Memorial Box Monday – Christmas 1996

Memorial Box Monday is here again! I am absolutely loving all the stories you guys are posting in the comments!! So amazingly wonderful! I know I’ve said this a million times (okay, maybe not a million to you sweet friends) but really, truly, when the rubber hits the road….it’s the many, many, many stories of God’s faithfulness that matter. The times He has intervened on our behalf. The times He has healed. The times He has provided miraculously. Or how about the times He has shown up with an amazing surprise?

And it just so happens to be an amazing surprise that I have to tell you about this Memorial Box Monday…..and it is a little wooden Christmas tree that is a symbol in our Memorial Box of this story……

It was December of 1996 and we had just packed up our stuff a few months prior (including our five kids – Abi, Tyler, Autumn, Emma & Graham) and moved from where we were pastoring in Charlotte, NC back to Virginia to plant a church. We were giving up our salary in NC and praying like crazy that the church would be able to pay us something before too long. And for the record, our bank account was empty. It was purely an act of faith and obedience that took us to Virginia to plant that church!

As Christmas was coming we wondered what we would do for gifts. We had had many, many lean years since we were married but given the circumstances it was indeed the leanest of all. Like way lean. We weren’t losing sleep over Christmas gifts, but we wondered what Christmas would look like.

Someone had graciously given us a tree off their property (it’s a tradition to cut one down for our family) and truly it was the most Charlie Brown tree ever. It had a few branches and even those were basically bare. Every time we would look at that tree we would laugh hysterically. Even Charlie Brown probably wouldn’t pick our tree, but we loved it – and were thankful for it. We were also just so thankful that we were there to plant a church among some of the sweetest people on Earth.

Christmas Eve arrived and the tree was still bare underneath. It was weird. I remember just not really being all that concerned. It just seemed that the Lord was going to do something sweet, no clue what, but He just loves to bless His kids who are being obedient.

Christmas Eve arrived and just as dusk was approaching we heard bells. You know the kind!?! Sleigh bells!!! And they sounded so beautiful. We lived out in the country in a little teeny, tiny house we were renting and so it was usually pretty quite up and down the dirt lane we were living on.

What were those bells and where were they coming from?? We ran to the door and threw it open to see and as we flung the door open we saw a guy in a red Santa suit shaking the leather strap of bells and running from the house. I laugh thinking about it as I type. Truthfully, we don’t “do” Santa Claus….but let me tell you that year we almost became believers. haha

We didn’t even get to see his face, he really was gone in a flash…..and as he rode away we looked and there in front of the door were huge bags filled with wrapped and labeled presents. *tears welling* Yes, “Santa” had surprised the daylights out of us and left bags of treats for each of us -from Dw down to baby Graham, we all had several very special things to open on Christmas Day….it was amazing!!!

It was one of the sweetest surprises we have ever had in our 31 years. We look back on it and laugh with delight at what a blessed treat the Lord gave us that year. He was looking out for us and blessing us with good things just because. Just because He loves us. Just because He cares. Just because He wants to surprise his kids. We are forever grateful for our Miracle-working, Mountain-moving, Awe-inspiring, Gasp-giving God who every now and then surprises us with special treats!! Yippee Jesus!!

And just for one last reminder…. if you have not signed up for the Memorial Box giveaway to possibly win one of the Memorial Boxes I found on our RV (not!) trip then enter by leaving a comment. If you want an extra entry post a story of God’s faithfulness in your life. Some of you told stories both weeks – I LOVE IT! Please don’t be bashful….enter again….it is such an encouragement for all of us who read them……. Infact one of the stories ministered to a deep need I have at this very moment and as I read it to Dw I bawled…….and soon I will tell you about that… made me cry my eyes out and spoke to my deep and very real need. I knew it was the Lord speakin’ directly from one of you!! So cool… share your stories!! Do it!

And if per chance you are new to A Place Called Simplicity and are wondering what a Memorial Box is you can read about it here.

39 thoughts on “Memorial Box Monday – Christmas 1996

  1. My husband Jason was on his way home from work a few years ago. He was at an intersection in the left turn lane. His light turned green so he step on the gas petal to go. Only his truck died. He couldn't get it started back up again. Seconds later he looked up to see a car running a red light and hitting a car that had gone around him. He immediately started praying for the people in the car that had been hit. The wreck was really bad and people should have been hurt, but they weren't.

    After all the typical post wreck stuff was taken care of, he got back into his truck and it started right up. No problem what so ever.

    As he drove away Jason knew that the Lord had reached down and turned his truck off. It would have/should have been him that got hit by the car that ran the light. And if it would have been his truck that was hit it surely would have flipped because of how fast the other car was going and how tall his truck was.

  2. Linny,
    I have so many to write about that I decided to write one more! I hope its ok.:)

    I was starting my student teaching in the fall. I was signed up to teach at a Christian school miles away. I didn't have a car, so I was unable to teach there. Bummer! So, they sent me to a Christian school next to my college so I could walk. Michigan winters are COLD! I was prepared to do it without complaining, but I really wanted a car. I did not have any money to buy a car. My soon to be husband had a car, but he needed it for work. I started praying for a car. While I was praying my husband's car broke down. He really needed a car. His parents found a great deal on a car for him. So, they purchased it and brought it back to college. Well, 🙂 he decided to check out his old car again to see if it would start up and guess what IT DID! It was fine and worked great! Guess who got the new car? ME! I did not have to walk through the cold Michigan winters to teach.

