
I knew something had to be wrong….I had just talked to Dw a few minutes before and knew that he had some things he was doing (meetings, etc.) and so for him to suddenly walk thru the door was completely unexpected. When I heard the door I called, “Dw, is that you? What’s wrong?”
As he came up the flight of stairs I could see he was crying. WHAT? WHAT IS WRONG?
The agency had called him. Turns out that they had been calling the United States Immigration Office in Guanghzou for days. Finally they had learned that our paperwork was sitting on some “kind” (I use the word loosely today) soul’s desk for weeks. There is a problem with the paperwork, once again, due to the fire. All the immigration paperwork has to be refiled.

By the time DW poured out the update he and I both were bawling. Are you SERIOUS??

For those who have never adopted, it might be hard to understand. But we have prayed, longed and dreamed of our little girl for 570+ days now. She is the daughter of our hearts and we cannot believe that there is yet another obstacle to bringing her home.

Really, since the Lord had spoken to me, about 9 years ago (or more), that our 7th would be a girl and her name would be Jubilee I have been dreaming of her ever since.
What all this means, we do not exactly know. We are certain that the battle is spiritual. No doubt.
But she will not be home for Thanksgiving and she will not be home for Christmas and she will not be home for her 8th birthday.
I saw my sweet friend Jen (she is also on our staff) at church a few minutes ago. She mentioned that the Bible is filled with examples of God being angry at injustice. And yes, we believe this would be one of those times. We are grieving too. And we are frustrated beyond frustrated.

Liberty said to me a few minutes ago: “Are you mad AND sad?” Yes, sweet baby girl. I am mad and sad. She went on to tell me about a different situation that makes her both mad and sad. Always another opportunity to talk about feelings.

So what do we do when we are convinced it is spiritual? Pray, fast and persevere. But for the moment I will just cry my eyes out.
PS Kathy in Australia just sent a comment that said that God had woke her up to pray for Jubilee and us, and she wonders what is going on…..Thank you for all who have prayed and continue to pray.

80 thoughts on “Jubilee

  1. Oh Linny,

    So, so very sorry to hear this news. I remember how hard the waiting was for our little treasure from China and the set backs were brutal. Sending you a huge hug across the miles and continuing to pray.


  2. I just want you guys to know that we are all praying for Jubliee and for your family…it's all gonna unfold and it's gonna be awesome…i still believe that God has a plan for her 🙂

  3. Linny,
    I have lurked for many, many months and always gained strength from you. I have to delurk on this one. Another family with my agency is also having problems with USCIS. They are a grandfathered I-600 family and their renewal only has the renewal date on it. CCAA thinks they should then be an I-800 family. Won't give them LOA. USCIS refuses to re-issue the I-171 with the original and renewal dates on it, as they have on many other grandfathered cases. So they have gotten Diane Kunz, who is the Exec Director of The Center for Adoption Policy on their case. She is going to bat for them. I don't know what your situation is or if she could help… but if she can it would be so wonderful!
    Praying for your family and sweet Jubilee!
    Blessings, Sandy

  4. Linny,
    If I lived close enough I would bring you a box of Puffs and cry with you. I can't imagine your pain and even as someone who had gone through adoption I can't even begin to imagine your pain. You have waited wayyyyy to long to put your arms around that child and it's not fair.

    I'm so sorry!

  5. Oh no! I'm so sorry…I sit here and I'm holding back tears as I type. I pray that the Lord will move mountains and get your daughter home. Sending up prayers for your family tonight.

  6. Oh. Oh wow. I was just sort of sitting here numb and had no idea what to say. A post with that title was SUPPOSED to say that you'd gotten TA! Not this!! My heart cried "Jesus…?" in pretty much the same tone a child with a boo-boo cries for Daddy. And the word VICTORY came to me clearly, so I searched on it.

    "Hear, O Israel, today you are going into battle against your enemies. Do not be fainthearted or afraid; do not be terrified or give way to panic before them. For the LORD your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory." –Deuteronomy 20:3-4

    "The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. Shouts of joy and victory resound in the tents of the righteous: 'The LORD's right hand has done mighty things! The LORD's right hand is lifted high; the LORD's right hand has done mighty things!'" –Psalm 118:14-16

    "…for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God." — 1 John 5:3-5

    And of course Psalm 20 came again, just like before for you…"We will shout for joy when you are victorious and will lift up our banners in the name of our God. May the LORD grant all your requests. Now I know that the LORD saves his anointed; he answers him from his holy heaven with the saving power of his right hand."

    God woke me up this morning to pray too, about quarter 'til four here in Florida, and I have no idea what time that is in Australia but it is great that you're getting world-wide prayer coverage! We will hold up your hands, dear friend. Rest in Him, and remember the battle is already won and the outcome is a foregone conclusion.

