Sarah’s Car & Mark’s ID

Yesterday the Lord answered two specific prayers in some really amazing ways and I cannot wait to tell you guys!!
First off: I mentioned about a month ago that the very day Tyler depl*yed Sarah’s wallet was stolen – all her ID, everything……gone. Rotten thugs. Nothing like feelin’ like you been kicked in the teeth…ya’ know? How unnerving for a new young bride in a city far away from home!

Then just two days ago (Sunday) Sarah called crying….she had discovered that her car was stolen. Really? Are you kidding me?? I sent a tweet asking for prayer. Poor thing. My heart was so hurting for her and cause I am now her mama, I wanted to wisk her away and bring her home to stay! Jeepers!!

Thank you to all my Twitter buddies who prayed! The police told Sarah that the odds were nil that they would find the car. They also told her that if they were to find it, the odds were also nil that it would be driveable. BUT GOD!!

She emailed Tyler and he was able to call her a few hours later (another miracle – thank you Jesus!). She said he was so sweet to her. He was so thankful that she was okay and he said not to worry, “it was just a car”. Then she said she got an email when she woke up Monday morning from him. It was a list of all the things he loves about her. (What a sweet husband, huh?)

And so prayers went up…….and God saw fit to move swiftly and He moved BIG TIME!! Yesterday (just a little over 24 hours after finding it stolen) the police called! They not only found her car, but it was also driveable! Yippee Jesus!! The entire stereo system was gone, but other than that she drove it home!! What a miracle!!

So to all the skeptics in the world…..What was that part about nil chance of finding it? And what was that part about nil chances of it being driven? Gracious, merciful God!! I love how He loves to show off like that!!

When I was talking to her after they found it she was so giddy!! Then she said these precious words: “Mama, guess what? I’m looking for a little tiny Honda Civic to put in our Memorial Box!” Again, Yippee Jesus! The stories that remind us of God’s complete faithfulness – and now for generations their children and their children’s children will hear the story of God provision!!!

And for another sweet answer to prayer….

Yesterday Dw got up in NY with two goals in mind: Get Mark a Photo ID so he can fly to Colorado with him and of course, go visit his mom. To make a long story short, Dw spent hours trying to find Mark’s birth certificate (with no success) and being told it was impossible without a birth certificate.

This was all going on in a bigger city near their hometown. He tried several government agencies – to no avail. Dw called me in utter frustration and asked me to pray. I told him that I would send out a tweet and ask you guys to pray too. Then he and I prayed together over the phone. We asked that God would move mountains for the photo ID……..that when man said it is impossible- – – -instead God would show His power and might. We asked specifically that the Birth Certificate be found OR put the right person in the right place who would make it happen.

They soon headed to the Sheriff’s office in this neighboring city because Dw had heard that they could even issue a photo ID. Dw went in and inquired. The guy at the desk said there was nothing he could do. BUT a woman behind the counter who was having a conversation on the phone overheard and said, “Hang on.” She came over and told the other man, “Yes, we can do it.”
He still wanted a birth certificate. Dw didn’t have it. He said, “Sorry, can’t do it.” The lady overheard this too, and again put the phone down and came over and said, “My husband was a police man in the town where Mark lives – I know him!” She then said, “Do you have any ID at all? Dw said, “Just a prescription card in Mark’s name.” She said, “It works for me!” She turned to the man and said, “Issue it.” =)
What was that thing they kept being told? No birth certificate – no ID? Yes, but we have a BIG God and His authority trumps all human authority!! Yippee Jesus!
Isn’t it wonderful to know that God is always at work behind the scenes? He’s always got our back and He is ever faithful. He cares about the teeny, tiny, little stuff and the very, very big stuff as well. Yippee Jesus!!

What has HE done for you and yours lately?????

32 thoughts on “Sarah’s Car & Mark’s ID

  1. WOW!!! These praise reports are awesome!! Our God is so faithful to hear and answer our prayers.

    I still don't have a memorial box but I am making my list of miraculous answers to prayers. I just had another one this weekend. Believe me when I say: GOD IS MOVING IN HUGE WAYS IN MY LIFE AND MARRIAGE, IN ME AND MY HUSBAND!! Praise God who is able to do beyond what I can think or imagine!

    Yippee Jesus!! Love you Linn!

  2. Linny,

    My heart is overflowing. I can't even begin to tell you the difference you are making in my life and in the life of my family. Thank you soooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!


