Memorial Box Monday – Breaking the Chains of Fear

“For what you have done I will always praise you in the presence of your faithful people. And I will hope in your name, for your name is good.”
Psalm 52:9

Once upon a time my life was consumed by fear. It started as a young girl and seemed to disappear for awhile. But then as a newlywed, it returned even more debilitating than before. I could not stay home alone. I could not go out alone.

Dw and I were living in a home that backed up to a major highway. Literally, from our upstairs window we could see the hardware store’s front door behind our home. We were remodeling our home and Dw would often say he needed to run to the hardware store to pick up something. The second he would say that my intestines would kick into gear and I would have to run to the bathroom. I could not stand the thought of him even going to the hardware store and leaving me home alone. I was so afraid something was going to happen. Here I was, 20 years old and afraid of everything. I hated it. I felt like I was my own worst enemy, but I could not seem to conquer fear.

Dw and I prayed alot about it. We memorized vast amounts of scripture together. We talked to our pastor. There was still no real breakthrough. At times like that friends, I don’t know why it is that we seemed to be doing all the right things, but still there was no breakthrough. Sometimes I think that the Lord is waiting for the right time, the right place and the right people. Scripture says His ways are not our ways and all I can say is that I have certainly seen that to be true in my own life.

Like I said, I had had this same intense fear as a young girl, it had dissipated and now had come back even worse than before. One Spring day our church women’s ministry went to an all day women’s retreat at a ministry center in downtown Buffalo. I had never heard of the speaker but Dw was supposed to be away at a planning meeting and I figured I would go with the ladies (cause I sure as heck was not going to stay home alone). =)

The lady speaker had kind of an annoying voice. (Sorry, just have to say it, cause really, you just never can predict who God is going to use, ya’ know?) After her morning sessions we all ate lunch. I thought about leaving and heading home. Between her voice and the sessions being kind of boring I thought it was time to head out. But I was so afraid to be home alone and I knew that Dw wouldn’t be there for about 4 hours so I decided to just stay. It’s so interesting to me that inspite of all my youthful pride and arrogance, God was about to work hugely and grant me one of my biggest emotional healings through someone that I found kind of annoying.
After lunch she said that she was going to show us how to have our personal Bible study and one way to hear God speak. She told us all to turn to Galatians 5 and start reading. As we started reading, the moment we read something that kind of jumped out at us we were stop and just know that that was the Lord speaking to us. The very first verse was this:
“It was for freedom that Christ set you free, therefore,
keep standing firm and do not be subject again to this yoke of slavery.”
Galatians 5:1
The moment I read that my heart jumped! God was speaking directly to me! Right at that second I knew the Lord was telling me, “Linny, I sent Christ to set you free from these chains, but it is your job to stand firm.” I could have stood up and screamed!! That was it!! He had come to set me free, but I was choosing to keep myself in these chains. The enemy had tied the chains around me, the Lord was the key and I had to take that key and unlock the chains. I would never be free until I decided to step out and be free. Period. It might sound over-simplified to everyone reading this, but really, it was a life-changing verse. God had sent His son to set me free, but I was choosing to keep the chains of fear wrapped around my entire mind and soul.
Right then and there I asked the Lord to forgive me for doing this. I told Him I wanted to get this right. I was done being a slave to fear. I was done with fear. Right then and there, in downtown Buffalo at the Buffalo Christian Center I broke those chains. I left them on the ground of that big building.
The conference happened to end early. My ride and I walked to her car. I knew Dw would not be at home for probably an hour. What would I do? Would I get dropped off at a friend’s home for him to pick me up later? NO WAY! I had cut those chains and was leaving them all behind and I was not picking them up again.
I asked my friend to drop me off at home. I went inside and got busy thanking the Lord for setting me free. About an hour later when Dw walked in the door, he looked at me with a puzzled look and asked, “Are you here alone? That was a tiny beginning, but a beginning – none-the less!! Over the next days, weeks, and months I continued to stay home alone for bits and pieces of times. Before long, I loved being home alone so much I didn’t want to go out! Yes, indeed He had set me free!!
Friends, this story is a story of victory over emotional torment and pain. And sweet friends, with as many as stop by A Place Called Simplicity, I know that many of you have struggled with fear as well. And fear comes in all sizes and packages, like: fear of being alone, flying, our kids dying, our spouse dying, natural disasters, snakes, spiders & bugs, water, heights, putting on weight, fear of being yourself, cancer, disease, economic pressures, fear of failure, fear of a spouse cheating, fear of marriage, fear of marrying the wrong person, even fear of success, fear of mission trips, fear of adopting, fear of crowds, change, fear of intimacy, growing old, needles, praying in front of others, ministry opportunities, fear of friendships, job loss, job change, job relocation, just to name a few…..
There is absolutely NO DOUBT that our Miracle-working, Mountain-moving, Awe-inspiring, Gasp-giving God wants to see you set free as well. The enemy of our souls comes to steal, kill and destroy our lives; held captive by fear and worry.
I have never done this before, but I would like to offer a simple prayer for all who, like me, have struggled with fear.
Lord, you are faithful. Your word is the same, yesterday, today and forever. You have come to set the captives free. Your word is full of promises. I know there are bloggy friends who have struggled with fear and Jesus, you came to set them free. I pray that they would surrender their fear(s) to you, knowing that in doing so, the chains are broken. (Galatians 5:1) I ask that they would have the courage to repattern their thoughts and lives, taking every fearful thought captive, standing on the promises of your word, taking courageous steps of action in combating the fear, surrendering their thoughts to you – knowing that “You will keep us in perfect peace when our heart and mind is stayed on you.” (Isaiah 26:3) Thank you Lord, this day give my friends the courage to be set free from fear.
A little chain in our Memorial Box represents the chains that were broken that day in the spring of 1980 in Buffalo, NY.

