Memorial Box Monday – Forgiveness

I am so thankful that some sweet bloggy friends are now doing Memorial Box Monday posts. If you are in need of encouragement, here are the links to some who did them this past Monday…….and one day soon we will have the sidebar thingy and the Mr. Linky thingy working too. But until then I am thrilled that these friends joined the ranks and are doing some Memorial Box Monday posts………..Tina.., Rett, Sarah, Karin and Shelly. If you are doing Memorial Box Monday posts and would like to be listed, please drop me a comment and I would be thrilled to do so.
I promised the story of Quinton when I wished Autumn a Happy Birthday back on the 20th of September. Today seems like a great day to tell part I.
As we travel about life, there are certain Biblical principles that we must cling to. It was because of God’s great and powerful goodness and grace that watched one of those principles unfold a few years ago.
A few years back Autumn was dating a young boy named Quinton. She had met him at youth group and they fell quickly head over heals for each other. It was interesting to watch them together and listen to them talk. Most of their time was spent talking to one another on the phone and so I would overhear Autumn’s conversations with Quinton. They sounded so mature as they talked, it actually struck me as odd. Often it seems that young ‘love’ is giddy and silly. But Autumn and Quinton’s conversation were not that normal silliness. They talked about life, what they thought about appropriately mature things and how life affected them.
Maybe that doesn’t make sense, but really, it struck me everytime I heard them talk. They got along so well. From day one, there didn’t seem to be any awkward moments. They just meshed together very sweetly as a young couple.
Well it was near the 4th of July that year and we always had a giant 4th of July bash at our home. Friends came to swim and have a big picnic and later fireworks. We were going to be out of town on the 4th so we had an early party. Quinton came too. Something happened and he and Autumn were not happy with one another. He left upset.
The very next morning Dw left with the kids and drove to NY to spend the 4th of July with his parents. Tyler and I, on the other hand, left and drove to Charlotte, NC to fly to Canada for a long-planned and happily awaited fishing trip. Just mom and son.
Tyler and I got to Canada and Dw and the kids got to Western New York and to his parents home. On Saturday the 6th of July, my father-in-love became very sick. His chest was also hurting and since he had had a massive heart attack years before, this could be very serious. An ambulance was called and Dw rode with him in the ambulance to the hospital.
Autumn was home with the younger kids while Grandpa and Daddy went to the hospital. A family friend took Grandma in the car to the hospital. With Autumn home with the kids, she noticed that Daddy had forgot his cell phone. At the time she did not have one. She had been thinking about Quinton alot and had not talked to him since they had been upset with each other three days before, on the 3rd of July.
One thing I have to say is that Autumn does not stay mad at anyone. She just doesn’t have it in her DNA. So while they were all at the hospital, Autumn took and called Quinton on Daddy’s cell. They talked and they each asked the other to forgive each other. Just before hanging up they had told each other that they loved each other.
Little did either Autumn or Quinton know that just 16 hours later Quinton would be killed in a tragic car accident on his way to baseball practice.
I look back on that horrible time and think about God’s grace. God’s grace that Dw left his cell phone at home. God’s grace that Autumn wanted to talk to Quinton. God’s grace that she called. God’s grace that Quinton was home for the call. God’s grace that they both wanted to make things right. God’s grace that they both talked for a long while. God’s grace that they both told each other that they loved each other. God’s grace that forgiveness is Autumn’s last memory of Quinton.
Being in Canada with Tyler and finding out that Quinton had been killed, all I could scream and cry were two things: Did Quinton know Jesus? AND How could Autumn go on when they had parted ways upset with each other? Little did I know, that our Miracle-working, Mountain-moving, Awe-inspiring, Gasp-giving God had been working behind the scenes prompting Autumn to call Quinton and get things right…… we praise His name in the midst of deep pain!
I wish I had a photo of Quinton and Autumn to post, but they were all lost in the fire. He was a very handsome young man with a sweet, sweet smile, exuding from his sweet spirit.
The other questions: Did Quinton know Jesus personally? That part of the story I will save for next week.
But for now, let me challenge you. Are there people that you have not forgiven? People that you are holding something against. It’s not worth it. Give it up. It has been said: “Holding unforgiveness is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.” Get things right. You never know when a life will be snuffed out. You never know what the future holds, but guarantee – there is nothing worth keeping unforgiveness. xo

17 thoughts on “Memorial Box Monday – Forgiveness

  1. Wow, I don't even know what to say to that story. How can anyone say there is not a God?

    Ummmm, I woke up this morning and realized I totally forgot about Memorial Box Monday (please forgive me I'm new at this ya know). I do have a very special one planned for next Monday though.

    I'm praying you have a safe uneventful trip home!

  2. Tears are rolling my down my face. I still cry for that loss Amelia as a community suffered through. What a sweet sweet blessing that Autumn had that peace of forgiveness!

