Walking a Mile in My Moccasins

“Carry each other’s burdens…” Galatians 6:2

Where to begin?? I have been non-existant while I spent time grieving, sobbing, reading my Bible, and seeing what the Lord had to say to my heart. Probably almost every range of emotion was felt: sadness, anger, frustration, discouragement, fear, etc. No matter what – it is never, ever, ever easy when it is your child with a tumor in any part of their body – period.
And of course, being Autumn’s parents we are privvy to things that no one else would know, nor should they know. A Place Called Simplicity welcomes all into our lives, but there will always be things that remain “just for us”.

Anyway, I needed to remind the Lord of some things. It sorta went like this:

“Okay Lord, this is what the last few months have been from my perspective:

I went to Africa to bring home Elijah and Elizabeth.
Dw had to come to travel to Africa to sign some papers.
Christmas happened the week after I came home with our babies.
Our home was destroyed by fire.
The day after the fire Graham had to have emergency surgery to remove his appendix.
24 hours later our beloved black lab Lucy died as a result of surgery.
Not one thing familiar to us was left to remind us of anything – not even my Bible!
The following week our oldest son left for his second depl*yment with the Special F*rces Unit.
We lived in a hotel for 5 weeks while searching for a rental.
We celebrated Elijah, Isaiah and Graham’s birthdays during those 5 weeks in the hotel.
I couldn’t sleep – at all. I walked around in a fog – clearly dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Emma, Graham, Liberty and Isaiah all have signs of it too- some worse than others.
We started the inventory process and threw 3 HUGE dumpsters full of 30 years of memories away.
Three of our church staff had just given their notice (all good reasons to be going, but none the less, 3 positions that needed to be filled).
Moved into the rental but had to start to refill it with even basic essentials- ugh.
Dealing with the insurance adjustor and working on all the things that accompany a major fire.
The bonding process with Elijah and Elizabeth was interrupted with all the fire hoopla and one of them has been much slower with the bonding/attachment.
One of the 6 youngest had to go to a specialist and found that the specialist wanted to know if this child has other symptoms – because it might be linked to a “syndrome”. HUH?
We began the casting process for our little Isaiah who has Arthrogryposis. (This involves 912 mile round trip each week.)
We found Autumn has a tumor.
And then we had the normal stuff that many have:
My car got hit and sustained some good damage.
Ballet lessons and worship team practices.
Sending our dossier paperwork so it could finally (!) go to Ch*na for Jubilee.
Our son-in-love lost his job.
Continuing my Police Academy Course that is required because I am a chaplain.
Pastoring a good size church.
Two productions for our kids: one thru the private school that they take drama classes at and
the other was the Passion that our church just did – lots of practices!
Two toddlers who are adjusting to life in a family.
Sickness passed around our family.
Toddlers. =)
Then Strep passed around our family.
Then Strep passed around our family AGAIN!
Two separate emails from our depl*yed son that said we needed to PRAY right then!
Toddlers. =)
One of my dearest friend’s husband served her with papers and is being so yukky to her, my heart is grieving so much for her.
Dw’s continued healing from his very extensive shoulder surgery.
Oh yeah, and toddlers.

Kind of funny that I felt like I needed to remind Him? Like He had forgotten!?!

BUT Then I needed to hear from Him. I asked Him two things: Now YOU remind me (again!) what it means to have “the joy of the Lord be my strength” AND that “Your grace is sufficient for me.”

See, more than anything I want to get this right. I want to please Him with every area of my life. Actually I remember clearly when the house was on fire and the first sheriff had not yet even arrived, I was jumping (from anxiety no doubt and the single digit temperatures) around the driveway in my bathrobe and nightgown praying outloud saying, “Okay, Lord, I want to get this right. I want to only please you. I want to know how to deal with this. What do you want me to learn from this? How do you want me to respond to honor you? I want to only ever please you. I want to get this right.”
Of course, it’s a good thing He is God because I was bouncing and saying that outloud, so fast, over and over from the anxiousness of the moment that a normal person would have wondered what in the world I was saying – the stress of it all had me ramped up – to be sure!!
But my heart’s cry throughout this life is to only, ever, 100% of the time, to please my Savior.

(Not to worry – I fall short plenty and definitely do not get it right all the time.)
But how could I really desire to do less?

