True Story Tuesday – The Skunk

I felt like we needed a lighter story after all the heaviness of the days of late. And this story is hot off the press….just over 48 hours old! I am still laughing about it – oh my gracious!!
True Story Tuesday is brought to you by our sweet friends, Rachel and Mr. Daddy….hop over to their blog and read some other True Story Tuesday’s….and do one of your own…
After dinner on Sunday I realized that we had not fed our barn cats. Actually, come to think of it, I never know what to call where our home burned down. I still call it our log house, but really, that’s gone. I sometimes call it “the land”…but there is a house being built on it, so that really doesn’t seem right either.
Anyway, you get my idea…..we have these barn cats who are our family pets out there. They are adorable and sweet and would follow us all around when we were outside. We sit and hold them and love on them. I’m sure they wonder why we have deserted them. Bailey is one of the cats and she has had kittens. (And yes, she will be neutered in the next month or so.)
Back to the story: so after cleaning up from dinner and getting the little ones ready for bed I thought, “Gracious, it’s getting toward dark we better hurry up.” Emma was up for the ride, since it’s about 20 minutes away and we hurried out the door. 20 minutes is long time when it’s getting dark. We have found that the cats won’t come out to eat when it’s dark. They won’t even poke a head out. I’m not sure why, but I had guessed that since there was a skunk that hung around sometimes, that they were afraid of him.
I was anxious to get there and get the kitties and cats fed. As we turned down our long lane it was so dusky I had my brights on. We grabbed the cat food and the container of milk I had brought. (I have to pamper these sweet little furballs of ours, they must be soooo lonely without us.)
I pointed the lights on the house and Emma and I scurried around the back of the house yelling loudly, “Here Kitty, here kitty, Bailey….come on! We have milk! We have food! Here kitty, kitty, kitty.” Nothing. Not one movement. Nada. Silence.
It was just about perfectly dark, but I thought, “Come on guys, we’re here, you can hear us, we have food, milk, come on out, you can trust us!!” What in the world? Come on silly kitties!! Come now!

We always put their food in the little barn/shed. But this particular time I said to Emmy, “Where is Bailey keeping her kitties?” Emma said, “In the chicken coop.” (Of course, the chickens and my beloved rooster were moved to a friends home the day of the fire, so it is empty of feathery friends until we move back in.) I said outloud, “Oh! Well don’t you think if we put the food in the coop, she and her kitties can eat it then?” She said, “I guess so.”

We headed over toward the chicken coop. It was so dark it was kind of hard to see. (Note to self: Buy a flashlight…all were lost in the fire and haven’t thought to buy one since.) Emma was in front of me and I was one step behind carrying the milk and food. We have a little path that leads down to the coop that is bush-lined and the coop is surrounded by thick brush and bushes. As we stood waiting for Emma to unlatch the lock we both heard something in the bush to the right of the coop. I turned, but due to the darkness I couldn’t see anything. At all.

What we’d heard sounded like a thud. Weird, that must be one of the kitties coming out of hiding. Emma then heard a growl. (I heard something, but didn’t know what it was.) I was straining to hear. Then another kind of thud sound.

And right at that moment I saw it. Not even two feet from me, and even closer to Emma.

My mind processed it in millisecond snapshots like this: Black? White stripe??? Tail raised??? AND POINTING AT US? RUN LIKE HECK!!

I screamed, “SKUNK!” We turned and I remember crunching my shoulders waiting for the spray to hit. I took off at the fastest top speed these 50 year old legs can carry me!! Emma who was now behind me passed me in a flash and was out in front by about 10 feet in no time. We took the shortest way to the car which was the opposite side of the house that we had come down. But on that side of the house is our wood in fallen down piles and scraps from the building process.

I felt like Superwoman “able to leap tall piles of wood in a single bound”…..We ran at speeds I don’t know if I ever in my life had reached. We were screaming like two naked ladies….As we ran I screamed, “IS HE CHASING US?” I have no clue if a skunk chases, but man, it sure felt like he was chasing us. Oh my golly gracious!!

We opened the doors, scrambled in and slammed them shut. I peered out trying to see if he was after us. We sat in the car panting, “Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! O-h-m-y-g-o-s-h!” I had a hot flash. Then another. No it was not heat from running. I know my hot flashes and the stress brought them one on top of the other. I thought I was gonna’ faint. Oh my gosh! It was so close. It was probably only a foot from Emmy. It’s tail was up and it was about to do it’s thing. Oh my gracious be!

I finally calmed down enough to call Dw. He heard my panting voice and thought someone had tried to kill us. He then told me that if we had been sprayed he would have come to get me in his truck and then he would have had us ride home in the back end. (Thanks babe. Who exactly was it who tenderly cared for you while you have been so sick? Who pampered the daylights out of you while on your sickbed?) He said he only would have let me in the bed of the truck after we would have sat in the irrigation ditch washing off. (Thanks again babe.) He was being funny. I think.

I had to sit there for about 10 minutes laughing with Emma and reliving it over and over until I was able to drive home. What a night. I thought I would probably have nightmares all night long. But surprisingly I slept the best nights sleep in forever. Probably all that energy exerted when we ran like mad. And that adrenlin rush probably knocked me out too.

