Memorial Box Monday – Surprises from the Lord – Elijah’s Prayer Team

I have been praying about which Memorial Box Monday story to share this week. This is a beautiful story of how God works behind the scenes on our behalf….and every now and then He allows us a peak behind those scenes….just to show us how big and amazing He is!! Listen to this one…..
When Emma, Graham and I were in Africa this past December we spent as much time as possible working in the orphanage where Elijah and Elizabeth were living. It was such a heart-wrenching experience. So many little ones and so few workers. Each little one has so many needs and only the basic necessities are ever able to be met.

Elizabeth, as you all know was “aging-out” when Dw found her last July. She would have headed to the “big orphanage” with never a chance to be adopted had God not brought Dw at that exact moment. July 11th will always be a special celebration day, because that is the day our Miracle-working, Mountain-moving, Awe-inspiring, Gasp-giving God rescued her by just one hour and brought her to us. If you haven’t read the rescue, it’s here.

At the orphanage Elizabeth was one of the oldest kids. She had been there for years and was well-known and loved by all. She has such a tender, sweet spirit and talks well. She is helpful and loves little babies and would, at the orphange, comfort the babies who were crying or fussing. She is such a delight and is our treasure girl!! Oh how we love this precious miracle!

When the kids and I left for home Elizabeth was hugged on by the workers and some even got teary-eyed. They were thrilled that she had a forever family and yet they would miss her so much!!

The thing though that struck me and broke my heart was that when we left no one fussed about Elijah leaving. He was really just one of a bunch of almost two year old little boys and girls, who just blended into the crowd. I cried that no one seemed to care.
I am not faulting the workers, you understand. I just love this little guy so much and couldn’t help but feel compassion that it seemed that no one would miss him. He is so sweet. Loves to help, love to clean, loves to discover new stuff (keeps mommy on her toes and helps burn those post-menopausal calories too, but they make for good blog stories, right?)….but such a love-bug…my baby boy treasure!

After we came home and even right after the fire, it was on my mind. I wondered what God had in store for Elijah and had there been no one who cared??!? I can’t explain it really. It was just there in the back of my mind. I had told a few close friends about it. I was just so troubled that he is such a treasure and no one cared about him until we found him. It was mulling around in my head. He was the face of the countless millions of orphans in the world. He was the little boy I had prayed for and dreamed about, but it appeared, up until Dw found him, no one had cared. Elijah was the “in the flesh” face of the orphan. He is such a miracle and snuggle-bug and we cannot imagine our lives without him.
I asked the Lord: “Did no one care about Elijah? Really?”

There was no doubt that Elijah was a miracle for us. He was the fulfillment of a prophetic word. If God had lined it up in the prophetic, it just seemed that there was something more to this God-story. Crazy as it sounds, even living in the hotel after the fire, it was on my mind.

Then Dw was at the office one day in mid-May and he called me crying. He was so excited. He had found a letter that had arrived at the church for us. It had actually bounced around the country and finally, at last!, ended up in his hands. Through tears he read me a letter from a woman named Peggy.
Peggy lives in a mid-western city and here’s how she happened to write us:
Peggy’s grown daughter, Dani, had gone to Africa to work. Dani had spent alot of time at Sanyu Babies Home. While at Sanyu she had told her mom, Peggy, about some of the children. One of the ones that had especially grabbed her heart was our Elijah!! Dani had heard that Elijah had a medical condition that would make it difficult to place him. She wanted him to have a family so bad….but how with such a medical diagnosis???
Immediately Peggy started praying for Elijah. Dani sent pictures and Peggy just fell in love with our little guy. They prayed in earnest for a home for him. Peggy asked her choir group to pray for a home for him. She put the pictures up at her office. People said she was obsessed with him! She wanted him to find a mommy and daddy so bad. I cry as I type.
Little did I know, in a mid-western city there had been a woman who was spear-heading a whole movement of people to pray for our precious treasure!! OKay, now I’m bawling (and yes, I am sitting in a coffee shop typing this with tears dripping…..oh my gracious)….
Peggy, who had never even met our little Elijah was praying that our Miracle-working, Mountain-moving, Awe-inspiring, Gasp-giving God would do something huge for our little guy!! And guess what? There is absolutely no evidence of this medical condition in him. So not only did God heal him, he brought a mommy and daddy for him!! Yippee Jesus!!
Peggy is a treasure to us. We know now, that God used her and Dani and the praying friends of Peggy’s to move on our little boys behalf. When I was wondering if anyone had cared, little did I know that there were a ton of people knocking on heavens door for a miracle for our precious guy.
And with knowing that I wonder this…….what would happen if Christians all around the world began to pray by name looking at the faces of each and every orphan?? What if each Christian took just one orphan and prayed in fervor for that one? What would happen? What would God do? How would that little orphans life change??
I am praying about this. I have a dream. It might take years…but what if? Look at our little guy and just imagine…..What if??
PS Peggy & Dani – we love you immensely and can never thank you enough!! You are part of our family and we cannot wait to hug your neck in person and let you see this little treasure of ours….xoxo
PSS….If you do not know what a Memorial Box is….read about it here….
PSSS….If you have not signed up for the Memorial Box giveaway….post a comment saying you would like to be included. I have 2 Memorial Boxes to give away and will announce that soon!! Maybe tomorrow….oh wait! I have to tell you all about the box we opened the other day and what exactly was inside it…..ummm okay…maybe Wednesday….*oh my gracious!*

