Thankful Thursday

And each morning and evening they stood before the Lord to sing songs of thanks and praise to him. I Chronicles 23:30

I woke up so sick yesterday. My throat feels like I am swallowing over razors accompanied by a high fever. My sweet friend Lori was leaving for the airport and said, “Do you want me to bring you your computer?” (I was lying on the couch.) I said, “no”. Dw said, “Wow! She must really feel horrible.” I slept almost all day long and not much has changed since yesterday, except that now I am throwing up too, but this I know….I still have alot to be Thankful for and so here goes:

~ Last week we found some of the best store bought strawberries ever- we bought 21 lbs of them and everyone of us loves strawberries…….either just washed out of the container or made into shortcake – yummmm! It is my hubbys favorite thing in the world!

Our little superman loves, loves, love strawberries…..

Elijah loves the shortcake (yes, he is wearing it too)

~ Ibuprophen – where would we be without that? I hope the person who invented it is living in some luxurious spot somewhere in the world!

~Basmati rice all over the floor (which Elizabeth is seen playing in) – Why basmati rice all over the floor? Because it means that this 50 year old woman has toddlers – Oh Yippee Jesus!!

~ My sweet friend Susan who sent a boatload of wonderful things….

Even sweet firemen outfits for the boys….

~ Dear friends who, when called upon, will pray like crazy for a serious need! Back to sleep… xo

26 thoughts on “Thankful Thursday

  1. Oh, you poor thing. I will certainly be praying for a fast recovery. It is never a good thing when the “Momma bear” gets sick.

    I have been following your blog for quite some time now as a lurker, but felt today was a good to introduce myself. We came home last May with our SN (arthrogryposis) daughter from China. I am currently working on a post giving the details on how HE has led us back to China for a son.

    When you are up and feeling better, I would love for you to stop by.


  2. Praying for you sweet girl!!
    Love the picture of rice eveywhere!!!! Love to see
    another 50 yr old Mom with little
    ones running around.I know our
    Sweet Lord is smiling ear to ear!!
    Praying for speedy recovery!!! Donita

  3. Oh Linn, I am so sorry that you are not well. I will be praying for you today. Rest, drink and take care of yourself. Oh and try Traditional Medicines Throat Care tea. It may taste a little bad but it will do wonders!

    Blessings, Lisa C.

  4. Oh my goodness. I will indeed be praying for you today. Your kids rocked last night! They are beautiful and talented and such a joy to direct. A pleasure to know. A blessing to us all.

    Be better, friend.

  5. So sorry to hear that you are sick! When Mama’s sick….it isn’t good at all. Who takes care of her? Do you think it might be strep? When I had it I couldn’t barely swallow my spit! But I wasn’t throwing up…I don’t know. I will pray so much for you. Love you friend!

  6. The flu went through our family awhile back and it isn’t fun so I’m praying that you are well today and that the rest of your family stays healthy. Hugs to you and yours.

  7. Oh sweet lady, I am so sorry you are so sick. I will be praying, & please let me know if I can bring anything to you. BTW, your kids did AWESOME last night! Isaiah was just too cute & so proud of himself. And Emma & Graham continue to amaze me with their gifts. Get well soon!

  8. Hi. Love your blog. You should get your throat cultured. It sounds like it could be strep. Throwing up is a symptom of strep. Hope you feel better soon.

  9. Oh I’m so sorry you are feeling so yucky! Now it’s time for your crew to take care of YOU!! I know they will…they are a generous bunch for sure.

    I love the pic of Isaiah and the strawberry that is the size of his head! YUMMY!!!!


  10. I think you have strep! However, if you have laryngitis symptoms then it is viral. You might want to go to the DR and get it checked out. Nothing worse than mom sick and a houseful of cute kids needing their Momma. If it is strep, antibiotics will take care of it pretty quick. (I am sure you know all this- I just automatically kick into nurse momma mode) You poor thing- I’ll say prayers that you feel better in record time.
    BTW Your kids are adorable!!
    Blessings to you,

  11. So sorry to hear that you got the ickys! I hope that your family is pampering you. Praying for a speedy recovery.
    I just put in my first blogging entry today. I hope that when your feeling better you stop by. God Bless!

  12. So sorry to hear you aren’t feeling well my sweet friend! I’m virtually making you some hot tea with honey and lemon. Sip it slowly and let others take care of YOU! Adorable children goes without saying!
    Hugs and nyquil

  13. I am so sorry you are sick! I know that is no fun and very difficult when you have lots of folks to take care of! I’m around through Wed. if I can help you in any way. I’m praying for a speedy recovery as I know you want to enjoy all the Easter festivities. Love your pictures. Blessings friend and take good care of you!

  14. Oh Linny…I’m so sorry you’re sick. It sounds like you have strep. Every time my son got it, he would run a fever, have a sore throat, and throw up. The doctor said the vomiting was because he was swallowing the infection and it upset his stomach. Go to the doctor! :)) hugs…and hope you feel better soon!

  15. Oh precious friend, get well soon. Ah, there is nothing yukkyer (is that even a word?) than feeling awful AND trying to take care of a household of little people. Nasty!
    Praying THE HEALER would touch every part of your body that needs a touch from Him.
    Love the pics of your precious little strawberry face boy 🙂 Classic.

  16. “Food, glorious food,” huh? Love the look of delight as your precious girl plays in the rice. 🙂 At lease she doesn’t have sensory issues…

    Praying you are feeling much better. Sounds like you got hit hard.

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