    I loved teaching there as well. And God knew they would need me to teach after my cooperating teacher decided to quit in the middle of the year. I finished out the year as their teacher and even got paid for part of it! God is SO GOOD!

    There is much more to this story about God's faithfulness to me that year. Kim

  3. My story is short and "sweet"! It had been a particular hard Monday at home with my two young sons. So after dinner I told my husband I needed just a little bit of time to myself. So he agreed to watch the boys. I decided to go to a local frozen custard shop. They always serve vanilla and chocolate and the flavor of the week. As I drove I prayed and asked the Lord to show favor on me and make the flavor of the week my favorite; pistachio. As I walked in I glanced at the flavor of the week board and guess what? It was pistachio! I almost cried right there in the middle of the frozen custard shop. God is so good even in the little things! I don't think I've ever had a cup of dessert that tasted any sweeter!
    Jan, Ft. Worth, TX

  4. This story reminded me so much of the Christmas we had when I was 18 and just off to college. My dad had a freelance business and a client he did a big job for never paid him. Someone at church handed my parents an envelop with $100 and then the pastor gave them a basket of all the fixings for a turkey dinner. Most of the money was used to pay a bill, but some went for special little gifts for my two sisters and me. God is good!

    But that's not the story I wanted to share. You just brought back another great memory. If I had a Memorial Box, I would place in it a CD. It would remind me about how God opened my eyes to see that our second child from China would be another son, not the daughter I thought. I had been watching our little guys photo on a list for MONTHS, and praying so hard. One night I left my DH and my oldest son (also from China) at home while I ran a quick errand to the bookstore. DH had been listening to a CD of a talk by one of the speakers from the men's retreat he had attended. I decided to listen in to hear what was said because DH had said it was good.

    I listened as this speaker talked about fathers and the importance of fathers, and especially that sons have fathers. A picture of my second son immediately flashed through my mind. I started sobbing. I cried out "Lord, where is his father! Where is this little one's father? He needs a father!"

    I drove on, pulled myself together, went in the bookstore and got the book that I had ordered and headed for the cashier. Suddenly, his face flashed in my mind again, and this time the name "Seth." I said, "Oh no. Oh no Lord. Paul wants a daughter. He said this time it had to be a girl." But I knew in that instant, he was ours. I walked back to the baby section and took out a book that had baby names/meanings but also their spiritual connotation and a life scripture. "Seth" was Hebrew for annointed, and the spiritual connotation meant "Chosen one." That sealed the deal for me. I prayed for courage the whole way home. After praying with my husband and older son, I asked my husband to come to see something on the computer. I pulled up my soon-to-be son's picture and Paul immediately said, "Let's go get him." I said "really?" He said "yes, he's our son." I asked him what he thought about the name "Seth." He said, "Yes, Adam's son. I like that."

    That was it. We did not pursue a daughter because God had another precious son for us. And boy do I have such a soft spot for little boys who wait and wait. Both of our boys made the rounds of lists and waited YEARS but all of that was God's plan because Paul and I had to be ready. And now we have our daughter. All in God's timing. Right? He's always on time!

  5. Hey Linn – I loved your story!! Such a blessing to be reminded of God's provision, even when the circumstances looked grim! Praise God!

    I would like to enter again so here's another story for my memorial box……I don't know what symbol I would use – maybe a picture of my oldest granddaughter as an infant. You see when she was born she was thought to have a very serious intestinal defect. This condition usually warrants surgery on the newborn which results in a colostomy bag for up to a year.

    One of my colleagues called me at the hospital when he heard that my sweet baby was thought to have this condition. He shared with me that his son was born with it and that he had to have several surgeries as a baby. In addition, his son didn't have normal bowel function until he was 11 years old!! My colleague said that the road ahead of our family would be a difficult one.

    So I sent out calls and emails around the country to my friends and family. There were prayer chains activated. My baby granddaughter was a few days old when she flew to Denver because Durango couldn't handle this condition – she needed a specialist. All the symptoms were showing that she had this dreaded condition. However, once in Denver, we were told that she only had an infection. I KNOW that my God saw fit to heal her. I will forever be grateful for His healing touch on her precious little body.

  6. Linny,
    Boy did this story ring a bell with me. It made me remember way back about 20 yrs. ago when are two oldest girls were about 3 & 7. We like yourselves didnt have any money to speak of. It was rounding closer and closer to Christmas and we still didnt have a tree. We really couldnt afford one either and to buy a permit to cut our own was more expensive then to just buy one. We were looking and praying for the only affordable tree we could find. FREE!
    Well one night about a week before Christmas my husband was on his way home from work, and happened to spot something laying on the side of the road. He pulled over, got out of his truck, and on closer examination found that something, to be, a Christmas tree. Just laying there waiting for someone to take it home.
    He couldnt wait to get home to show off his roadside treasure.
    When he brought the tree into the house the girls and I were literally jumping up and down, we were so excited. Finally a tree!
    We were so thankful, that we didnt even care that the whole backside of the tree had been shaved off when it fell onto the road. We nestled it in the corner of our little living room, and began to decorate it. It was truly the most beautiful Charlie Brown Christmas tree I had ever or have ever seen!

  7. Okay, so here is another "only God" story…and I have the original ad, so I guess that goes in the Memorial box…or a "reasonable facsimile", as my college buddies liked to say!