HE IS the only, 100% of the time, faithful friend I have ever had.

He has been my Faithful Friend for 46 years. He has faithfully been: my comfort, my refuge, my deliverer, my promise giver, my promise keeper, my strength, my healer, my miracle giver, my sweet Savior, my protector, my need-meeter and my “talking friend” (He’ll talk to me at any hour and I have never had a friend who will do that night after night!)

He is what I call MY Miracle-working, Mountain-moving, Awe-inspiring, Gasp-giving God. He ALONE is worthy of praise! NO. MATTER. WHAT!!!

I needed to take some time to grieve and try to begin to process this latest turn of events in our lives and to ask Him to remind me – pleeeease???

This is what He spoke to my heart:

“My joy is your strength, because you KNOW me. I have never left you. I am working behind the scenes on Autumn’s behalf and all your behalf. I will show you some of the things that I am up to when the time comes. Trust me. I am going to use this for such good – you have no idea -and you could never figure it all out – because that’s MY job! Although you are discouraged and distraught – have I EVER let you down? Have I? Have I ever left you? I am not about to! Remember all the times I have shown up BIG??!?!!! Remember Linny? (He then reminded me of things in Our Memorial Box and I cannot emphasize enough the importance of a Memorial Box dear friends.) And my grace is sufficient because all that I pour out on you and give is more than enough to carry you through.

I was comforted and encouraged and finally (!) the tears stopped.
It was so very evident that you, my bloggy friends were praying for me/us. Your prayers are deeply appreciated and clearly felt. If I could have each and everyone of you over for coffee I would. I would hug your neck and thank you personally. I would thank all of you who posted comments and dozens of you who wrote separate emails. Thank you for sharing our burden. Thank you for asking your friends and prayer groups to pray for us too.
By doing this, you really put yourself in our shoes and you really are carrying our burden. I like the phrase “walk a mile in my moccasins”. When you walk a mile in our moccasins you are bearing our burdens and imagining what it would feel like for us. This is HUGE in being Christ’s hands and feet. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! We are forever grateful for you, your prayers and your love.
Here’s what we know so far about Autumn:

Almost all of these types of tumors are benign.
There are basically three types of tumors in the pituitary in the brain so we have to find out which type it is. There are usually three types of treatments: drugs, surgery or radiation.

I leave at 5:00 AM Monday to take Isaiah back to Greeley to be recast. The plan is to return by Tuesday night (Lord, please no more snowstorms!) Dw leaves Tuesday night to take Autumn to Albuquerque (4 hours one way) to see an endocrinologist who comes very highly recommended. Her appointment is scheduled for Wednesday. If she needs to see a neurosurgeon, there is one there that is also highly respected.

Thank you so much sweet friends! Our hearts are sobered and yet very thankful as we walk through this part of this season. We appreciate your prayers so much….With love from my heart and our home….xo

69 thoughts on “Walking a Mile in My Moccasins

  1. I’ve been reading your blog since the fire and just wanted to let you know that I’m praying for you and each of your children! They are beautiful! I know your plate is entirely too full, but I hope there is encouragement in the fact that other mommies all over this country are praying for you. Your words are such an encouragement to me!

  2. I have been reading your blog since the fire and I just feel so burdened for you today! I’m so glad that the Lord is near. I am lifting up your family, especially Autumn, today.

    Ruthie, in Ohio

  3. I don’t even know where to begin…

    A lesser person would have thrown in the towel by now. I simply can’t believe all that has happened. And your list doesn’t go back as far as…you being kicked by the horse (while Dw was in Africa), your bike accident..etc.

    Some would say it’s a string of bad luck…no way. The enemy is to blame. But what he fails to realize is that God always takes care of His own and this season WILL PASS with great victory.

    Linn, I love you so much for who you are. I know you are more than weary right now…and overwhelmed doesn’t even begin to describle your state of mind but WE all see you as the strongest woman we know.

    A new season is coming. One that is rich with God’s favor. I just know it.

    Always praying,

  4. Dear Sweet Linny…I am so glad you were able to share what God has been saying to you–and what you are saying to Him. I am on my knees for you. God brings you to my mind constantly, and I’m so glad to know that the type of tumor Autumn has is often benign. That is what I have been praying for. Wish I could hug your neck, my friend.

