Memorial Box Wednesday – Please Make it Easy

I was going to post a different Memorial Box story, but something happened in the last few days that was so exciting to me, that I just had to share this “hot off the press” story instead.
When we went to Children’s last month, the cleft lip and palate team said we were to return to our city and find two surgeons who would operate as soon as possible on Jubilee. They recommended a man in our city who had actually trained with the cleft team at Children’s. We came back to our city and got an appointment and when he saw her he said that it was too big of a job for him. He just didn’t feel comfortable doing the surgery on her mouth. He felt that he would need someone to back him up if there were any complications. He encouraged us to head back to Children’s.
The clinic is not an easy place to get in to. When I phoned them they said they were scheduling surgeries for July. They said that even though Jubilee had been seen by the clinic docs during the clinic and they knew what needed to be done, they would not schedule a surgery until she had been seen again. But there were no appointments until July as well. They would not even hold a surgery slot in tandem with the appointment. Which meant that if I couldn’t get an appointment till July then the surgery would probably be fall, at the earliest. {Are you kidding me?}

And that didn’t even begin to figure in the ear doctor and his surgery needing to be done with the mouth surgery.

I called again to ask again. Nope. Nothing doin’. But this time the receptionist said that if I wanted to I could come and just show up for an emergency appointment. Get there super early in the morning and line up before it opens and then we would be seen on a first come, first served basis. It just sounded overwhelming on top of driving for 7 hours to get there and besides Jubilee had already been seen by the doc – his notes indicated that the surgery was urgent. ugh {Are you kidding me?}

Our pediatrician here called me. She was not very happy with all this. She said she would call cause what they needed was to hear it from a doctor. {You go girl!}

She called. It meant absolutely nothing. They have their rules and they were not budging or making any exceptions – not for a pleadin mom and not even for a fellow doc….{Are you kidding me?}
In the meantime the Lord was working behind the scenes and our Pediatrician, unbeknownst to us, was investigating other options.
Our pediatrician found the Children’s Cleft Lip and Palate team’s “competition”. {They really do call it that!} I guess that many, many people were finding the clinic team frustrating, especially when there were emergencies {Jubilee’s case is considered an emergency} so a group of doc’s started a cleft lip and palate team of their own. {Go team!}
So while Dw and I were in Phoenix my cell rang. It was the competition’s coordinator {and she had gotten my number from our pediatrician}. She was soooo nice. She was concerned for Jubilee. She talked to me for almost an hour. She explained all kinds of things to me. She understood the urgency of this situation. She gave me many phone numbers to help me figure this all out. {This has all been so new to me and a tad overwhelming – okay, okay, gargantuantly overwhelming!}

We returned from our getaway in Phoenix and I started on the 17,427 {haha} loads of wash that had accumulated the week I was gone. I was praying. Give us direction and what numbers to call. I was doing wash and I prayed outloud, “Lord would you make this easy? I am gargantuantly overwhelmed….please, please, please make it easy. Show me what to do.”

I looked at the list of numbers she gave me and chose to call one. I explained to the first girl who answered the phone the situation and that we were from about 7-8 hours away. She listened and said, “Okay, I will make an appointment for you….just tell me what day you want to come.” I questioned her….what days were open? She said, “No! You just tell me what day you want to come and I will work her in. What day do you want to come?” {Are you kidding me?}

I told her that I was going to come to Denver Monday to sit outside that clinic early in the morning, so would there be a chance of this coming Monday (5 days later). She gave me the number to their other office because it was closer for us. She said, “I am going to call them and fill them in on the situation, so give me 10 minutes…then you call them.”

{Are you kidding me?}

I switched a load of wash, put another load in and called their other office. The woman who answered put a woman named Lynn on the phone. {Mind you not more than 15 minutes had passed.} She was so wonderfully sweet and she said, “I have you set to come in this coming Monday at 1:10 pm. Will that work for you? I understand that’s okay for you? I also have the Operating Room at Children’s reserved for April 30th.” I started to cry. Seriously friends, could it have been any easier? Only God.

The appointment was set for FIVE days later and there is no doubt that only our Miracle-working, Mountain-moving, Awe-inspiring, Gasp-giving God could have done that!!!

Friday is Dw’s day off. We went for a very early morning date because I was heading to my office to spend the entire day doing inventory from the fire. Yes, it has been 15 months but the insurance end is not finished. I have to go through every single item from the house and assign a date when we bought each item. Then I have to type in a replacement value. Almost every single item I have to google and find out the current replacement value. It is tedious. It is also emotional, remembering things that don’t really have much monetary value, but great sentimental value.

