Memorial Box Monday – $276.00

This story has been mulling around in my heart and I really think there are a few of you who need to hear it, because it is a story of God’s provision! Whether in the midst of an adoption, health issues or income loss – we need to remember that Jehovah Jirah provides. Infact Jehovah Jirah was the name the Isrealite nation gave to God when they came to know Him as their provider…..

This story takes us back to 1979. Dw and I got married in August of 1978 {I know, I know, many of you weren’t even born yet!}. Dw had finished one year of law school when we got married and had two years to go. We were living in Buffalo, NY and I was working as an Administrative Assistant. I made $150.00 a week. We tithed since day one of our marriage. We have heard people say, “We would like to tithe, but we can’t afford to.” To which I reply, “Friend you can’t afford NOT to tithe.” No matter what bills you have, no matter how little your income is, you must tithe. We have seen, over the years God meet every single need we have had, even when we have had little or no income – He does that because He is a faithful God and He will always generously bless our obedience. Always. Infact I am confident that this story would have not taken place if we had not been tithing….

When Dw was in law school we told the Lord that we did not want to take any student loans either – we wanted Him to provide for every need and then He would get the glory big time! Yup, a whopping $150.00/week and no student loans. {Dw had taken student loans before we were married.} We would be on an adventure and watch Him, and only Him, provide.

Dw was attending the State University of New York at Buffalo Law School and each semester we had managed, miraculously, to pay his tuition. But now we came to a time where we just didn’t have the money. We had $276.00 left to pay. We were bound and determined that God was going to provide…..we had no clue how and we didn’t “advertise” that we had this need. We prayed. We prayed alot. We needed the money by a certain date. We told the Lord that the deadline was approaching, infact the deadline for the tuition money was Monday. There weren’t any surprise checks that came in the mail on Saturday.

Whooooaa. It was getting close. We were beginning to wonder what we were going to do. And then we went to church on Sunday morning. =) Out of the blue, our pastor walked up to us and said, “Someone asked me to give this to you folks.” He handed us an envelope. I am sure our eyes popped out of our head. We had never had anyone anonymously give us an envelope. We tucked it away and waited till we were home to open it.

I will never forget sitting in our little apartment as we opened that envelope and reached inside to a little pile of cash. As we counted out the bills we started to giggle and gasp. Two hundred, two hundred twenty, two hundred forty, two hundred sixty, two hundred seventy, two hundred seventy five and one single dollar bill more. Exactly on the dot of what we needed. No note inside. No clues. We have no idea, 31 years later who gave us that. Our pastor didn’t know of our need. God had met it through someone who had been very generous – no doubt!

And that is precisely why we call Him our Miracle-working, Mountain-moving, Awe-inspiring, Gasp-giving God. He provides even at the last possible day and eventually we started calling Him “Jehovah of the Last Second”….

So what about you sweet bloggy friends? Are there needs that you have and wondering how exactly He is going to provide? OR is there someone around you that has a need? Could you be the person who fills the envelope and gives it to them? Perhaps even anonymously? Too fun!!

Please share your own Memorial Box Monday post. Please feel free to copy the Memorial Box badge off the right sidebar. And please link up below. People are loving reading your Memorial Box Monday stories posted and often they find encouragement for their situation….because He is always a Faithful God and He will meet whatever need you may have…

19 thoughts on “Memorial Box Monday – $276.00

  1. I am trusting GOD BIG TIME to provide for my need of money to go to Mali next year (for a 6 + months stay). And I totally believe that He will! In fact, I had the opportunity to tell someone (who is an unbeliever) just yesterday. They asked where is the money going to come from? I told them "GOD." And they looked like "can you really be serious?!" And I said again, "I'm for real. GOD." :))

  2. Oh, Linny so funny you should write about this today! By Sunday I usually have nothing left , but whatever there is I give. Sometimes it's change some times a little more. one day Sophia saw me getting the money out before church and she said "is that all the money you have?" I told her , "yes". She said why don't you keep some. I told her on Sunday what I have is God's and he always gives me back more.

    It never fails. Every week something just turns up. Enough to get us by. And usually at the last minute.
    I just love this post!

  3. I love to hear how God has been so faithful to you and your family. You have inspired me to get a Memorial Box for our family. Now for the fun of hunting for one. Thanks for reminding me to remember just how faithful God has been to me and my family.

  4. I LOVE stories like these!
    I don't like it when I tell my "little" stories to people and they say it was a coincidence.