  5. Still praying for you guys. Everytime you come to my mind which is quite often considering we never met.
    God is ever faithful, thank you for your pointing it out to us. We should be the ones showing you…but I guess God is the only one that can understand your pain and distress.
    Such rambling…
    I’ll just keep praying and not bother trying to put my thoughts into words.

  6. We love you, Linn and Dwight. I’m so happy you are able to hear God through the storm. He is in control. Your testimony is an incredible witness to those who don’t know Him, and to those who do! If nothing else, your honesty in expressing your true feelings, and your honesty in sharing Christ will bring many to Him or closer to Him, and THAT is saying something! But I know like you do that He is going to use this trying time for His glory in more amazing ways! Praying for you every day, dear bloggy friend.

    Holly G. 🙂

  7. Linny,
    You are an amazing inspiration to so many and I thank you. Our prayers are with you as you trudge through these difficult days. My struggles are nothing in relation to all you are going through, but since we have started this process of adoption the enemy has attacked us in so many ways. He so tries to get our eyes focused on something other than our God, but as I lift up my eyes toward my God I know His promise are true. I will help you carry your burden, don’t carry it alone!

  8. Lin, you are definately in my prayers and I know how hard it is when one of your children is in unknown territories with their health, we were in that situtauion last year with Andrew and still are and like you somedays I really felt the devil was attacking us. I know in a matter of 1 week, 2 of my friend daughters was killed, Andrew had his wreck, my grandma passed away and my youngest had a seizure and I felt numb. God truely carried me thru it all and the best way to describe it was we lived minute by minute, then hour by hour, then day by day and a year latter were still here looking up and somedays I still feel like I am be carried but God is so faithful to us who choose to follow. I just don’t know how people without faith get thru it, so its so great to see a person like you who is full to the brim with Jesus! praying for you, Kathy

  9. Linny – you, Dw, and your children are in my prayers. Without any pressure, you are more than welcome to stay at our house Monday night. My husband works in Greeley, and we are only 15 minutes away, so it is an easy trip. You may prefer the solitude of a hotel room, and I certainly understand that, but I will again offer you Joanna’s room and a home-cooked meal. Jo has a queen-sized bed, so there would be room for you and Isaiah. I think you have my phone #, and of course you can reach me by e-mail at rl shoemate @ msn .com (no spaces).

    Linda from Northern Colorado

  10. Linny, I know it is only by God’s grace that you are getting through all of this. I can’t even begin to imagine what it is like to be in your shoes but I will prayerfully walk beside you as you continue on this journey. God has ALWAYS been so faithful to me and my family, through good times and bad and I KNOW He will be for you as well. Be truly blessed!

    Your bloggy friend, prayin’ in Canada,

  11. Your faith is truly inspiring! God certainly has sent a lot of trials your way in the past months, I don’t know how you do it. But I do know that God provides strength to match the trials, and He will get you through this!
    Many prayers for Autumn and all of you!

  12. Linny, that’s what friends are for. To lift you up when you can’t do it yourself, to be there with open arms, to be there in prayer. It’s a priviledge to be able to pray for you and your family. We continue to do so.
    Hugs and love…

  13. I have been offline for a good week but you have been on my heart. When I read about Autumn my heart sank but when you mentioned pituitary tumor I breathed a sigh of relief! i have known 2 people who have had them. One had surgery and the other takes medication and is fine also!
    We are still standing in the gap for you!
    I can not wait to see how God uses your trials to bring glory and attention to His awesome miracle working power!! Maybe you all will be an awesome movie someday! Sheri

  14. Dear Linn,

    I have been reminding God as well that you have just been through too much! You are right though, He will show you in time. We will continue to pray and we know that the Lord has thins all in His grip!

    Blessings, Lisa C

  15. Praying…loving…wishing I could hug! Love you! Praying for healings, miracles, comfort, peace, and NO SNOWSTORMS!

    Love you! Nancy in CT (ShaoXi’s Mama)

  16. Thank you for your beautiful words of encouragement, in the midst of such incredibly difficult times. It is true. He NEVER leaves you. He is always with you. May you know His strength and His love in a mighty and precious way at this very moment.

