
So when I posted about Crazy Love, I really thought, “Okay, Lord, I’m going out on a limb on this….” and I kind of held my breath and waited…..doing my best to be obedient to Him. I hadn’t told anyone about the idea the Lord gave me….so I was wondering what friends might think.
Within a few hours two of my very dearest bloggy friends, whom I deeply admire, gave enthusiastic encouragement in the comments they left…..Tina of One Blessed Nest said, “If you have a need, bring it on, we’re waiting!” Tina girlfriend – You totally get it!! She is a treasure and if you haven’t visited her blog…you really ought to….cause her sweet spirit shines through.

Before too long, Scrappy Quilter at Simple Pieces of Our Daily Lives said, “What an amazing, incredible idea. I can’t wait to take part.” Scrappy Quilter is one of my prayer buddies…via email….infact we don’t even live in the same country! You really ought to visit her as well – you will be abundantly blessed….

How’s that for Crazy Love? These two sweet ladies didn’t need to think about it. They didn’t just hit the little “x” in the upper right hand corner….nope(!)…they jumped right in – which to many would be totally crazy!! But it is really just love in action! And that would be called Crazy Love!! Oh Yippee Jesus!!

Now there are bunches of you joining in!! I am humbled and thrilled!! I really, really, really think we’re onto something sweet friends!! And you know what else I was thinking….for you who are in a “need” place, one of these days when we do another Crazy Love party, Lord willing, you will be able to be on the “give” side…..and you will remember what it was like when a total stranger reached out and shared with you…

Oh my gracious –
I love

I would really like to post some stories of what God’s done in your family, your lives and your heart as you guys give to total strangers….and then I’d like to post some stories of those who have received. So stinkin’ fun…..In the days ahead, if you are “givin” or “needin” and would be okay with it, please send me an email briefly telling your story….and please put “Crazy Love” in the subject. K?

On the homefront….a bit of fun news….Elijah has not been in the time-out chair for FOUR {count them!} days. Trust me on this….there have been some days where he is in it four times in an hour. This morning he and I were up alone {Dw was already gone to church} and we were in the closet where I was dressing. Out of the blue he said, “I love Jesus.” Sweet baby boy, I do believe you are getting it….and maybe one day the time-out chair will be just another piece of furniture.

If anyone has been checking my tweets, our oldest guy is safe on American soil….thank you Jesus for your protection and thank you to all of you who have prayed for him. I talked to him for just a minute and told him “When the steam clears and you come up for air, give your momma a call, okay?” {And yes, I really said that! They’re newlyweds for goodness sake!} Please continue to pray for our military and their families…whether they are training or deployed – they are sacrificing daily.

Lastly, Miss Jubilee has been sick. They found strep, but it appears there are some other things going on. The doc is concerned and so are we. We are taking her to the hospital today for some tests. To me, when a doc orders tests for a Saturday…you know they are serious! Jubilee still understands very little….so it’s not gonna’ be fun. Also, she has not put on any weight since her first doctor visit 3 months ago, which is even more concerning. Just thought you, sweet friends, would want to know….

26 thoughts on “Wow!

  1. It's going to be so exciting to see what God has done with all this "crazy love". I absolutely love those words.

    So good to hear your Tyler is home. Praying for your precious Jubilee. And WTG Elijah on doing so well. Hugs and love

  2. Linny, I'm praying for Jubilee! Please keep us posted. Praying the doctors will find out exactly what is going on and know exactly what to do! God bless you today.

  3. I love your Crazy love idea! Is it too late for me? I read your post and had to run and never got back. I know you understand. One thing after another kept popping up.
    So sorry to hear that Jubilee is not well. I do pray it's not serious.
    Welcome home Tyler and Congrats Elijah!!! Four days, that's HUGE!!!
    And my sweet friend there is an award at my blog for you. Please stop by and pick it up.
    Love and hugs!

  4. Praising God that Tyler is back, safe and sound on our soil:) I am praying for Miss Jubilee right now… Praying for the Doctors to be able to figure out what is going on with her. Praying for you too Linny.

  5. Praying for you to have an empty "naughty chair" and that the tests can help determine which steps the Drs need to take for Jubilee to be on the mend!

  6. Praying for miss Jubilee. Make sure Elijah isn't sick…if he's behaving so well.. JK
    Nice to hear that you are an understanding MIL.

