Cooking Up Some Fun

I just couldn’t resist these pictures of the kids helping Emmy and I in the kitchen….

bake with your kids – they will love cooking and baking for the rest of their lives!

9 thoughts on “Cooking Up Some Fun

  1. That Elijah has sure stolen my heart. He has a fire in his eyes that just makes me smile! He reminds me so much of my youngest boy Elia (german for Elijah) and HIS spark in his eyes!
    Yes, cooking with your kids is the best! Just tonight, my oldest daughter wanted to make cookies, and I usually let her, because hers taste way better than mine!
    Love, Barb

  2. Cooking and kids–nothing like it!
    We adapted the Humpty-Dumpty rhyme to remind us forever of my then 2 or 3 year old's "help" with putting eggs in the cookie dough!
    Another time I left the room briefly (phone call?) just after telling her to dump the measured cup of brown sugar in the bowl. I returned to find the bowl FULL of brown sugar!

  3. Ok, you inspired me to pick up some muffin mix and such at the store today so that Philip and Eli could help me bake them. BTW – I love the aprons your kids are wearing. So cute.

    Janet and gang (Kevin, Ted, Philip, and Elijah)

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