  17. Dear Linn,

    I know you know, but you have been constantly on my heart. As we were praying as a family the other night Bill pleaded with the Lord about what you are going through as parents, and I have seen others mention things on comments on other blogs, isn’t this enough Lord?

    Oh how I hope it is, but you know what? I’m so excited to read this post today! I’m so excited to hear that God SPOKE to you!! I’m so excited to hear that in all things you are continuing to praise HIM. I never thought you would do anything else, but it is so wonderful that it is out there, you are praising Him for all the world, and the enemy, to see. Take that!

    I love you so much! HUGS and sloppy baby kisses from BJ!

    Bill, Lynsay and all the rest

  18. Linn – please email at sahmiam2ten@gmail – I had asked for prayer for y’all on my blog. One of my long term imaginary friends wrote me right away to tell me that one of her daughters has a pituitary tumor as well. They found it 11 years ago. She is very knowledgeable about it and knows of a good support group for this with people who have great resources. Email me and I will share her email with you. I have prayed for your family so many times in the last few days and my heart was deeply burdened for you. When you didn’t post and didn’t post I was terribly worried. I know these first few days and quite honestly they are awful. Yes, God knows before we do and is working for us already. But it is so overwhelming. Please know you can talk to me any time.

    In His peace – Cindy
    MoM(Mom of Many)

  19. We are fervently praying for you — all of you — from here in OH! You are an inspiration, and your words mean so much to me. We will continue to pray for you!!

    All the best,
    Nicole A. in OH

  20. Hey Friend,
    I told you your blog reads like a devotional- so real are your words that I can see the beauty of your relationship with Father God.
    Thanks for your encouragement in the midst of the foggy trials. You know He holds your hand. Praying…again.

  21. I was so gladto see your post. You have never since I started reading gone so long without posting. I just kept praying and I will continue to. I so wish I could just gather you up and give you the biggest hug. Since I can’t just imagine me giving you the biggest hug ever!!!

  22. Linny,

    I’ve been checking your blog what feels like every five minutes after you last post about Autumn’s diagnosis. I interpreted your absence as you needing time to grieve, pray and sort it all out. However, I was worried not hearing anything in several days! I’ve been praying for you all through this ordeal (in a seemingly endless stream of ordeals since the fire!). I just wanted to let you know that you are in my prayers. I probably won’t ever meet you this side of heaven, but I will take you up on the heavenly equivalent of chatting over a cup of coffee when we both get to paradise.

    In Him,
    Sarah Walker
    Kansas City, MO

  23. Linn, I am relieved to “hear” from you. I am so glad to see you have not faultered from your faith that Jesus is going to bring Autumn and your family through this.

    You ALL will remain in my prayers. I trust in a healing God. I believe he will heal your sweet girl and he will heal your broken hearts.

  24. I’m glad you gave us your schedule so I know exact times to be praying extra hard. So as you are leaving early your time Monday morning know that I am here and will be praying for sunshine your whole trip. I will also pray that God just makes that trip a precious time for you and Isaiah together.

    I will also be praying for Autumn’s appt. and for the Dr. that she will be meeting with.

    Also praying for all the other precious people in the Saunder’s family.

    Who knows maybe Rett and I might just hop on over for some coffee =).

  25. And now stitches for little Elijah?? I am praying, praying, praying, that our precious Savior will give you comfort, peace, joy, strength, and a huge sense of His presence during this season.

    I am a Denver mom, a never-married teacher who adopted two boys from the foster care system six years ago (they are 13 and 15 now). Our house is undergoing some construction right now and is not really fit for company, but we would be honored to do anything we could to make your trips to Greeley easier. If you need ANYTHING- prayer, companionship, someone to buy you a meal, driving directions for getting around Denver- please, please, please feel free to contact us. We would love to help any way we could. Just email me at carwilc@aol.com

    In the meantime, we will continue to pray, pray, pray! Please know that God is using your faithfulnes mightily in the lives of many!

    Carol Wilcox

  26. I have been checking your blog for the last two days, praying that God was right beside you, holding you and your family as you process all of this. He’s always there, isn’t He? His strength and love is so amazing!!

    Still praying in Indiana!