54 thoughts on “Memorial Box Monday – Surprises from the Lord – Elijah’s Prayer Team

  1. So glad to hear the story about Elijah's prayer team. Please include me in your memorial box giveaway and give those babies an extra kiss from our family in Georgia.

  2. You are not the only one weeping. I know that there are a lot of times when we do not get to see/hear about answered prayers, so this story is a real treasure. Thank you for sharing and the encouragment to pray. I am learning how to pray here in NE.

  3. i can't remember if I have signed up for the memorial box? please include me??? AWEsome story about Elijah. You know before we were guided to our girls in El Sal. God led me to Rainbow kids and for SIX months, I would get their newsletters with the waiting kids' pictures and stories. He said "pray for the orphans". I cried over every one of course. But prayed for all those months for each kid there, wondering and grieving but praying for their families to come. Ithink you are right. I think every church ought to have an orphans missions specifically. And a fund that people who do not feel called to adopt but have a little extra money could donate to the fund to help ransom little ones whose families are struggling to GET them here. I will pray with you on figuring out this mission. Meanwhile I am working feverishly to get my two. And I still pray forthe orphans.

  4. Okay..I am a mess..but so moved by this story. Our family has already been blessed by a little one over there that we are praying comes home to his forever family soon.
    I would love to be included in your Memorial Box give a way.

    The Chrisman's

  5. I am sitting here BAWLING! God is so AMAZING. This is such a reminder that His eyes are always on us and His hands are always touching us. I really needed to read this today and am so thankful for you and your family. You have ministered to my heart so many times.

    I am praying for your family and a full recovery of your husband.

    I would love love to be entered for the Memory Box drawing.


  6. Oh Linn!! All your blog posts are wonderfully written, thought provoking, and heart-touching…but this one really got to me.

    I remember when we were with you guys just after the fire and I was babysitting the kids. Poor little Elijah was so bewildered. He was so confused by it all. I was so compelled to just hold him close and pray as he snuggled up to me. What the enemy meant for complete destruction for this very special boy…God has brought abundant life and a BIG plan. I simply cannot wait to see what is in store for this once-orphan, now VERY-loved boy!!

    I really don't understand the mystery of prayer and why it works but it does. God's very hand moves when His people pray in His name.

    I love your heart, girlfriend!! Sorry we never showed up for s'mores last night! 😉

    Oh and don't make us wait any longer on telling us about the box you opened! Please!! Make that tomorrow's post…no later! 🙂

  7. I would love a Memorial Box. I already have our first 'entry' for it because we are currently looking into adoption, and we had no idea where ANY money would come from to even open the door there. A few days after allowing my heart freedom to let God do it how He would choose we heard word we were getting a raise, small, but still a raise. With economy the way it is, and being in youth ministry, it was a miracle in and of itself and such an answer to belief in the Timing of God and His provision for our adoption story.

  8. Linny-
    You put in to such eloquent words the thoughts running through my head of why we sponsor an orphan. Beyond the monthly contribution we make to her care and gifts we are able to send, we pray for her by name- for the healing of her special need, for her forever family to find her, and for her to know the love of Jesus. We have just seen our first sponsor child find her home and have picked out our next child. It is an honor to lift her up to the Lord!! While I cannot sponsor more, I certainly can pray for more by name. Your post challenged me there. I think your mother's heart knew there was somebody out there who cared about Elijah. Yipee Jesus!!

  9. What a wonderful story that only God could write. I went back and read the story about Elizabeth too. Definitely brought tears to my eyes.

    I admire your faith so much. My husband and I want to adopt from China as soon as we can. We are discouraged as we learn how much it will cost and all of China's monetary requirements. Please pray for us!!! We will have to raise every penny and are fully relying on Him to provide.

