A Girl’s Gotta’ Do What A Girl’s Gotta Do….

I sent Elizabeth in to lay on the bed so I could change her diaper. I came in to find this….

Yes, her sweet feet are dangling……. Her hands and arms all contorted – but sound asleep…

Sweet baby girl……Who could ever imagine this treasure in a big orphanage for the rest of her life?? Not us! Rescued at the very last moment by our Miracle-working, Mountain-moving, Awe-inspiring, Gasp-giving God and she is ours FOREVER….Yippee Jesus!!! My beautiful baby Elizabeth Mercy……
Leaving for Greeley in about 5 minutes…..thunderstorms predicted on the return today….your prayers appreciated….not just the drive, but the casts are getting old to Isaiah and the drive is getting a tad bit old too. xo

32 thoughts on “A Girl’s Gotta’ Do What A Girl’s Gotta Do….

  1. Linny,
    What a precious, sweet little girl you have. Too cute for sure.
    Boy that traveling can be a real bear sometimes. The first few trips…not so bad, but then it just gets exhausting. I will continue to pray that the Lord gives you safe travels, and that you all have the energy to endure. It is a real blessing though having a little guy like Isaiah who seems to have such a positive attitude all the time, and a smile that seems to be permanently fixed to his face, and then to have a great helper in Liberty.
    P.S. said a little prayer for the rest of your clan in Africa this morning that the Lord would restore their health.

  2. Hi Linny, You are in my prayers for the drive. I wish I knew you so you could stop for a potty break or glass of lemonaide. Heck if I knew you I'd drive over to Greeley and bring you goodies myself. What an long tiresome trip. Love the photos of your girl-what a treasure indeed!
    Hugs, Noreen

  3. You took the words out of my fingers… I could not imagine that sweetness left to stay in the orphange. What an amazing grace to have found her home with you!

    Praying for travelling mercies, for extra patience for Isaiah, and for unexpected blessings today.

  4. Keeping your trip to get Isaiah's casts in our prayers. How many more does he have? Also, keeping DW and the Uganda team in our prayers.

    Elizabeth looks so sweet and peaceful asleep like that!

    Janet and Kevin

  5. OH Lord Jesus. Thank you that THIS little one is home.
    We know Your heart Lord for the orphans of the world…living in institutions, lacking love and proper care. Please Father….SEND US…USE US…..SHOW US what to do!

  6. Ahh… such a huggable baby… how peaceful!

    Prayers for your drive… try not to be tempted to take pictures of the lightning… hehe…

    Extra hugs and tickles to Isaiah!

    Blessings to you all,
    Barbara Lyman 🙂
    Marysville, WA

  7. Linny,

    Love the pictures of your little princess! She is just precious!
    Sending prayers heavenward for your safe journey.
    Blessings to you all!

  8. Oh Linny,
    What a sweet lil'girl!!!! We're still waiting for our girl in China. I'm looking forward to kissin' & huggin' her forever. I'm lifting your entire family up in prayer. Susan

  9. thank you for the sweet comments.

    Those are just way to sweet. She looks just precious (forgive my spelling)

    good luck on the drive and casting i will keep in mind and in my prayers!


  10. Linny, she is gorgeous! And clearly feels very safe and happy in her home to fall alseep like that.
    I needed a reminder today that God moves mountains – so thank you.

  11. I've read your blog before but never have commented; however, these photos of this beautiful precious child just beg to be commented on. She is absolutely precious. I want you to know that you and your family are ALWAYS in my prayers and thoughts. Praying that God will continue to supply your every need as you do His will in blessing all these little ones. I have twins that we adopted from Venezuela in 1991 and I understand some of what you go through to bring them to their forever home. You are greatly admired by this mama.

  12. She is so blessed to have a wonderful home now…with you! GOD IS SO AMAZING!


    iLoveYou all!

  13. What a sweet precious little girl! I love the thumb in the mouth! She is such a treasure- I cannot imagine her in an orphanage for the rest of her life. I want to head over there and bring home a little treasure or two!
    Bless you sweet friend,

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