Overload maybe?

Lately, we have been scurrying around trying to find all the things necessary to finish the house (carpet, tile, wood flooring, sinks, faucets, trim, countertops, lights – in and out, etc.) so we can move in before too long……

Of course, we were doing it all as hastily as possible since there appeared to be a large chance that I might be able to go to Ch*na before Thanksgiving. BUT Dw talked to our agency on Thursday and he learned that a family whose paperwork requesting TA (Travel Assignment)was sent the exact same day as ours – yeah, well they are in Ch*na right now bringing home their little one. HUH? But we have not even heard a word……Talk about wondering what in the world is up???

Then in my “spare time” over the last 8 days I had four dental appointments. It was a long process to remove all the mercury fillings I had acquired as a kid. Not exactly my idea of a good time, and not exactly one of the top things on my fun Bucket List…..but we were feeling it was pretty necessary…….My dentist is an awesome Godly man, attends our church and dedicates much of his vacation time to serve the orphans of the world. He may even be going to Uganda with Dw this coming year. Two of the appointments, in the midst of removing it all (with only novacaine as the pain reliever) I fell sound asleep. My snoring woke me up!! Our dentist thought that was hysterical!

Anyway, I asked the dental assistant to take a picture of me, all “dolled” up. Knew you guys would love it – and certainly you’d be wishin’ it had been you! So between the dental appointments, the house stuff, waiting to hear from Ch*na, out of town friends visiting and “normal” life…..the other day I found myself coming home from WalMart talking on my cell. The cabinets we had ordered for the house had arrived and they looked horrible – nothing like the sample that we had chosen. Long story. So I was on the phone with the cabinet rep as I left WalMart. He was very kind and we are returning the cabinets. But I talked to him the entire way home. I pulled in the driveway and Graham ran out to the car because he needed a ride to worship practice. As he opened the front passenger door to climb in beside me he found this on the front seat loaded with our groceries. Oooopsie!! I completely forgot to take the groceries OUT of the WalMart basket. I burst out laughing. I had not noticed putting it in the car, nor had I noticed it the entire way home. Nor had I noticed it while I sat in the driveway waiting for Graham. My kids thought it was really funny…….Mama’s head must be a tad overloaded. And yes, not to worry, I will be returning the basket thingy to WalMart on my next visit….
Then a day or two later I went to the basement room to walk on the treadmill. I have been diligently working to get back up to snuf. I have always been an avid exerciser. Never needed an incentive, just always loved to exercise. But since the fire? Not-so-much! So this particular night, when the four little ones were in bed and the big kids were at the house working on things with daddy I went down and walked for 41 minutes. I watched HGTV’s House Hunters (love that show!) while I walked. When I finished there was still a good portion of the show remaining so I sat in the chair to watch the rest.
Here’s what happened:

Graham had come in the room and found me like this…..he ran and found my camera and snapped these pictures. I slept thru all his snapping and laughing. He then called Josh and Emma to come see. I guess everyone thought it was rather comical that I had fallen asleep on the hard chair. Then Graham said, “Mom you always post pictures of us on your blog, even pictures we don’t like (okay, whatever son, whatever)…..so you have to put these on your blog too.” So there ya’ go friends – there ya’ go!! In fairness to my family – it’s the real me….the real deal….Unedited and in living color…..and yes, I am wearing one of my Third Day tee-shirts…..wait till you hear where I got it!!

And lastly, in the midst of all of this I realized that I had not chosen a Memorial Box winner – so tomorrow I will announce that!!

28 thoughts on “Overload maybe?

  1. way to go Linny, one should always be willing to humiliate oneself as much as their family…

    That's one of the things I love about Rach she is also willing to post the REAL stuff…

    Loved the post…

  2. PS I actually sit and laugh at House Hunters too that these people think that they can't live without a walk in closet or 2 sinks in the master bath. Funny how we have 3 kids and only 1 full bath with 1 sink and no walk in closets. We seem to manage just fine (I do dream of having a big closet someday though.)

  3. Bless your heart, you must be worn out!

    I did think of you the other day, I had scheduled appts for all 3 kids at the same time a while back and was an absolute nervous wreck by the time we left the doctors office and it made me wonder, how in the world do you manage appts for your kiddos?

  4. Linny,

    Too funny! I hope my family doesn't see them, or they will be sneaking around trying to capture the "real" me as well! Ha, ha!

    Hope you enjoyed your nap!

    Janet,Kevin, Ted, Philip, and waiting for Eli

  5. I can totally understand being on overload. I love that you are always so real, without hesitation. You are the best and because of that, please take time to get some rest. Continued prayers and still believing in a miracle for Jubilee!! Hugs and love

  6. Haha!! Guess you wore yourself out! With all the stuff you do during the day, I'm amazed you didn't pass out WHILE walking on the treadmill! The pictures are so cute- sounds like you're a sound sleeper!! LOL

    I am so so sorry Jubilee won't be coming home before Thanksgiving. I am praying for her and for you guys to be able to bring your sweet girl home soon. ((hugs)) I wish I knew what God was up to.

    So when you walked out of the store with the basket, did you actually pay for the groceries? Ha! Because once I pay for mine, they usually give me these really cool plastic bags and I don't need the basket anymore. 😉

    Love ya Linny!

