorial Box I have a giveaway that you can enter. It is explained here and you can enter by just leaving a comment on this post. If you are wondering what in the world is a Memorial Box it is explained (with scripture) here. This weeks story will be posted later….still working on it.

19 thoughts on “Memorial Box Monday

  1. OK, sign me up for the giveaway. The more you talk about it the more I see how important it is.

    I do have a question though for you. You do this every Monday and God has blessed you in soooooo many ways. What do you do when the box is full? Do you start another box?

  2. Ok ok, sign me up. I felt guilty before when I knew I could just go out and buy one for myself. But, have I done that? Nope. However, have I been thinking about what items represent those “biggie” moments in our lives? Yes! So sign me up, sister!

  3. Hi Linny,

    I can’t remember if I asked to have my name added to the drawing. I know our family has seen our God again and again.
    Your friend Jan in Alaska

  4. Okay, okay! Linny, I signed up the first day for this…but check out my blog…as usual, you have challenged me to step it up for Jesus! 🙂 Love you!

    Hugs…Nancy in CT (

  5. Oh how generous of you to be thinking about other families and how they can remember the faithfulness of God through the years! Scripture tells us again and again to REMEMBER THE WONDERS HE HAS DONE and what a tangible way to do that. I would like to enter this contest and I am praying RIGHT NOW that the Lord will cause you to choose the ONE person who needs it most and that others will be inspired to search for their own Memorial Box to store their little reminders of their GREAT BIG FAITHFUL God!
    Holly from Purpose Driven Family

  6. Okay, so even before I got to the bottom and read about the contest, I said to my self, “I need to share what happened yesterday – that is definitely worth remembering!”

    I am truly blessed to be going on the mission trip to Uganda with DW and the River Church, even though I am from Canada. I know God has a child waiting for my family there and the days can’t go by fast enough until May 27! (this is itself something to be remembered!) The biggest hurdle (in my humanistic view) is of course the money – how are we going to pay for it all? Well, yesterday, while visiting my parents, my grandfather sits beside me and says, “look at my watch.” As he shows me his watch, he slips an envelope in my hand so know one can see. In it was a cheque, and, although it doesn’t cover the whole cost of the trip, it sure helps!! Thanks Opa and Oma and YAY GOD for moving in their hearts to help support HIS plan!!!

  7. I would love to start a memorial box for my family! Please enter me in the drawing. I love hearing the awesome things that God is and has done for your family! He rocks and so does your family!

    Love and Prayers,

  8. Linny, thank you so much for mentioning my blog in your post. 🙂 I don’t know if you knew that we have two daughters who lived at Hope Healing Home, Kate and SaraGrace. I visited at least once with your little Isaiah–when he was Toby. I was so thrilled to see that YOU were the ones who had brought him home! By the way…there is a Yahoo group for Hope alum… It’s We would LOVE to have you join us!!!

  9. Hi Linny,
    I just found your blog a few days ago through a dear friend of mine, and have been so blessed in just these few days by your sweet and passionate love for Jesus. Thank you so much for teaching us all about Memory Boxes and for this sweet contest! I want to teach my children the concept of ON PURPOSE continually remembering all that God has done for us.

    I don’t have a blog, but my email is

    Thanks, Linny!

  10. Linny,
    Please sign me up for your giveaway. Like others, I feel a little guilty in making this request – but I truly love your idea and this may be the push I need to start something so beautiful as a visual reminder of God’s faithfulness. His blessings are great and YOU are truly one of those blessings.


  11. Forgot to mention that I’ve been a “silent lurker” for almost a year now (thought I was following publicly, but guess not). I’m thankful for my friend Sarah sharing your site with me.

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