True Story Tuesday

Every now and then one comes across a bloggy friend that you just connect with. And that’s how it was way back when I first “met” Rachel, via blogland. She and I email from time to time and she is a prayer warrior. She has even burned the midnight oil while praying for our son who is depl*yed currently – a true friend. A couple of weeks ago Rachel started True Story Tuesday. I have laughed with each post. I wrote to Rach and told her that I wanted to do it, but I just couldn’t think of any funny stories….this fire deal has really messed with our memories and heads. Rachel wrote back reminding me of one tucked in our archives. So from the archives:What Would We Ever Do Without Texting? (From September 18, 2008)I have to confess I love text messaging. It just makes my life so much easier and actually from time to time provides a bit of much needed humor. For instance, just this morning as I was leaving prayer time with Chelsea I got a text message from Autumn. But first let me back up a bit…..I always have a signature on all my text messages. I like something catchy; that would cause myself and others to really stop and think. When Tyler was deployed I had my signature set as: PRAY 4R TROOPS
When Tyler returned from deployment I changed my signature to this: BE THANKFUL
At the moment we are doing a Bible study called “One Month To Live”. It is an awesome six week study that our church is doing and all the small groups are doing. We have a gathering of friends who meet each week in our home as we study and ask ourselves: What would we do if we had one month to live? So again, just yesterday, I changed my signature on my texts to: 30 DAYS 2LIVE
Back to this morning and Autumn’s text. Autumn works for the airlines and flew Tuesday night to California to spend her birthday with big sis Abigail and our son-in-love Ryan. Autumn loves going to LA to be with them and they treat her extra special.
Autumn is our third oldest and has always loved walking to the beat of a different drummer. Like when she was just barely three years old she wanted to have acrylic nails put on her fingers – plain ol’ polish just wouldn’t do for this fine lady. Of course, she didn’t get them at 3, but as soon as she was in her pre-teens she spent her birthday money and had fake nails put on. As a little girl she would talk about the day she would have her nails done and I would just shake my head in bewilderment. I had never had my nails done before and wondered where she had even come up with that idea! So you can only imagine that if she wanted her nails done at three, how it would be to hold her back for the rest of her life?Then there was the piercing. She attempted piercing her own belly button at 11 years old. No ice, no needle and, of course, no alcohol on the sharp object. She just took an earring and shoved it through the skin while upstairs alone in her room. By the time we found out she had a lovely infection going on. Ugh! The belly ring (or earring in this case) promptly was removed and she was grounded for a couple of weeks if my memory serves me right. We aren’t the type of parents who go all ballistic or get all hysterical, BUT the kids definitely know how we feel about all the weird piercings, etc. Anyway, if a reaction is what a kid is looking for they will most certainly be sorely disappointed. At the moment, Autumn is turning 19 in 2 days, lives in her own apartment, pays all her own bills and works long hours for the airlines as a manager. And, at almost 19, she now has numerous piercings too. =) We, again, just shake our heads in wonderment. I did ask her one day if we plugged a hose into her mouth could we use her as a lawn sprinkler? =)Back to the text this morning. As I was leaving Chelsea I received this text:I got my lip pierced yesterday. I thought for a moment. Hmmmm… If she is looking for a reaction I want to be sure to disappoint her. So I texted back: Woooo HooooTotally forgetting my signature, this is what it really said: Wooooo Hooooo30 DAYS 2LIVE
Autumn had no clue that I had changed my signature and immediately texted me back and said:What’s that supposed to mean?I burst out laughing!! Yup, I love texting with my big kids!

34 thoughts on “True Story Tuesday

  1. Linn
    I am rolling on the floor laughing as I to have an adult daughter that walks to the beat of a different drummer and only wish I had that as my siggie for some of her shannagins!!!

  2. Oh this one had me laughing out loud! what a fun carnival! what a fun story!! my 17 year old son came home just last night with his girlfriends diamond earrings CLIPPED to his ears! saying he was going to get them pierced. I think i got him convinced to just use magnetic for the moment, but i hear you!!!!!

  3. Too funny!! I always remember when one of our older boys came home with a ring in his nose. Of course, he too wanted a reaction. I asked him if he would get a rope from downstairs. He wanted to know why. I said, so I can put the rope through the ring in your nose and lead you everywhere….that way you can’t get into anymore trouble. He wasn’t impressed, although I thought it was pretty hilarious. The ring was gone a few days later….

    Great story Linny.

  4. Great post!

    We, too, have a young adult child that has always beat to his own drummer.