    In May 96 I idly picked up a free publication from a rack in the store where I was eating lunch. I idly flipped it open, and it opened to the ads…and there, in all her glory, was a picture of a darling Chinese baby. And the add said "Build your family…adopt a Chinese daughter." And THEN it said: "Ages 35-60; Singles Welcome!" The age and status are no longer true…but then…oh, YEAH! And it was a local number! Lunch was forgotten, I raced back to my office early and called, leaving a voice mail. A little while later I got a call back. After talking to the man for awhile, with a niggling feeling that I KNEW him or of him, I finally asked him what church he attended. He went to MY church, where I had taught Kindergarten for two years, where I had sung solos on Sunday mornings countless times. You see, it was a HUGE church. SO there was no WAY you could know everyone. But most people knew ME, because of the teaching and singing. And he DID! Which made it so much easier, and nicer. I became he and his wife's "pet project." And 17 months later, I received THE CALL…a baby daughter was waiting for me in China…did I want her? Oh, yes…OH YES! And tomorrow, Oct. 20th, is the 12th anniversary of THE CALL! Oh, these have been the BEST 12 years of my life!
    Thank You, Jesus, for the precious child You entrusted me with!

    Nancy in CT

  8. I did one last week but thought I'd share again…

    In May when I was about to finish kindergarten, it was a nice day outside and my younger brothers and I would argue who would get to eat their food outside on the top of the huge slide. That day it was my day and I was so proud of myself for getting my bright yellow (3 divided) plate and yellow cup on the slide in a dress and not making a mess.

    I hadn't been up there long when someone came up behind me and was talking to me at out fence. He asked me all these questions as well as if I could go down the slide for him. I did and climbed back up and and he asked me to go down again but I wanted to eat my food because I had to get to school. (is your skin crawling?)

    He had me almost convinced to go down again when my mom stuck her head out the window to check on me. She noticed him, even recognized him, and started a conversation with him while telling me to come inside. I didn't want to but you know that mommy voice that tells you if you don't listen you're in big trouble.. yeah.. that voice was being given by my mom… so I went in.. very mad…

    Sadly a week later, a little girl the same age as I was at that time, was raped and killed.. By the same guy that was hanging over my fence.

    I didn't realize how much this affected me until about 19 years later when I was dealing with hurts in my life and realized that I felt like I was living for two people… The little girl… I ended up writing her a letter then took flowers and read my letter at her grave site. It was hard… But God has released me to be me.. and not to be two people…

    I think if I had a memorial box, I would make a wood cross and put her name on it…

  9. Hi Linny-

    I'd like to sign up for the give away. I posted my story on my blog.

    God is so good!!
    Thank you for your post- what a sweet Christmas you were blessed with! Thank yo for sharing!

    Thank you Jesus!

  10. I have never commented on your blog before, but I have been reading it for over a year. Your family is truly inspiration to me. After reading your memorial box Monday story I had to share a story from my childhood when the Lord intervened in a big way for my family…

    I was raised by a very hard working single mother. It was my mom, myself and my younger brother. Mom was not one to indulge us year round with gifts and such because honestly we were poor. So very very poor. My mom worked more than one job just to make ends meet.

    Christmas was always a very special time at our house. Mom always made sure we had everything we wanted for Christmas. Honestly, I do not know how she did it. Christmas was big and wonderful. There was something about sneaking down the steps to see piles of gift under that beautiful Christmas tree.

    One year when I was about 7 and my brother was 5 my mom lost her job just weeks before Christmas. I now know how hard that was for her. She just knew there would be no Christmas. Jobs were hard to come by at that time and money had to be used to keep a roof over our heads.

    We woke up on Christmas morning and didn’t even have a tree. A few hours later my moms best friend came over and another friend came with a tree they had cut down. It was HUGE! But, we loved it. We had decorated the tree and were sitting around listening to the adults tell stories. While the Turkey baked in the oven. I guess I should mention the only "Christmas food" we had was a turkey. There were not traditional trimmings.

    While the turkey baked we were playing and talking and listing to Christmas music have the best time, even though there were no gifts. A few hours later there was a knock on the door. I remember it like it was yesterday. Stephen (my brother) and I raced to open the door first. When we got that door open there stood Santa. I also was not a believer in Santa anymore, but believe me, I thought her was real that day:) Santa stood there and said "ho, ho, ho" and came into our house with bags of gifts and Christmas meal with all of the trimmings.

    What makes the story so special was that my mom never asked anyone for help. She never applied for Christmas help from local churches etc. Someone, and to this day we do not know, who sent Santa to our house. That was absolutely the best Christmas we have ever had. I know it was the Lord answering my moms plea's. She never wanted us to go without on Christmas and God honored that prayer.

  11. I love love LOVE reading all these reminders of God in our lives.

    And here is my story..

