Happy 24th Birthday Tyler Dwight


Momma may be in China, but she will never forget the birthday of our son! She sent me the picture and told me to be sure to post… after church… but today he comes first… besides church doesn’t start for 8 plus hours. Who needs sleep!!

We cherish the memories we have……and although we were not able to be moved into our new home while Tyler & Sarah were home for Thanksgiving, he was able to work with his dad and Graham on laying the kitchen floor in our new home. How I (dad) cherish every moment of time spent with my boys.

Yea, happy birthday to the little baby boy with big cheeks who charmed us the moment we saw his picture. It’s where we began to learn that adoption was precious and opened our hearts to more.

Happy Birthday to the little toddler who drooled so much even his bibs wet through!

Happy Birthday to the young boy who built ultimate Lego ships and space ships even winning a Lego competition.

Happy Birthday to the 8 year old who said some day he would pay this country back for allowing him to come to America.

Happy Birthday to the young boy and teenager who loved to lay at the end of the bed talking with mom and dad till it was way past his bedtime – smart kid.

Happy Birthday so a son who chose to make Jesus Christ his Lord and Savior at an early age.

Happy Birthday to the extremely talented young man who taught the youth with passion.

Happy Birthday to the young man who pushed the young boys in youth group to the limit across the desert and then had your victory off the top of the cliff as only boys can do!

Happy birthday to a son who chose a beautiful wife to be his bride.

Happy Birthday to our young hero – d*pl*yed now in a far off land paying back his country.

Happy Birthday to the hero of your family we love you, miss you and are always praying for you!

Happy Birthday son, we couldn’t be prouder to be your parents! (Tears are now flowing so that are I can hardly see!) We love you with every fiber of our being, Dad & Mom

PS: He sometimes checks in to see the blog so if you’d like to wish one s*ldier a Happy Birthday please feel free. You might just bring some Christmas cheer to a son so far away!

81 thoughts on “Happy 24th Birthday Tyler Dwight

  1. Happy Birthday Tyler!!! I follow your Mom and Dad's blog and love you families story!! We are proud too of you serving our country, THANK-YOU from the bottom of our families hearts!! Love, The Wylies

  2. Happy Birthday Tyler! Thank you for loving the Lord Jesus and for serving our country. I can only imagine the difference you make amongst the troops. I hope you feel the prayers being offered and the appreciation coming across on your special day. Blessings Tyler!

  3. I don't often comment here – it's usually so crowded with other commenters that I find what I have to say is nothing unusual to all they have already said, so much more eloquently!

    But I had to stop and speak up today.

    Happy Birthday Tyler. As the daughter of a former military officer, I want to thank you for what you do to preserve our freedoms and to liberate others around the world. We are proud of all our men in uniform, but most especially those who serve CHRIST first and country second. You are an honorable man of God, which makes you a soldier of integrity and excellence. I thank you for that.

    May God bless and protect all our guys while they do the work of freedom. And may God bless Tyler with the favor of leading many other soldiers to true spiritual freedom while he fights and works side-by-side with them.

  4. Happy Bday Tyler. Thank you for your choice to serve my country. I am amazed when someone chooses that selfless act. Chooses to take the risk for America…for me. You are surrounded in prayer. My children and I pray for you regularly and my son is intrigued by your choice to serve. Maybe he will make the same honorable choice one day.
    Bless you , Carie Coleman

  5. What a wonderful post! Happy Birthday Tyler from the Stairs family! Our daughter Lilly was our first adoption two years ago but she is opening so many hearts to the possiblity of adopting a child and we too are going to adopt again. What an inspiration you are with your story and your life!
    God Bless you and your entire family.

  6. I visit sometimes, but typically lurk!

    Today, I had to leave a message.

    A message to say Happy Birthday.
    A message to say thank you for being so brave and for helping to keep our freedom.
    A message to say what an amazing family you have.
    A message to say God Bless you- today & always!!

    Merry Christmas!!!

  7. Happy Birthday Tyler! Thank you for your service to our country. You are a hero and I pray our 3 young boys grow to love their Lord, family and country as much as you do.

  8. Happy Birthday Tyler.

    Thank you for your sacrifice. May God richly bless you, Today and always.

    Rach and I live very close to your home station. We would both love to take you & Sarah to dinner when you return from your D*p*oy*ment To celebrate (I got the Idea from DW's last post)

  9. Happy Birthday, Tyler, and God Bless and protect you and your lovely wife.

    And I wanted to offer a sincere thank you from my whole family for serving and protecting not only our family, but your country as a whole. Our prayers are with you.

  10. Tyler, Happy Birthday! May the Lord bless you in the coming year with His loving grace and protection. Thank you so much for your brave service to our country! Tyler, I don't know you, but I see your picture and dream of my own son's future. He was born in Korea and came to join our forever family at an early age. I pray that like you, he will grow to be the man God created him to be. God Bless you, and Happy Birthday!


  11. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TYLER! Our family is so grateful for your service to our country, for your love for the Lord, and for your entire family. May you ALL be blessed!

  12. Happy Birthday to you Tyler,
    You are a very nice looking young man and I understand you just got deployed about a week ago or less.
    Want you to know we are so thankful to you and all our troops for the sacrifices you are making for our country and the lives of people you don't even know.
    Am glad you know the Lord too!
    I am a believer also. Jesus Rocks!
    Again Hope you have a good birthday inspite of being homesick.
    Blessings dear, Nellie from Florida

  13. Tyler,
    Happy Birthday and thank you for your service! My prayers are with you and your fellow servicemen and women who are protecting our freedom!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year too!