  27. I hope Autumn’s tumor is benign and it will easily be taken care of. Your family is always in my prayers. You have so much on your plate with just day to day life and now are going through this. Yet you are still so positive and faithful to God and he speaks to you. You are definitely an encouragement to me and your family is just amazing. I pray that you and Isiah have a safe trip to his doctor again. Such a long trip. 🙁 It’s hard to imagine that it’s still snow in other part of the US. I live in East TN and it’s been in the 80’s for the last few days and will be next week! I hope DW and Autumn have a safe trip to Phoenix. God bless your sweet sweet family!

  28. I hope Autumn’s tumor is benign and it will easily be taken care of. Your family is always in my prayers. You have so much on your plate with just day to day life and now are going through this. Yet you are still so positive and faithful to God and he speaks to you. You are definitely an encouragement to me and your family is just amazing. I pray that you and Isiah have a safe trip to his doctor again. Such a long trip. 🙁 It’s hard to imagine that it’s still snow in other part of the US. I live in East TN and it’s been in the 80’s for the last few days and will be next week! I hope DW and Autumn have a safe trip to Phoenix. God bless your sweet sweet family!

  29. II Kings 6:16-17 is what i read and posted some on my blog. The prophet Elisha prays for his servant to be able to see beyond his circumstances. Stop and pray for a new vision…His vision for you. I have been asking God for Him to show me His perspective so that I can look past this present that is so hard and see that He is taking care of me and has a plan. Doesn’t make right now REALLY hard and hurt like crazy. We both know in our hearts that His heart is toward us, His children.

  30. I am so sorry to hear about Autumn, Linn! I WILL be praying for her, and for you. You are having to endure so much right now, I cannot imagine. Thank God that HE knows exactly what you are having to go through, and to Him may go all the GLORY 🙂

  31. I can not even begin to understand the depth of everything you are going through (although let me tell you, I do understand toddlers!). All I can say is that I will continue to pray for you and your whole family. You have been such an encouragement to me, and an example of someone whose relationship with God I would like to strive to be like. I will definitely pray that God will allow me to help bear your burden during this very difficult time.


  32. Oh my goodness… Wow! Our God is so good! He carries us through all things. He uses, even the most difficult circumstances for good.

    You have a beautiful family!

    Thank you for sharing! You blessed my heart!!!


  33. When my daughter was sick with a rare brain disease I came across the following quote from Mother Teresa, ” I know God will not give me anything I can’t handle. I just wish that He didn’t trust me so much.” Although I got VERY tired of people reminding me that He wouldn’t give me more than I could handle, it certainly didn’t feel like it to me. I had awhile there that I could only get through the activities of the day, not look forward, but now we’re back to living a fairly carefree life (typical mom things excluded). Life will get back on track, I’m praying that you have the strength to face each hurdle individually with grace and confidence (and energy). Kelly

  34. I woke up at 4:30 this morning, and when I did the first person God placed on my heart was you, your family, your daughter. I know that He wanted me to pray for you,and so obediently I did. I didn’t think about it at the time, but this morning when I got up and started about my day I started to think about what had happened, about the way God had placed you all on my heart in the wee hours of the morning. To intercede on your behalf. I felt priveledged, and honored that He would ask me. And in someway Him asking me to pray for you and love on you all through my prayers, made me in return feel so much love and comfort from Him. Im teary and choked up at how much He loves us, and I,and so many others are so blessed by your family.

  35. Oh, Linn, this is one of those times I’m certain He is carrying you! I have no words of wisdom, my friend, but we have the living Word, His Word of truth. His plan for your life is good, prosperous, not harmful, but hopeful! Jeremiah 29:11 is one of my all-time favorites–well-known and TRUE! I know you cling to Him, I know you trust Him! You are loved!

  36. Linn,
    My daughter and I are continually lifting your family up in prayers. We prayed through your fire, finding a new home, and now Autumn. I am praying for many hugs from God so you can continue through these times. God WILL be glorified through your lives! God is in control of everything and His timing is perfect. When I need that special “Daddy” time with God I visualize just running into His arms, knocking Him over, and both of us laughing together. Just like when I was little girl with my earthly daddy. God’s Blessings.