    My boyfriend and I have been dating for 3 years now, and about a year and half ago my boyfriend's dad (who I am very close to) met and married a lady he had met at work. When I first met her, I had a hard getting to know her, and liking her. There was just something that bothered me about her. I would go home from their house and tell my mom, "I just don't know, she's just [[weird]]" My mom kept telling me that I should try to get to know her better. And over the next few months I got to know her, and she became one of my best friends.
    After my mom died last year, I felt so alone. My mom was truly my best friend, the one person I could tell anything to, my special advice-giver. But Rani (my boyfriends step-mom) was there for me every step of the way. Even when I couldn't cry around anyone else I could cry with her. I found myself going to her house at all times of the day and night just to cry. It was a very hard time in my life, and I prayed constantly for help…just to get through the next day. She's a miracle, a life saver and…my fill-in mom. I often feel that things she does reminds me of my mom. I know that my mom is in Heaven watching over me, helping me and listening to my prayers.
    This weekend, as it was my parents first anniversary spent with my mom in Heaven, I was having a hard time, I went to see my *fill-in* mom and we prayed. We prayed over and over. She kept telling me that God never gives us more than we can handle. And I have always known that, but sometimes, it's just so incredibly difficult. As I drove home that night, I prayed while crying, "Lord, it doesn't seem fair. But I know this is the way it's meant to be. I thank you so very much for giving me the most amazing, loving parents in the world. I know that she fulfilled your plans for her on earth and she is now with you. But can you give her the biggest hug? Can you tell her I love her? Can you tell her I miss her with all my heart? Oh and Lord, watch over my dad would you?"
    And right then and there in perfect view from my car was a shooting star. Blessing are all around us. I am so blessed to have someone to lead me, to pray with me and to be my fill-in mom. And most of all, I am thankful for the amazing Lord that guides me, comforts me and loves me.

  12. Ok, so it has been two weeks now that I have meant to write about what I would first put in my box, so here goes:O) It's kinda long;)

    We had finally arrived in Kazakhstan to meet our daughter. We knew that we were walking into an incredibly unstable situation, but were sure that the Lord was in it. We had already recieved one Letter in Invitation and then were stopped 4 days before we were to leave to go to Kaz. This was our second and we were just sure that all would be well.

    We first had to go to one of the Ministry's offices to get our clearance before we were allowed to go to the orphanage. When we walked in, they looked at us funny. Warren and I exchanged a quick look that said uh oh and held on tight to our faith that God was in control. The first thing out of their mouths was, "why are you here? There are no children for you." We were terrified. Kaz is not a country that is known for its easy adoption process.

    To make the story a bit shorter, we went to the orphanage and met a child, but we knew that she wasn't ours. She said that she had two girls that would be available in about three weeks and she would let us meet them. This was unheard of, you are not supposed to meet any children unless they are available at that moment. Anyway, we just knew that one of those girls was ours. I know that God was showing us favor.

    We went home and rejoiced and cried and prayed and fell asleep so excited only to wake up around 5am with severe pain in my back on the lower right side. I got up to go potty but it progressed within minutes and I was barely able to walk back to the bedroom to wake up Warren and tell him something was severly wrong.

    He was panicked and I was worried. Thankfully the Lord had strategically placed some Americans in the city that we had already made short contact with. One was a doctor and she walked me through my symptoms. I had kidney stones. I'd never had any problems before, but there I was in a third world country with no medical care and no epidurals or any such pain-killers!!!(It's true, kidney stones are like being in labor). I was there having my baby figuratively. We were supposed to meet her at 1pm, but we finally realized that I was not going to be able to go. I was terrified that we wouldn't be given another chance, but when our coordinator called she was told that they were busy that day and tomorrow would be better for them. God is so awesome!!!

    Right after that call was made I was laying on the bathroom floor crying and asking God when it would be over and He very clearly told me, "Not much longer daughter." I just love Him…He's so wonderful! Within thirty minutes all the pain had passed and I was tucked into bed falling asleep.

    The next morning we were getting ready to go meet our daughter at nine and the pain came back. Warren laid hands on me and took on Satan. God won!!! I was able to go and the first child we met was our beautiful angel baby girl!!! She cooed and giggled at us and we were told that she would be afraid of Warren. She stopped everyone in the room with her giggles at her daddy. She knew who he was:O) God is sooooo good!

    What Satan meant for destruction and pain, God turned to Beauty and Joy!!! So my trinket in our box will be a stone to remember the beauty that He brought into our lives out of incredible pain:O)

    Lots of love,

  13. I'm going to enter again ~ who knows, maybe I'll be a winner! (:

    My third Memorial Box story is a short one. I would include a piece of money from Mongolia. Understand that Mong. money is not strong against the dollar. I think it was 1500 to the dollar when we were there. But, the money will remind us that no matter the value of the dollar, God paid our daughter's ransom, not us. We never felt the pinch of needing $ for paying for this adoption because God always provided.

  14. Hello! Thanks for commenting on my blog. It made my day 🙂 And also for writing this post. It's funny but it made me remember something special God did for us one Christmas also. My parents were missionaries to Mexico for a year. We lived in El Paso Tx and they worked over the border in Jaurez. I would go with them whenever I was not in school. It was a very "growing" year for me – I was 14 that year and a freshmen in school. The public schools there were very dangerous (drugs, gangs, etc) but my parents had no extra money for private school. A man (whom we didn't know at the time) felt led to pay for private school for me. But it wasn't like he was a rich man. He took a SECOND job to pay for it. Amazing sacrifice and love.

    We spent that year ministering to the orphans and poor in Mexico and that was so amazing. I'm sure you know that most missionaries don't have any extra money! And we weren't going to have much for Christmas. Well, didn't our old church (and a few others) send us BOXES of presents. Everyone in the family and we had so many things to open. It was so fun just to see what people thought we might want or need – from toys to socks to jewelry. Thanks for reminding me of that special Christmas and how God provides.

