Potty Training or Something Like That

When Elijah & Elizabeth came with me home from Africa last December, Elizabeth was basically potty-trained. A few accidents here and there, but she was doing great!

Of course, less than 4 weeks later the fire happened, she regressed and it all went out the window. I didn’t push it, frankly, I had plenty to be concerned about without worrying about that…..

Months passed and she started mentioning, albeit occasionally, that she wanted to get up on that potty. And when she did, she would ‘do her thing’ (most of the time).

This summer we found two potty seats at a yard sale. Matching. Perfect. Elijah loved using it occasionally, as well. In Africa they were made to sit on them at least 3 times a day, so he knew what he was supposed to do.

Elizabeth & Elijah’s second most favorite part of the potty training experience is the prized M&M or chocolate chips after they “produce results”….but their very most favorite part is getting to dump their treasure in the big potty. I’m sure we can all imagine the thrill, or not. I was laughing outloud to myself the other day as I realized: here I am 50 years old and on any given day you can hear me saying in a rather freakin’ out voice (reaching decibals I didn’t know existed) as Elijah is fighting Elizabeth for her potty bowl (cause he wants to be the one to dump it), “It’s her pee-pee, it’s her pee-pee, it’s her pee-pee!” As I try to pry the potty bowl containing the treasure from both of their ever-so-tightly gripping fingers.

One day Elizabeth showed up in the hallway with her “prized” possession….so we could all clap….(and yeah, that would be winter boots coordinating with her outfit – cause a girl wants to do what a girl wants to do!). You go girl! We would never want to miss your special prize!!

So are the two potty-trained? LOL I’m guessing about the same time pigs fly. In the meantime, every few days, I break-up fights over whose potty bowl it actually is…..as they duke it out to dump their treasures…….

23 thoughts on “Potty Training or Something Like That

  1. Oh my gosh…the same thing happened at our house!! It's not happening now because they have graduated to the 'real' toilets–but now they fight over who will flush. (At least there is no 'dumpage factor' any more though.)

  2. Now that's a potty training story I've never heard before! Ha!

    I'm glad it's all so fun at your house…some moms get so crazy about potty training.


  3. oh, too funny!!
    i dont' know if you read mckmama or not, but she's got a great potty training 101 post.
    i'm sure after umpteen jillion kids like you, you could probably author your own book (which i think you should anyway)
    anyhoo. . . hope no one drops their "treasure" before making it to the target!!

    blessings, friend!

  4. I am in the midst of potty training my twins right now, so I am right there in the pee-filled trenches with you! The best is when you find pee on the floor, and don't know who it belongs to. Good luck! 🙂

  5. There are many blessings associated with adopting younger children … however, maybe this is one of the blessings of adopting older children. My African children already knew how to "go potty". However … we did have to teach them the culturally appropriate places to do such an act. In Ghana, there are very few public potties, so the children had learned to just go wherever they wanted to go. Thus, we had to teach them that we can usually find a restroom when needed, so there is no need to use someone's flowerbed, etc…

    I've got to say … while I have potty-trained two children at once before (we have twins), I have not had children fighting over who gets to dump the contents of their potty bowl. Too funny!

    Also, while you may be potty training at 50, I'm sure you are enjoying that more than you would be having an "empty nest". If we had stopped at "just 6 kids", we would be facing the empty nest this fall. I am so glad that we didn't stop. I am so glad that the Lord is keeping me busy with the next 7 children. No empty nest headed our way for a very long time.



  6. I've spent hours over the past two days reading past entries, so, although you don't know me at all, I feel like I know you. And I had to laugh as I read this, b/c we are toilet training our sweet Kiana, who will be 2 in a month, and we also clap, cheer, and reward with M&Ms!

    Many of your other posts have brought me to tears, esp since we also have adopted two children and are in the process of updating our home study to adopt again. Your story of your two little ones from Uganda have made me wonder if that's where our next child(ren) will be from. . .the Lord only knows!

  7. Ha ha—toooo funny 🙂 I had to laugh.
    Just catching up after a crazy 48 hours of yard sale for Hailee! Oh my goodness–we worked–but the Father rewarded us immensely. So happy to hear that you have people working for you…and Jubilee–NOT giving up. That is so wonderful, Linny. This is the Father's battle–we KNOW how He loves to be victorious in battle, hey????

    Love and hugs, dear friend.

  8. Can you imagine a delivery person coming to your door and hearing your "correction" over the treasures? 🙂 Yeah, the list goes on and on about things I have done (or said) that I would have never dreamed of, until I became a mama of course.

  9. I laughed SO hard at this post! My 3yo son is very possesive about emptying his potty bowl, too. Unfortunately for us, our bowl isn't as deep as yours appears to be, so I, the crazed 52yo mom, yell, "Let Mommy dump it…PLEASE!" That usually sends him running, flinging the contents all over the place in the process!

    I also love, love, love the picture of Elizabeth. My 4yo daughter often dresses in a bathing suit and snow boots, and I'm always happy to know that we're not the only ones having so much fun! 🙂

    I've mostly lurked on your blog, but I just wanted to thank you for the opportunity to laugh, cry, and pray with you!

  10. Oh my goodness! Too funny! We had two potties for our two who are 6 months apart. But, I must admit, I never let them dump the treasure out–just too much potential for a mess! lol


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