Where Would I Be?

Good Friday – the day we remember how Jesus went to the cross to bridge the gap between mankind and the God of the universe. Making the sacrifice for my sin, well, and your sin. I shudder to think where I would be without His ultimate sacrifice.

When I was younger it was hard to really imagine what it would have been like to send my son…but now having FOUR very-precious sons and ONE extra-special son-in-love I cannot imagine willingly giving one of them for such a thing. I cannot begin to comprehend watching one of my five sons bear the mockery, the insults, the ridicule, the humiliation after knowing all he had done was good, kind, compassionate, loving, peaceful and filled with grace. And then if that wasn’t bad enough – watching him die an excruciatingly painful death at the hands of those he came to save – no words can even begin to describe that sacrifice.

If it wasn’t for His blood shed on the cross there would be no forgiveness for sin. I have a song at the bottom on my playlist – it’s one of my favorites – Nothing But The Blood. The only atonement or sacrifice for sin, was the blood. Jesus willingly gave his blood on the cross for each of us. He did it so we could not longer be separated from God. He became the sacrificial lamb so we didn’t have to. It was the greatest act of love ever known to mankind.
As a little girl of just four years old – already enduring much abuse and pain I saw my need of a Savior. I asked Jesus to forgive me and be my Savior. I have not looked back. I shudder to think what my “normal” path should have been considering what I had lived through.

I have spent the last 46 years worshipping and serving the God of the Universe and His son Jesus and I can never stop shouting from my little mountain-top about what He has done for me. He set me free from unbearable things and gave me a peace that passes understanding. When trials come I am able to remind myself of all that God has done, all the times He has been faithful and given His track record I know that any current trial will not be an exception to His proven past!! I weep as I write because I really know the torment I lived with. But He made me His daughter on that day when I was just four years old and even at that young age I came to know Him in the days ahead as my comfort, my rock, my shelter, my peace, my joy, my sustance, my provider, my healer….all because I know Him personally. He’s been my best friend for 46 years.
Please don’t neglect the significance of today by becoming so wrapped up in societies counterfeit celebration of colored eggs, bunnies and chocolate. And maybe, just maybe you don’t know what to make of “a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.” If you would like to know more, please write me at my email address down on the sidebar….And for the record, He longs to have a personal relationship with you….yes, He longs to…promise!

17 thoughts on “Where Would I Be?

  1. I cannot thank God enough for you Linn. The decision you made 46 years ago has impacted my life in the most incredible way. These stories, your life, your testimony have built my faith and aligned me closer to Jesus in a way I never could have imagined. This Friday is GOOD. So GOOD. Praise Jesus for his ultimate sacrifice. He loves us that much!

  2. So incredibly well said! I can’t even imagine Mary’s pain nor how I would make that sacrifice. I agree wholeheartedly with not getting caught up in the commercialism of Easter. I was disturbed today when the Christian radio station I had on said “this song was for the kids off for the Good Friday holiday. WHAT??!! I have a problem with it being called a holiday….maybe it’s just me.
    Well, I have been lurking for awhile and had to comment today. God bless you and your family. I am thankful you asked Jesus to be your Savior 46 years ago!

  3. Beautiful post Linny. I’m so glad that I came to the foot of the cross 33 years ago. I too have never looked back. I’m always so grateful that His grace covers me. I’m so thankful that when I was at rock bottom, He called me. He can and will do the same for anyone. Hugs..

  4. Thank you Linny, you have the best words to say the right things!!!I hope you are feeling better and I wish for your family a happy and joyous Easter. I often think too of the sacrifice that God made so long ago!! I can’t imagine although I know it is so..What love for us!!!!
    Love and hugs,

  5. Thank you for the comment on my blog. Yep! We are old parents. Our oldest will soon be 26 years old. I have really enjoyed tracking down and reading your blog too! Would it be OK if I added to my blogroll?

    I’d also love to know more about your recent adoptions. We’d love to adopt again, but we are hitting brick walls. We are finding that we either
    have too many minor children (seven under 18 years old), or that we are too old. DH just turned 49 in January and I turn 49 in June. We would prefer to adopt an infant or child under 3 years old, and we are open to special needs. I tried to email you privately, but it keeps bouncing.

    Nice to “meet” you,

  6. Wow – well said! Thanks for this post! What a glorious time of year this is!

    Still praying for all of you. Hope you’re feeling better today. Love you guys!

  7. Where would we be without our Sweet Savior? I cannot imagine. How great He is!

    Thank you for your sweet words, precious friend. Be blessed today. Hope you’re feeling a whole lot better.

  8. Reminds me of one of my favorite songs, “Mary, Did you Know?” I can’t imagine and yet I am so grateful for His sacrifice. I can not imagine living these turbulent days without my savior!

  9. AMEN!!! He loves us with a perfect love that is so hard for me to comprehend. Imagining one of my children being treated the way Jesus was, is just unthinkable.

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