It’s A-Comin’

My very favoritest day of the year is coming….only FIVE days away – the day that makes me smile the most – yup! Mother’s Day. For many, many years {probably about 20} I would sew matching outfits for all of us to wear….I wanted our clothes to scream “we’re together – these kids are MINE!”

A few years ago life got just a bit crazier and I had to resign to matching tee-shirts with our family logo imprinted on them. We were “Krazy8″….but that didn’t last long….so we had tee-shirts made with our feet picture in them…and those said, “The Whole Gang” and “so far” was printed underneath the picture of our feet. But we lost those in the fire.

Now there are 10 kids alone, not counting Mom and Dad and a son-in-love and daughter-in-love. We have been trying to think of a new family slogan….without much success {Any ideas? We’re game to hearing them!!}. Last year we found several things that kind of went together, so we matched with that. This year I had high hopes of making matching stuff again, I even bought some sewing patterns….{I know, I know, what was I thinkin?}
So instead today Autumn, Emma, Liberty, Isaiah, Jubilee, Elizabeth and Elijah drove with me to New Mexico to shop for something to match. We tried on more stuff then I could count. I was praying desperately – and finally said in exhaustion, “Well maybe this year we just won’t be able to match.” And then Autumn suggested a store….which we went to and found stuff in about 15 minutes. Yippee Jesus!! So the tradition lives on…..and I will post some pics on Sunday!!

We had lots of fun, laughing and talking. As we were going to drive home I went to the Starbucks drive-through – an hour drive is long when you’re tired!
As a sidenote: Autumn is hoping to meet “Mr. Right” one day….{she rarely reads my blog or she would just choke knowing I just said that – haha}….so at the Starbuck’s drive-through she commented how the barista waiting on us was really cute. He was even from this mama’s perspective. =) I just decided then and there that I was going to have a little fun with all this….why not? After all, Autumn has done her share of embarassing me {oh my gracious – could I tell you guys some stories!!!}

…..and since we live in another state an hour away…..and we would not see him again anytime soon or ever again for that matter….as he handed me the last of the drinks I said, “Ummm, are you married?” He got alittle embarassed and with a bit of hesitancy said, “Ummmm, noooooo.” I said, “Oh, cause my daughter thinks you are really cute.” Emma was in the front seat so I said pointing toward Emma, “Ummm, not that daughter, the one in the seat behind me.” He tried to peer in the tinted glass. Autumn turned 5,473 shades of red and said with her eyes as wide as they would go and through her barely open lips, “Mooooooooooommmmmmm.” Emma was literally doubled over laughing in hysteria….

Really, the total for the three iced coffees was about $9.00. But the giggles and laughs all the way home were PRICELESS. xo

PS Let’s do another Crazy Love tomorrow, ya’ wanna? How ’bout one for people doing fundraisers for their adoptions??

26 thoughts on “It’s A-Comin’

  1. oh, i can't wait to see your mother's day pics. your family is precious for sure!!!
    scouting our baristas for autumn? that is made of pure win. i love it! =)

  2. HAHA! I almost busted out laughing, and would have if I was not in the library! LOL!!!! That was hilarious! :))

    p.s. my brain is mush from writing two papers today, otherwise I would've tried to come up with a slogan for you guys :))

    Awesome idea for the next crazy love!!

  3. LOVE LOVE LOVE the feet picture! SO excited to see pics of whatever you guys do this time!

    SO funny what you did to your daughter…sounds like something my mom would have done! :0)

  4. tsk tsk Linny. I'm sure Autumn is just thrilled to pieces with you! 🙂
    And Linny, let's be honest…any family slogan you come up with will just change next year anyway cause we both know you are not DONE with your family size yet! 🙂
    I say matching/coordinating fabrics is the way to go for now!
    Just my two cents…and hey…I'm looking for a family for a PERFECT little six year old boy in EE with HIV. Know anybody? He is just precious and today is his birthday…see my blog for more.

  5. You do realize, friend, that God can have fun with this guy situation, too. Just watch…even though you may live one hour away…watcha wanna bet you see him again??? 🙂

  6. She is beautiful and Im sure its both inside and out! One day her "Mr right" will come and sweep her off her feet! Weve already been praying for years for our Mrs right… I have two unmarried sons. In due time!
    I was hoping Id have met number four for mothers day this year….. I hope not much longer.