    I think sometimes I think I'm not doing much for God so why would He provide special for my family like that? My husband works a regular job and although I lead our Awana program at the church, it's not really anything super special for God. But He does love to give good gifts to His children doesn't He? SO I think if I trusted Him more and prayed, maybe He would surprise me. Hmmm. Something to think about!

  15. Linny,
    Please enter me in the memorial box drawing.

    A story of God's faithfulness in my life???? I am so blinded by the chaos surrounding me and my life right now, honestly it is so very hard for me to see God in all of it, but somedays I catch a glimpse of him and this is how….

    It was earlier this year, I was gearing myself up to have a conversation with my 'room-mate', he is really my exhusband and we moved back together 3 years ago to try to repair the damage, build a life for our children, but have become 'room-mates' at this point. I become paralyzed with fear when I have to have a conversation with him on things that matter- even longer story- but I'd been in counseling for almost a year at this time of the conversation and it was time- things needed to start changing in our relationship, we were slowly dying inside the way it was. I made a dealine to talk to him, I was a mess, completely freaking out inside and out. I went to the store just to get out of the house to think a minute. I was sitting in the car in the parking lot of the local grocery store, listening to my choir CD and I laid my head on my steering wheel and was crying, singing, praying, pleading with God to let me know He was infact sitting beside me, pleading with him to hold my hand because I was so incredibly scared to start the conversation that needed to take place! The song that was playing was "I Cling to the Cross" a song I sang as a solo for our church, when I opened my eyes, hearing this song, I looked out my windshield to see a RAINBOW and one edge of the rainbow ended in a small cloud. I kept looking and the cloud was like a pillow with another cloud rising straight up out of it, and when I followed that cloud up it was a CROSS! I can not make this up if I tried! Oh how I cried, I replayed that song and I watched this rainbow thinking it will go away any minute but it didnt, so I left to go home- the opposite direction of this rainbow. I pulled in my driveway and got out of my car and that rainbow was still there!

    I went in my house and it still took me a couple of hours but I did have that conversation, it was as ugly as I thought but I did it!

    We are now gearing up for yet another conversation, this one to discuss when he will be moving out, I am completely stressed about it but you know what I saw yesterday when I came out of work? Yep—a portion of a rainbow!

    He is right here with me!


    PS I need an address for you to send you the pictures I promised you a while back for your new house! I have them in an envelope and I need to get them to you!

  16. This week I would put in a picture of our daughter Mia.

    When my husband and I decided to do another adoption from China, all we knew was that we were going to name our daughter Mia. We filled out the special needs worksheet that listed all the special needs we would consider. One of our special needs was "orthopedic issues". We thought that would probably be club foot.

    When the social worker called with a file for us, she said that she had a file for a little girl who was missing one of her arms. I was disappointed, because I knew my husband would never go for a child with a missing limb. I had her send me the file anyway, and when I opened it……

    her name was Mia.

    That's all it took. My engineer husband, who over-analyzes everything, immediately said yes.

    She is ours. And she is amazing. Sometimes we need for God to send His will to us in writing!

  17. In my memorial box i'd like to add a baby picture of my husband. For our family it'll be to symbolize the story their daddy will tell them to make them laugh. The sweet story of how when mommy wasn't even looking the Lord gave her daddy. Although apparently daddy had plans to marry her all along, or so he says.

    After my heart was freshly broken all I wanted was to be with friends again. My girlfriends younger brother and I would run into each other here & there. We would hang out from time to time. I never thought of him as anything other than a fun guy I enjoyed and my girlfriends brother (and you know the unspoken 'girl code.' Don't date your friends siblings!). Not that he wasn't nice or good looking or was anything less than perfect. I just never thought of him being mine or with me or us or whatever. After a few weeks of more time spent together his sweet nature grew on me and less than a year later he married me.

    When I look backwards all I can see is the Lords hand in the whole thing. As a little girl I dreamed of marrying a man with red hair & freckles. I don't think I ever considered the other attributes I might like or need. Just red hair & freckles please! Regardless of whether or not I was thinking about them the Lord knew them and had a perfect plan about who to put those traits in and when to connect us.

    I consider my husband to be the greatest gift the Lord has given me secondary to the relief of my sin debt. Barry is a man of integrity, selfless love, forgiveness, and so much more. I couldn't have dreamed up a more perfect mate if I had a magical wand. He has blessed my life in so many ways. I'm happy to have a home filled with laughter, light hearted fun, and joy. Never arguing, yelling or any kind of ugliness. Honestly, i'm in awe the Lord would even give me such a gift as this man I call my husband. He is a true treasure! Did I mention that he's handsome and is loaded with those dreamy freckles and reddish hair?!

    God is so good to humor a little girl with a dream that's bigger & better then her heart could have imagined. Just another glimpse of grace for me.

    Happy Memorial Monday to you all!

  18. One more entry for you, Linny

    It's kind of a funny one and I'll try to make it as short as possible. I would put a toy mouse (like the kitty toys) in my Memorial Box.

    I was deep cleaning my house one day and had decided to pull out some furniture to vaccuum behind it. I was using the small nozzle to get in to some crooks and crannies and all of a sudden I heard this big "slurp." Something was stuck to the end of the nozzle. I lived in an old house and it wasn't unheard of to have a mouse every now and then – yep, you guessed it – a mouse was stuck to the end of my vaccuum cleaner house. I do NOT like mice at all!

    As a new widow, my emotions were pretty raw and there were some things I just couldn't deal with. This mouse was one of them. I dropped the hose and ran from the room, wondering what I was going to do. Got a grocery bag to see if I could get the mouse unstuck without touching it. No luck!

