A Sweet Email

I got a sweet email from a bloggy friend. This is what she said {although I changed info so to protect her identity}.

My husband and I took a job as youth ministers right after we graduated from college in 2007. We loved our experience but felt that God was specifically calling me to apply to law school in 2008. I applied to Law School and am a little over half done with my first year. I happened to be reading your post about how God had provided for your husband’s law school costs as I was sitting in Contracts class this week, and I started crying right in the middle of class! Thank you so much for the reminder that God will provide. My husband and I have committed to take out $0 in loans while I am in law school so that we can be free to move where God chooses after law school without feeling pressured to find jobs that can pay for student loan bills. I had been feeling burdened this week about whether or not my grades will be high enough to keep my scholarship next year and how we could pay for school, and your post was just what I needed to hear.

I knew when I was typing Monday’s post that it would be speaking specifically to someone….little would I have guessed there was a young woman sitting in a Contracts Class in law school who would be reading it. She needed to hear our 31 year old story. And even though it a 31 years old story, God’s faithfulness has not changed one speck since. He is completely trustworthy. He will provide for the needs of His people.

Sweet friends, that is exactly why Memorial Box posts are so important. They tell the story of God’s faithfulness AND they encourage others right where they are at. Please begin to remember…and consider writing a post…even just every now and then….

If there was one thing I would urge you to do, it’s to begin a Memorial Box….begin to remember. We are a forgetful people. We must choose to remember His faithfulness.

14 thoughts on “A Sweet Email

  1. Yes we ARE a forgetful people.

    I've had a post on my heart for a few weeks now that I think I'll take the time to sit down and write.

    Our family just started our very first Memorial Box. I just love the idea of actively remembering his faithfulness in our lives.

  2. Linny, I have a story of the Lord's abundant provision that is still just blowing me away.

    Well, there are a ton of blessings all wrapped up into one here, so please forgive the length. My sons' friend was in a horrific accident on Saturday. The medical staff did not expect him to make it. My boys were absolutely beside themselves, but we prayed. I can't tell you the emotional roller coaster we were on, as at one point they told us he had passed. He was DIC even (blood not clotting), his blood had no time to oxygenate, etc.. I stopped at one point, took my 5 yr old daughter by the hands (because I will admit I was lacking faith), and told her to pray for him. She gave the shortest sweetest prayer, and it was over for her. I am learning so much about faith from her. She prayed and absolutely knew God had it handled. He did. The poor young man will have a long road of recovery because the Lord did indeed spare his life (praise Him!!). However, his body suffered substantial trauma.

    Well, his family had not left the hospital since the accident and the Lord impressed it upon me to cook for them and take it to the hospital. When I went to the store I realized I only had $17.94. I prayed for the Lord to stretch it and lol got everything to feed them, and the paper products, etc… for $17.32. Wait, it gets better!!! I made spaghetti and garlic bread and sent it up there for them. It didn't just feed them, it fed EVERY family that had someone in the trauma unit and they had enough for leftovers later!! That is all God. There is no way that should have happened.

  3. That's so cool. 31 years is but a vapor in God's eyes… and PTL that He is no respector of persons! <>< What He has done for one, He will do for another! ๐Ÿ™‚


  4. sweet reminder for how important it is to remember and tellโ€ฆ
    i love your stories.
    and hope you have resolved the co2 issues at your home, and that jube is feeling better!

  5. sweet reminder for how important it is to remember and tellโ€ฆ
    i love your stories.
    and hope you have resolved the co2 issues at your home, and that jube is feeling better!

  6. Wow! I too read your post as I tumbled out of day to day trusting and into month-ahead worrying! I drove 43 miles without a drop of petrol in the car last week! Yet this week am still fighting the temptation to worry about next months rent which is due in a few days – thank you for your perfectly timed encouragement!It has arrived at the same time as many more reminders of provision so I am now excited that next week is a long way away- too far away to worry about – but close enough to look forward to His miraculous provision! Thanks again.

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