True Story Tuesday – Tom (and Trixie) Part 2

Two weeks ago on True Story Tuesday I shared an outrageously weird story of meeting someone whom I would never have expected to meet – some 20 years later. Through a series of crazy events I met the “other woman” that my boyfriend from high school had been cheating on me with. If you missed it, you can read about it here. There is another bizarre part of that whole Tom and Trixie story, read on….
If you recall when Dw and I initially met Tom we had really hit it off. We had laughed and talked like we had been friends our entire lives, infact that’s why we were so stinkin’ stoked to meet Trixie. Well after the cold reception and finding out just why Trixie was not exactly tickled pink to meet us we left well enough alone…..

Until about 5 years later when my MS was so bad and we needed a little help with a decision we were going to make. Tom’s expertise was in this very area and since quite a bit of time had passed we felt it would be okay to call and ask if we could hire him to help.
Dw phoned and Tom was happy to have us come to his office to discuss our needs. His office was still in his home and Trixie wasn’t there (yes, they were still married). Tom, Dw and I had some fun talking and all of a sudden I thought of something. (If you remember Tom grew up in a small town 13 miles from where Dw grew up.)
Now for a dab of background I LOVE old architecture. I love farmhouses and barns and buildings: Victorian, Greek Revival, Craftsman, Three Over Three, etc. I have studied it a tad so I have a clue what structure is from what era. And when we drive I will point out the architecture for all the kids to see. It is now common to hear little tiny voices say, “Mommy, Mommy, look at that architecture!” (Kinda fun!)
Anyway, remembering suddenly where he had grown up I said, “Oh! Tom! Since you grew up in such-n-such you might remember a house there. In all my travels it is my most favorite house I have ever seen. It is gorgeous.” I started describing it. He said, “hang on a minute,” and left the room.
Tom reappeared about 30 seconds later with a framed picture. He handed it to me and said, “Is this the house you are talking about?” I almost fell over. Yes! That is exactly the house I am talking about. I said, “Why do you have a picture of my most favorite house ever?” He said, “That is the house I grew up in and my parents actually still live in it.” HUH??
So while my high school boyfriend Robert was cheating on me with Trixie, Trixie’s boyfriend (now turned husband) was living in my favorite house of all time, some 90 miles from where I was living. I just think that is the weirdest, unexplainable thing in the whole world.
I had a picture of Tom’s house that I had taken many years before I met him but it was lost in the fire, so when we are out that way on our RV trip this summer I plan to snap another picture and show all of you. Until then, here are some sweet pictures of architecture I love…..

True Story Tuesday is brought to you by Mr. Daddy and Rach, over at Once Upon A Miracle. Hop over to their place, grab the button and join the fun by telling your own true story from your past!

7 thoughts on “True Story Tuesday – Tom (and Trixie) Part 2

  1. Seriously, what are the odds? Does this kind of stuff only happen to you guys?

    And I’ll remind you again that some silly girl onces said she couldn’t come up with anything for True Story Tuesday. (ahem 😉

    You are so stinkin’ cool – I love that you love architecture too! And that yellow house is majorly rockin’.

    Have a great Tuesday!

  2. okay.. when I finally make my way out there.. we need to go house looking. My ultimate fav thing to do. love those old farm houses and victorians. love em.

    btw- you always give Stef a hard time when she teases everyone and makes them wait on BIG NEWS…. I’m just sayin. POT.calling Kettle Black.

    just sayin’.


    hugs to you~

  3. Seriously, what are the odds? Even though all this happened years and years ago and the parties involved have happily and gainfully moved on in life, it reminds me of Mark 4:22.

    By the way, the yellow Colonial/Craftsman home looks like the perfect style for your family. Very nice!

    Hope you're having a super fantastic day!

  4. I love architecture- especially homes and churches- with some history! (Nothing contemporary)

    Great story- I love reading these posts!

  5. Such a cool story, and we have such similar tastes in architecture!! I am such a house nut, and so is my mom…not sure exactly why!

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