  10. What a beautiful story about Elijah! Wow – my heart is so full of emotions as I type! What a blessing for all of you to receive that letter!

    btw, I think it's time that you tell us about the box…no more suspense, no more teasing, no more procrastinating Miss Linn! Enough is enough!!

  11. I always need a Kleenex box when I read your blog. (It's a good cry though). What a beautiful story of intercessors, those who care for the orphan and those who care enough to pray for a "forever family" for them. AWESOME how God uses people. Even more AWESOME are how people respond. Amazing story!! Hugs and Love.

  12. Hi there!

    I have been following your post since the day of the fire but this is my first time to comment!

    Your family is so sweet and lately I've been wondering how in the world you have handled everything that's been thrown your way…only with the Lord can one person take that much!

    This post was especially poignant to me and forced me to come out of "lurking." The Lord has been placing adoption on my heart for some time now but I have been praying that He would do the same for my husband. My hubby is a wonderful guy but is just not there yet….meanwhile, I am trying to pray more and be less vocal about it.

    Just thought I would say thanks for all you've done for the orphan and the words you write to inspire and encourage others as they consider ways to esteem and support adoption.

    Praying for your family….Durango holds a special place in our hearts because that is where we honeymooned and we would love to make it back up there sometime soon.

    Many blessings,

  13. I'm crying like a flippin' fool right now.Ok, clear the tears, first… isn't it the absolute best when God surprises you like that! I mean it's almost unbelievable. If it were a movie you would watch it and say… yeah right , something like that could only happen in Hollywood. Goodness that sweet Elijah.
    And second, do I live in a box? How did I miss that you were having a Memorial Box giveaway? Enter me PLEASE!!!!
    I've wanted one since I read about yours.
    Thanks for another incredible post.
    God Bless!

  14. Reading this post and knowing our situtaion at present, I wonder what, if anything, the Lord is doing behind the scenes for us. Surely he is acting in behalf of our boys. Right?

  15. Oh my, what an awesome testimony of what happens when God's people hear Him and PRAY!! What a beautiful story of God's watchcare over Elijah. Oh Linny what mighty plans the Lord has in store for your precious treasure! Thanks for sharing more of the miracle of Elijah with us!

    Love you!


    Please, please put me in for the Memorial Box giveaways! xo

  16. What a sweet, sweet story! I am so so thankful God brought Elijah to you guys- he is truly blessed!

    I would love to be entered into the giveaway, I don't think I've entered before. 🙂 Thanks!!

  17. Oh Linny.
    What a mighty God we serve!
    What you said….about every Christian praying for ONE orphan…making a difference…moving mountains…that is on my heart as well as I pray to begin a small orphan care ministry in our very large church.
    And I was thinking of you as our mighty God worked behind the scenes when my AC went out the first day my husband was on his way to Iraq and inaccessible to me…and insurance said they would not pay and I didn't know what to do. But God has said that no weapon formed against us will prosper! And He has also promised us that in ALL THINGS He is at work for our good……and for His glory. When I got the phone call that our insurance company is going to rewrite our policy to backdate this and cover it…I knew that this was my moment to find something for a future memorial box.
    But what could represent this moment? I am still praying.
    Remember the wonders He has done!
    Thanks for sharing and for listening too 🙂

  18. God just loves to encourage our hearts, doesn't He?! He loves each of us with an incredible, personal, passionate love!!! So glad that you found some specal people who loved your little Elijah with that same kind of love.

    Still praying for Isaiah and Dw.


  19. Linny,
    You just about wrote Jaxson's story word for word. Oh Jaxson was soooooo beautiful but sat on a waiting list for 6 months with no one even considering him.

    How could a baby that beautiful sit on a list for that long when they were advocating for him like crazy?

    Jaxson had a medical file though that would scare anyone and it did so much that people wouldn't even look at him. Thankfully God had us in love with this boy before we knew about his medical file.

    After we accepted his referral I got several emails from people that had been praying like crazy for our son. People that were even so crazy about him they wanted him but the timing wasn't right or they couldn't take on his "needs".

    I believe more than anything prayer is what brought our baby home. Also Jaxson is PERECTLY healthy!

  20. Hey Linn can you add me to your drawing! 🙂 Thank you! And thank you for sharing this story as I type tears are running down my face! He is such a treasure and a joy to have in children's ministry! I love the picture of the two of them in class! 🙂 How awesome is our God!

  21. What an awesome, inspiring, touching story!! Thank you for sharing! I am going to start an orphan's ministry in my church very soon and you've just given me a great idea… find the picture of an orphan somewhere and have our Ladies Dorcas group….our entire church, pray over that specific child!! I love it! Please include me in your memorial box giveaway!

