The “Vacation” Continues

Short and sweet. I am updating Twitter (lower right hand column) as we go.

They found the problem. Hit the road. Heard thunking. Maybe it was our heads banging on the side saying, “What were we thunking? What were we thunking?”

Decided to turn around and go back to Colorado Springs. Rented a Yukon. Threw some of our stuff in the Yukon (which is very cozy) and headed back toward NY. We now just spent a few hours sleep in Hays, Kansas.

Are ready to roll toward some sweet bloggy friends home in Indiana.

Last night as we drove I burst out laughing. We had had a great laugh as we waited for the RV to be fixed too. We had found a Pizza Hut (Limon has not much so thrilled that we could walk in the freezing, driving rain about 1/2 mile to the Pizza Hut). We often play this game, “What would you do if such-n-such or where would you go if so-n-so?” Out of the blue Graham said, “What’s your favorite part of the trip so far? When we had to keep stopping on Wolf Creek and it felt like the RV was going to roll backwards down the mountain? Was it when the RV was thumping? Was it when it wouldn’t start at our house the morning of take-off? Was it…” We laughed and laughed and laughed. Yes, we have had some great laughs on the way. No exactly like we had planned (or anything at all like we planned)….but….we are making memories…..

Keep praying for us. Good to be in a car. More details later. And lots of pics….

You’ll hear from twitter if you are interested……


20 thoughts on “The “Vacation” Continues

  1. Keep making Memories! You guys are such an encouragement even in your difficult times. I am glad that you are continuing on with your vacation. Please enjoy! You are in our prayers!
    Lori King

  2. Kinda like the Christian version of the movie, "RV." :))) I believe they called their RV, 'the big rolling turd." Soooooo glad you are having fun laughing and making memories together! 🙂

  3. Hey,
    I am so excited your on your way to INDIANA!!! I just talked to Rett and hopefully we will get to see you in the morning.

    I'm just glad you are in a working vehicle. Don't give Rett all your hugs because I want some too.

    See you soon, hopefully!

  4. I knew you would keep going somehow. I love this trip, it's like reading a comedy/ drama/ mystery/ adventure book. Glad you are safe and moving forward. Great weather in RI!!! am I nagging? Lots of apples too, oh do I smell pie?

  5. Maybe this is all happening because we were thinking about selling our camper, but my hubby doesn't think God is leading that way. I showed him your post about the Rv when you first got it, and said maybe we should do the same thing, and trust God for a great deal later like you! Well, maybe God really doesn't want us to sell our camper, and this is His way of telling us! lol I'm sorry it has worked out this way for you guys so far. What a bummer.

  6. I'm sorry but your post made me laugh hysterically because it reminded me of a camping trip we took a number of years ago with a van that should have given up the ghost years before…a trip that was to take 5-6 hours ended up being 15…needless to say I had one melt down and the rest..well, we weren't laughing…great to talk about after though. Praying for a safe and wonderful trip no matter what!!!!

  7. so glad you can laugh and make memories in spite of all the delays and difficulties! Enjoy the rest of your vacation:-) And I think Isaiah must be related to my Bethany-she is always telling me-' my belly says it wants to watch a movie now'!!:-)

  8. You just crossed into my state of IN thirty minutes ago! Welcome to Indiana!

    So sorry to hear of all the mishaps, but at least you are all safe!

    Have a great visit with friends and family, and if you are near Upland I'd love to say Hello!!

    We have a summer shaved ice business and will set up at the Ducktail antique car show in Gas City for the weekend!

    I, on the other hand, will be taking our daughter to the English Nanny and Governess School in Chagrin Falls, OH on Saturday! A big life changing time for us!

    Hope your trip continues to go better and you are able to experience many memory-making moments!

  9. Bless your hearts! Our vacation was not as adventurous but not boring either-an allergic reaction for our soon to be 2 year old from a plant the dog was in. The 5 year old stuck a Lego up her nose, rain….you know the 'normal' stuff!

  10. I am sure there is a collective sigh of relief that you have decided start again with a new plan! But don't despair about the cottage:
    1st-find a year-round camp ground close to home
    2nd-drive, drag, or tow the RV to the camp ground
    3rd-rent the camping space-hence the RV's new home
    4th-visit The Cottage for family fun, camping and spiritual retreats without budging an inch!
    5th-Find a little match box RV for your memorial box as it is the Lord's miracle you made it back to Colorado Springs at all!
    WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? But we love you all the same for the effort.
    Enjoy your trip! Love, Lori

  11. I am sure there is a collective sigh of relief that you have decided start again with a new plan! But don't despair about the cottage:
    1st-find a year-round camp ground close to home
    2nd-drive, drag, or tow the RV to the camp ground
    3rd-rent the camping space-hence the RV's new home
    4th-visit The Cottage for family fun, camping and spiritual retreats without budging an inch!
    5th-Find a little match box RV for your memorial box as it is the Lord's miracle you made it back to Colorado Springs at all!
    WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? But we love you all the same for the effort.
    Enjoy your trip! Love, Lori

  12. So, we're following in your footsteps … and conquering problems along the way, too.

    We left Co. Springs this morning. We were supposed to drive South to TX, but because of the weather (snow in September?) we headed East instead, through Kansas.

    About 20 miles before Hays (you were probably sleeping there) the tire on our trailer pretty much exploded. Seriously. As tire fragments flew all over the road, and I tried to pull off safely, the tire ripped apart the underside of our trailer … bending metal, folding plastic, and ripping off the side of the cupboard under the sink. (When I looked under, there sat my detergent on the shelf.)

    We are supposed to be camping tonight … but we finally limped our way into a hotel in Salina.

    God has us both on quite the adventure. I'm praying for you. Won't you pray for us, too?

    mama of 13

  13. Oh my! So glad you are safe and sound in another vehicle! You were brave souls giving the RV a second chance but it just wasn't meant to be.

    You have already created great memories. I am sorry but I'm laughing as I comment. Your family will have many belly laughs over "this vacation"! Okay Sarah is asking me Mom- want are you laughing at? I am not laughing at anything – I am laughing with someone!!

    HAVE FUN_ I know you will- looking forward to hearing more on your adventure!!

  14. You always have to find laughter in every situation. My mom has alzheimers and if my family and I did not find the humor in the everyday things that happen we would be bonkers and heartbroken everyday. So keep laughing and have a great time. God bless you all.

    Love and blessings, Kristy

  15. I'm glad to hear that you are able to save your vacation. I also have a suggestion for The Cottage.
    In case you aren't able to "save" the motor portion of The Cottage, but you are somehow able to get it home, use it as "Your Cottage".
    You have bathroom and sleeping facilities, use it for guests, people who need emergency accomodations, etc. Just a thought.

    Enjoy your vacation.
    By the way, I'm 50 and I get tired just reading about all that you do.

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