  3. So glad you asked, hehe. First, how awesome that the car was found. That just doesn't happen! And talk about God putting the right person in the right place, another awesome moment!!
    OK, here's my story.
    My step- daughter Aniela lives in CA. She came home(to RI) for Christmas and was leaving on the 30th of Dec. She had to work New Years Eve, money is tight so it was important that she got home on time. She was flying out of Boston. It's about a one hour drive… tops! Her flight was for 6:00 pm. We left our house at 3:30. Plenty of time.
    Wrong!!! For some reason known only to God we were in the worst traffic I have ever seen. No accident no construction, it wasn't rush hour. Just no reason!!! It took us two hours to get to the airport. Not good. At 5:30 she could still make the flight but not her luggage. It was too late to check it. What now, as I see the tears welling up in her eyes. She could buy another ticket four 400.00!!! Not an option. Or she could be on stand by for the next flight to CA. That meant we go back home and take her back to the airport for the next flights which were at 6:oo & 7:00am the next morning. The lady said there were a few seats on the first flight and at least forty seats on the second. It was our only option. So bright and early they head back to the airport. They wait in line and finally it's their turn. They ask about the 6:00 flight, they are told it's all booked up. OK, how about the 7:00? It's open but it's not a direct flight!!! She won't make it home in time to work and also has way to much anxiety about flying to go that route. Here comes the cool part. My husband said that it was a no go. There was no way she was going to make it home. Peter said all of a sudden the guy looks up after telling them the 6:oo flight is not only booked but over booked by 7 seats and asks if she would like a window or isle seat!!!!! What!!! He goes on to say, I shouldn't do this but I'm only here for a few more days. I don't know how he did it but she got on that flight and got to work that night!!!
    We were all saying Thank you Jesus!!!

  4. WOW WOW WOW! I love this! I especially love how your DIL called you Mama! Oh how I pray I have a mother-in-love one day 😉

    How amazing has He been to me today. Both you and my prayer partner reminded me by email to believe in the GODLY reasons not the earthly/fleshly ones. Will reply to your email tonight (from my personal account, which will make it easier to correspond!).

    So happy about both the car & ID!

  5. What a wonderful post for me to read while I anxiously await our own miracle from Heaven. We are in the process to adopt a little girl from China who was on our agency's waiting child list for many months before we realized why God kept pulling me to her. However, He has also kept pulling us to a 13 year old boy on our agency's list. Of course, there are very few people willing to adopt 13 year old boys, and there is very little time left to make it happen. We know there is not a lot of hope for this boy to find another family, and we are eager to adopt him ourselves. Unfortunately our agency is very strict about not allowing the adoption of 2 unrelated kids at the same time. We are praying for God to move mountains and allow us to bring this precious child home. Since we've been told our agency never makes exceptions and will allow a child to age-out before allowing the adoption of 2 kids at the same time it will take a true miracle to make it happen, but God is quite the expert at miracles! Please keep us in your prayers!

  6. oh my goodness…I just love, Love, LOVE seeing God work in your family and especially in your children. Your posts just thrill my soul. They are encouraging for me to stay faithful, always look for God in the small stuff and the tough stuff, but mostly to always stand in awe of his greatness.

    I never want to scrap my chin up off the ground when it comes to all the "great things he hath done."

    I can hardly wait to hug God. I can't wait to just be near him physically.

    Reading your posts is like a daily dose of God other than the Word and my own life.

  7. I actually have a prayer request….I have been following your blog for a while now….and love your heart, for God, for adoption, for your family, for the church….

    Please pray for our USCIS approval to come quickly. We have been having some issues with our agent over our pay, etc. We get housing etc. because we are Christian Camp directors. We have had 2 failed court dates- and now can't even schedule a date until we get our USCIS approval.

    We have A LOT of people praying for us already, but this has been really really hard. In tears I am trying to hold on to all the miracles He has and Will Do! Thank you.

  8. *tears* I needed encouragement today, and what a better way than to read about answered prayers! Long story short, we are adding to our family of six this year and bringing home a 2 yr old (February) and a 12 yrs old (June/July) from two different countries. Fears and financial needs like to creep in my mind to get me discouraged. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Awesome! I love coming to your blog and being reminded that God is involved in and cares about ALL of the details in our lives, and there is NOTHING He can not do! It gives me such encouragement. Thank you for helping increase my faith.

    After reading your post yesterday I was encouraged about 2 things. First being that God could heal me of my Crohn's disease. For whatever reason I never even bothered to pray that he would heal me from it. I had prayed for relief of symptoms, strength, etc but why in the world couldn't he just completely heal me of it?

    Also, my brother is an addict and right now is relapsing very severely. The grip of the addiction is so strong, and powerful sometimes it feels like it is a hopeless situation and this is just how it's always going to be. But you reminded me that our God is strong enough to break the bondage of addiction, and my prayers are not in vain.

    Thank you so much for how you've ministered to me. I continue to pray for you and your entire family. I can not even begin to wrap my mind around everything you have been through and are going through just in this last year alone, but I am excited to see just how God shows Himself in your life!


  10. I love your stories. In a world where God is being shoved aside any chance given your words bring light and hope that there is still good people out there. Thank you for taking time away from the blessings in your life to share your words with me!

  11. wooohooooo, sweet friend. I am totally rejoicing here. Yep–amazing God!!!! The enemy just cannot mess with God's chosen people!!!! God is so much greater. He's got it all in the palm of His hand, friend, He's working out everything to the GOOD of your family who adores Him.

    He's done some pretty amazing things in our bringing Hailee home. Moving HUMONGOUS mountains on our behalf. He cannot help himself–He just has to bless us.

    Rejoicing with you today.

  12. God has done SO much for our family, I can't even write it all here. The most recent is a phone conversation with someone at the High Commission saying he would look into our medical forms for the kids and then an email from him later that same day (yesterday) saying they will be mailed on Friday!! Yippee Jesus!! Baby steps are still steps!

