Crazy Love Challenge

I am overjoyed at the response to yesterday’s post. Look sweet friends!! As I type this, there are already 29 links of women, families – just like you and me – that have needs. Very real needs. Now what would the Lord have us to do? Pray? Absolutely. But I think He would ask us to get uncomfortable for Him.
Crazy Love then springs into action… says,
“Okay God, only you, only you and everything I can for my ‘neighbor’. Whatever you ask – I’ll do. Wherever you want me to go – I’ll go. However you ask me to do it – I’m there. Whenever you want me – I’m available. Whatever. Wherever. However. Whenever. Ready. Willing. Watching. Waiting.”

Lately about 2,400 friends have been stopping by A Place Called Simplicity each day. That’s alot of folks!! That’s alot of prayer for each of these needs – Yippee Jesus! Please pray for each!! There is such power in prayer. But twenty-four hundred people also mean that there is a strong likelihood that many, if not most, have the ability {even in a small way} to bless someone else. Quite likely that many of you have never done anything like this before. But could you imagine if basically all took just $5.00 {or more!} and mailed it to a need posted? I have complete confidence that God would bless you, your new friend would be over-joyed and you would reap the benefits of obedience. So the challenge is this: Get your family involved {or not}. We are going to read people’s needs as a family. We are going to pray for each need. BUT then we are going to spring into action. Here’s some ideas: Could you not have a mocha this week and send a check to a friend who has a need listed on the Crazy Love post? Could you possibly have a bean dish dinner instead of a meat dinner at your home and send the money difference to someone you’ve never even met? Could you and/or your family be Christ’s hands this week and give in a completely Crazy Love kind of way? Can your kids even draw some pictures to include with your gift? Here’s another thought: If you give to help bring an orphan home, ask the person you sent money to, if you could have a picture of their precious one so you can hang it on the wall and start a “Wall of Fame”. Come on! Do it! You will never regret it – PROMISE!! Infact I’m bettin’ that you will end up thinkin’, “Whoooaa Nelly, that was kind of Crazy Fun!” The MckLinky will shut off tomorrow 3/27 in the morning… if you are debating posting about your need, time’s “a-tickin”….Get a move on!! xo

18 thoughts on “Crazy Love Challenge

  1. I don't know how to do the Linky thing but I would covet your prayers for our family. We are in the middle of our second adoption, praying home a 1 year old and a 7 year old from Ethiopia. My husband lost his job in November. Got a job last month only to have it 3 weeks, then be let go for no reason. We know we serve a faithful God. We know He has a plan for us. We would be honored if you would pray for our family. Blessings!

  2. We've already discussed it as a family. And we will definitely be helped a couple of families. It's going to be so exciting sending out money orders. Hugs and thanks for doing this.

  3. Oh, my goodness! I cannot TELL you what fun I have been having! I have been merrily, joyfully doling out money to all the blogs with chip ins that are on the list! 🙂 I need to go back and log whom I have given to, and then find ways to do more! This is a blast!!!!!!!! AND…a little while ago I was crying…cuz some sweet sister/brother gave $5 to ME!!!!!!!!! How awesome is THAT?
    I am humbled! And blessed. This is so much stinkin' fun!!!!


  4. i will have to come back later to donate…i have tried twice tonight to do it but i think my paypal account thinks i have been hacked because of so much activity! 🙁

  5. This is so AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!!!! WOW!!! i cant thank you enough for giving me that final push to put this into action TODAY! i have had this huge desire to give/serve for a while now and not knowing what to do, ive not really been doing anything… but you gave it to me simplily and it was SO easy and enjoyable!!! & WOW did our Sweet Savior So himself to me, in the hour and a half i was giving! WOW WOW WOW… HE IS AMAZING!!!! im going to save all other details for my very first memorial box monday post on monday ;o)
    God Bless you my friend!!

  6. This is totally amazing Linny! Thank you for doing this. I know I shouldn't have been shocked, but we have had two people give to us already and I am BLOWN AWAY. One person said "it's not much" but honestly, to us, it was HUGE because it was proof positive that God is in this with us. OK, and because I am sometimes a math geek I ran some numbers on the calculator, and if I gave $5 to each of the 29, it would be $145, which is probably what we spend on babysitting and date nights for a month (1 night per week). We could have "date night in" for a month right? Then I calculated that if 2400 people gave just $5 to each person, that would be $12K. Whoa! Now, I know that not everyone will be able to give, but really I just wanted to see what those numbers would look like if we all did it. And then to further extrapolate the number, what if 2400 people, gave $5 to 29 people (using your number of how many links there were when you posted – now there are more but this is just a theoretical), figuring $145 per giver, that would be a whopping $348K (yes THOUSAND) going to furthering the work of Christ either through missions, or adoption, or caring for orphans, and being a neighbor. Can you just see what $5 can do?!?

    OK, geekish moment over. Whew! That was awesome. I just know I am going to be reading some amazing Memorial Box Monday posts in the future. 🙂

    Thank you for being God's instrument to help me learn to trust him more!

  7. What an awesome God idea! I look forward to reading through the posts, seeking ways to bless others! I do not have a public blog, so unfortunately I cannot participate this time around (prayer is needed…but I digress). However, it gives me the opportunity to GIVE and that's a blessing in itself. 🙂

    P.S. Are you familiar with the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan?

  8. I really like this Crazy Love idea. I have Lyme's Disease, and while it has made my life rather odd (medical leave from medical school + divorce) I am slowly finding my way back to God through it. I'm learning about the medical system from the ground floor up (hello Medicaid) plus I'm learning about Lyme's in a way that most GPs and specialists don't! There is SUCH a need for Lyme specialists…and I think I am definitely going to be one!
    I don't have much to share, but I try to make an extra meal a week to share with an elderly neighbor as well as sharing chicken eggs with a widowed friend. These small things really brighten my day, and do a lot to keep me positive.
    I really enjoy reading your blog…please keep up the inspirational posts!

  9. Thank you so much for you encouragement for others helping others!!! We have been blessed by families ALREADY! We are so excited to also look for ways we can help above and beyond! My sweet children are even getting into it. My 8 year old was paid yesterday her $5 for her monthly reading goal, she took the money and went directly to our adoption jar and put it ALL IN. That is the heart I want to have!!!

  10. I should clarify, its too late for me to be on the MckLinky, but i can still look around and see how i can bless others!! 🙂 That's what this is all about, right?

    btw, I'm following you on my personal blog. But I'm logged in under our adoption blog.

    ~ jodes

  11. Wonderful idea! I got in too late for sending in my need via the Mclinkey, but I have the blog post already up on my site in case you ever do this again! I will definetly be looking at all the posts and seeing what I can do!

  12. well. 2 friends directed me to this post just a few minutes ago and i see that the 27th has come and gone. i posted today about our son, Daniel, and his need to hear. i had no clue you were doing this challenge. anyway…i'll put the link here for grins::

    it doesn't have church info on it only because i didn't know about your challenge. we attend lifegate church in s. texas, we tithed regularly until jeff lost his job…and now i'm convicted and will speak to my wonderful hubby who is trying very hard to hold us all together, we are in a small group that meets weekly but are on break right now, attend sunday school, church, and have lots of wonderful, committed to Christ friends.

    have a good one.

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