    A huge cyber-hug ((((((((((((()))))))))))),


  7. Oh, Linny, I am SO sorry to hear this news! I can not even imagine how devastating it must be after all the hoops you've ALREADY jumped through, to have to do more and even worse, to have to WAIT LONGER!!
    I will be lifting you all up in prayer, thankfully our God is a BIG God 🙂
    Big ol' hugs coming your way!

  8. Linny dear,
    Please know that we will be praying your sweet Jubilee home. In His time the doors will open, and you will see that "at just the right moment" it will be so.
    Sending hugs your way.

  9. Oh, Linny, my heart aches for you, and Jubilee right now. I am so sorry that you are having to endure this terrible injustice!

    I will NEVER give up praying that our All Powerful God will intervene some how, some way. Do not give up, EVER on your beautiful Jubilee! Keep believing that she WILL be home with you some day, and oh, what a celebration it will be!

    I pray that the peace which transcends all understanding will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.


  10. oh guys I am beyond sorry! We will continue to pray and pray.
    My heart is breaking for you. I don't even know what to say. There is nothing I could say to ease you pain and disappointment. Just sending prayers and a huge hug to you all.

  11. Oh, Sweet Linny, I am grieving with you, grieving for you, for your family and for Jubilee. I have been checking several times daily, just to see those letters TA!

    Another friend received a message today of a delay. Her son is waiting on a kidney transplant. Another dear friend is the living donor. I believe this, too, is a spiritual battle.

    Tonight, you and they will be in my prayers!


  12. I am so sorry! My husband and I will pray tonight for Jubilee and you and your husband. This is so hard to understand! God knows right where Jubilee is tonight and He will sustain her until she gets to you! And He will sustain you too!
    Adoption is the very heart of God and Satan is prowling around to stop it from happening. But he doesn't get to write the end of the story!! Praise God for that!

    Feeling your sadness and frustration tonight with you!!

  13. Linny, I am so sorry. My heart aches for your family and for sweet Jubilee. What in the world is up with immigration?! Is there someone you can contact that will work with you? I pray you can get things figured out quickly.

  14. Oh Linny, I am so sorry and you have every right to be angry. What kind of things do you have to do over? I don't understand!!! How can we turn this anger into something positive for Jubilee!!! She needs to be with your family, God knows that. I just wish I knew what His plan is!
    Hugs, hugs and more hugs,

  15. Dear Linny and family, I prayed this morning as I awoke that God would break my heart for the things that break His. Now, that is just what He has done today. My heart grieves with yours as you await His promises. I pray that Satan will be bound far away from your family and that a miracle would happen soon; that you will be held by our Savior's strong arms and He will dry your tears as you weep. Hugs and prayers coming your way!

  16. Oh, miss Linn. I am so sorry. I was thinking about this situation the other day and hoped with all my heart you would be approved soon. I've been praying for you, for your family, for emma and Josh, and for jubilee every night for a long time. I'll still be doing that!

  17. I was so hoping that this post entitled "Jubilee" would be different news. Praying for your family and for Jubilee's health, happiness and safety while she waits for her family to come for her!

  18. So sorry to hear this news. Adoption is the greatest gift ever but a very brutal process sometimes to get to that blessing. We had 5 years of waiting to get to our blessing. I will pray for this process to go smooth and for Jubilee to soon home with her family.

  19. Oh, Linny, I am so sorry. I will continue to pray that she is able to come home as soon as she can, and that she remains safe and loved where she is.

  20. Oh Linny ~ tears are falling for your family here, too. And I'm ANGRY…angry at the ENEMY who will not give up. But know that we are standing with you and he will NOT prevail. PTL that satan is UNDER our feet and we are calling on God to defeat him and put him in his place so that Jubilee can come HOME where she belongs. This is supposed to be 'the year of Jubilee' as your song says…and I will NOT put our God in a box…He is able to divinely intervene and I am standing with you believing for a miracle here. Hang in there dear friend. Cry your heart out, pray and cry again if you need to! God is there and He feels your pain. He wants Jubilee home as bad as you do. Sending big hugs your way!! <><

    love from Minnesota,

  21. Oh Linn, I am so sorry. I can imagine how you must feel! Of course we will ALL be praying I'm sure! What struck me is that not very long ago, Ch*na was telling you flat out "no" though, right? So at least they have changed their minds on that? All the same, our hearts are breaking for you at this new delay. So frustrating.

  22. I am so, so sorry for this terrible news. Is there anything we, your bloggy friends can do? Might a congress person be able to work on your behalf? I know other cases that that has happened. Please let us know if there is anything like that we can do.

