Where in the World Did He Get That From???

My sweet bloggy friends, Mr. Daddy & Rachel, over at Once Upon a Miracle started True Story Tuesday….and today is just one of those teeny, tiny little…….are you kidding me (?) kind of stories…..
So Sunday one of my dear friends at church came to me….
She said that she had gone outside and found her 6 year old daughter sobbing her eyes out on the church’s playground….
She asked her daughter what was wrong? Her daughter said between sobs, “I told Isaiah that I like him.” (You know “like” him??)
The mom said, “Okay honey, that’s all right….But like why are you crying?”
Through continued sobs her daughter said, “Because he said, ‘I like you too, but I just don’t think we’re right for each other.”
HUH??? Are you kidding me?? To my knowledge none of his siblings have said or heard this recently from a member of the opposite sex….so like where in the world?? He’s only 5!!!

30 thoughts on “Where in the World Did He Get That From???

  1. That is so funny!I can't believe he said that- he may be wise beyond his years!!

    You have to let us know where he got that from IF you ever figure it out!!

    I wonder who will steal his heart other than his mother and how many sisters?? Did I count 6 sisters so far! Wow! And you've only just begun! 😉

    (yes- I am singing the song!)

  2. Oh I'm dying here!! Hahaha! But, you better put that girl on notice. Adria ALWAYS comes and tells me, I just forget to tell you, that when she is older she is going to marry Isaiah.

    Don't know if that is something they worked out when we were there or what, because that would make sense if he told this girl he wasn't interested! Hahaha!

  3. That is so stinkin' funny! Where do kids get the stuff they say?

    Just recently, Itty Bit has taken to yelling "YES SIR!" after everything. And no clue where he gets it…

    I love that Isaiah has little admirers already – and (ahem), some not so little admirers too. Cuz I sure do want to kiss those cheeks!

  4. What a little man!!! He's adorable. My little man informed some little girls who used to chase him around trying to kiss him that, "my kisses are for my wife" in a very determined and loud voice!! He was the same age at the time. Maybe God just puts it in their hearts at an early age??? Must be something to do with the plans that He has for their futures:O)

  5. Absolutely HILARIOUS!!!!

    Praying for you today, and coming along side as you battle the spiritual warfare. We have waged MANY spiritual battles this week, as well.


    mama of 13

  6. I mean really could he be any cuter? No wonder the girls "like" him! I'm sure he will continue to be a "heartbreaker" as he grows up! Maybe, we could just plan an arranged marriage right now! I have an adorable 4 year old that is full of sass and cuteness! She too keeps us in stitches! Just a thought!?


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