I ended up working straight from 10am til 10pm. Early in the afternoon, as I was working on the inventory all of a sudden I remembered! The Children’s Clinic had said that we needed an ear surgeon to surgically exam Jubilee’s ears and also put in tubes. They had said it really should be done along with the mouth surgery. I did not want her to have to be anesthetized twice either…..But it was already TWO weeks from her scheduled surgery. How in the world would I find a doctor, get an appointment and have them agree to do surgery in tandem with her other surgery??

I started praying, “Lord what should I do?” I called home and asked Emma to find the phone number list from the woman. She searched for it and could not find it. Great! Now what?

All of a sudden the Lord gave me an idea – and yes it came out of nowhere! Call the ear surgeon {although I could not remember his name for anything} who had seen Jubilee at the Children’s Clinic. He had been such a nice man and seemed to take a personal interest in her case. But how could I get ahold of him? I felt like the Lord said to call the clinic. Emma was able to find that number for me. I called.

Mind you, this was now Friday afternoon! The girl who answered was sooo nice. I told her my name and Jubilee’s name and barely started to explain the situation and she said, “I’m looking at her file right now, and it looks like the ear surgeon was Dr. Allen. His notes say that her ears need to be done immediately. Let’s see. OH, wait. The entire team of ENT’s are going to be out-of-state at a medical convention on April 30th.” {At this, my heart sunk.} And then she said, “Well, everyone except Dr. Allen!” It took a second for me to understand what she said…..everyone was going to be out of state on April 30th, except for Dr. Allen!! {Are you kidding me?}

She then said, “He’s already examined her during clinic, there shouldn’t be any problem with him agreeing to do the surgery on the 30th. I will make a note for his office to call you next week, but really, I can’t see any reason why it would be a problem with him.”

Remember when I asked the Lord to please make it easy? It couldn’t have gotten any easier than two simple phone calls. God’s loving fingerprints were all over those two phone calls. His complete favor.

So Monday we were at the office of Dr. Brad Smith in Denver. His staff was unbelievably kind. As it turns out Dr. Smith was so very nice. He answered questions, took his time. He is even an adoptive dad with a daughter from the Philippines. {How amazingly cool is that?} I told him what an answer to pray her was….and ya’ know what he said? “Well I love to be used as a tool of the Lord!!” Oh my gracious!! God you are so good, a man who wants to be used as a tool of the Lord will be working on our precious Jubilee Promise for 3 hours.

Then – it is not very often that an entire staff at a doctor’s office is kind. As we were checking out, Dr. Brad Smith’s brother, Dr. Smith {who is one of his partners} came out to the reception area. He saw Jubilee and said, “This must be Jubilee? I saw in the books that you were coming in today. You have come a long way!” {Okay, what partner does that? Unbelievable!!}

Anyway, in our Memorial Box we will put the bracelet from Jubilee’s surgery….reminding us that our God is always faithful. He works behind the scenes. He makes things easy when we are overwhelmed. He moves mountains. He always has our back.

How about you? What stories do you have in your Memorial Box? What stories do you remember of God’s faithfulness? Has He ever made things easy because you, too, were overwhelmed? He longs to meet our needs…….all we need to do is ask!!
A Memorial Box is explained here.

Please feel free to use the badge on the right sidebar….and link your post below…I can’t wait to read ALL your stories!!

27 thoughts on “Memorial Box Wednesday – Please Make it Easy

  1. I'm a little ashamed to even write this today…but oh my, I needed to hear this today…you see, we are adopting from Bulgaria and we traveled in January to see her…it was supposed to be 3-4 months till our return to get her..and we can't seem to even get a court date..families are passing us by..we don't know why..we know God does…but nothing has been too easy in this process, and this was SUPPOSED to be the easy part…praying today that God would make this court date quickly and easily! Will you pray with us? I'm always amazed at your God stories…and I'm so discouraged right now..

  2. Linny, I'm so happy that God worked all that out for little Jubilee. She is so blessed to have you as her parents and I know she is a big blessing to your family. 🙂

  3. oh wow… that made me cry. I'm in need of God working through some major red tape in our lives and circumstances with our upcoming adoption, and I can't tell you how this blessed and encouraged me!