  23. I am so incredibly sad with you….my mother's heart is breaking with you. I hate that this is happenning to your family and to sweet Jubilee and I'll be battling with you in the spirit-realm for your daughter to come home. I am so very sorry…

    And I'll be praying that the Lord will sing over you this night and in the days to come. It always comforts me to know that He sings over us. I think it is a beautiful picture of Him bringing peace and comfort to us in those dark and confusing times when all we want to do is ask why…

    Much love and prayers as we storm the gates with you!!


  24. Oh, Linny, I'm so so sorry. We've been there . . . are there. I know too well the pain and frustration of losing your little one's childhood a day at a time.

    But God can fix man's error! I strongly agree that there's a tug of war going on for this little girl's life. I will be fasting and praying tomorrow for your Jubilee Promise.

    With a Heavy Heart,
    Kathie from Ga.

  25. My heart is broken for you Linny, and I am so so sorry. I wish there were something I could do- like break down their doors and bring your sweet girl home to you. I will not stop praying.

  26. Linny I'm so so sorry. Please Please dig your heels in and fight with everything you've got. I also find myself sitting here typing this thinking about all the illegal immigrants that enter our country daily and how our Government now wants to give them HEALTH CARE using our hard earned tax dollars, and your precious Jubilee sits waiting patiently and you jump through so many hoops to dot every i and cross every t. I have to believe Satan is pulling out all the stops, so I know you well enough to know you will put on your armor and with the help of our Almighty, fight for what God has laid on your heart to accomplish.

  27. Linny… I should have gone to bed hours ago but another bloggy friend was having trouble tonight and I was praying for her and thought I'd check her status once more before bed. I was about to log off when I thought about your memorial box posts and just had to come see you. And how my heart aches knowing that your Jubilee has had one more obstacle placed between her and her family. Know that tonight I will be on my knees for Jubilee.

  28. I am so-o-o sorry that you are having to go through this. I am so-o-o sorry that Jubilee will have to continue waiting. I pray that God will put the right people in place to expedite the processing of your paperwork. I know we experienced delay after delay when we were paperchasinf/waiting for The Princess. From start until Gotcha Day took 16 months. Though the wait was so hard, it was God's plan. His timing is perfect. I will continue to pray for you and Jubilee. I will rejoice with you when that precious child is finally in your arms.

  29. Linn, As I look at Jubilee's picture and I pray… God just impressed it upon my heart that she is yours. I pictured you running to her and holding her and hugging her and telling her she will nevermore long for parents but have them in you and Dw and your awesome family. The battle is spiritual and I know you and your bloggy friends are all warriors. Let's pray… pray hard my friends. NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST ME SHALL PROSPER. This is truly an injustice… I'm mad. I'm praying and God WILL work in all of this for good and bring Jubilee home. And let me tell you… we will have the coolest, funnest, most incredible birthday/welcome home party. Do not perservere Linn… it will happen. She's coming home. Love you girlfriend! In the meantime… be mad, be sad and know the fight is on… Let's roll!

    lv, jen

  30. oh linny, my heart goes out to you and your precious family … and of course miss jubilee. YES, we will pray for your guys. As I have told you many times, I started praying for that child a family the first time I saw her on the list.

  31. Refiled? As in back here in the US refiled? As in waiting for another USCIS approval? And THEN being DTC again?

    Oh Heavenly Father, please intervene on Jubilee's behalf!

  32. I am so sorry for the pain and anger your family is experiencing right now. I remember that feeling oh too well. I am especially burdened for Jubilee! But God is a mighty God, and so I join you in prayer.

  33. Oh Linny and Dw- I am so sorry to hear of more delays. You have waited so long to bring your daughter Jubilee home. She has waited so long for a family. My heart is so heavy for all of you.

    Do not let the opposition get you down. God is your guide and is standing strong fighting for you. She will come home. It will happen- I am just so sorry because it should be sooner rather than later.

    Mourning with you and praying for you…

  34. Linny, I am so sorry for this horror! As you know God is greater then any spiritual warfare!!! He will win!
    Praying for y'all at this very difficult time!!!
    We serve a great, faithful God!
    ~ Jodi Sue 🙂

  35. i am mad and sad for you. more mad right now… i will to pray. there is no way this is not spiritual… thank you for continuing to be a witness, even during your grief. jubilee is so lucky to have people in her life that are God-loving and who won't give up on her. i pray that she will soon know how wonderful you all are…

  36. oh Linny…. I am crying with you. I wish I were there to hug ya in person, but for now, you are just gonna have to do with all the virtual ones I am sending your way.

    anyway we can organize a fast, day of prayer, for Jubilee??

    let me know.. for now, I need to go. off to pray for this sweet little promise.

    love you~

  37. Awe Linny this is just heartbreaking and I, like you believe this is spiritual. God gave you a promise all those years ago. He is going to fulfill it. The enemy is NOT going to win here. Praying as always for you!! Hugs..

