Memorial Box Monday – Our Autumn – Part 2

This Memorial Box Monday I will tell the rest of the story of our precious Autumn. If you missed the miraculous story of how she came home to us, I told it two weeks ago here.

When we met her birth mom it was July she was about six months along making her due in October. Mary, her birth mom, planned to have the baby and then we would be allowed to get the baby when both Mary and baby were discharged from the hospital.

Of course, we were ecstatic. And I began to wonder about something and pray. I wondered if it would be possible to nurse the baby? (Although we had no idea what the baby was going to be, I just will refer to Autumn since I am telling the story 20 years later.)

I had heard somewhere that women had sometimes been able to nurse their adopted children. I decided to do some research and found that the easiest way to produce milk was if I had had a baby in the last year or even miscarried in the last year.

Well the last time I had been pregnant was in 1984. (That was when I had carried our babies Timothy and Andrea.) This was 1989. Five years compared to one year was a BIG difference, and there were no promises if it had only been one year – skeptics would not think there was even a remote chance after FIVE long years – but I also knew that I had a really, really BIG God. =) Yippee Jesus!!

After doing more research we found a Med*la pump. The heavy duty kind that were made for hospitals. We were able to rent that pump (for $2.00/week – how stinkin’ miraculous is that even?) and I began the journey of trying to trick my body into being pregnant.

I cry as I type this because really, it was such an adventure and I was just so convinced that God was going to allow me to nurse my sweet miracle baby. At this very moment, “Days of Elijah, Year of Jubilee” is playing as I type. That is another victory song!! Oh how God wants to work miracles in your life too. Just as He promised – Our Elijah is home and Miss Jubilee will be coming soon – hang on baby girl!!

Back to the story:

Within 2 weeks of meeting Mary I had the Med*la pump and I would “hook up” to it every 3 hours from early morning until late at night. My doctor said that it would be more important for my body to get the sleep, so I did not hook up during the night. I never took any medications or drugs to try to stimulate anything. But six times a day I would hook up and for a half hour each time let that machine do it’s sucking and pumping action. I prayed like a madwoman that God was doing something and yes, I fasted some too, asking the Lord to move on our behalf, if it would please Him.

Abigail was 6-1/2 at the time and Tyler was 4. Throughout the day, when it was time to hook up they would grab their favorite books and sit on each side of me, and we would read. I smile thinking about their dedication and how they took it in stride, because for that short season, life revolved around that machine. We went on vacation and yes, Miss Med*la went along too, never missing a “feeding”.

I admit that the pain was great at times as that machine made me crack and bleed. Yeah, it was great fun as I would hook up and my toes would curl at the agony. But I knew that this was the only way and I thought it would be the neatest thing for my sweet baby to have milk from mommy.

The idea of the machine is to trick the body that there is a baby nursing there, but the research said that the biggest trick would be to have an actual baby sucking. So Med*la also made a little pouch that I would wear like a necklace. In the pouch was formula and once the baby was born you put the formula in the pouch and there is a teeny-tiny little tube that comes out and it is taped to the end of your breast.

The baby latches on, the formula comes out and the pituitary says,

“WOWWWEEE! Baby sucking – make milk, make milk!!”

And with the formula there, the baby thinks that is where the milk is, so it’s a win/win.

Although Autumn was born early, I had been using the machine for 9 weeks, 7 days per week, 6 times a day. After picking up our sweet little bundle from the hospital we headed to Dw’s parents.

Both the hospital and where they lived were about an hour and a half from our home in Tonawanda, NY. We let everyone oooh and ahhhh over our beautiful baby girl and then I headed upstairs at my in-laws home with my little pouch and my sweet treasure. I will never forget that first feeding. Autumn latched on like a little nursing pro and happily ate as that little pouch filled with formula now emptied into her tiny little mouth. She was “nursing” and I was in awe.

So with Autumn now in our arms, I quit the pump and just used the little pouch with each feeding, continuing to pray that the pituitary would decide it really was time to produce some real breast milk.

