A Sneak Peek

I wanted you to see where the wedding was held…..Our friends who graciously loaned us their home have an Italian villa built on a mountain outside of town. Laura had told me long ago – if any of your kids ever want to get married here…….

From the front door looking out…….Heading into the front foyer…….From the front door to the right…..Looking back toward the front foyer….The family room….Isaiah, Liberty and Luke (Laura’s son) playing chess before the festivities….The kitchen…..Reception set for the balcony…..(yes, those were dark rain clouds moving in) The flowers….(we bought the carnations…the rest we picked from the roads in the countryside…)

The view….. Graham, Ryan (our son-in-love) and Tyler….. The happy-almost-married-man….

Even though Elizabeth made it look like it was a shot-gun wedding – it really wasn’t…..
I was in the midst of uploading these pictures (and lots of others) from the wedding and went to take a shower. I somehow banged the shower door and the glass burst everywhere. My face is sliced and the blood was running down….and there were tiny slivers and chards of glass everywhere on me, down my nightgown and all over the floor, closet, shower, etc. Thankfully Josh was here picking up Emma and Liberty for church and he was able to lift me up and out of the glass. I truly had nowhere to go.

I am now having to leave for church. I will finish uploading the pictures of the wedding asap. Dw is better (thank you soooo much for the prayers)….and he and I will drive together. Last night, just before bed, Isaiah said, “Mom, I will be so bored if you just go, can Liberty go too?” So yes, Liberty is going along.
We will leave right after church and will be staying a couple of hours from Iowa City, arriving in the middle of the night (Lord willing) at a bloggy friends home. Paula graciously offered her home “since you can see part of their property right from the highway”. We will stay there for a couple hours of sleep and then head on to Iowa City.
More soon….promise!! Your continued prayers are appreciated. xo

25 thoughts on “A Sneak Peek

  1. oh my goodness!! i hope you are ok! so happy josh was there at the right time to help.

    what a gorgeous house! perfect for a wedding. i can't wait to see photos of the ceremony!

  2. Dear Sweet Bloggy Friend,

    God bless you in your trip for Isaiah's treatment/surgery. Continued prayers for all of your needs, and thanks for giving us a glimpse of before the wedding. Take care of yourselves along the way to the doctors, too!

    Love In Christ,

    Janet, Kevin, Ted, Philip, and waiting for Eli

  3. I can't believe that is a house! Thta's awesome they let you guys use that. Chris and I got married in the rain.

    Tell Autumn I love her hair color.

    I'm so glad DW is feeling better and will be going with you. I was hating the thought of you making that trip alone.

    I'm really glad you weren't hurt anymore than you were.

    Tell Tyler and Sarah congratulations!

  4. oh my goodness sweet Linny.
    The enemy so wants to steal your JOY.
    I come against that in the name of JESUS and pray that your cuts will heal quickly, that God will go before you and pave the way to Iowa and that He will bless Tyler and his beautiful bride and prepare them for the life that is…military.
    He has mighty plans for your family Linny. NO weapon formed against you will prosper!
    Holly from Purpose Driven Family

  5. Ouch! You poor thing! I"m glad you weren't hurt any worse.

    Those pictures are so beautiful! What an amazing place to get married! The kitchen looked like a fun place to work in! I would love to do some cooking in a kitchen like that!

  6. HOW BEAUTIFUL WAS THAT? WOW-the home and the view..TOO MUCH! So sorry about your face and all-just what that darn devil does to try and put a wrench in things. Blessings as you travel!

  7. Thanks for sharing God's goodness and faithfulness with my day. You truly walk in the Lord's favor as He guides your every step.

    Thanks for proclaiming His goodness for all to read.

    Besitos (little kisses in Spanish),
    Sarah Dawn

  8. Glad you weren't injured (bad) in the glass shattering.

    Praying for a safe trip to Iowa and a productive appt Monday and easy, effective surgery on Tuesday.

    Wow, what a beautiful location for a wedding. Oh to have such scenery out your windows everyday…..

  9. So happy that Dw is better! That will make things much easier, I am sure.

    What a beautiful house! Can't wait to see more pics from the actual wedding.

    Praying for you, Dw, Isaiah, and Liberty as yall are driving right now. And praying as the surgery approaches.

  10. Yikes! So sorry about the broken glass. I'm glad that you're all right. And I'm so glad that Dw is feeling better! God is good!

    The wedding looks like it was beautiful. Looking forward to seeing more pictures.


  11. GORGEOUS!! When you said a friend's home, I pictured…like…my friends' homes! Wow, incredible place to have a wedding. So happy for them!! And I can't believe you smashed the shower door glass. I'm glad you are okay! Never a dull moment!

  12. What a beautiful home and setting for a wedding! Sending many wishes and prayers to the newlyweds.

    Glad to hear that you are okay from the broken glass incident. I guess you're a "cut above the rest". hehe

    Praying for safety with travel and successful surgery.

  13. I love your pics but oh my goodness- are you okay? Did you have to go to the DR? Any stitches?

    I am so glad DW is feeling better- power of prayer!

    Keep us updated on how you all are doing. I'll be praying for you sweet friend.

  14. What a gorgeous place!! I'm so excited to see more pictures..

    I've been reading your blog for a while now but I've only commented maybe once… I was up until 4am last week reading about your wild adventure.. (which by the way they aren't all tagged properly and was difficult to find them all) and I cried almost the whole way through it.. and I am not a crier.. at all..

    It's interesting too because I had just started reading your blog and about a month later my younger brother moved to Boulder Colorado from here (British Columbia, Canada) It was so nice to know a bit about where he was heading before he left..

    Thanks for sharing about your life and family.. I so admire you and your husband. I hope your travels go well and that your face heals well and soon!

  15. Linny, the wedding preparations look BEAUTIFUL!! I have been refreshing your page constantly, in anticipation of the pictures. So happy for you all! Praying for you guys…so glad Dw was able to go to Iowa City with you! God is faithful!! 🙂 bunches of hugs…

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