    After a bunch of prayers and the mouse still stuck on the house, I decided it was going to stay there until my parents visited in a couple of days and my dad could take care of it. I could get in and out of bed on the other side and leave the vaccuum and mouse where they were (can you tell I wasn't too clear-headed at that point – lol).

    Anyway, I decided to go get my mail. As I walked out to the front yard, one of my friends drove by. We started talking and I asked if he would take care of my mouse problem. He agreed and came in. He removed the mouse and left it in the grocery bag, telling me I needed to look at it. I said, "absolutely NOT – I am not looking at the mouse." He said, "NO – you REALLY need to look at the mouse." (Can you see what is coming?) I finally worked up enough nerve to look in the bag and sure enough, it was one of the cat toys for my kitties!

    Anyway I was quite embarassed, but very thankful that God had sent Ken driving by our house in my "moment of need." So, the toy mouse is a reminder of His faithful provision for me – in ALL things, big and small.


  19. Well, just being prompted to write these out, has me convinced even if I don't get one from you, I will go find my own shoe box and put these in there…..thanks for the gentle prod….

    I am a photographer–and I was just starting out as a single mom….needing all the work I could get. I had a camera that I had been using to launch me out, but I needed to get serious about working….I was in the middle of a shoot when my camera DIED…just up and died….well, I faked it enough to tell my clients that we were good to go….that I got the shots they wanted (I was praying HARD that I did)….I had a shoot with the same family the next day, so a friend lent me a camera to use…I needed to get mine replaced ASAP, though and had NO MONEY….it was beginning of fall and was going to use my profits to clothe my 7 at home children. I put out a plea for prayer from my friends….clothes began coming in (which was HUGE in and of itself), but I still had no way to work or make any money TO work….I prayed!!!! I had looked online for a camera and found several on ebay for 500.00…may not be the best, but it would get me where I needed to go…….

    SO….I have a friend who is a doula. She called me (being as I have given birth to all 9-she THINKS I know what to do :)) and told me she had a birth that was late and she had an event she had to be present for and would I consider being back up for this birth….I said HECK YEA!!! She cautioned me that this could be an induction, so that she could be there, but just in case, she needed someone….The window of time she was not available was very small….ok…I will be there in case…..

    Well, wouldn't ya know it…I get a call on the DAY she was busy….3 AM….I go to the hospital, help out and she has the baby by 9….I am back home by noon…..and what I made?…….500.00!!!!!! I went straight home and ordered that camera!!!

    So, in my box I will put a toy camera….

  20. Your story about Christmas brought up so many stories we ourselves have of God providing for us financially in the toughest of times. We had been married 18mo. and Christmas was coming..we had little to no money and I was pregnant with our first child.My husband was in the air force back in 1969 and we decided to take what little money we have and go to the base to make ceramic gifts for our families who lived a thousand miles away. We sent them off with great joy! We knew we could not afford a tree or gifts for ourselves, but we knew a part of us but that was okay. Just 3 days before Christmas we recieved a card in the mail from Santa..with $25 dollars inside!! We were able to get a little tree, buy each other 1 gift and still purchase dinner for ourselves and a few soldiers who were alone. We never did find out who felt led to send us that gift of money, and I am sure they have long forgotten what they did, BUT we have never forgotten. We beieve with all our heart that we are to help those in need and that God is faithful to His children! This is just one of many stories of testimony where God has sent us money through the mail just when we needed it!

  21. I love this story. The same thing happened to us, I believe it was in 1998. My family woke up to wrapped presents under our tree. My mom still has no idea who snuck into our house and delivered the goods.

  22. We started the adoption process August 30,2007 for a little boy in Ethiopia. We got the referral Sept. 4, 2008 and thought we would have him home by Thanksgiving or Christmas for sure, but God had other plans. We always knew our boy should have a brother, but were set on the fact that we would wait and do the adoption process 2-4 yrs. later. Our first court date was at the end of April and we didn't pass. This summer was the hardest, most amazing summer I have had and have just grown so close to the Lord–like old times 🙂 I still didn't understand why the wait was so long, but about a month ago, we got a joking comment from our director saying "there are tons of baby boys at the orphanage and you are approved for two". Of course, Vince said NO, NO, NO… and I just told him my heart and then said "I totally trust you and if you do change your mind, you take the lead, and If you don't I am totally okay with that too." Well, the next morning, Vince talked to her about that and that afternoon we had a long-standing appointment at International House of Prayer for the prophecy room–something we NEVER do and it was a huge leap from anything we have experienced, but our friends have really felt like we needed to do this. Vince's prophecy was "Your life is a huge puzzle and you don't know how it all fits, but God will take you up a hill and show you your puzzle put together and it will blow you away. Even TWO pieces put together will amaze you. You will also be a roadsign; you will go and come back and then go again and bring others with you and show them the way". Thursday night I went to my Beth Moore Esther study and the video was about "waiting" and It was exactly what I had been going through. That night I was looking for a particular verse and couldn't find it, and God just showed me as I was turned the page. I totally prayed "I trust you completely with the timing, even if it takes forever, I know you will bring it to pass and it will be your perfect timing". The next morning we got a phone call for our court date Oct. 26th, just for our first son. Vince might have to go back to pick up our other son, if they can't pass both of them that day. Either way, God has been so timely perfect and amazing to us through this. I'd probably put a watch in our memorial box. More to the story, but that's the gist of it.