  3. Linny–I think that forgiveness is one of God's most powerful tools of grace in our lives. Satan knows this and tries to convince us to hang on to our anger. Not only could unforgivness be directed at someone who might die, but I have seen SO MANY lives wasted by living day after day, year after year in anger and bitterness because they will not forgive. God commands us to forgive for our OWN freedom! 🙂 I wrote a post on this awhile back, and I think it's so important for all of us to forgive the big things and the little things on a daily basis so that we can live without bitterness. Life is too short to carry around all that baggage! 🙂

  4. what a sweet, yet tragic post. interesting that you should post about forgiveness. my devotion yesterday morning was on the same subject, and the text was corrie ten boom's testimony about forgiving the SS soldier who so bruttally abused her at ravensbruck. it brought tears to my eyes.
    thank you for your sharing, linny. and as soon as life settles down just a bit i am going to embark on my first memorial box monday post.
    you continue to inspire and challenge me!

  5. Linn,

    Thank you so much for this post. Of course I was brought to tears but am looking forward to hearing the "rest of the story." You are so right about forgiveness and the beauty of forgiveness is that you can forgive someone else, even if they see no need to forgive you. I am walking out that very type of relationship with my brother who has not spoken to me since we adopted from a foreign country instead of within the US. I was very hurt by his remarks and actions at our beautiful children but the Lord has brought me to a place of peace about my side in of the relationship. I have written him letters, continued to send Christmas and birthday gifts to his family just as I would if there was nothing wrong. Of course he will not entertain a visit with my family but his wife and children did last year. I continue to beg the Lord to restore our relationship but I care more about the witness that my forgiveness will be to him for Christ than I do my feelings. There is nothing I want more than to see my brother come to know that Lord and the possibility that our current relationship troubles could be a tool that the Lord uses to speak to him, gets me through those moments when I miss him.

    Many blessings, Lisa C

  6. God is amazing indeed!
    I am doing Memorial Mondays but not putting things in boxes simply because I have no idea where to find the right stuff to put IN the boxes. At least that's how it is for now. I love the blogging though..remembering what God has done.
    I do have a sidebar thingy that when clicked links to your blog but no idea how to link every Monday post to your Monday posts and well, sometimes you don't have a monday post on a monday. You know what I mean.
    I love your heart!
    Holly-Purpose Driven Family

  7. What a beautiful post. Thank you. There are many that I struggle to forgive, to include myself, but I am trying. I will have to send you an email some day to 'talk' about it to you. There is to much for here, but forgiveness is one of my biggest struggles!


  8. You have inspired me Linn. I am now joining the ranks of Memorial Box Monday, kind of. I am doing one called Wow God Wednesday check it out if you want

  9. Thank you for sharing this story of forgiveness. God is all about relationships of love, and we all do things wrong. So, we are just going to have to get used to always forgiving others. It is the way that our precious Lord showed us, isn't it?

  10. It really wasn't unforgiveness, but I had an ex-aide in my classroom who left on not so great terms. Just wasn't a good fit, but hurt her feelings in the process and she was angry at me. That was a year ago.

    She has been on my heart a lot the last week, so I left a gift on her doorstep and card tell her she has been on my heart after work today.

    She called in tears tonight saying that today has been one of her worst days that he sister had just recently died. She was so touched by my card and little gift.

    You are so right, unforgiveness or just not feeling so good situations like mine above are pure poison. Being loving is pure medicine for both giver and receiver!!!

  11. I am not a regular commenter here, but I do read often. This story brought me to tears. Thank you for sharing it. I am so glad Autumn called Quinton that day. There are parts of my family I haven't seen or spoke to for 20 years. Since I was in high school, I have tried contacting them, looking them up online, and everywhere I can think of. Once in a while I see a letter to the editor that my uncle writes in to a local paper, but that is it. My husband hasn't spoke to his family in 5 years now. This causes each of us pain. We really do miss them and want to get in touch with each other. Him and I both have tried, with no luck. Can you please pray that we find out relatives and rebuild a relationship with them if that is God's will. Thank you so much.

  12. I read this yesterday and was so moved by it. I have wondered how young ones do with the loss of a love like that. I know God's grace is more than sufficient, but loss is still always so painful. I have seen God move so many times like He did for your Autumn (I have one also :)), in the tiniest of things at the outset and then becoming the HUGEST miracles they truly are when looking back. The thing that has been plaguing me since reading is….does Quinton's family have pictures of them together? I know with my losses, that looking back at pictures helps keep it all from seeming like a dream of what happened. WIth the fire taking all those precious pictures-yes, there is a reason for that-and there is also the provision of others having those precious memories in print for you in your time of need.

  13. Thanks so much for sharing.

    Yes, forgiveness is crucial to walking with Jesus daily. I have a relative who is the most bitter person I've ever met. She has never forgiven anyone. She will seriously tell you about the day her baby sister came home from the hospital and got all the attention. She was 2 years old at the time, and she has hated her baby sister for the past 72 years. Truly sad!!!


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