    One time I had such a horrible headache that no medication worked. I was at my wits end and was crying in my kitchen because my head hurt so bad and all my praying wasn't working. I started bawling like a baby when I said to myself "I guess I'm not worthy" (to have my migraine go away) while leaning against the wall and sliding down to the floor. Then.. Just like THAT.. My headache was GONE. BOOM. GONE. I have NO DOUBT that God was like, Um.. Yes, you ARE worthy. Here. Have some relief. You just needed to know it was from ME.

    I have a couple more, but I don't want to write a novel on your comment board 😛

    Thanks for sharing your story! 🙂

  5. Linny, this is the first time I linked up… what an awesome story you shared… God is so amazing. Now I just need to get myself a memorial box:)

  6. Linny-I have been following you for a long time but always as a lurker. I'm not posting this story on my blog as it's not mine to tell but I thought you'd get a big kick out of it.
    We adopted an orphan from Ukraine last year and our awe inspiring Lord moved mountains for us but that's another story.
    Since then, we have become involved with the foundation that we hosted him through. Last week we meet with this year parents attempting all the hoops of international adoption and heading to Ukraine to get their children.
    One sweet mom and dad shared with me after the meeting that when they hosted these boys in October they had $300 in the bank and they prayed about what to do. Should we adopt? How can we pay for it? And short of saying "Unless you drop the money in our laps" they pretty much knew there was NO way they could make this work. The next morning on their porch was a check for…get this….$30,000 with a note that said. "I hope this will help." Seriously. 30K.
    Sends chills up and down your spin doesn't it?

  7. Oh, I always love hearing your Memorial Box stories. It's wonderful how you can share a recent story one week and one from 30 years ago the next. I can't wait to see what God has planned in the future. Our mighty God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

    Much Love,

  8. Linny,
    I love how the blogworld brings people together. Dw went to law school. I simply cracked up when I read that.

    I went to law school too… It will be an MBM post of its own one day.

    And people say lawyers are sharks. HA!

    Many blessings.

  9. Linny,
    I love how the blogworld brings people together. Dw went to law school. I simply cracked up when I read that.

    I went to law school too… It will be an MBM post of its own one day.

    And people say lawyers are sharks. HA!

    Many blessings.

  10. This story made me think of something that I wonder what your thoughts are. How do you feel about tithing in ways other than money? Like giving time to your Church in a ministry or service project etc. It's something I've always put thought into, but I'd love to hear your thoughts, if you'd be willing to share. We can discuss off blog if you'd like……

  11. praise Yahweh!!!

    It must've felt good to know that you're right where He wants you to be 🙂 Like Abraham's servant, "I being in the way, He led me"

    He is soooo good!!! 🙂

  12. I found your site through a friend's facebook link. Today I found out I needed a root canal and was wondering how we were going to pay for it, then I visited your blog and was inspired to stop worrying and just trust in God! Thank You!

  13. Linny, I have read your blog for a while, but never posted a comment. I am actually the daughter of Karl and Jennifer Gager and my sister is Lexie, who traveled with DW last year on the Africa mission trip. I just had to comment and let you know that I really felt like your post today was meant for me to hear! I am actually newly married (going on 9 months) and am currently working as a secretary to put my husband through law school. We have taken out some student loans for him, but are constantly living in faith that the Lord will provide in all areas. In so many ways he's already provided for us tremendously! We too have tithed since day one of our marriage, because like you said, we can't afford not to! It was just so amazing to read your story and the more I read the more familiar it sounded. 🙂 Yesterday after I read your story my husband and I were actually in a minor car accident. We are completely fine, but my husband's car will need to be repaired. It wasn't our fault and the person that hit us has insurance, we're just not sure of the coverage yet. After the whole thing happened yesterday I immediately thought of your blog post. I am so at peace about the whole situation and I know that God WILL provide as he always does. Anyways….just wanted to speak up for once and let you know that I'm here and I'm reading and I am truly being touched and encouraged by your stories. I think my husband and I just might be starting a Memorial Box as well!

    God Bless!!
    Katie Penfield

  14. Too timely. Precious story. I am going to seminary in the fall across the country and definitely needed the reminder to trust God to provide a job, financial aid, etc. So I read this yesterday, then on the way home today was thinking about it again and prayed for provision and to just trust Him. I got home and had an email saying that I had received a $500 scholarship… God is already providing. He is good.

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