  13. Thank you Linny!!! I needed to read about those answered prayers! I've been a little weepy and weary today about our current adoption. Our God is so gracious!!

    Hugs and love,

  14. Wooohooo! Thank you Jesus. I just love hearing your stories, Linny. I'm never surprised–God CAN do all things and IS always faithful, so why should any of this be surprising–just amazed and grateful, and usually grinning, laughing, crying, or all three in quick succession, LOL. We played "Days of Elijah" at Saturday night's service and I couldn't wait to tell my bandmates the story behind it, YOUR story. They finally understood why I had selected it to sing so often last fall! 🙂 I just clicked on and read your whole Journey To Me thread about Isaiah the other night, and was really blessed by it. I especially loved the part where you were playing the game with him in the hotel room of running and jumping on the beds, because I was thinking while I was reading it that just a couple years ago, before God cured your MS, that you wouldn't've been able to do that at all. And then you put up yesterday's post! 🙂 I have read it before but I always get goosebumps and tears in my eyes. God our Healer is SO good. He is healing me of severe PTSD–a couple years ago I was such a twitchy wreck, constantly on edge, struggled to leave the house, still have no idea how I kept my job, no one (except my husband, and sometimes not even him) could touch me without me freaking out (oooh worship services were AWFUL, all those PEOPLE), I quit reading the Bible for awhile because I opened it for comfort one day and instead came across Jeremiah 13:22 (read it and you will also understand what had happened to me), and a year and a half ago I was laying in bed, under SUCH a smothering cloud of darkness, determined to kill myself if only I had the strength to get OUT of the bed to get something to do it with. Except I didn't, and I didn't. And the vast majority of the fear has melted away. And I can go to church and exchange hugs, kisses, handshakes with tons of people, whether I even know them or not, and whether they're walking up BEHIND me or not. I once read the story of a young woman who had the words "grace" and "mercy" tattooed over the self-inflicted scars on her wrists, as a permanant visual reminder of what God has done. I've thought about getting a tattoo of my verses, but my husband's not crazy about tattoos so I've not done it. I just read them, over and over and over and over again:

    "O LORD my God, I cried to you for help, and you have healed me. O LORD, you brought up my soul from Sheol, restored me to life from among those gone down to the Pit." Psalm 30:2-3

    There are more stories, SO many more stories, but this is the one that came to mind after your post of yesterday.

    Peace be with you!

  15. Great post Linn, as usual!

    He has moved mountains for us these last few weeks…My husband who was against adding to our family through adoption has done a complete turn around!! He said God has changed is heart and he was very willing to start the adoption process. It's just the beginning of a very long journey, I know. But, what a journey it will be!!! We have already received an adoption info packet and application and I have spoken to a coordinator…we are well on our way!

    Thanks for all your inspiration!!

  16. Praise God. With so many things going "wrong" in our world. It is awesome to have someone put out in print just what God can do. Thanks for reminding me that God DOES answer prayers.

    What a sweet son and husband Tyler is. I know it must have been such a blessing to Sarah to receive such a wonderful email. What a treasure.

    Looking forward to all the wonderful prayers God will continue to answer.

  17. Just wanted to add to my previous comment that God is moving mountains! Our request to adopt the 13 year old boy along with our daughter is actually being considered! I know this doesn't mean it's a sure thing, but just to have the request considered is a big step! Please continue to pray that we can bring this precious young man home!

  18. I was in Canada over New Years. And as I was packing up for the trip home I remembered to put my driver's license away "somewhere safe." But upon getting to the airport I couldn't find my license (I did have my passport). Anyways I have spent days looking for it. I've looked everywhere. So I went to the local DMV only to find out that the branch was closed. I had to drive all the way across town to the other branch. I got there and there were 40 people ahead of me in the Rs alone. It seemed like I would be there for hours. After sitting for about 40 minutes, I looked behind me and saw a self-service kiosk. As I went to dig my debit card out to pay for my replacement license I found it. Yes, standing in the DMV I found my license. So there is hope for Sarah's wallet.

    Anyways, as I was driving away I remembered there was a fabric store down the street that I love. And since I had just saved myself $15 I thought I would stop in. I went to the fat quarter section as I wanted to get some squares to send for some 100 wishes quilts (BTW, does Jubilee or any of your kiddos have a quilt. If so I'd love to send a square). Anyways, while there I got to minister about adoption and special needs and older child adoption all through explaining a 100 wishes quilt. The opportunity only came because of that ID that was there all along. I am not sure how God will use my ministering, but I know he had me there for a reason. Walking out of the store I could just feel it.

  19. Thank you God for these answers to prayer! Linny, thank YOU for sharing them. We need to be reminded how He is in EVERY detail of our daily lives!
    I am certainly thankful that as I was driving out of my neighborhood yesterday, traveling about 40 minutes away to a post office to order Candie's passport, God reminded me that I had left my driver's license in my copier. I would not have been able to get her passport without that and it would have been a wasted trip for me AND Rob who took off work to sign her paperwork. WOW, thank you GOD. It was ALL HIM!

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