From Iowa City

Greetings from Iowa City!! We spent 3 hours at the doctors this morning. Dr. Morquende is such a kind man – absolutely wonderful! After examining Isaiah he felt that a different surgery altogether was the best for Isaiah. So tomorrow Isaiah is going to have surgery at 4:30pm. Please pray for grace and peace for Isaiah as he waits all day long and is unable to eat. ugh

Lots and lots more to tell you!! Something even that is the most exciting news in forever!! But I only had 2 hours of sleep last night and I am running on empty. I will write more in the morning. Please pray for Isaiah’s surgery – tomorrow at 4:30 cst.

PS We are staying in the Ronald McDonald house. Very thankful for that!!

27 thoughts on “From Iowa City

  1. We have been so encouraged and challenged by reading your blog. I am thankful Dr. Hatch was running behind and we got to meet you and Isaiah last week. Brian and I will be praying for the surgery tomorrow!
    Brian and Megan Lockwood, Joseph's mom and dad (Casper, WY)

  2. Hi Linny~

    We will be praying for your dear Isaiah tomorrow, as well as before bed tonight. Praying for perfect peace for you all.
    Can hardly wait to hear your exciting news!
    Be blessed!

  3. I can't wait to hear all the details! I'm so happy that surgery will help Isaiah. Poor guy is going to be miserable not eating though…ugh.

    What you and I talked about isn't going to work…God's hand just isn't in it. Another family came forward though so, it's all good.


    Love you guys!

  4. Y'all have my prayers. And I just set an alarm on my phone to remind me pray even more specifically while he is in surgery. Is there an estimate as to how long this surgery is expected to take? Hope that y'all all have restful sleep tonight!


  5. Definitely praying for all of you! I've stayed in RMH before, so I know what a great blessing it is. Can't wait to hear the super exciting news! You and your family, of all people, deserve something good right now!

  6. So glad to see that you arrived safely and that the surgeon has a plan. You guys are amazing. I can't believe you had a wedding on Friday night and are in Iowa on Monday night for a surgery. I think you need to change the name of your blog to "A Place Called Adrenolin" – lol! I will pray for your little Isaiah. Blessings, friend!

    ~Linda from Northern Colorado

  7. Praying that everything goes great with Isiah's surgery! I know he can be strong not getting to eat all day. Just keep him distracted! Can't wait to hear the good news! BTW, Congrats to Tyler getting married!!!

  8. I am so glad you are safely there and have seen the doctor. God Bless your sweet boy! I will be praying for him (and for all of you). I hope you sleep well.

    My daughter Katie may try to contact you tomorrow- I know you are very busy so if it works wonderful and if not it is okay. She is in Iowa City.

    Bless you all!

  9. Isaiah,
    We are excited you have a new doctor who would take such a long time with you and your family. He must be a very nice man to think of all the best things like he does.
    We will keep you in our prayers tonight and tomorrow. Love your glowing smile… waiting to hear the minute you are awake after surgery. God Loves You!!!
    Blessings and bigggg hugs,
    Barbara Lyman:-)
    Marysville, WA

    Linny, DW, & Liberty,
    prayers for His quiet, peaceful assurance,

  10. Linny,

    The kids and I prayed for Isaiah at bedtime (Mon), we will be praying through the day today.

    Oh Father keep this smiling boy hidden safely under Your protective wing. Give skill to the surgeon, and bring healing for sweet Isaiah. Be with Isaiah during the wait Lord, especially as he fasts. Be with his mama and daddy and Liberty as they wait with him, and then for him, as he undergoes his surgery. Thank you Father for safe travels, and for the Ronald McDonald house to stay in. Please watch over the rest of the crew in Colorado and keep them safe and healthy. Thank you Father for your miracle named Isaiah and for his precious family. In Jesus name, Amen

    Love you guys,


    Can't wait to hear your "most exciting news in forever"! xo

  11. You love to leave us hanging dont you?!!!

    We have been praying for little Isaiah and will continue to do so all day today. We know it will all go well and he will be back up and running in no time.

    Hugs to all of you.

  12. prayers are happening for the sweet little smiling boy of yours! i've never had to use the Ronald McDonald House but have always loved them since volunteering with my sorority and since many friends and family have used them. such a great organization.

  13. Hi Linny,
    Thanks so much for the update. KNOW that I will be praying for your sweet boy today. Trusting that the Almighty will work through the hands of the surgeon!!! Can't wait for a praise report ringing out through your blog soon.
    Try to get some rest. So thankful that Dw is with you 🙂

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