29 thoughts on “Memorial Box Monday – Breaking the Chains of Fear

  1. I so needed to read this today dear friend. I'm struggling with fear over our precious son J. It's comsuming me!! I prayed the prayer and will now try to walk it out. Thanks for sharing your heart. Hugs

  2. Linn,
    You didn't know this, but you posted this for me. Right down to the year of 1980, the year I was born. Fear is fear no matter what you are fearful of. Several years ago when I was dealing with something particularly fearful, (it came back this year, funny how that happens)the Lord gave me a visual. He has never done this for me before and I will tell you right now I am not good at hearing His voice or recognizing Him speaking. But as I was laying there in the dark with my eyes closed I saw several ropes hanging just in a dark void of a space. They were long ropes and the bottoms Im sure led to a pit of darkness. I then saw the ropes fall as if they were cut in the middle. Then white doves came flying up from below and they flew away. I knew the Lord was telling me that he had cut my ropes. And in their place was peace.
    But like I said this fear came back this year in the midst of some very bad things. I am so sick of fear I can't stand it anymore. Thank you for this post. Its one of my favorites. As if I could pick!

  3. Linny,
    Thank you for sharing your post. I feel we all struggle with fear. I struggle with past failures/mistakes. I was raised in a way you NEVER forget past mistakes. God will punish and not even reward you because of the mistakes you have made. I have lived this way for 30+ years. I had a major heartache three years ago and I am STILL struggling with the failure. Thinking God will never give me my heart desire because I blew it the first time. I am trying to live in the FREEDOM of Christ and break these bondages of "beating myself up" over things Christ already paid on the cross for me 2.000 years ago. I want to live in complete FREEDOM! Sorry to ramble, just one of those days where you need a good cry.

    But our God is GOOD! 🙂

  4. Oh what a wonderful post. Thank you so much for sharing. This all comes at the perfect time as I am getting ready to face my fears and take an airplane trip (which has been a growing fear of mine over the past few years) to visit my best friend. I will be memorizing the verses you posted. If you think of any others, please share them also! THANK YOU!!!

  5. Wow. You have no idea how much this testimony means to me right now. I was just talking to someone today about how a situation is going to be so scary for me, something that anybody else would think is totally crazy. It stems from the fear that was planted during a painful childhood and I know what I need to do. I just need to cling to the word and find some scriptures to minister to my soul.

  6. Thank you Linn! I love how when we read something over and over, it can sound so simple, but when we receive a revelation experience with that same word, it becomes SO much more. It becomes more than a seed! A life giving, fruit bearing tree. I very much need to see this fear/ worry chain broken. I have seen glimmers of the hope, but I know there is so much more! Thanks for praying with me!!

  7. Linny,
    I can't thank you enough for this post. I have sent you an email. I know that you are incredibly busy and understand if you are unable to read it. Just thankful and looking for pointers. I don't want to be a slave to fear anymore. Thank you again.

  8. You are the most amazing person I know. You inspire me so much! I think about you and your family often. Like you did, I have a fear of being alone. I hate hate HATE being alone. Thank you so much for the encouragement, I too, will break free from the chains of evil and fear.