So the question would be? Anyone want to wrestle up some fun? Come help me feed the kitties at dusk? Any takers?? Come on!! Wildlife and nature at its best…..Come do it with me! Do it! Do it! You’ll sleep like a baby!

30 thoughts on “True Story Tuesday – The Skunk

  1. oh. my. stars! what a surprise!! i can't imagine running like the wind out of there, but i bet if i had a skunk on my trail, i would!! dead roadside skunk stink ain't NOTHIN like a direct hit smell.
    i'm betting all the milk and food were left for the skunk to enjoy!

  2. I don't know how else to reach you and I don't know if you were on any groups with Cindy but she went home to be with the Lord last night about 6:45 eastern time! She will be missed by many!!

  3. You are entirely too funny! My question is, did the cats ever get fed that night? 🙂

    Hey, we want to see the progression on your new house being built…okay, so I want to see it…but if I do, then I bet everyone else would love it, too. Cuz I can't be all that wierd compared to everyone else! 🙂

    Love ya! Nancy in CT

  4. PS Better yet why don't we have a bloggy party at your house being built and come write things all over the studs of your house before the finish it.

    Oh, I wish I could hop on over there for a party.

  5. That's the best story I've heard in forever!!! My son heard me howling with laughter and had to come over to see what was up. It's his turn to read it next:O) Oh thank you for the laughs. My cheeks hurt now!!!

  6. I know everyone is going to love this one!! I read it and then read it to my kids that were in the room, and I will probably have everyone else read it. : ) I love it, and praise the Lord you did not get sprayed!!! Although, that would have made for an even MORE interesting blog post! 🙂

  7. Not for me thanks…my luck I would probably injure my other knee *hee hee* I have had a incident with a skunk who had sprayed the side of our house a long time ago…talk about smelling good…yea not so much 🙂

  8. hi there, we have 2 baby skunks that have taken up residence under our neighbors deck. We live in condo's! NOT exactly skunk territory. We have an exterminator coming to set 'safe' traps or 'live' traps today to move them to their appropriate living quarters! BUT they are so stinking cute 🙂 as babes, they need to go to their new home though!

  9. Funny that you post this… we had a skunk caught in a live trap for a muskrat… 🙂 my brother was sprayed trying to release it Sunday. He loved his bath in tomato juice!

  10. Ok chica – I'm gonna send you a flashlight in the mail! 🙂

    That is one crazy skunk story! I thought you were going to share the one with DW with his foot in the tomato juice bucket – but nooooo, you guys have a family of skunks that just likes you, eh? 🙂

    Loving the story – and laughing WITH you about running like naked ladies from a fast and chasing skunk!

  11. Thanks for the great laugh Linny! The mental picture I have made tears roll down while laughing so hard 🙂 Glad you didn't get sprayed!

    Count me in on the fast tomorrow! What a horrible, horrible situation! I trust that through this God will be glorified. Praying they are found and returned to their loving safe home!

    Autumn remains in my prayers! What is wrong with doctors….you don't play with peoples emotions and health like that! Lifting her up to the ultimaye healer!

    Thanks for the sweet words about my sister and I. What you lack in blood you have in Christ….TONS of sisters!

    Love ya!

  12. Oh my gosh that is so funny. I was picturing it in my mind and laughing!
    I just want you to know that I printed the picture of the little boys off and we have been praying for them.
    I can't wait for the report of the most awesome miracle of their release!!!!

  13. Not in a funny vein, I'm afraid. I did email but you wrote that you don't often answer email so I thought maybe you don't always read them often either so thought I'd mention here also. Apologies.

    Cindy A. passed away yesterday (Monday August 3). Here is the note from her son. —

    "Cindy was admitted to the hospital on Wednesday and was fairly alert up until Saturday evening. She was able to see all 10 of her children and her granddaughter as well. Many friends came to see her and she had company 24/7. Unfortunately Cindy lost her battle with cancer and is now living in paradise with the Lord. Cindy Sikes Adams passed away on Monday August 3rd at 10:37pm. Her husband Howard and son Wes were blessed to have the opportunity to be holding her hand as she passed. We deeply appreciate all of your prayers and concerns for our family and hope that because of your generosity and selflessness that God will bless all of you especially.

    Visitation with the family will be at Wilkersons Funeral Home on 5th street in Greenville, NC on Wednesday from 6:00 – 8:00pm and the funeral service will be held at Jarvis Memorial United Methodist Church on Washington Street in downtown Greenville on Thursday at 2:00pm.

    In lieu of flowers please make donations to the Gladney Center for Adoption, Special Needs Adoption Fund. 6300 John Ryan Drive, Fort Worth Texas 7632 – 4122.

    ** if by any small miracle any of you that receive this email happen to know how to hack into Cindy's blog please email me back ASAP!!!!!

    ** Also since right now we do not have access to Cindy's blog it is perfectly fine to email me back on this account with any comments for the family or questions. I will be making my email a public domain for the time being for the family.

    ** Furthermore please forward this email to as many people as you would like to and encourage them to email me back as well.

    God Bless You All and thank you for your support.

    ~Wes A. ( Cindy's oldest Son)"

  14. Good gracious! Good luck getting ANYONE to go with you to feed the kitties again! You really got lucky that time. Wow is all I can say. Through my laughter, of course!

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