Sorry for the WHAT???

Remember a few days ago I told you about Dw & I heading downtown during the snowstorm to get coffee for our weekly date? We walked the streets and almost all of the stores were closed.

Being as we live about 1/2 hour from a major ski resort, it is not uncommon to hear people talk about “fresh powder”…and many people skip work, close stores, whatever to go skiing/snowboarding on fresh powder….

But imagine the giggles for all the people who passed and read this sign….

Ummmm, excuse me, you’re sorry for WHAT??

57 thoughts on “Sorry for the WHAT???

  1. THANK YOU!!!

    I am exhausted from studying for finals and I just got home from a Physics class–I thought I would check blogs before I laid down and crashed for a few hours and this made me giggle!!!

    I certainy needed that.

    I hope their condition improves–or they buy some depends:):)


    that is absolutely hilarious!!

    i was in a job interview with a guy interviewing a woman for an editorial position and he said, "hmmmm it says here on your resume that you worked for scholastic. could you collaborate on that?"

    the woman and i made eye contact as both of our eyeballs were struggling to stay in our heads.

    i about died. it was hilarious and to this day, i say, ummmm would you care to collaborate on that??

    so funny. i bet they're dying of embarrassment! (cause we all know how uncomfortable wet ski pants can be!)

  3. Maybe because I am an RN, but I found that sign HILARIOUS!!! Thanks for sharing! :))

    (still praying about your insurance company and the rental. Just found out yesterday my new health insurance may not pay for a MRI I just had … 3500 dollars. Yes, that would be the money in the fund for a newer vehicle for my sweet husband who drives an 89 truck with no A/C and one window that won't roll down. We live in GA and we are in our mid 50's – I don't want him to melt this summer!)

    You have no idea how much your blog blesses me!

  4. I've read your blog for a year and not sure that I ever commented. I was reading this while snacking on pineapple . . . i starting laughing and then choking . . .my husband had to check to see what was going on. He got a good laugh too! I'm not sure anyone would "enjoy" "incontinence"

  5. Such a neatly printed sign with such a humorously incorrect word!! I'm sorry for their incontinence too – it must be terribly inconvenient for snowboarders or skiers to deal with that.

  6. If you spell inconvenience incorrectly on your computer and quickly click over the spell check (first word that comes up is incontinence!), then this is what you get: an hilarious sign.

    Not the first time I've seen this type of thing!!

    Snick, single mama (tired but happy)
    dd Sunshine 8 3/4 VN
    dd Brilliance 3 1/2 China

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