  9. Hi Linny,
    This is Emily here … met you last month in Guangzhou. Was just catching up on your blog. Looks like you all are doing great! So good to see Jubilee fitting right in. Our Lia Kate is doing so well. We feel so blessed. Thinking of you all…

  10. OH MY GOODNESS!! HOW POWERFUL WAS THAT POST?!!! I, like you Linny, struggle/struggled with fear. You mentioned specifically one thing in your list. Flying. I am terrified of flying. Yes, I have flown before (about an hour & 45 minute flight), and I was absolutely horrified the entire time I was in the air. I felt dizzy, panicky, etc. When I got off that flight, I said I would never fly again, that I NEVER wanted to EVER go on another plane; however, I know that I AM going to get on a plane soon to hopefully go on a mission's trip to somewhere in West Africa this summer. I will get on that plane, and I will conquer this fear, for I am going to take a stand against the chains that are trying to bind me to the ground. I'm not going to fear flying anymore! Jesus will take care of me :)) Please pray that GOD gives me focus when I DO get on that plane 🙂

  11. Oh Linn, thank you …..I really needed this. We are leaving for China On January 30th…just 12 days from now and I admit that I have had some real fear over lots of different things. I sent you an email with the link and password to my blog. I have started posting and will continue during our trip. If you should think of it, please pray for us. We are taking Isaiah with us to meet Noah his brother who is 7 years old.

    Thank you Linn,
    Julie Hoagland

    PS my Isaiah loves looking at pictures of you Isaiah! 🙂

  12. Oh my goodness, thank you! I needed to read your words (again). I am surrounded by cancer (my cousin, my husbands friend, my other cousin lost his wife recently, a friend I went to HS with just started a blog because her son has a brain tumor, he's 16!) I find myself terrified! I check my kids necks for lumps, I check myself for lumps, my husband…yeah, I'm a mess at the moment, full of fear that cancer will take one of mine. I didn't know until reading this that I am chained to this fear of cancer. I am reminded of the song "Amazing Grace" …My chains are gone, I've been set free, my God my Savior has ransomed me"… I am letting the enemy scare me t death! I certainly know better and I know where my freedom lies. Thank you for the sweet reminder to stand firm with Jesus, our King!!!


  13. I have also walked this road of fear and words can't describe the feeling once freedom comes! Fear is such a prison and a nightmare that doesn't seem to end. So thankful for God's peace! Continuing to pray for the people of Haiti! I see that the US is opening the doors for adoption. Awesome! Our hearts are open — we have never adopted but are praying that if one of those sweet children belong in our family that God will show us what to do. I pray that for all of us.

  14. I came over from K's blog ( NotesFromTheFrugalTrenches)and it seems your family is exactly what I would love to have for us. We are struggling to conceive for the last 2 years. I'm already willing to adopt but my husband isn't just yet. I'm not sure if my body is meant to bare children. But thanks for the encouragement on your site.

  15. I must tell you that God has been speaking to me about fear the past month. My husband and I both have late stage Lyme Disease and coinfections. He is a pastor who has had to go on disability…although right now he is trying to work 15=20 hrs a week as an interim.
    Fear has lived in my life since I was a small child and even though I have managed it most of the time I feel convicted to no longer let it be an unwelcome guest in my home. Your article today has deeply touched me in yet one more example of God's perfect timing.
    I appreciate your openess and honesty here and am so grateful that you share not only your miracles but your struggles…which God uses for good and eventually turns into miracles!!!!!
    Thank you Linny for your inspiration, your willingness to share and your strength in following God's will for your lives.
    God be with you

  16. Everyone might think this post was for them, but it was really for me! Right now God is doing some mighty awesome things in my life. I'm working on a adopting a child from foster care. At the age of 44, he has finally brought a wonderful man into my life. I know He has a plan for something wonderful, but trusting Him to run my life just scares me to death and then to bring a possible husband into the picture and trust that together we will do the right thing and that I would be able to trust God enough to let my husband be the head of our household. Tears are flowing down my face because I am so scared that the God who has taken care of me for all of my life won't do it now. How silly is that! Thank you for helping me to acknowledge what the real problem is.

  17. thank you for sharing. and more importantly, thank you for the prayer.
    i didn't read ove rht ecomments but it seemed like you had spoken to quite many people that were battling fear.
    fear has a tendency to control. mostly fear of harm or attack. i am in a nearly constant state of worry. especially when the hubs is gone.
    so thank you for your prayers and the reminder that God is always with me and I have nothing to fear, for his plans are His plans and I trust in Him.

  18. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you for sharing your heart and your struggles and always returning us to scripture! I have sent this post link to some friends struggling with fear. I am sure it will be such a blessing to them. I'll reply to your awesome email tonight 🙂

  19. This was timely for me as just this morning I was fighting fear–trying to take every thought captive–as I try not to worry about my son being in the military. Fears of the unknown–fears of him being killed, etc. I know I cannot spend the next few years being debilitated by something that may never happen.

  20. Linny,
    Thank you for this post. I know God is using you to speak to me. Just this last Sunday at church we focused on Psalms 121. It spoke to me huge as I have recently been in a bad car accident that resulted in a very badly broken ankle for me. Requiring surgery and hardware. I had developed panic attacks and anxiety because of this and have felt trapped in fear. I have been reading this scripture over and over and praying through the tough times. Thank you for sharing what God laid on your heart. I have been following your blog for a year this month and have been so amazed and encouraged.

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