You Guys….

Really, you guys are just so wonderful!! I have not had any internet since Saturday (I know, I know, shoot me in the foot!) so I had to drive to a local coffee shop yesterday to post the YIPPEE JESUS news…..and then I had to wait all day today to be able to come into my office and read your comments…..they kept me all teary as I read how many of you were weeping and rejoicing with us….and I was amazed at how many have been praying for Jubilee at even the oddest times….so amazingly cool… guys are just the best!!!
Loved, loved, loved(!) the idea of putting the old cell phone in the Memorial Box and gonna’ do that!! And for the record, I have seen the Lord speak prophetically through little tots giving parents a heads up that He is blessing them with a prophetic gifting. I am guessing that’s the case with little Miss Elizabeth.
As you can imagine, last night I really could hardly sleep. I was so excited, tossing and turning and wondering what it will be like to really meet our sweet baby girl. It has been somewhere around 600 days since we started the paperwork.
Lastly, we have requested a consulate appointment in Guanghouz for December 21st. We pray that works, and that would get us home somewhere around the 24th or 25th. We pray that the Lord thinks that’s a good idea too. It will be just Emma and I traveling.
Sort of on a separate note: This past Sunday (11/29/09) Dw and I team taught about the orphan and had it as our Orphan Awareness Sunday. If you are up for it, you can hear us speaking here.
As we spoke we challenged both services to this: “Would you be willing during the month of December to pray with us ‘God would break your heart for the things that break yours’?” We are praying this afresh and wonder if you want to join in with us?
Oh Lord Jesus, break our heart
with the things that break yours….

27 thoughts on “You Guys….

  1. I'm so excited Emma is going with you. I was sure hoping she would be on that trip with you.

    I couldn't stop thinking about you all day thinking of how excited you must be. Sure wish I could be at that airport party.

    Wow, that's a powerful prayer to pray. I will pray it though and better stock up on some puffs plus because whn I do pray that it usually brings lots of tears.

  2. OH MY GOSH!! I hadn't seen the post about Jubilee until right now!! I knew she would need a stocking!! I am beyond excited and just totally in awe of our Amazing God! I am doing flips (in my heart – not so good at them with my body!) LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to you guys. WHOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I had to wait all day to comment because I can't comment from work. I cheered, cried, thanked, and then some. I am knitted to your family in such a precious way…. I am sooo incredibly excited for these next few weeks and so thankful for this new little one addin to your family

  4. Linny!!!!! I just now read your news. I'm sooooooo excited for you all!!!! Sweet Jubilee will be overwhelmed with all the love, siblings and snow when she arrives home. What a beautiful thought. Hugs, Linny and family…big hugs!!

  5. December 21… my anniversary! 🙂

    I can learn so much from you, Linny. Sometimes it seems like forever, but in reality, my husband and I have been waiting a mere one year since we submitted our paperwork for a domestic adoption. You have been waiting 600 days?!?!?! What!?!?!?!? You have my utmost respect.

    Love and blessings,

  6. My internet has been down (a lot!) too. But I wanted to tell you how excited I am about Jubi! Simply AMAZING and completely GOD. HE is worthy of ALL praise!

    I'll be praying you get the CA that you want!

  7. You will be home with her on Christmas. We used A Helping Hand when adopted our Madelyn and we had the same date for our Consulate apppointment and we got home on Christmas Eve. A Helping Hand and the Lord gave us the best Christmas present we could ever have asked for and I know it will be one of your best too. Be sure to go to Church across from the Consulate it was the most moving service, standing room only and people in the courtyard – I didn't understand of word of it but the Lord spoke to us. You will know the Christmas music. God Bless,


  8. Yes Lord, break my heart with the things that breaks yours. It's a prayer that's been in the front of my Bible for years. I can't wait to hear your back on American soil with your precious PROMISE!! My heart has been singing since I read your post. Hugs and love

  9. I wanted to share with you what happened yesterday. I was reading to my daughter (8 years old and adopted from China) about a miracle that happened to Gladys Aylward. I then told her God just did a miracle. I told her about Jubilee. She said, " Oh, they get to bring home their little baby." She got very excited. I told her Jubilee is almost 8. She got all excited again and asked if she could play with her. I said they live in Colorado. She then went to get our map book to see where Colorado is. She said, " It's only three states away."
    It's always a blessing to be able to share with my daughter one of God's wonderful miracles.
    Praying for your trip and CA.

  10. YEA! YEA! She couldn't be home for Thanksgiving… but hows Christmas?!!! Wow Wow! Can't wait to tell this story!!
    Praying that the Lord breaks the heart of our family for the things that break His AND opens the flood gates! We just need a bigger place to put them!

  11. Oh, Linn…we are just still praising the Lord with you over here in Michigan. I just knew He would come through. I knew it. 🙂 And to think you could be home by Christmas. The funny thing is that when I got on here yesterday and opened your post, I sat there staring at those sign language letters for a few seconds. I wanted to figure it out before I read on. I was stuck on the T! Then I asked my 10 year old, and he said it's a T, Mom! Ha! I'm a little slow…lol What a cool way to share the news!

  12. Hi Linny,
    It was so great to hear your voice and your husband's. I almost started weeping when you said, "God has an outrageous plan for the orphan." AMEN! AMEN! AMEN! Thank you for your obedience to our Father. I love how your hubby held up Jubilee's picture in your Thanksgiving picture.

  13. Praise God! I can't wait to see Jubilee Promise in your arms. I pray that the rest of your wait and travel will be smooth sailing.

    My husband and I listened to your Sunday talk and were very moved. You two are powerful workers for our Lord. Thank you.

  14. I am so excited for you and Emma to travel to China!! Praise the Lord! The time has finally come for Jubilee to come home!

    I love your heart! You are an inspiration to me! You go girl!

    By any chance will you be going to Beijing? If so give the babies a special hug from us and a pic of that cute little Luke would be awesome!! 😉

  15. First of all congratulations!! I haven't wrote a msg in a long while but I still keep up. I just had to tell you about my daughter last night. She sits in my lap sometimes when I am on the computer, really not paying too much attention to what I am doing. But last night I decided to listen to DW's sermon on adoption and she kept putting her hands together in prayer and closing her eyes and bowing her head. She is 32 months and has been home with us for 8 months! It was precious and a great sermon by the way. We are at Can't wait to follow your journey to Miss Jubilee!!

  16. I have a question: I just listened to your sermon about orphans, and I would love love love to pray for one specifically, but how do I find one to pray for?

  17. Oh, Linny, I sent you an email, but had to say here, too, how excited I am, how I'm praising the LORD for you.

    And, I'm thinking I may really be pregnant…..well may soon be paper pregnant anyway….I'm crying over several blogs this evening….that's how it was every time we were waiting for an adoption.

    Maybe it's a sign that we are to proceed with the adoption of the 2 children in foster care. 😉

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