Many of our closest friends were praying with us that God would miraculously move and grant this request for us. When Autumn was about 10 days old Dw went on a trip. He and I had started the Christian Coalition for the state of New York (although he continued his tent-making business of being an attorney) and he had to go to Chicago to a conference. He drove with one of our dearest friends, Jeff.

This was prior to cell phones and really, with as much as he traveled with the Christian Coalition I hadn’t even known what hotel he was going to, just that he was going to Chicago, driving with Jeff.

Well they had left the day before (a Sunday if I remember right) and they were to drive part way. He called me that night. We talked and they had indeed driven part way and would head on into Chicago the next morning and call me from the conference hotel.

In the wee hours of Monday morning, when Autumn was just 11 days old, as I went to feed Autumn imagine my great joy when I discovered my own milk dripping out!!! I was shouting praises and crying and was so excited I could hardly stand it. I was nursing Autumn!! For real – the Miracle-working, Mountain, Awe-inspiring, Gasp-giving God had heard our cries and against all odds, there was my own milk coming from my breasts for our sweet baby girl!!

I had no way of getting ahold of Dw so I waited for his call. Several loooong hours passed. As it was, as soon as he got to the hotel he literally called me from the lobby to tell me they were there.

Now, for a little humor you must know that it was a big, fancy, schmancy conference hotel in Chicago, filled with tons of professionals attending not just the Christian Coalition conference, but others as well. Jeffrey was on the opposite side of this huge fancy hotel lobby when Dw phoned me.

As soon as I heard Dw’s voice on the phone I was giggling and
hysterical and rejoicing and said,

“I have been waiting for you to call!! 

Dw was beside himself, also hysterical with joy and without even thinking of the situation or where he was he just put the phone aside and shouted across the fancy-schmancy lobby to Jeff,

“Jeff! Jeff! HER MILK CAME IN!” 

All of a sudden, dozens of people turned toward Dw with the
most peculiar look on their face. Ooopsie!?!
In all the excitement of our miracle he had completely forgotten where he was.

What miracle are you praying for?
 What mountain do you need moved?
 Pray! Trust! Thank Him!

 God is bigger than all of it and He wants you to know Him as the
Miracle-working, Mountain-moving, Awe-inspiring, Gasp-giving God!! 
 Yippee Jesus!!

32 thoughts on “Memorial Box Monday – Our Autumn – Part 2

  1. WOWEE!!!!!!!!!!!! That is an awesome story! And I AM praying for a miracle right now. If you think of me, would you pray with me? Thanks!

  2. Love this story – I am a huge nursing advocate. I desire to become trained and help other Mama’s find the joy and perfect nutrition for their little one. Nursing is such a blessing for both Mama and baby, it makes me sad when Mama’s pass on this miracle.

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Wow, I love your stories of God moving mountains.

    We are praying, trusting and thanking God to move our mountain. Once he gets this mountain moved I can’t wait to see the other mountains he moves.

  4. What an amazing story! My husband and I dream of adopting some day, as the Lord wills, and I’ve heard about nursing your adopted babes and always wondered if it was true! Now I know!!! How cool. How awesome is God?!?!


  5. Oh wow, Linny, that is such an amazing God story! I have chills. Doesn’t He just care about the things that we care about–right down to breast milk. Heck, how can anyone ever doubt that there is a God in heaven? My heart will never understand that.

    Faithful Jesus!

  6. What a great post! I often thought if I brought a newborn home, I’d want to do the same thing!!

    And now that you called me out, I have to go do my MBM post. I’ve been one busy girl today!

  7. I need the Kleenex box again…what an awesome God we serve. I’m chuckling though at DW…that is the funniest thing. Continued prayers here for your sweet Autumn. We’re believing for another miracle now at this time in her life. Hugs..

  8. Thank you Linny for again blessing me with your words “at just the right time”. We are praying HARD to bring home a specific child that we have fallen in love with. Our youngest prays for her little”sister” every night. There have been bumps and bruises along our journey so far, but, I know that God is bigger than all of them. Will you please pray that her file will come to our agency, so that we can be matched with her?
    We have friends all over the world praying the same thing!
    Thank you!
    Be blessed!

