Memorial Box Monday – Liberty’s Sweet Surprise

The purpose of each Memorial Box Monday post is to remind myself and others of God’s great faithfulness, His powerful provision and His Unexpected Gifts in each of our lives.

It is not a sign of super spirituality to have a Memorial Box. It is something that anyone who has seen God work in their lives can do. We are merely sharing the story of something recent or long ago about how God showed up for you or your family to meet a need, rescue, protect, heal, or even give a surprise you didn’t expect!

From the response of many over the last 20 months, it is clear that others love to hear of God’s faithfulness. It invigorates people to see Him as the Miracle-working, Mountain-moving, Awe-inspiring, Gasp-giving God. For me, it’s kind of like my spiritual adrenalin. I get all fired up and super-charged when I talk about our Memorial Box or I hear another’s Memorial Box story.
Since beginning Memorial Box Monday posts in October of 2008 I have prayed and prayed that you, my bloggy friends, would catch the vision. After almost 32 years of marriage I am more convinced then ever that families who have Memorial Boxes are more apt to not just stay together but to thrive as together they remind themselves how they have seen God at work continually in their lives.

So you can just imagine how thrilled (more like doing a big ol’ happy dance) that many of you have joined in doing Memorial Box Monday posts. Actually go to your window – I am certain you will hear me screaming Yippee Jesus??!?!!! I can’t wait to read your stories each week and be reminded again, of God’s great faithfulness in the lives of my sweet friends.

If you don’t have a Memorial Box I just had a giveaway and will announce the winner tonight or tomorrow!! I think we had around 40 people enter the contest by either linking a story from their blog or by leaving a Memorial Box story as a comment!! {How stinkin’ fun is that??}

For you who who have been looking for Memorial Boxes…..I have found all the Memorial Boxes I have bought over the years (dozens!) at yard sales, thrift stores, antique stores and even places like TJ Maxx.

Today’s Memorial Box Monday story is short and sweet – a precious surprise provision from the Lord!! While Dw was in Africa we got an email from a friend. He “happens” to be the coach of the girl’s basketball team at the college located in our city.

They are a Division II team and they took second place in the United States a couple of months ago. {It was soooo fun watching the final game on ESPN!!} The coach and his family attend our church and many of the players and assistant coaches attend as well. We love attending their basketball games and cheering this awesome group of young women on!
Anyway, Coach wrote to Dw and I and said he wanted Liberty to come to basketball camp at the college. He said he wanted her to come so bad they wanted to pay for her to come!! HUH? Liberty was sooo excited. A week long basketball daycamp up at the college?
So last week, Liberty went, learning some awesome new moves and improving her skills. And I’m guessing some of you might be wondering how that makes for a Memorial Box Monday story? Well, it’s like this: We didn’t have to pay a dime for her to go. When I got the email and told Liberty about it, I said, “You know Liberty, I am convinced that God provided this beautiful opportunity with all the expenses paid because we have been giving alot of Crazy Love away.”
See friends, if you’ve been around any length of time at all, you know that we are firm believers in tithing to our local church and then giving all we can away in Crazy Love ways!! If people were to review our checkbooks and savings accounts, they would say, “How do you live on what you make? And seriously, how do you give anything away making what you guys make?”
The answer is simple: it’s the mystery of God providing supernaturally….little extras that clearly show His loving touch…like a weeklong basketball day camp free of charge!
And to all those who say: We can’t afford to tithe…
All I gotta’ say is: You can’t afford NOT to tithe!!
The last day of camp they gave away two jerseys signed by the coaching staff and guess who won one? She is pictured with Audry, who graduated from the college this last month, and attended our church while she was going to the college. Autdry has an opportunity to play in a Eurporean league….Audry and all the other girls are tremendous blessings…instilling Godly values while playing a game they totally love.
In our Memorial Box we will put a copy of the email from the Coach.
How do I enter a link to Memorial Box Monday?

Post the permalink from your blog below. A permalink is the URL to a specific blog post. In other words, each blog post has an address and the permalink is the street number and the avenue. For example, my blog address is

But the permalink to this post is:

To get the permalink, I simply clicked on the post title and it popped up in the address bar. On your blog you must link back here to this blog and that your post is part of Memorial Box Monday at A Place Called Simplicity…….

If you fail to link a permalink to your exact Memorial Box Monday post or link your post back to A Place Called Simplicity, then I will be forced to delete your Memorial Box Monday post.

10 thoughts on “Memorial Box Monday – Liberty’s Sweet Surprise

  1. I love Memorial Box Monday! Still looking for my box, but I have my list started. You have seen some of my MBM posts before but, I have been so focused on getting our house in order and simplifying that blogging has not been happening.

    Linny, I just wanted you to know that the Lord is continually bringing you all to my mind. I pray for you multipule times a day, actually. I have even been having dreams where some of us "bloggy friends" have been coming over to visit. 🙂 With Apple pie and Coffee! lol

    I also wanted to let you know that a sweet friend of mine (who I don't think reads your blog) is starting a Bible Study on the book Crazy Love! We start tomorrow night! I am so excited!!

    Love you!

  2. I do need to do this Linny. I haven't posted a Memorial Box Monday post in a long time. I actually started writing them down in my journal, but there is power in sharing what God has done with others…and the very visual token of that reminder…well…that is what put me off for so long…me stressing about finding the right things for the Memorials! But am catching your vision…it is vital that we REMEMBER His faithfulness, especially when we are valley walking!! And it is a FAMILY affair.
    I just started something called Mountain Moving Mondays on my blog…but I can move it to Wednesdays when I have a Memorial Box story to share!!
    So this summer we will hunt for a Box and begin looking for tokens of God's faithfulness in our lives!
    Thanks…I still have something to send you…been procrastinating 🙂

  3. Linny,

    I wanted so badly to start a Memorial Box Monday post on my blog, and I waited and waited for Monday to come. THEN I was so busy that it was near midnight last night when I was able to log on to the computer. Can I please do a Memorial Box Monday post on a Tuesday?? Looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks!


  4. Ok, so, Linny, I did my very first MBM post. Please forgive my tardiness. I was too excited to wait for you to tell me if doing a Monday post on Tuesday was legal. 🙂 I am very excited!! Thank you for your encouragement to begin a Memorial Box!

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