Striving For Simplicity

Disclaimer: Stepping on toes in not my motive here. I am merely sharing our journey to A Place Called Simplicity. We have not arrived at Simplicity yet, but it is a conscious, daily, sometimes hourly effort. If something we have done convicts you, then that would be the Lord speaking to you. If you totally disagree with our journey, no harm done, if is merely our journey. Someday we will stand as individuals before the throne of grace, each giving an account for how we spent our time and energy. I will stand alone. You will stand alone. I won’t have to answer for you and you won’t have to answer for me. I am merely sharing our journey, my thoughts, our decisions and our choices. Thank you for understanding…..

So here goes: I am so excited to begin Saturday’s Striving for Simplicity. As I was trying to find some pictures to post with this first official entry I wanted pictures that screamed “Simplicity”….”Simple”….”Stress-Free”.

When I saw this picture….it calls “Simplicity” to my soul. This lane looks like one I long to meander down, enjoying conversations with the ones I love most, while we slowly enjoy the trees, the open pasture, the smell of fresh cut fields, the sounds of birds chirping and frogs croaking….drinking in the beauty of the simple fence line….all the while anticipating what waits around the curve, hidden from view.

Like many of you Simplicity has been a journey. Some of you are just beginning, some have been at it far longer than we have…..but nonetheless I thought it would be good to talk a bit about our journey to a Place Called Simplicity.

Truth be known, I have told Dw for as long as I have known him {34+ years} that I think I was accidentally born in 1958. I think I was supposed to have been born in 1858. I have always loved the idea of living in the 1800’s. Indeed, I am being a bit romantic about it all, but there was something so simple back then. We are clearly missing “it” in 2010, in my humble opinion.

And so began our journey somewhere back in the early 1990’s. We were running between soccer practices, soccer games, baseball practices, baseball games, piano lessons and horse-riding lessons and even though we could say we were “with” our kids….being “with” them while watching them play soccer or ride a horse or sitting in a car waiting for their piano lesson to finish….frankly, is not really “with” them. We started praying and thinking alot.

This was not the life we had dreamed of. It was a nightmare of being in the car, hurrying and scurrying from event to event. ugh We now are completely convinced that the ploy of the enemy is to keep families sooo busy doing “good” things that they miss out entirely on the “best” things. We have come to the conclusion that “best” is NOT focusing on ourselves. Best is giving our lives away in service to others.

We talked with our kids. We decided to put our money that had been spent on baseball, soccer and horse-riding lessons into missions trips. If there would be any lessons, it would be only for music….because music is used to minister to others….and some of our favorite times are when we worship and sing together either in our living room or on our front porch….

Look at the swing below doesn’t it call to you? I, personally, would love to grab a cup of coffee and curl up on the this swing and sit with each of you, my sweet bloggy friends, getting to know you while you sip your favorite “cozy” drink…infact today I got an email from a woman named Angie….she said, “I have been “a lurker” reading your blog for way too many months. (I’m embarassed to say how many.)” Well Angie, I laughed when I read your comment….so many people who are “lurking”….but really guys, I would love to sit with all you lurkers and hear your dreams, your thoughts and your story…

So what’s the deal with spending time with friends? {Obviously all of you live all around the world} but think about it….your friends right around you….there just isn’t much time these days….life keeps us so busy running, running and more running….and when we are home we find piles of “stuff”….junk….all cluttering up our time……running kids, sorting piles, moving clutter from place to place, shuffling junk, rummaging through stuff….

About the time we decided to make some life changes we decided to “ditch” alot of our stuff. We started to simplify. I had been finding myself moving stuff from pile to pile, or cramming things in spaces designed for far less. It was stressing me out big time. Did I really need four serving platters that I only used at the most a couple of times a year? Or could I make do with my very favorite and ditch the rest? Or better yet, could I just use an everyday plate instead? It would free up cupboard space and make me feel less crammed. I opted to pick my favorite serving platter to keep and sell the rest {to bring more kids home}.

So each day I would open closets and cupboards and drawers and say, “Do I really use this stuff? When was the last time I really used it? Could someone else use it more? Do I really need it?” I started getting rid of everything that I didn’t use on a regular basis. I repeated this process {seriously} daily – opening closets and cupboards and praying desperately every single day that God would allow me to “let go” of it all. It became our theme song, “Purge”. Get rid of it. Use it or lose it. Empty. De-clutter. Pitch it. Chuck the junk.
I had a little wall plaque that said, “Simplify: Throw Everything Out” It became almost a joke….as I would spend large amounts of time figuring out just how to make due with less.
Now funny thing is that I truly, honest-to-goodness don’t miss anything I opted to ditch. Not one thing. Which the translation of that is this: I didn’t need it. I truly didn’t need it. If I didn’t miss it then it really was just clutter.

