Country Life

One evening about two weeks ago Dw called to me to come see something. It was dusk and we watched two little tails swishing up in the tall grass just beyond the water running beside our property. I asked Dw what he thought they were, as we could only see the tails. He said he was pretty sure they were baby fox. It was really fun to watch their little tails bounce up and down above the grass. As we watched we could tell that indeed they were baby fox….their white tip on their tails quite noticeable….they were playing and tumbling and we had a sweet little show for a few minutes. They were completely oblivious to us.

The next morning I was up in the dark. I went to get a drink of water as it was starting to get light and out of the corner of my eye I saw something move. I turned and there they were again!! I was so excited I could hardly stand it….they were running and playing and tumbling right outside my kitchen window on the other side of the water….

As I watched I counted….there weren’t two babies – there were SIX!!! I was nearly giddy…I stinkin’ love livin’ in the country….I had to wait till it got lighter to take pictures….and my camera is not spectacular….and I never got all six in one picture….but yes, there were six with two adults.

There are two pups in this picture. They are playing in front of the irrigation pipe…one on the left of center….one to the right of center and mom or dad is near that one…

The kids and I later read about fox. The babies are called pups. When they have a litter there are anywhere from one to ten in the litter of pups. The parents usually both stay around until they are raised. Sure enough I had seen two adults. Although there are times that a female, who isn’t raising pups, will help another mom with hers…maybe she’s the nanny, huh? It was absolutely fascinating…..Mom or Dad??

I wanted you guys to see them. So I took the screen off my kitchen window, climbed up on the counter to get a better view and snapped away. I’m sorry the pics aren’t better….wish you could all come for coffee and stood on the counter with me and watched them….they are adorable….

They must have a den right on the other side of the water because we see them just about everyday, sometimes both morning and night. This morning Elijah and I were up at the crack of dawn. We were snuggling in the kitchen and I went to get something and out of the corner of my eye I saw something…..I could tell it was either mom or dad and the way they were walking I knew they were going for food.

I tried to show Elijah where he/she was, but he missed it. We kept watching, and kid you not, within a minute he/she came back with something large in their mouth….maybe a big, big rat?? Something. This time Elijah saw. It was amazing. We watched him/her walk carrying that thing back to where I believe the den is. Anyway, hope you enjoy the pictures.

I did not have the zoom on for this picture. It is right out my kitchen window and the little one had come through the fence that protects our treasures from the water just beyond. You can see just how tiny the pup is….really, isn’t it darling? {It’s just a speck above the flower container on the left.} Yeah, yeah, I know they are the ones who have been eating all my neighbors chickens…but you have to admit, they are really cute….

Hope you enjoy them as much as I do…

14 thoughts on “Country Life

  1. Oh you are making me want to be out at our land really bad.

    Do you not do Thankful Thursay anymore?

    What happoened to Uncle Mark?

    I can tell I need to catch up on some things.

    I LOVE the blanket!

  2. We have a fox on our land too… they are so handsome and regal looking. That is just too cool your's has pups too… I guess it must have felt like your land was welcoming to pups of any variety 😀


  3. Linny,

    Beautiful pictures. Thank you for sharing with us.

    I just wanted to share a prayer request for a little seven year old boy with a tumor on his brain stem. It does not look good. Tumor is inoperable and not responsive to chemotherapy. His parents have been through a lot. They lost children through miscarriages and then God gave them 5 beautiful children. They are holding on to God and His mercies. Johnny needs a miracle from our AWESOME GOD! I just wanted to share and get prayers lifted up for him. The tumor needs to shrink. More information on my blog. Thank you Linny for loving on us and being such a prayer warrior. I will be fasting tomorrow for him. May God be glorified!

  4. This is so cool. How I long to be in the country again. I know, I know as my Mom would say: "if wishes were horses, beggars would ride"…

    We all love watching wild life, and beautiful scenery too… you can send your pictures this direction any time!

    I also liked the photos you captured of "your treasures" on the counter all looking out probably the smallest window you have in your house… very cute!

    Hugs & prayers…
    Barbara Lyman 🙂
    Marysville, WA

  5. My mom lives in the country too – tonight she saw Mr. skunk while we were talking on the phone – she also has 2 foxes. They have had a mountain lion eat against the house with its kill. Tonight the problem is the racoon – he keeps pushing over the bird bath. Mom yelled at him and that night he pooped in front of the front door. The next night he peed on the paper – don't make the critters mad 🙂

  6. We moved to the country 2.5 years ago and I am CONSTANTLY amazed at the beautiful creatures we see!

    Red fox are in our area…but our neighboring farms do NOT like them as they steal their chickens! Yikes!

  7. Love it! They are adorable! The kids and the pups!!

    How refreshing and what great entertainment!

    Thanks for sharing!!

    (sorry about the neighbors chickens)

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