  7. Linny, this post made me laugh and laugh because this is exactly how life is around here. I have been exhausted…having dental work (nearly weekly since August)…falling dead asleep if I allow myself to sit down…and I have done some funny things too (that basket was too cute). So glad to hear that other mommas feel the same way. Hugs. Ann Marie

  8. I fall asleep in the dentist chair, too! Love having those teeth cleaned- hey, I guess I just like it when someone is taking care of me!

    Building a house is hard work. It is so time consuming and so many decisions. I do not envy you. Praise the Lord it will be done soon enough and that wonderful family of yours can make it a HOME!!

    Lovely pics of you!! Way to go!!

  9. I just found your blog and love your honesty! Kids sure are fun aren't they? I admire your love for life and God. What a gift to share with all of your precious children.

    We are in the process of waiting for PA and LOA for our little emperor from China. Child #2 for us. Hubby says that is enough. He stresses out about the finances. I on the other hand just say have faith. God will provide. I would love to have more that 2 but don't think it will happen for us.

    Hope you are able to get a little relaxing break for yourself soon!

    Blessings and hugs,

  10. Oh my! How tired you must be dear friend.
    I find, when I am overloaded, I use the wrong words, like, "Please put the tea in the washing machine." "I think your shirt is in the kitchen cabinet." When I am no longer making sense, I know I need a break.

    May you find some rest, sweet friend,
    BTW, Thanks for the laugh!

  11. Ya, was wondering if you found the receipt in the basket or did they think "that lady looks like she will come back and pay"
    For the next few days why don't you go to bed when the littles do?

    I know easier said than done.

  12. Linny,

    Loved this post! So glad to know that i am not the only one with days (or weeks) like this!
    Praying that you will be going to Ch*na SOON!

  13. Oh my gosh Linny–I am totally cracking up! The sleeping pic is funny, but oh my goodness–the dentist chair????? You are hilarious! Fabulous candid shots, dear friend. Thanks for the chuckle.

  14. First, you are in serious need of sleep. A few years ago I was exhausted, sick all the time, but running full steam. My doc said, "You need to rest." My hubby heard that and immediately booked me a room at a hotel in town, dropped me off there the next night with no car, and for two days I spent 19 hours sleeping. I came home a new woman. You need this kind of intervention. I wouldn't have done it. My husband knew that, so he did it for me.

    Second, I am praying your TA comes THIS WEEK! Jubilee needs to be in her sweet Mama's arms.

    Lastly, House Hunters. I used to watch that all the time before we ditched the cable company to save money for our third adoption. The funny thing is, I used to love it. Now I occasionally catch an episode at someone else's house. But it annoys the heck out of me to hear empty-nesters, or a couple with one child say they NEED at least 5000 sq ft. Or that everyone has to have their own bedroom. Or that they have to have (insert desire here). I watch those home improvement shows and see people spending 50K or 60K on a new kitchen and I think, "oh, they could give a home to two children for that kind of money and the children wouldn't even care if they have stainless steel appliances, a warming drawer, wine fridge, and steam oven."

    I know, not everyone has to think this way. I think that God is just dealing with my own struggles with the desire to keep up with the world when He's got something different in mind for us. I really can't watch those shows because it does tend to bring out either a) lust for stuff, or b) judgementalism and neither is good for me.

  15. Hi Linny,
    My dh and I are waiting for TA, also. We received our sweet Mindy's referral pic on 8/21/09. Quite possibly we'll be in Ch*na at the same time, how cool would that be???? Seriously, it's time for Ch*na to let our girls come home.
    Nite-nite, sleepyhead!!! hee hee What I want to know is: did you take a shower or just fall into bed? lol Maybe you were a stinky sleepyhead!!!

  16. Brave woman to post both pictures of you in chairs!!! I thought that was me you were talking to coming out of walmart, but that was home depot when you returned the darned cabinets!!! I was like you have your story all wrong!!! It's a good thing you did not end up with one of those lumber carts in your car then I would be really worried, Walmart basket just felt that you were being eco friendly!

  17. Linny, I feel like you! I woke up this morning at 5:33, wondering why in the world it was so bright already. Um…I realized I was sitting up in bed, light on, tv on, and remote in my hand…all from the night before! I hadn't moved a muscle all night long! The emotions of homestudies and such are wearing me out. How will I handle a toddler??? 🙂

    Praying you get to travel soon…and caught up on your rest beforehand!


  18. hi linny! just caught up on your blog a little as i'm in uganda now to bring home our elijah. we are praying to make our flight on wednesday night, but are confident in His timing. He has moved mightly already. I am still praying for your Jubilee and will pray that your TA comes SOON.
    i am here with some of the people that went on the trip with DW…..what a blessing they are to have here!
    so thankful for you and your family!!


  19. Hey, I've seen you like that before!! Awesome, wish I could have been there for that (the sleeping and the laughing hysterically part!)

    Love Chrisann's gift, praying, praying!

    Love ya!

  20. You falling asleep in the hard chair made me giggle and think about on our way home from Revolve when we where playing the thankful game and you where writing everything down one second and the next second you where asleep as we where all still telling you things to write down! 🙂 Love you!

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