  37. Wow, you guys have been through so much but what comes to my mind is look what ALL God has got you through. God must look at you guys and say ” Even though Satan tries to hurt them they still praise me. ” How awesome that we have a God who will never leave us or forsake us. God is using you guys to encourage others and bring other orpahans home. God brings you to my mind so much and when he does I stop and pray. I know he will see you through all this just look what he has already got you through.
    You are a blessing to me.
    Melissa in Ky

  38. I love that so many have let you know they are praying. I love watching God’s family in action. So precious.

    And such precious words from God. He is faithful. ALWAYS!!! And he always prepares us for what’s next. I so love that about him. He knows what a baby I am. LOL!

    He told me before we even knew what was wrong that my Leslie (brain tumor too) would be okay. Comforting and scary at once! But oh so sweet. Through the weeks ahead, whenever I wavered, I went right back to that promise and that moment.

    You’re family has been through so much! I will continue to pray for you, Autumn and your family. Great trials are the fiber of great testimonies. 🙂

  39. Wow, I am so excited for you! Oh wait, that didn’t sound right. What I mean is that I know God has awesome plans to use your family. Each of you were made for him for a specific purpose, he knows the skills and faith you are going to need to serve him in the future. I usually find that trials prepare me for future service to Him. Your family is facing many trials, so to me that means God is preparing you for many ways to serve him. I will be excited to watch and see how He uses you guys. I will also be praying for you. He loves you guys so much, He has plans for you that you can’t even conceive of now and He wants you totally dependant on Him so He can show you His glory, His blessings and His path for you.

  40. Saw Sarah’s comment, Linny…and she’s right…one just never knows who might show up for some coffee 🙂 heheh…

    If not, come October…oh man. Some coffee will be had.

    SOOO praying for you. Call anytime, I’ll be here!

  41. Miss Linn,
    I have been praying… and each time I have learned something new you needed prayer for I must admit, I became angry. I think about your life before the fire, I think about your life the days before you went to get Isaiah, I think about sitting with Autumn in youth group and loving her heart and wanting to be there for her. I think about the day your hand was healed. I think about how your life story has built my faith. I think about how I prayed and prayed for Isaiah and received my prayer language. I think about how much God loves you and your family. I love to pray… and my prayers lately have been much more serious to the Lord. I am sensing such a need for protective prayer. I prayer FOR what the Lord is doing behind the scenes, but prayers AGAINST the one who comes to steal our lives. I feel helpless in the flesh. But in prayer I feel like a warrior for you. I am on my knees. I am shooting up arrow prayers for Tyler as he crosses my mind. God is building my prayer life by placing your burdens on my heart to just fast and pray and seek to come to God on your behalf in the supernatural. Through prayer. I cry out to the Lord on your behalf. I love you guys. When we are weak… he is so so strong. I picture God’s righteous right arm just scooping you all up and making it OK. Showing us miracles all over the place. Making it all right… with one fell swoop. Please know that in prayer… I am right there with you. Having some very serious conversations with the Lord about all of it. I love you friend. lv, jen

  42. It’s so overwhelming to even read what your last few months have been like, much less live them. It is a blessing to be able to walk this road with you and lift you up in prayer! May you find peaceful reat in the Fathers arms!

    Much Love and Blessings

  43. Know that we love you and consider it an honor to pray for you & all the family. It was good to visit w/ Autumn for a few minutes today. We love you!

  44. Oh I just almost have no words, I have been following your blog since the fire and have had people praying for you and your family. I know how discouraged you must feel, how tired you must be but please know that I am praying for you and your precious family. I wish we lived close to each other because I would help you everyday in everyway. And I would start each day giving you a big hug.
    Love, Kristy

  45. awwww, that and stitches too!
    i read your list of things. and if you weren’t a part of God’s kingdom you would have been crushed under the weight a long time ago.
    at the risk of sharing some bible verse with you (which oftentimes comes across as hokey and trite) i’ll share my understanding of a verse. God is working all things out for the betterment of your family, and for the betterment of HIS family. his ever-growing family. when i look at all the suffering families that i follow on blogs (and believe me, i’m convinced those are just a drop in the bucket of people suffering) i am amazed and humbled at how people are suffering wrapped in the arms of Jesus and aren’t afraid to proclaim it.
    it’s all for His glory.
    and when we cry out to Him, it warms his daddy-heart, because like any parent (to put a slightly human touch to it so my small human brain can understand his love) he is so heart-warmed to have his children come to him.
    linny, i hope you feel His love as you crawl into his lap and rest your weary head on his shoulder and grieve.
    may you feel his strong, loving arms envelop you, grip you and hold you tight.
    may you hear the deep whisper of his voice telling you that He has it all.
    thank you so much for your transparency in your suffering. God is getting the glory. you’ve seen to that.
    praying for you, the entire clan, and especially for isaiah and autumn.
    blessings to you!