  23. This was not something I was looking for, but a miracle completely unexpected. This past week I had run some errands after our boys soccer game. I started the van to leave the post office and the bell chimed letting me know we were low on gas, so I checked the little "miles til empty" thingy up above my head–21 miles. Man, I'd have to get gas before we went to town. I stopped to drop something off at church, came back and turned the van back on. That's funny, I thought. No bell chiming. So I checked to see how many "miles til empty." 96miles. What?! There may be a slight difference at times, but not 70 miles difference! I got home and told my mom about it (they were visiting to see the boys soccer game), then told my husband last night (he had been on his way home from Austria) and he agreed. Definitely a miracle!

  24. Hello! I have never commented, but I have been reading your blog for quite some time. You always remind me of how much God cares about the details in our lives.
    I have lots of memorial box stories, but I have just began saving pieces to serve as reminders. One AMAZING God moment happened just last week. We have really been struggling financially recently. God has always pulled through for us right at the last minute, but this time it was looking bleak. I was really struggling with worry. It just seemed like God had been silent for so long. So on Saturday I prayed that God would please show me that he still heard me. I told him I didn't care what it was, I just needed something clear from him. To be honest, I was really just expected a word, maybe from the sermon Sunday that would speak to me. Nothing really stuck out in the sermon, so I didn't know what was going to happen. Well, I got the mail on Tuesday morning (it didn't run Mon due to Columbus day) and low and behold I opened an envelope that contained a rather large check. It was from over payment on a medical bill over 2 years ago! This is the last place I expected provision to come from! He granted my request exceedingly and abundantly more that I asked or even imagined! He is good, isn't He?


  25. What a precious memorial box story. Our former pastor use to call these "nuggets of gold".

    Linny you have to stop by my blog and read about our "nugget of gold" we received Sun. morning at church. God is so good!!
    hugs and love

  26. I remember before our oldest was born being broke and wanting to furnish a sweet nursery! I saw a dresser @ Goodwill for $17.00, and even at that price, I needed to ask my husband. I went back the next day to find it had been marked down to $7.00!!! We loved that dresser, and would try to find a miniature one for a memorial box! Such good memories – Thank you for "reminding us to remember" the faithfulness of our God!

  27. I loved the Christmas story, was going teary eyed myself.

    I know that I know, when we start our Memorial Box, there will be a Steven Curtis Chapman Live Out Loud CD in there. His song, "When Love Takes You In," was the additional prompting we needed to adopt for the first time. At the time, we had two children.

    Now, seven years later, we have five children! God is so good!

    Keep the stories of God's faithfulness coming!

  28. So, in June our oven broke…not the stove and not the broiler but just the oven…since it was gas we couldn't just "work on it"…I looked into new ovens and just couldn't bring myself to buy one so we went 3 or 4 months without one…one day my dearest friend called me and said her husband wanted all the details of our oven to see if he talked to "his people" to find out if they could figure out what was wrong with it…I prayed like crazy and she bought the part that they told him to buy and said I don't care if you can't afford it you HAVE to have an oven!!! I had literally planned to try to buy an oven BUT GOD answered…and I was SO EXCITED and my friend's husband would not take any extra pay…so it cost us a whole $50.00!!! I was soooooooooooooooooooo happy!!! THANK YOU JESUS!!!

  29. Linny,
    Back in 2001 when my husband and I were praying about if it was the right timing to adopt our first daughter we were asking the Lord for a sign. I had prayed and asked the Lord for $5000 dollars to help us with the adoption if he wanted us to adopt. We had never been given more than $100 and that was for a Christmas present. About 2 weeks later my Aunt called me and wanted to meet with me , my brother, and my sister. I thought she was going to tell us something about my Grandpa. Well, anyway she came over and said your Grandma (who had died 8 years earlier) wanted us to give you this.She then handed each of us an envelope with $5000 inside. I was so excited because I knew what it meant. God did many things during our wait that told us He was in our adoption. We went to China in Sept. of 2003 and got our precious treasure. She has been our daughter for 6 years and we got her a sister last year. I haven't decided what I will use to put in my memorial box for this.
    I am not entering the contest i already have a box I can use. I also gave my daughter-in-law a memorial box for Mother's day this year. I love this ! What a great way to remember what God has done for us.

  30. I love telling God incidences.

    Recently I took my 2 kids camping to Orlando. We came out of Seaworld just in time for the hardest rains I have seen in a long time. We were all so tired and wet and it was getting dark and thundering and lightning and when I got in the car and turned the ignition key NOTHING. I turned the key about 5 times and gave it gas and all I got was a click. Battery was completely dead. So what to do but pray. My children and I held hands and we prayed. Right after praying I turned the key and it started without any hesitation. My husband says coincidence and offers some science fiction explanation but I know it's a Godincidence.

    The next day at the campground we were ready to go buy a new battery but again the car wouldn't start. We prayed but still it wouldn't start. I turned to my kids to explain that God is with us and faithful even when we don't perceive it and caught a glimpse in the backview mirror of a man walking towards us and carrying a battery charger and cables.

    God is so Good and blesses us when we put our trust in Him.

  31. That is so awesome!!!!!
    One year my girls all wanted American Girl dolls for Christmas.WHAT!!!!!! Well there was no way we could swing that one.I didn't say a thing to anyone. Our friends came over for a pre Christmas gathering , actually they are more than friends, I consider them family. My Bella is their God Daughter. And what did they have with them, not one, not two, yes, THREE American Girl Dolls!They had no idea.