  7. Linny,
    I have enjoyed your blog for sooo long. When I saw the Crazy Love for tomorrow, I wanted to send you a link. Our 10 year old daughter has started her own blog, Check it out! And pray for God to lead her, please.

    In Christ,
    adopting 2 sweet kiddos from Ghana

    PS. She designed her own t-shirt to raise money to feed the orphans and get medical supplies to them.

  8. I absolutely love your joy about Mother's Day….it just makes me smile! As a mama who took the hard road to get there too, just being surrounded by my little adorable chaos creators is a huge blessing!
    I am excited that you are doing a Crazy Love about adoption fundraisers. Do you know that a whole section of my blog is for that too? I came about as I was praying about Crazy Love and how to make my little pennies go farther. I realized that there was no central place to go to find out about people's fundraisers so I started collecting them up! Then I started doing give aways (but paying for them myself so no money comes out of the adoption funds). I figure that I have a little bit to give but lots of time to write and get the word out and am praying that the Lord will use it in big ways to bless folks on the road to adoption!
    Phew… that was long!
    Hugs to you,

  9. How about "Perfectly Weaved together by the Masters Hand". Kind of long but I still like it 🙂

    Oohhh, a Crazy Love for fundraisers…too fun! I'd love to share about our Solomon Beads that we are ALL making (all the way down to the 3 yr. olds are helping 🙂

  10. Scientific testing to see if kids really DO come cheaper by the dozen. lol
    oh my the embarrassment of autumn… poor girl. lol I can only imagine. But I will guess she had that one coming. SO glad you found matching clothes! I have bought patterns and since my youngers are now 5 and 6, I started some. I am halfway through and wondering WHY!??? Thanks for sharing the giggle

  11. You are seriously a hoot–I wish I knew you in "real" life!!!

    It looks like I will be meeting the "team" on the 15th, how cool is that?!

    By the way, someone from last years team gave us a smoke detector–it works 🙂

    Love from a mama in the North,

  12. Hi Linny! I asked you all to pray for me over in the UK about my rent this month and some clothes for the girls.then I felt uncomfy about the specific request posted on my blog so I edited it to "Prayers please".. well, this last week my youngest daughter was phoned to say she hadn't got through the final casting for a mail-order catalogue… but they DID want to give her £50voucher for clothes….. then, a fried phoned.. they had felt prompted to keep hold of their regular giving in a separate account for last few months and 2 different families had needed help with rent – they posted £300 through my door! – My rent is £500, I went away to a conference (also a gift!)and returned to find an envelope through my door with no name or indication of who it is from… but guess what…. lets just say £300 + £200 = RENT!!!!!!!!Halelujah
    Thanks for your prayers guys. x x x

  13. Gosh, I wish I had something cute for you….

    ….AND that I was adopting! LOL

    But, no, my fundraising is for my FIRST mission trip in June!! OMGosh I am so excited to go!

  14. Yes, yes, yes!!! I'm ready for another Crazy Love. I can't wait. Sounds like a fun day. Just wait though, Autumn is going to get you back. I can just see it. Hugs and love

  15. Can I just say how funny the 'starbucks' episode is!!! I am totally laughing along with you all as it hits way too close to home, considering my two oldest both work at our local drive through Starbucks and have told me story after story of situations just like yours.

    Though I think the funniest are when they are the other way around where the two young girls who come through the line and while my son turns to get their drink asks him his name, number, if he's single, you name it!

    I too agree – priceless :0)


  16. YES!!! More Crazy Love! Still working on the first one…but this would be good, to have one for adoption expenses. And folks? A chip-in button is the way to go! Makes it SOOOOO much easier…and if I, the computer illiterate, can put one on a blog, you can too! So easy, a cave man can do it! 🙂

    Hugs…Nancy (who, BTW, loved the Autumn story…gotta save that one for use in future years!)

  17. OMG that's just something my mom would do to me!

    One time we were at a red light when a gangster pulled up beside us blasting his ghetto music. My mom said, "If he's going to go around town sharing his music, I'm going to share mine!" She then proceeded to BLAST KLOVE and I got sooo embarrassed. Haha.

  18. how bout on your Mother's Day shirts;

    yes, we're crazy.

    can't wait to see what you come up with.

    Happy Mother's Day!!


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