  38. Awe Linny this is just heartbreaking and I, like you believe this is spiritual. God gave you a promise all those years ago. He is going to fulfill it. The enemy is NOT going to win here. Praying as always for you!! Hugs..

  39. My heart aches for you and your precious Jubilee. Yes, a spiritual battle indeed. Cling to Isaiah 45:2-3, "I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name." Praying for you.

  40. Oh, Linny and DW how our heart aches for you. We have been and will continue our prayers. I wish there were some better words of comfort, but for now I will just send HUGS!

  41. Lynn I cant begin to express my sorrow for you, all I can do is cry with you. This is indeed painful and I know first hand just how heartbreaking it is. Our paperwork sat in an office in el salvador of 2 years with no hands touching it. By the time they picked it up we were told it would be another 24 months before we could expect a child. We never received a child and ultimately ended up pulling out of the program.
    We serve a MOUNTAIN MOVING GOD who is catching each of your tears even now. No doubt He holds sweet Jubilee in your absence. I can only offer my prayers and encouragment that this is all apart of her amazing story to joining your amazing family.
    HUGS from TX,

  42. I am so sorry Linny to hear this. We are lifting up your family and precious Jubilee Promise in our prayers. You are in a spiritual fight no doubt but the devil doesn't know who he is messing with this time. We serve a mighty God and I trust Him to move mightily to bring Jubilee home. Hang in there!


  43. I am so sorry. We so understand your tears and brokenness. Last Friday we finally brought home our precious boys after 33 months of struggle and delays. Please know we will be praying for you.

    Our faith is stronger, but we have been tried in the wait, but still ever so grateful for His care. I know your faith is strong, but the load is heavy and the heart still hurts.

    Praying and Believing–

  44. Praying here in TX you get all the immigration paperwork redone and your daughter home quickly. She needs a mom and a dad to love on her.
    I love reading your posts and do so often.

  45. Oh Linny, I look at this little ones face and I can imagine her in your arms. Her smile makes me smile. But now, I am crying for Jubilee and for your family. My heart is heavy with sadness that she has to wait even one more day to join your family. But I pray this will be the last and tallest hurdle you will jump over for this adoption. It is like giving birth without meds…. very painful but when it's over, it's over!! That's God's plan.

  46. I am so sorry you have to wait longer. It hurts to have your child not home. But I do have to say I see it also as a blessing that China isnt saying no like they said they would. Its just the USCIS. It totally stinks you have to wait, yes, but praise Jesus, she will come home! Jenne in OR

  47. Your faith amazes and humbles me. I will be praying for you and for Jubilee. Keep the faith. Your blog lifts me up, every day! Thank you for sharing your life with us!

  48. I just couldn't comment yesterday. I was so frustrated for you. I can't wait for the Memorial Box story that comes with this miracle, but I still believe God will do something huge.

  49. Linny,
    When things seem to be falling apart, I start thanking God for what He is going to do. For my health…I start praising God for my healing, reminding my body that it is alligned with the scriptures. For any prayer requests…I just praise God for the awesome answer I will receive. I walk past the office in our house and praise God that someday I WILL see my daughter sleeping like an angel in there. Beliving God to do the IMPOSSIBLE. We are continually lifting up Jubilee that she'll be home soon. HE IS MOVING!

  50. Am praying that our miracle working God,works a miracle with all of this and brings Jubilee home so very soon! You've all been waiting way too long. When i was praying for you last night, I kept seeing a picture of you(and Dw) standing on a mountaintop with your hands stretched right up and singing this bit of a song
    'I'll stand with arms high and heart abandoned, in awe of the one who gave it all, I'll stand, my heart all to you surrendered all I am is yours'.
    Oh and i have a little presie to send you-hopefully tonight my time. 🙂
    Kathy(in Australia)

  51. Linny,
    I am praying for your sweet Jubilee to come home NOW! I am aching for you. I thought my wait to bring Gideon was long. Jubilee belongs with you. I am praying for that Mountain to be moved!
    another mom to many

  52. It's so sad that Jubilee has to continue to wait because of bureaucracy! I know your heartache…we are still waiting, 8 years after we first met our daughter in Romania. At the adoption hearing there was a typo in her paperwork. It was sent back to be re-done. In the meantime, Romania closed it's doors to international adoption. We have lobbied everyone we know and we still wait. We were able to talk with her on the phone on a regular basis until a year ago when she was moved to a group home/orphanage. She is 14 now. We know that she is our daughter and we will never give up on her. I'm standing with you until yours comes home!


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