    Julie in Georgia

  14. Happy Birthday Tyler. My man's in Iraq…though not SF, he's with special ops. It takes a special man of God to walk in your calling…and a faithful and precious wife to stand alone and wait and pray all the times when you are gone…sometimes on such short notice.
    Thank you. May the Lord continue to be the lifter of your head and may His favor always surround you.
    You are the Kingdom and everywhere your foot steps on other lands…you take the Kingdom with you!
    Birthday blessings from a grateful soldier's wife,

  15. Happy Birthday Tyler!! I am so honored that your parents are sharing the joy of who you are, and thankful for the perfect role model you are to my two sons who were born in Korea but got to America as fast as they could!

    I pray Psalms 91 over you every time I think of you!

  16. Happy Birthday Tyler!! We are so very thankful for your service and even though you have no clue who we are, we pray for you everyday (and your sweet wife)! <3 God bless you and I hope you have a wonderful birthday!

    The Kopp Family in CA

  17. Happy Birthday, Tyler! Thank you so much for your selfless service to our country and to millions of families you don't even know.

    And thank you, too, Sarah, for allowing your sweet husband the grace to carry out God's plan for his life.

    Prayers for your peace and safety, and for all of those who serve with you. We love you!

  18. Happy Birthday Tyler!
    Thank you for serving our country!
    My husband is in the Air Force, so we understand the sacrifices you make everyday! We appreciate you!
    Praying for you and your beautiful wife too!
    With gratitude!

  19. Happy Birthday, Tyler! It's my birthday too-I'm probably just a few years older than you! My hubby's spending his Christmas in the sand just like you. We pray that your birthday and Christmas will be a peaceful and blessed one. May God bless all our men and women serving in harm's way.

  20. Happy Birthday Tyler!!!! Thank you for all you are doing. You are such a role model for your younger siblings!!! Stay safe. This family appreciates your efforts!!!!
    Kathie in NY

  21. Happy Birthday, Tyler!
    I pray that your day was blessed.
    I thank God for the gift he gave your parents when he sent you to them.
    Adoption is such a precious gift, and the parents are blessed far more than others will ever understand or comprehend.
    Praying peace and safety for you,
    Robbie in south Georgia
    whose son leaves for basic in Feb.

  22. TY!

    Happy birthday man! Hope your day is amazing even far away as you are.I still remember(I know you said you don't remember lol but I do) the first time I met your family at a convention. I talked to you on the swing sets, I (rightly so) thought you were the coolest person! I can't tell you how much I respect and admire what you do and risk for everyone here! I pray for you constantly and can't wait till we can go shooting again or just do whatever (paintball maybe!?!). Have the best birthday ever!


  23. Happy Birthday, Tyler! We area all so proud of the fine young man you've been all your life, but especially now, when your sense of honor, duty, and patriotism is so strong. Blessings and prayers from so many who have never met you, but care for you, your beautiful young bride, and the loving and lovely family that surrounds you in all ways!

  24. Happy Birthday Tyler! God Bless you! Thank you for protecting our country and fighting for our freedom! Praying you come home soon to see your sweet new sister, Jubilee!

    Jean in MN

  25. Happy birthday, Tyler! We hope your day is as special as you. Thank you for your sacrifice in serving our country. We'll pray for God's protection and His perfect peace while you are away.

    With Gratitude,
    Kathie and the Williams Family

  26. Happy, happy birthday, Tyler.

    Thank you for serving our country. Know this day that we appreciate it more than words can say.

    Love and blessings
    The Salem Family

  27. Happy Birthday Tyler! I'm sorry that you can not be with your wife and family to celebrate, but I thank you for what you are doing for our country. I am so thankful that you are fighting to keep me and my family safe.

    ~Amy in WI

  28. Happy Birthday, Tyler!!!!! Your family adores you, and now we all do too! And thank YOU for being so brave and serving us all…we are forever indebted to you.

  29. Tyler, I don't often get to personally send birthday greetings to the young men and women who serve our country in the armed forces, so . . . Happy Birthday!

    I love having this chance to say THANK YOU for the choice that you have made to serve this country. Thank you for the sacrifices you make and the risks you take so that I can live and raise my family in a free nation. I know that freedom isn't free. The men and women who have served in our armed forces, some of them paying with their very lives, have secured our freedom for us, and represent that which is good and brave true about America. And you made the choice to be one of them. For that, I thank you today, and ask God to bless you for your sacrifice.

  30. Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas Tyler!
    Thank you for protecting our country so very far away…and thank you Sarah, for supporting and loving him!!

    Tyler, every time I see your picture, my heart aches for our little boy in China…I can't help but wonder if he'll grow up as handsome and strong as you. If he'll serve his country, what his wife will be like… Praise the Lord, just a few more months and we'll have him. I'm sure your parents counted the days to your arrival as well.

    Again, happy birthday and know you are in our families' prayers for strength, wisdom and safety.

  31. Happy Birthday, Tyler! Thank you so much for serving your country – thanks seems so inadequate. As you celebrate your birthday and the birthday of the King, know we are praying for you and praising God for young men such as yourself!

    Merry Christmas from Nebraska!

  32. Happy Birthday Tyler! Thank you for serving our country and loving Jesus Christ! I have a son who is a Marine and came home from Iraq in August.
    We discovered the miracle of adoption 14 years ago when we adopted our first daughter From S. Korea. Her adoption changed our lives. May God protect you and watch over you Tyler. God Bless!

  33. Tyler, Happy Birthday! Thank you for serving your country and being willing to risk your life to keep us all safe. My son is leaving for bo*t camp in two weeks, so I am just beginning the process that your parents are in, waiting, praying for their baby boy so far away.

  34. Happy Birthday Tyler!! Thank you for all you do to serve, protect and honor our country!! Praying for you and all the other heroes who serve!!

    God Bless & Merry Christmas!!


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