Great or Awesome? AND Our Colorado Cowgirl

Around our house last night I was taking a run to the thrift store to drop off some things we didn’t need. I always drop at the Methodist Thrift store cause part of the money goes to missions. Graham usually does this with me.

We got in the car and he said, “Mom are we dropping the stuff at the thrift store near WalMart?” I said, “Ummm, no. We always go to the Methodist – you know that!” He said, “But Mom, the video game store is around the corner near the one by WalMart.” OH! Now it was all coming together. His enthusiasm at going to drop the stuff off at 8:30 at night.

I whined, “Come on Gray, let’s just dump this stuff off and go home, I’m so tired. I was asleep last night before 9….I’m so whipped.” He waited a minute and then said, “Mom, do you really want to settle for being a great mom when you could be an awesome mom?” (And they say girls are manipulative – WHATEVER!!)

Well now that he put it that way!??!!

Yeah, he got his PlayStation Game.

And I guess that would make me an awesome mom… least last night.

Today I was talking to Tyler on the phone and telling him about Graham and the comments (cause they had really struck me funny)….Tyler said, “Well you just tell Graham that I lived through your No Sugar in the House faze and so really I only know the Great Mom.” That really made me laugh.

Yes, for about 2 years, when we were pastoring in Charlotte, we had a “No Sugar” law at our home. (I know, I know, what exactly was I thinkin?) The older kids remember it well and I guess they still haven’t forgiven me. =) Tyler brings it up about once a month. Scarred for life. Actually maybe his risking his life & the stress it causes us maybe is payback??
Anyway, I broke it when we went to see our dear friends, Stuart & Jen, who were stationed in Virginia at the time. I made GIANT chocolate chip cookies and we ate them like a sandwich with ice cream between the layers. Yes, and sugar has been available in our home from then on… totally worth it!!

So that’s my big boys and their take on life in our home… let’s finish up with a picture of our little Ugandan-American Cowgirl who seems to have a bit of sass when modeling for us (and yes, her left hand is on her left hip)!

15 thoughts on “Great or Awesome? AND Our Colorado Cowgirl

  1. Love this post! Yes, I went through the "no sugar" years too, and my older kids still roll their eyes and talk about major deprivation! The sad part is, I was never thinner and in better health than during that time. There are days when I debate about dragging our new family additions into my old lifestyle… hmmm???

    ~Linda from Northern Colorado

  2. YOU ARE AWESOME!! oh yeah!! Oh so very awesome!!

    We have that too- the oh so sad stories of the older children! Weren't we awful- but didn't they turn out great!!

    Yes things have changed- and it does feel better! Thank goodness our older children take it in stride!!

    BTW- I would have bought the video game, too!

    Thank you Jesus… for the learning curve! U am sure the younger children are happy!

    Blessings to you, you awesome MOM!!

  3. We tried the no sweets thing when my oldest was a baby. We were going to do it through the toddler years until we just couldn't do it anymore. When we were telling my brother-in-law about our plan, thinking we were being such great parents, he just looked at us with this look on his face, and said, "Why?" Like "Why would you do a crazy thing like that?" And it was a good idea, but it only lasted until he was two. Oh well. That's a great story, by the way. And I'm sure all your kids know you're awesome, including your adorable little cowbgirl. : )

  4. Linny,

    What an awesome mom your are!!! I came empty handed from the game store today not finding what my son had requested. It about broken my heart to tell him I didn't find it when he meet me ever so hopefully at the car when I got home 🙁

    Also, I have outlawed cup-o-noodles at my house because of the extreme sodium. My kids think they are deprived beyond words — "but all of our friends can have them!!" My oldest daughter even thought about putting them on her birthday wish list. I probably would of given in on that one but she never actually wrote it on her list!

    Only a Good mom, Lisa

  5. We went through that phase to help our newly adopted teenage daughter get an appetite for healthy food…it about killed the family to make it a month! Don't know how you made it for two years!
    I so love the awesome mommy moment-seems like he's been reading "Good to Great" LOL!

  6. Dear Linny, Thank you for your encouraging words and for always sharing Life with us-the good and the not-so-good! I love this story and giggled as I read it.
    You are such a dear and have breathed life back into me when I became dry in this new place and season. My hubby doesn't know Jesus yet(after 31 yrs with me) so I just love him to pieces and love him for Jesus but sometimes I too need others sharing to bring a smile to my face-you always do that. I'm still praying for Autumn, DW and your new home and your whole gang. Blessings to you; sometime when you're in Greely I'll just have to bring you all cookies and Starbucks. Hugs today.

  7. OH MAN, to be a fly on your walls some days!

    Friend, you are an awesome LOTS of roles…mom, friend, daughter of Christ…you, just simply, ROCK!

    *whispers* but the no sugar rule…um, wow.

  8. Ha ha–I usually start out with great intentions just like that. Bummer that they never ever last 🙁 Hey, but at least I try 🙂

    LOVE that pic of your little model. She definitely has it happening!

  9. Awww, Elizabeth is adorable!

    *I've been away from the blogging community for a few weeks now, so I have quite a few posts to catch-up on over the weekend. Starbucks coffee, blogs, and books today…aaah! 🙂

  10. Linny, there is a quote by Friedrick Von Hayek, that states: "We will not become wiser, before we realize that much we have done was very foolish."

    I think that may especially applies to raising children… LOL

    Must say that overall it looks like you and DW have done a outstanding job so far… But really girl NO SUGAR?????

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