  46. I have been reading your blog faithfully since the fire. I pray for you each time the Lord brings you to me. I have been praying this week as my heart is heavy for your burdens. I found your blog through adoption blogs as we brought home our 5th child from Guatemala in October. It was our 1st adoption but I feel that God has plans for the future :). I have 5 children and I once was unable to have children but God made this barren woman to be a joyful mother of 5( so far)!

    I want you to know that you encourage me often and I am thankful that God allowed me to find your blog. I pray God will hide you in the secret place under the shadow of the almighty and allow you a time to heal and that he will renew your strength.

    In Jesus,
    Lori R

  47. God’s glory is certainly revealed in your desire to obey through these tremendous obstacles. The spiritual warfare is strong but I am praying the armor of God on your family today.

    much love from the midwest,
    lauren (that girl)

  48. Just started to read your blog two weeks ago (got here through Ni Hao Y’all) because we have nine birth children and have begun the process of SN adoption (and I am just a year younger than you and we homeschool!). But now I know that I didn’t get here for me (at least for now) but to be a new member of your prayer team. It is our privelege to lift your family in prayer.

    I wish I could have you in MY kitchen for a hug and a cup of coffee. Instead, know that we are wrapping you in prayer.

    His faithfulness endures for ever. Continue to arm yourself against these attacks, and we are proud to be part of the army.

    God bless you all-

  49. I go to church on sunday nights and your family came on my heart during the song “sweep me away”. I talks about the suddenlies of God and I just want you to be encouraged that the good in all of this can be revealed in a suddenly.
    Lynn you and your family are such an encouragement. I hope to have a family like yours someday.

  50. You said this the other day: But my heart’s cry throughout this life is to only, ever, 100% of the time, to please my Savior.

    Well, Linny, I just can’t imagine that He is not pleased. I know your blog is just that, but you put it all out there and you are so REAL and it is evident that you walk CLOSELY with our Lord. Isn’t that what must please Him more than anything? When we walk closely with Him, even if at times we have to stop and fall on our faces and not take another step and just simply TRUST Him. You exemplify that so well. Our church is mostly young and there aren’t many women to look up to who are older (hope you don’t take that the wrong way), but us younger women who are far less wise need mentors. It is biblical and I for one do look to see how you react and just how you show so well a love for our Lord and you sure do react faithful and just ARE faithful.

    I wish I could come over for coffee and just listen, sit, cry, whatever. I wish I could just be there. We are all praying for your family. Oh, Linny, He knows your every fiber and Autumn’s every fiber and He just knows it all. Praying, praying.

  51. Your heart is beautiful, and your trust in God throughout these hardships is very encouraging. Thank you for opening your heart and your home by sharing you story. I know it takes much courage to be so transparent. I know that God will bless you and your amazing family abundantly for the love you’ve shown for the example you are to other Believers. God bless you all, and know that you have a praying sister in Christ in me.


  52. I want to encourage you…my dearest friend is having “investigative” tests for the same thing done. Her uncle had the same thing, had surgery and was well. I know you know that God is good, God knows all, but I wanted to let you know that in a personal way I am praying for you and Autumn today! May OUR God strengthen you through His joy, through His peace and through His sacrifice of His Son! He will carry you through yet another curve ball…and I am certain that you will proceed to look to Him for the “signals”…and hit the perfect homerun for He will be your wisdom and strength!

    Mindy in Oregon

  53. The Lord is truly your strength, it is evident in every word you write and in every picture. He will carry you when you are beyond your own strength. He isn’t sending you on alone, He walks beside you with His arm slipped through yours, ready always for a time of deep intimate conversation with you Linny. But you already knew that, eh?

    bless you and all of yours (He has and He will sweet sweet sister!)

    mama to 7
    one homemade and 6 adopted

  54. Thank you, all I have to say is thank you. Thank you for speaking to me in ways you will never know…thank you for your dedication to God, your devotion to our Lord and the way you show yourself selflessly to all around you!

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