Tell me it’s been a month

Please tell me it’s been a month since Linny left to get Jubilee. It must be! It must be because I’ve done one zillion loads of cloths. I’ve changed 2 million diapers. Broken up two thousand – “That’s mine – no, it’s mine” arguments. I’ve made at least two meals. (Yea – that’s right – everybody thinks a pastor, can’t cook so they make us meals. They’re right!)

But please, it’s been a month right? What’s that I hear? I hear in my mind the truth echoing in the caverns of my mind the words, “days, only days, not even weeks, you wimp!”

Ok, don’t tell Linn the following alright. I have your word on it, right? Promisssssssssse? Shhh – because if she knows the truth I will never live it down. She will gloat, she will dance the happy dance, (maybe like David) — hmmmm maybe you should tell her. 🙂 But please, oh please, don’t tell her the following confession.

Ok, here’s the skinny – her job is way, I’m talking way harder, than mine! There I’ve said it. If confession is good for the soul than I should be feeling better any minute. Right?

Wait, let me sneak a one minute nap while I’m writing this post. Wow, I am so tired. And by the way if I am working so hard…. why is the house still such a mess. (Don’t tell her I said that either!) And finally, where do I find time for myself????

I now have first hand proof – Linn’s not human. Neither are the rest of you moms. No human could do what she does in a day… and post. Maybe that’s why she’s up till midnight or up at 4:00 am. Hmmm – so if’s she’s not human – what is she – I know — she’s a superhero! Wahoo, I married a superhero!!!! Super hottie superhero!!!

So to Linn and all her fellow superheros – thanks for all you do. If you want your husband to have the same revelation I have had then disappear to China for a month! It’s been a month right?

Linn – gets greeted by Bill and Lyndsey after picking up Jubilee with a beautiful bunch of flowers!

Have a great day! It’s beginning the year of Jubilee!! dw for ll

45 thoughts on “Tell me it’s been a month

  1. Your so funny, I'm sure your doing a great job!

    My house is always a mess too even though I'm constantly cleaning and I only have 3 but one of them I think is really a tornado instead of a child.

  2. DW…I love this post! And I love the pictures (Pure JOY!)!

    Love and Prayers for you as you soldier on! 🙂

    Feel free to email or call in an SOS if you need long-distance reinforcements. We're here for you guys!

  3. You aren't telling us Moms anything we don't already know!!! Although I have it made. My husband gets up every morning and does the laundry before he goes to work. But don't worry we won't say a word to Linny…right girls?!…..LOL!!!

  4. You have us laughing so hard we can't see!! Thank you for updating the blog, we are really enjoying it!

    We will continue to pray for you and your sweet kiddos at home with you.

    Praying for Linny, Emma, and Jubilee!

  5. This is just too funny!! DW it's truly only been a FEW days. We all miss her, yet look at those precious pictures of how happy she is. I'm not a betting type of girl however for just a minute I'm betting she just might do a happy dance just like David did when she gets home. I'm quite sure that would make up for these FEW days she's been gone.

    Continued prayers for everyone.

  6. A confession from the Pastor, I love it!! Seriously though my husband could use a few tips, you seem to have everything under control, maybe you can come help him out next time I'm gone. So happy for your beautiful family.

  7. Awww, she is so stinkin' cute! I'm sure you can't wait to meet your new little girl, and to get your superhero back 🙂 It's always nice when us stay-at-home moms get some recognition for how ridiculously tough it is to stay home all day, although I only have 2 kids and would probably be in the fetal position if I were in your shoes!


  8. Glad you can be honest! Let's face it–God made women to be mommies. I'm sure you are doing a great job–but it's just not what God designed you to do!
    Proud and blessed to stay home with my soon to be 6 kids!-Janet

  9. These pictures just make my heart smile. And so does this post, knowing how much it will make Linny smile. 🙂 You guys are just too cute.

    And I am pretty sure it has been a month. come home already, girls. I want Miss Jubilee to meet all her peeps! Can you imagine the joy on her face when they all run to hug on her for the first time. dude, tears. Can't wait.

    Lots of Love to the gang~

  10. Oh my goodness!! EVERY SINGLE MOM who has read this post is doing the David Happy Dance.

    I just want to know when I will actually be able to go to the bathroom by myself again without an entire audience at each and every sitting. 🙂

    Waiting to see Jubilee on Colorado soil!!!!

    WOO HOO!!!!!!!

  11. Hey "MR. MOM"-

    We're telling everyone about Jubilee Promise!

    All our waiting families are so encouraged.