  4. Okay, I'm at your lil' Place Called Simplicity, and I'm crying. Again.

    Having walked the "cleft team" road, for nearly two years now, with our sweet Teddi girl, I KNOW that God was indeed answering your prayer for "easy". I am in the middle of trying to get an appointment that requires both Teddi's ENT–and the team speech pathologist, to be in attendance TOGETHER for a procedure. So far, the only answer is June–maybe. Today, I'm saying a prayer that the Lord would coordinate an appointment that seems to be too difficult for the current schedule. It is NOT too difficult for the God who created our baby girls and desires to heal them! He is so way bigger than anyone's appointment book, Linny. Thank you for the reminder!

    Oh how I love the way He lined up the doctors for you! He is faithful!

    Love you, friend~


  5. Oh my…of course this is amazing!!! Thank you God, You are incredibly good to Your faithful servants!

    I will be praying for Jubilee and the family. I believe in miracles!

  6. Wowzers!! Tears and Goosebumps..BIG ONES!! I love it when God does that. So thankful for Jubilee and for the relief you must be feeling. : )

  7. Wowzers!! Tears and Goosebumps..BIG ONES!! I love it when God does that. So thankful for Jubilee and for the relief you must be feeling. : )

  8. Oh your post encourages me. I want to cry, but do not have time today. Our son needs surgery on his mouth asap and we have been waiting for two months for God to open doors for the general anestesia to be covered by insurance or any other option.
    Jubilee is so beautiful! When I look at her I cannot think of a more fitting name. Praises she will have ALL of her surgeries on April 30. We will be lifting her up that day.

    We had to do the same insurance stuff when a tornado hit our home – NOT FUN!

    You continually bless me!

  9. Okay, I read your story and got tears in my eyes! God is so very good. April 30th is a very special day for us as well and we will be holding Jubilee up as we hold our twins up…very cool!!!

  10. It isn't unusual for cleft surgeons to book months and months and *months* in advance. The surgeon at children's mercy in Kansas City is so overbooked that several years ago he announced he wasn't going to even work on cleft palates any more (he does craniofacial surgery). They considered cleft palates light surgery, only take 2 hours to fix, compared to his other surgeries that take 10 or more hours. Of course when it is your baby and she needs surgery, it is the biggest surgery around. But anyway, I don't think it was at all unusual for you to be told that you would have to wait months for Jubilee's surgery. And it was definitely a miracle that she got in so soon. My daughter had to wait almost a year after I brought her home to have her palate closed.

  11. Linny,
    I feel as though your family stories and those who post on your site are a small group. Like the ones at church ~ common interests, different background, different locations but ONE God! I love to read how awesome God is and be reminded that what God will do for one of us, He will do for any of us. I also like the idea of requesting prayer from like-minded Christians. Thank you for introducing me to other believers who rely on a Risen Savior. Glory to God!

  12. You should've seen my face, Linny, when I read your post… as soon as I came to the part about Dr Allen being available when the rest are away… my mouth was gaping!

    Praise YHWH! That is truly amazing, it is *definitely* His work in all this! 🙂

    Thank you for sharing!!! HalleluYah. Praying that Jubilee will be fine thoughout her surgery.

  13. Thank you for bringing me to tears. So refreshing after a day of bottled up emotion. We re-did the I-800 and it was fed-exed yesterday. Praying the 3rd time is a charm. I need to see my little one! I am continuing to Trust Him!

  14. what a great story. only by the grace of God could all of the ducks gotten in such a straight row for you!! i was a nurse in the recovery room at a childrens hospital in akron,ohio for a year. we saw many many cleft lip and palate repairs. my thoughts and prayers will be with you, your family and your precious jubilee!!!

  15. I am so happy everything fell into place for Jubilee. She really looks like a joy. would you mind sharing my new project? would you care to participate?

    Help me pass the word and get people to make blankets and I will deliver them to University MN children. spent the entire day today at rehab for Bens feet or in the car on the way there or way home. Cant wait to get stitching on those blankets!

  16. Linny, I'm a first-time commenter but I've been reading your blog for a while. I love your God stories – your posts always encourage me so much.

    I too have a daughter from China who had a cleft lip and palate. Your little Jubilee is close to my heart and in my prayers.

  17. I am giving praise to God for His goodness with your sweet Jubilee…and how He has worked things out for good…Amazing, and fantastic both. Will add her to my prayers….Tell Liberty she is on my heart and in my prayers too for her kindness and rememberance of me and my healing….

  18. This is no surprise to God that everything came togher the way that is has. God is so faithful to give us what we need and when we need it, Thank you Jesus!!!!

  19. What a great Memorial box post! It felt so good to read it! Heart warming!! So glad this is getting done and so so glad everything fell right into place- yes, only God!!

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