The Trigger

If you have a weak stomach, are grossed out by ordinary things in life or are easily offended, then this post is NOT for you. Kindly click that little “x” on the upper right of your screen at the count of 3. One —– Two——- Three – Bye-bye. =)

For the rest of you brave at heart, I just had to share something that just kind of struck us here in our house kind of funny. Sometimes we all just need a good laugh!! Wednesday we were battling the bug…Dw, Emma and I. We all spent more than our share of time on the porcelain thrones with our pails on our lap. Yeah baby, can we spell F-U-N?

In the afternoon I had fallen sound asleep on the couch. HGTV was on in the background. I woke up knowing I was about to need that pail on my lap. I had no time to get to the bathroom. I just grabbed my pail and hung on. You know that mouth thing that starts happening when you are about to you-know-what? It was happening, but the stuff just wasn’t coming. And you know friends, how it is, you really know you will feel tons better when it does happen. But it didn’t….for about 20 seconds, until in the background I only heard on the HGTV channel a commercial and it mentioned this food outloud:
And that word “hot dog” was all it took. Now to be perfectly honest I have never been a huge fan of hot dogs…but this summer, I’m thinking – – ummmm, not-so-much!!

Happy Barbeque Bloggy Friends!!

15 thoughts on “The Trigger

  1. Oh man – my 4th of July just got ruined! I'll never look at a hot dog the same! I hope you & your family are starting to feel better. No more hot dogs for me… yuck!

  2. Ha!! You will probably NEVER, EVER eat another hot dog again. Ever. Which isn't such a bad thing to never eat again….good thing they weren't talking about cake & ice cream!

  3. Oh Linny—you are tooooo darn funny! You are probably the ONLY person I know who would post that on their blog. I am totally laughing here 🙂

    Yes–come chaperone anytime, friend. Although, I get the feeling you are probably just as efficient a 'teacher' as Shonni and I 🙂

  4. Your so funny friend. Love it…not a fan of those tiny little hotdogs. However when it comes to the larger ones, our family enjoys them every now and then.

    Hope you are all feeling better today.

  5. umm, thanks?

    I hope you are all feeling better. Stomach bugs are the worst.

    Why do I feel the need to go wash my hands after reading this post and replying?

  6. EWWWW…LOVE it though! The last time I was sick and hovering over the bowl all I thought about was, "When was the last time I cleaned this?" Yep. Did the trick! YUM!

    Btw, I LOVE hot dogs! hhehehe.

  7. Hey Linny! Thanks for sharing!! Next time I have diarrhea- you'll be the first to know! 😉

    I am still looking for the God message in there- having a little trouble finding it!

    I think I'll just go and enjoy a HOT DOG for now!

    Okay, I'm just kidding! I can't be mean for long! But it was fun!

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