    Love Them Like Jesus,

  22. tears were coming to my eyes at the exact same times [about elijah], and both elizabeth & elijah are SO adorable! :)) What a great GOD we serve!

  23. We are praying with you and asking the Lord to use us (in whatever way) to help find these precious orphans a home.

    We currently have adopted 6, but our hearts are still longing for more.


  24. Hi Linny,
    I have been reading your blog since just before your fire. I would love to be included in the drawing for the MB giveaway. I don't remember what we need to do though?
    I have a similar story to share. My son, while in India, seemed to a forgotten one. One that nobody really cared about. A special needs child in a country who believes you are born that way for past life sins. It broke my heart that he wasn't loved. Almost a year after we brought him home, through a miraculous story….I found out there was a precious teenager whose aunt worked at his orphanage. She would go with her aunt to the home to hold the babies. she ened up moving the states, and met my cousin of all people. Through a God circumstance, she said M's picture and screamed. It was her favorite baby from the orphanage. My son. She loved him and was able to provide invaluable information to me about his early life. Her aunt has refused for us to have contact, but I believe my God will make a way someday. Anyways, I've typed a novel here, but I understand your thoughts about your Elijah. Our God is so good, isn't He?

  25. I have often looked at Liz and Eli and wondered, "what if no one went for them?" I look at them and think, "Chosen" and imagine God touching their tiny little heads.


    How wonderful to be Chosen!

  26. There are over 140 million orphans and if only 7-8% of those professing to be evangelical Christians adopted- there would be no more!!!! Wouldn't that be a miracle worth praying for- ABSOLUTELY!!! I love the story of someone who prayed for your son. How awesome is our God!!! What wonderful witnesses for him!!! Bless you all!!!!!!

  27. I have never commented about the Memorial box giveaway partly because I knew there were hundreds of families more deserving with far greater stories than mine. But I want to throw my name in the hat. See I scrapbook as a memorial box. Some people don't see scrapbooking as memorialzing but I do. I see it as a call. I am called by God to pass down to the next generation the goodness of the Father, to show of His faithfulness in our lives. So much so that my mom and I opened a scrapbook store in Idaho. To share with others our deep commitment to passing on God's faithfulness. Faithfulness and call we often can't see and can't feel or make clear…. This has been a rough few years yet God is faithful. I have taken pictures in hospitals and of empty beds, dark rooms and tears falling because even in those times God is ever faithful. I am drawn to your blog like a long drink of water at the well. I come to see Jesus and to hear of His faithfulness. I grow when I read your words and stories and am drawn to pray for those you love. Those Elijah's in the land… those Isaiah's and his casts, those whose names we don't know but that need families. So right now I don't have a box but I have pages and more pages to be made…..
    if anyone in your home scrapbooks would you let me know. I would like to send a carepackage. Thanks for sharing your heart Linny.

  28. Linn, your Elijah and our Lindy have similar stories. She too was not loved on in her orphanage. She had no idea what a hug was, we were heartbroken for her. When we visited the orphanage no one, I mean not a soul, spoke to her while we were there. I was so distraught.

    But you would never know it now. She loves to be loved on. Thanks for sharing all your memories and stories. You really need to write a book or maybe submit your stories to Guide*ost. They are truly awesome.

  29. OK, add me to your list of Memorial Box people! We need to keep our miracles in front of our eyes…

    BTW I just told your Ezra rooster story to our family and remembered I did not include some info in your quilt..did you notice Ezra, Nehemiah and Ezekiel are on your quilt? There is an "angel of the Lord" that looks a lot like Isaiah…I was thinking there were some more Memorial Box things on it, but just now I can't remember.

  30. it must be my compuer but I can't read your blog with the dark letters and dark background. Again it may just be my computer but I MISS reading your blog so much!! Help!!


  31. Your story about Elijah is very moving to me. Through the course of our 3 adoptions, we have personally experienced some of these "God working behind the scenes" events. Some of them have been so woven together that I can only stand in awe. Someday, I would like to start collecting this type of story with the hopes of putting together a devotional book for adoptive parents. I know that everytime I hear one of these stories, it moves mountains in my heart!

  32. Oh my gracious! I just think you are wonderuful, Linn! 🙂

    What a truly awesome story. Praise the Lord. You are right. It would be so amazing if God's people would take these orphans' names and faces and pray, pray, pray!