    Loves his hair longer than the other boys.
    Loves his tatoos.
    Has had a couple of ear piercings.

    But, he loves the Lord and loves his family … and knows that we love him.

    Laurel 🙂

  5. Great post!

    We, too, have a young adult child that has always beat to his own drummer.

    Loves his hair longer than the other boys.
    Loves his tatoos.
    Has had a couple of ear piercings.

    But, he loves the Lord and loves his family … and knows that we love him.

    Laurel 🙂

  6. Ha! Ha! This was great! It is our privilege as parents to mess with our kids once in awhile. I love texting with my kids, but not sure how to do the signature. I will have to check into this feature.

  7. Oh my word, that is sooooo funny! Thanks for the chuckle. It totally gets me thinking the someday (all too soon) my day with big kids will come. Mmmm—I wonder what adventures that will bring 🙂

  8. YIPPEE! I am so glad you joined in this week! It was especially heartwarming to read this and laugh today.

    I added this post to the Mr. Linky on our site – so hopefully others will come over, stay while, and fall in love with your family too!

    Happy Tuesday my friend!

  9. How I wish we could get together. It would be hilarious to share stories with you. When my Sarah was 18, she wanted her belly button pierced. I was afraid of where she was going to go to get this done, so I took it upon myself to visit all the tattoo parlors I could find in our town. If she was going to get it done, she was going to get it done in a clean place. I now have first hand knowledge of places that I thought I would never know about.

    She got the piercing at a very clean tattoo parlor. It bores her now.

    I have never seen a signature on a text before!

  10. Oh my that is so funny! My text line say “lil mama” because I am 4foot 10 inches and no one ever believes me when I say these are my children! Thanks for the laugh!

  11. I loved that story! I can relate to the piercings. My kids inquire a lot about piercings and I tell them that if God wanted us to walk around with holes in our bellies, lips, and nose, then he would have put them there. Of course, a hole in each ear is o.k. For now, there fine with that. Keep the Tuesday stories coming!

    Anita in B.G., KY

  12. My daughter was staring at me too, “What’s funny mama?”

    Keep these kids guessing!

    I have a 6y.o. that will be interesting one day.

  13. My kids were reading this busting up last night. My fourth, who has that different drummer as well says, “so you are supposed to use a needle with alcohol on it when you pierce your belly button?” My eyes must have grown the size of Texas because she just said, “what?” Let’s just suffice that she has been given strict orders not to touch any needles!

    Did I mention that this is the same child who came home from the mall the other day with Icing nails from Claire’s superglued to her fingers and they were so long that she came running in begging me to unbutton her pants so she could go pee. Ya … by that night they were cut down to a reasonable size and by morning she had her fingers soaking in acetone to peel them off. It took an hour 🙂

    Thanks for the laugh!

    Blessings, Lisa C.

  14. My parents once threatened to use me to strain the spaghetti. My ears are pierced five times. It’s almost too much for my very Southern Baptist father. I’m never telling him about the belly button ring, and I’m nearing 40.

  15. That is hilarious – love the idea of the sprinkler and your signature is great. I also have one that definitely beats to his own drum and my prayer life is much richer because of him. I am praying for our troops!

  16. Classic! I’m not looking forward to the acrylic nail and piercing discussions. Since she’s got my stubborn jeans I don’t imagine the discussion portion of the program will go on too long (for better or worse!).

    PS – Did you get my e-mail? We’d LOVE to come!! I need time and directions. It starts the 16th right? We won’t be @ tRC Sunday. A close friend of ours has to be out of town on an emergency and Mark will be filling in leading the Easter music at FCCN. E-mail me when you get a chance… or call. I think DW has Mark’s number. He’s a lurker and wouldn’t mind getting a call from the famous Ms. Linny!

  17. It is 5:55 am and I am up because the 5 yr old ( tomorrow) peed the bed and I couldn’t go back to sleep and she is snoozing with her dad in MY spot!!

    I needed a laugh!! Thank you so much, that is probably what I would text my 17 yr old if she idd that!!!

    That is too funny!!

  18. I love it!! Especially the lawn sprinkler!! I am chuckling here in MN!!

    For how young she is, she is certainly resourceful and a hard worker. I love that all our children are not the same or cookie cutters of us. Happy Birthday Autumn!!

    My kids don’t necessarily think they need more sibs but they like the fact that we are doing what we want to do and not what everyone else our age is doing. They also are having a great time with their little sibs! It is more fun than they thought it would be!!

    Thanks for the laugh!!

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