  32. When my husband and I were first married he was still a student and we were fairly broke! We lived in a 500 sq. ft. youth pastor parsonage and our furnishings were pretty sparse. He needed a desk to do his school work and we made it a matter of prayer. This is one of the first times I remember praying for some specific "thing" rather than for someone or for God's help, etc. My husband helped a friend move one Saturday and when he came home with a desk, a spare one that the friend passed along as a thank you for the help, I was so thrilled! The Lord really did give us a desk!

  33. Staples….yep, staples….that's what I would put in my memorial box. Why- because when I was 8 I had cancer. A kind that is really really rare. So rare- my docs couldn't find anyone MY AGE that had ever had it. It weighed 5 lbs. I also have a picture of it (could put that in the box too??)
    You see God worked many miracles through that situation. He taught our family how to stay together when we were apart- fr the surgery, and the many months of radiation afterwards. He taught us we could live with less….because we had to- no money for other things. He taught us that waking up and breathing is a real gift!
    Why staples? Well, back in the day that is what they used to "sew me up". Now the crazy story goes like this. When I woke up being 8 – the first question I asked my parents was did they cut through my belly button. No was the answer. Well a while later when it came time to remove the staples they said to me (mind you I am only 8) don't look down. Well, what do you think I did- of course- I looked down. And then it began to split- oops!!! Guess that doctor should learn not to say those kinds of things to an 8 year old!!!
    By the way….that surgery, my cancer….that is what laid the foundation for our family to adopt. And adopt we have- what blessings I could have missed if it weren't for the cancer I & my family had to endure when I was so young.
    Of course PRAISE GOD!!! I have been cancer free for 27 years!!!! Amen- Thank You Jesus!!!

  34. Oh, I have so many stories of the Lord's goodness to me and to my family. But, I have a sick baby so I'd better head off to bed. Hopefully, I'll find a moment to post one or two of my stories tomorrow.


  35. I just love your Memorial Box Monday stories. Your faith is such an inspiration to me and many others.

    If I had a Memorial Box I would have to put a fake check in it for the way God miraculously provided the last $2000 for our adoption agency fee just a few months ago. I had just finished speaking with someone at church about how frustrating it was to be done with all of the dossier paperwork, but to still be lacking money to send it to our agency. The next person who walked up to me handed me an envelope with our family's name on it. I didn't look in it until later and…you guessed it…inside was a check for the exact amount we needed! God is so good and I know He will continue to provide IN HIS TIME for the remaining funds we need to bring our daughter home from Taiwan!

  36. OK- I posted this same comment on the last Memorial Box (for last week but today-eek) but realized I should be a bit more current—-

    I have a "red glass heart paperweight" that I call the heart of God. Here is the story written in third person–I wanted to post it Monday but I am running a bit behind as it is NOW Thursday and this is LAST weeks post by you-AHH!!But I had to enter to try and win.

    The entire story is on my blog for those interested—but here is the end:

    As she sits in the chair beside her mothers bed looking upon the shell of her mother’s body she realizes her whole life all she ever wanted was to be loved. That is why she fell on the ground and begged for Jesus to enter her heart because the minister said “He would never leave us or forsake us and loved us as we were” That is why when a young man paid her attention she gave her heart away without thought or care. She remembers three days earlier she heard the words she always wanted her mother to say. As a young girl she would say them to her mother and wait only to be disappointed that they were not reciprocated. Paramedics were bringing her mother in through the back door of the house. They had brought her home to die. That is what she wanted. She was very heavily medicated for the trip to try to make it as comfortable for her as possible. She had been in a great deal of pain as the cancer had eaten through her bones causing fractures. As they wheeled her into her room she opened her eyes and looked around and an overwhelming look of peace passed over her mother’s face. Her mother looked into her eyes and mumbled three tiny words that will forever reverb through her life as the three greatest words. Though her mother was heavily medicated and her speech was slurred the young woman knew with everything that was within her what her mother had said… “I love you”. Her mother never spoke again or awoke fully again. As she sit starring at what was not her mother at all, but something like a shadow, she knew she was loved. She knew she had always been loved, but something about those three words, she knew that only God knew how badly she needed to hear them. She knew that they had to have come from Him, the one who infinitely loved her. She rose leaned over her dead mother and gently kissed her hand and said I love you. Then she held up what was in her hand, gave the red object a good look and then tightly grasped “the heart of God.”

  37. I so love your Memorial Box Monday's. I keep saying I'm going to begin one on my blog, but keep forgetting. You know, I feel like God has truly been there for us, we have been so blessed with family that Life has not been about struggles. I pray each day for God to continue to keep my family safe, healthy and happy. I remember growing up and many times my hard working parents barely had enough milk to put on the table. My mom's youngest sister and her husband longed for a child, but never were blessed with any of their own (35 years ago, adoption was very expensive and difficult I have been told, so they were not able to adopt either) they became 2nd parents to many of their neices and nephews. I remember one Christmas my father was laid off from work and there would be no Christmas for our home (as far as presents go), my mom's sister and her husband purchased gifts for our entire family. Still to this day, we are all very close and I feel that although God did not give them children of their own, they have been the most wonderful blessing to all their neices and nephews and we all feel like they are our 2nd parents.

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