    Thanks for the great photos!

    continuing to put up the prayers,
    mark, lisa, tavin and taleah

  12. Well said! Thank you too, but I am overwhelmed with four right now, cannot imagine adding more unless God does some more "perfecting" in me! LOL! My house will never be clean until the kids are all gone!

  13. Oh, you know we are all having our husbands read this post! lol 🙂 But we all already knew how super your darling Linny is!

    It looks like things are going so great with Jubilee. What a treasure. I love her smile!

    Hang in there. It's really only a 2 week trip. : )

  14. Love the happy pic of Linny and Jubilee and the coffee pic of the girls!

    I am so sorry BUt it has only been a couple of days… yes I know the truth hurts- oh so sorry!

    I really appreciate you two and your journey and the way you serve- today I struggled until I realized "what am I thinking- this is only the beginning!" I have 2 more girls to get home and then maybe hopefully two more boys!"

    Hang in there! You are doing great! just take it one moment at a time! Maybe you should put Graham in charge! (I'm not good with dinners either- that is my New Years resolution- gotta get better at it!)

    Thanks for the fun post!!

  15. oh just look at the JOY. it is radiating out of these pictures!
    my husband confessed the same when i came home from africa after 2 weeks. and he "only" had 4 babies to care for. =)

  16. Will they be gone a Month? or are they on their way home now? I know it feels like 1 month already. Sounds like you are doing great as Mr.Mom. It is amazing what the Lord is doing in your lives just in 2009. May God continue to bless your family.

    Jan Camp

  17. Love your post! We're hoping to adopt #13 from Ethiopia this spring, and hubby and I are debating who will have the hardest job — the one who travels to Ethiopia for nine days or the one who stays home with the rest of the crew.

  18. Oh so funny! I am sure you are doing a great job. It won't be long until Linny gets back. Love the joy on those sweet faces.

    Waiting for 13-yr-old Abbey!

  19. Love the pictures! Hang in there – I'm sure that Linn would say the same if she were in your shoes for awhile! You do an amazing job at your full time job! What a sweet Daddy you are and what a superhero woman you married!! Love you guys and just couldn't be happier about everything.

  20. Oh, Mr. Mom, you do make my day :-)) What a refreshingly honest post! And the pictures, oh, the pictures: Radiant, happy, and finally together. A beauty straight from the Father heart of God….
    Love, Barb

  21. You are hilarious! And I am wildly jealous that Bill and Lynsay got to meet Jubilee. 🙂 What a funny girl–making all those cute faces. She will fit right in.

  22. I love your comments. I am sure you are doing a fantastic job. All of our houses are a mess not just yours.

    I loved the pictures. They are so adorable and the family looks great.

    Keep up the good work!

    Newark, OHio

  23. I am laughing…..real hard!!!!! Being a mommy to many is crazy- but Knowing Linn- it is too much joy to worry about it.

    Hang in there…..and make sure the kids are eating something??? You should hire my husband- he is a chef!!! Yep, that is a great reason to marry someone right? Just kidding- he is also a godly man who loves our soon to be 8 children as much as me!!!

  24. One of my favorite Bible verses when my kids were little was Proverbs 14:4. Where no oxen are, the trough is clean; But much increase comes by the strength of an ox.

    Of course "my" version went Where no children are, the house is clean; but much joy comes by having children.

    Keep up the good work and don't worry too much about the mess. Just remember what's most important 🙂

  25. YES!! of course it's been a month maybe longer! LOL.
    If you ask me, you're both Super Heros! I think it's a rule that a Super hero can only marry another Super hero!
    You're doing an awesome job!

  26. Hi DW …

    LOVE your posts! I think your house is messy because you are having so much fun blogging that you're not worried about the mess. Right? How late are you staying up to write these posts???

    DW … I've got to tell you … the reason that we "mama's of many" can do so many things and keep up with our crazy, busy households, is because we have AMAZING husbands for partners (and the Most Awesome God the Father, as a partner, too).

    Seriously … "Are these kids all yours?" commented, and she has an amazing husband. Yes … I've met him.

    Shonni commented above … she has an amazing hubby too! Yep … I've met him too.

    I have 13 children, and guess what? I have an amazing husband, too.

    So … thanks for all the wonderful words, but I want to thank YOU for being the fantastic partner to Linny, which allows her to be such a wonderful mama of many.

    Can't wait to see a pic of Jubilee in your arms.

    mama of many 🙂

  27. Ha!! I love it!! I AM leaving to China for what will probably feel like an eternity to my DH, but his mom is coming to cover for me. Sadly, I don't think that'll help him with the appreciation end of things…. Actually, his mom will probably keep the house a lot cleaner than I do, and make better meals, and he'll be left wondering why I don't measure up…… but to be fair, she won't have to school the children!!

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