  9. What an amazing, miracle story. If we ever had the opportunity to adopt a newborn, I have always had the same dream.
    You will be so happy to know that I have a small little glass cabinet that I forgot about. It’s in my attic…and would be perfect for a memorial box. Encourage me to get it out, dust it and start writing our miracle stories. 🙂

  10. Linny,

    Thank you so much for this entry! I am adopting a baby girl from China (I am single, never been married and 45). I would LOVE to try and breastfeed her if nothing else for the attachment. But who knows if that can happen. First of all, I don’t know how old she will be as I am in the NSN (non-special needs) line. I have been researching this a lot and love that you were able to do that with Auturn. I think it would be awesome for the attachment process. God Bless and I am praying for you and your family!
    LID 7-22-06

  11. Oh my Linn, tears are flowing!!
    Your story is also my story with
    my daughter Mikayla. I also took the pump on vacation. I was so dedicated and I hadn’t nursed
    a baby in 13 yrs!!! I nursed her
    for 14 months!!! God is so……
    good!!!! Thanks for sharing your sweet story. And speaking of miracles, we need one right now!
    So… go God!!!!!!!!
    Love ya, Donita

  12. WOW!! What an awesome God we serve! That story is moving as well as funny, but in a great way. Our GOD is soo good!!
    Oh I do Memorial Box Monday's too but it is usually every other Monday.
    Linny, we are an awesome inspiration & I love reading your blog. Thank for your stories of encouragement. Even though the devil has thrown you a curve ball in life your faith in GOD has shown through competly.
    THANK YOU again!
    The Morrison's

  13. It is amazing to me that we are able to create the perfect food for our babies! Nursing my babies has been one of the greatest joys in my life to look down and know that my milk was created by a awesome GOD just for them is amazing! My youngest daughter is 21months and I still love to look down at her little face nursing.
    P.S A local LLL leader in my area nursed two of her adopted babies what a amazing story she has.

  14. Yippee Jesus! With God ALL things are possible. He truly carries the lambs close to His heart and gently leads those that have young. Your story was the testimony I needed today, to ignite a dwindling spark of faith in one are of my life.

    I treasure the time sitting at His feet while I read your blog.
    Sarah Dawn

  15. What an extraordinary story-from an extraordinary woman ( the conduit of GRACE from a beyond extraordinary GOD!). Thank you for reminding us to come with confidence before the Lord, for he has done marvelous deeds!

    God Bless you (and sweet Autumn, who is on our prayer list) this day and always.

  16. That is an amazing story! I love to come here and read all the stories of your Miracle-working, Mountain-moving, Awe-inspiring, Gasp-giving God! I want to know God in that way, too. We have so many “mountains” we need moved, I don’t even know where to begin. It’s overwhelming to say the least. And some that are not “mountains”, but just desires of our hearts that we long to see God accomplish.

    Thank you so much for sharing your stories with us – there are so encouraging.

  17. I thought about trying this with our Micah when he came home from India, but he was almost a year old. I didn’t think he would ever take to it. I’m sorry now that I didn’t try. I’m sitting her sobbing my eyes out. I can’t imagine the depth of your joy as you nursed your precious girl.
    We are waiting on our own miracles. We are posed on the brink of so many God sized mountain movings, but we are still waiting. Specifically we are waiting to find out if we have been matched with a sibling group of boys that we have felt pulled to. We are praying and “preparing our fields for rain”. I can’t wait to blog about it all on my own Memorial Box Monday post. 🙂

  18. I sit here in Ch*na smiling. After getting my referral, knowing that He created this plan, had it come into place while I am living in Ch*na, making the least money I have ever made, having very few ways to raise money other than to lay it all at His feet and His children’s feet and ask for people to partner with me, I KNOW He can do this and maybe from this, may my family come to know and trust in Him! Thanks for the reminder that He is a mountain moving G*d. Amen to that!

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