  33. Thanks for sharing this story. There is one little guy who has been on my heart. I don't have his picture, but I go to meet him this last spring while I was in China. He is bi-racial (have black and half Chinese). He was so cute. I have been praying for him. I was told by his swi that it will be at least a year before they submit his paperwork for adoption. He is already 18 mo so another year for a little boy can mean so much. I have been praying for a rush on his adoption paperwork. This story has given such hope. As I type this there are agency personnel at his swi and they are going to specifically ask about his paperwork for me. God is so good!

  34. What a wonderful, amazing story! I love your Memorial Box Monday stories! I can't remember whether or not I've signed up for your giveaway, so please sign me up. 🙂 thank you!

  35. oh, linny….you have no idea how i needed to hear everyone word you typed. how my heart aches for the babies that God has shown us as ours in uganda. he's shown our hearts.
    and while in this waiting phase, i find myself crying out to God that our babies are loved, that they got a special hug, played a silly little game, bounced on a knee during worship music time….

    our awesome God cares and hears us. He can do all those things as we wait on His perfect timing. we can never imagine what He's orchestrating….

    i know that you don't know me, but your family is precious to me. you are precious to me. thank you for sharing.

  36. Hi Linny,
    I was there when Dw first held Elijah in his arms and had heard all about you saving the name Elijah for your next son. What a great God!
    I just wanted to let you know that the sort of prayer you're talking about really works… each of the precious children I've specifically prayed about at Sanyu have gone to their forever families…an awesome privilege.
    Also one of our good friends here in Brisbane spends long months at Sanyu loving on the babies, paying for all their milk supplies (all year) and training the carers constantly.( that is an experience in itself!!!!! as they continually fall back into old ways) I know the conditions there are far from ideal but believe me they are 100% even 200% on what they were when we first went there. One day I'll let you know what we first experienced….. or maybe I won't:( .I believe that God brought Sanyu on to the radar of many people and churches almost at the same time in about 2001 and now there are many advocating for the home and the precious little ones there.
    Thankyou, thankyou God

  37. Linny,

    That's a sweet and amazing story of God's working behind the scenes. What a great idea to start a ministry to pray for each orphan.

    Janet, Kevin, Ted, Philip, and waiting for Eli

  38. OK i check this blog every day so Im gonna finally ask to be put in the drawing for a memorial box. Your blog has been a blessing to me.
    Melissa in ky

  39. Linn,
    I was introduced to your blog from a friend of mine who met you at the Greeley clinic where Isaiah has received treatment. I am, rather admittedly, a blog stalker as you say. I've never left a comment but check your blog often. You have finally drawn me out of the woodwork! My husband and I are in youth ministry, parents to two beautiful girls and in the process of adopting our son from Rwanda. Thank you for your wisdom, encouragement and friendship through all your posts. You have truly been a mentor to me in these past months of waiting to bring my beautiful son home.
    I'm also asking to be included in the Memorial Box drawing. I have a few "memorials" that need a place to displayed. 🙂 One of our first memorials will be a basket. When we very first started the adoption process, we would talk often to our children about their baby brother. Our 4 year old was very adamant at the time that his name was Moses (that was nearly a year ago). Last week we received our referral phone call; a stunning 13 month old … named Moses. He was found in a basket, drawn from abandonment and now into the life of a forever family.
    Your Wyoming neighbor,

  40. I am so blessed by this post! How amazing is our God, who cares so much about every facet of our lives. Please include me in the memorial box give away if it's still going on. God bless you all!

  41. Ok, I admit it, I have been blog lurking since the fire and have never commented till now but this post got to me… I spent three months volunteering in an orphanage in Jinja, Uganda where I fell in love with several beautiful babies. I prayed regularly for families for each of them and have since seen God answer that prayer for all but one of them so far. Anyway, reading this post I just had to comment. I'm not sure if you've heard of Reece's Rainbow ( but they are an organization that helps find families for special needs orphans. They recently started a prayer warrior program, matching waiting children with prayer partners who commit to pray daily that God would provide a family for that child. I was excited when I heard about this program as I long to adopt but am waiting on God's timing. Just yesterday I recieved a package in the mail from them with a photo of a precious little boy named Dane… Anyway, just thought you'd be interested if you haven't already heard about this program.

    Keeping your family in my prayers,

  42. I would like to be included in your giveaway. My family and I have had a very difficult struggle to bring three little ones home from Panama to forever family. It's been two and a half years with no time-line for an ending. We're hanging on to our faith that our God will get us to "the other side." Though sometimes it feels like we hang on by a thread. We know that according to Isaiah 30:18 that "the LORD longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!" I think that, in our waiting, a memorial box might be just the thing to remind us of His faithfulness along the way.

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