    Gonna read the Crazy Love stories and see how far my $40 reaches this week.

  7. I have loved the idea of this Crazy Love (have you read to book "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan by the way?).I got a comment from a sweet woman who wants to help me a little so I can make it to KC. I almost cried! When I read all she's been through and how she still wants to help me, I was so blessed! Thank you so much for this idea!

  8. Linny – I love the idea of sharing the stories that come out of your crazy love "challenge". I am working out what our family can do in this. It is very exciting! I can just imagine how your children feel living with you – you make everything so fun!! 🙂

    I am so glad that Tyler is home. He has certainly been in my prayers. I am happy to think if him back with his new wife! 🙂 That is wonderful about Elijah also. Days without time-outs are so sweet! And his heart is growing for the Lord – just wonderful!

    Please do keep us posted about sweet Jubilee. I am glad that she is in your family where she has such amazing support and where she will get whatever care she may need. Praying, of course! 🙂

  9. WOW! Just catching up on your blog…Count me in on helping!


    ~PRAYING for sweet Jubilee!!!

    ~Way to go Elijah!!

    ~Oh Mercy, praying for your son's friend Nate and the family that lost their boy.

    God be with you all,
    Amy <><

  10. Oh, sweet Jubilee. Our Grace didn't gain any weight for the first 8 months that she was home. But now she is gaining weight steadily and getting taller all the time (although she is still not on the growth charts!).


  11. I'm rejoicing with you that Tyler is home! We appreciate his sacrifice for our safety!

    I'm sorry Jubilee is sick! I will be praying for her to have peace during her testing and for her healing!


  12. I am so so thankful to hear that Tyler is home safe!! You are so funny, saying that to him. 😉 I can't even imagine how happy Sarah is to see him!

    I never got around to posting for Crazy Love. 🙁 But I will be praying for those that signed up! It's so awesome that you are having such a great turnout.

    I'm praying for sweet Jubilee! Thank you for always keeping us updated so we can pray for your awesome family. You are very loved! ((hugs))

  13. Praise Jesus for bringing Tyler home safe and sound!!!!

    We'll be praying for sweet Jubilee. Please keep us posted if you can.

    I love what you are doing with the Crazy Love challenge!! I've gotten to see this kind of thing during my YWAM days, but it is nearly non-existent in the "normal" world. I can't wait to read all of the stories.

    Lots of love,

  14. I think crazy love is a great idea!
    When we first were married my husband was a student and I was (still am) a full time volunteer for the church. This meant we had very little spare money, and when it came round to Christmas we began to get concerned. We had enough to get to our parents' houses but not enough to buy any presents!
    Well, a couple of weeks before we left for our holiday an envelope of money (£200!) turned up at our house with a note from someone saying that God had told them to give the money.

    It really taught us that God has our back in our marriage and everything we do, and it has encouraged us to do the same now that we have a bit more expendible income!…also giving IS much better than receiving!

    Praying for Jubilee

  15. Our little guy has been home from Uganda a year and a half and has gain 3 whole pounds. I am beside myself. No one can find anything. The endro. even said, "So he's skinny, who cares. Too many people in America are fat. He seems healthy, just let it go." WHAT?? My six and half year old son weighs 32 pounds…that's not OK! I give him extra protein shakes everyday, add extra fat whenever I can. Oh, please pray for my boy, and if they see anything in your sweet girl, will you let me know, so that I might know something else to look for. Blessings!

  16. Thanks for the mention and the link sweet friend! Still working my way through the Crazy Love posts–and lovin' it! Rejoicing that your Ty is HOME! Praying for your precious Jubilee Promise, and for Nate, and Jo, and all involved. Smiling over Elijah's chair victory!
    Thinking of your Autumn, asking for her healing. Praying for your strength, as you minister to so very many.

    Love you~ xo


  17. Praises for Elijah's new record and the oldest son's recent return … you know how close to my heart his work is … and praying for Jubilee. I love what you are up to with Crazy Love 🙂 You rock Lynn!

    Blessings, Lisa C.

  18. I wanted to praise God for what He is doing in our adoption for ShayleeJoy. After I posted to your blog about our fundraising, we began having so many random donations made to our Chip In button. I am certain they came from your readers and for that I am deeply humbled and thankful. I just wrote a post glorifying the One that gives all that we have!!! Thank you so very much and pray when this is all said and done, Scott and I will begin paying forward every cent that was sent our way.


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