Eventually we decided that even what stuff we still had had to go so we could bring more kids home. We thought, “Camper?” or “Kids?” We voted for more kids and have never regretted our decision. Camper went. Kids came. Love that idea most!!

Actually I am typing this between doing my morning chores…..and at the moment, we have been sitting on our front porch, Dw, Emma, Graham, all the little ones, me….all sitting around laughing and talking about life. I came in to fill our coffee mugs and get my mom {who has just stopped by} a cup of coffee. {They think I am just warming up coffee.} But my point is that I could not relax and enjoy the coffee and laughter if I knew I had piles of stuff to do in here. And the piles are piles because I have created the piles. Less really means more time. Less means less sorting. Less means less rummaging. Less means more. It really does.
And equally, we could not be sitting enjoying each other, dreaming together, if we were running to soccer, baseball, football, rugby, lacrosse, tennis, gymnastics, horseback riding lessons and the like….no we would simply be too busy. My whole body shudders at the thought.

Finally, one of the things that helped me to simplify and organize was to find areas that were most stressful to me and ask the Lord how to make that area easier and more simplified. Next week I will share one of my favorite “simplicity” things….

So please link up your simplicity tips….your organizing ideas…..your large family made easier thoughts… you started to strive for Simplicity….

Who Can Post A Link?
If you want to link up I am asking that you become a “friend” if you aren’t already {by ‘friend’ I mean you are following along at A Place Called Simplicity and your little picture is under the “follower” portion on the sidebar.} If you have not been a friend before, then today would be a great day to join in with all the friends here. If you wonder why I require you to be a “friend” {aka follower}….well I dunno…I guess cause if someone just wants to link a Striving for Simplicity post, but they don’t want to call themselves a friend, then it can almost just feel like they are merely “using” our family blog {cause no doubt you will have many people visit your blog who never have before just by linking up}. Just imagine this: You have planned and worked hard and are having a party for your friends and random people happen to be driving down the street and see a bunch of people walking up to your home and decide they want to just come too and walk in to your house, eat your food and leave and don’t say anything to you….and you never saw them before in your life!! Hope that makes sense – at least I’m sure it does to all of my friends.

You Must Link Up With a Permalink…
Post the permalink from your blog below. A permalink is the URL to a specific blog post. In other words, each blog post has an address and the permalink is the street number and the avenue. For example, my blog address is

But the permalink to this post is:

To get the permalink, I simply published the post, then went right back and opened my blog, clicked on the post title “Striving for Simplicity” and waited for that page to load, immediately the address for just this post popped up in the address bar. I then copied the address in the address bar. I then went back into the post by editing it and pasting in the address to the post. Also, on your blog you must link back here to this blog and that your post is part of Striving for Simplicity at A Place Called Simplicity…….


If you do not use a permalink, I will be forced to delete your link. Often people read this post days and weeks and sometimes even months after the fact. If they want to read your link and you have merely linked to your blog, then they have no clue where your Striving For Simplicity post is. So please be certain to use a permalink when adding your link….Thank you for understanding!

27 thoughts on “Striving For Simplicity

  1. Striving for Simplicity is something I SSOO need. I feel like I'm clutter and "busy" work all day long. Our lives are too complex even with how much we've scaled back thus far. What "worked" in our lifestyle for 1 or 2 children does NOT work for 4. I can't bring home these next 2 children and expect to stay sane any longer!! Bummer that an adoption fundraiser yard sale where people donate and haul stuff to our house isn't exactly condusive toward simplicity…but it is good timing to "purge" more of the physical "stuff" cluttering our life the day of the sale. I look so forward to all that will be shared on this topic. Striving for Simplicity….save me from drowning in a life too full of clutter!!!!

  2. TOO FUNNY! I'm having an adoption fundraiser/yard sale TOOOO! And yes my garage is filled with STUFF..can't wait to go through my cupboards and simplify this week for the yard sale! Please pray…this is the last one before we travel on July 3rd to Bulgaria to get our daughter..NEED big "bucks" to come in with the yard sale!:)

  3. I so agree with everything from being born in the wrong century to wanting to purge. This really goes along with my post that I posted today on my own blog. When I did I thought how I would love to have your opinion and advice. Anyway, if you get a chance I would love feedback.
    Amy in GA

  4. Oh boy I love this post!!! I JUST sat down to take a break from my simplifying to check on my favorite blogs and what is the first blog I come to? This one. We are in the process of selling everything we own that we can not live without and moving to Tanzania. When you can only take 8 suitcases for a family of 4…. you REALLY realize how much stuff you just don't need. I am SO HAPPY to be getting rid of all this stuff, so that I don't have to be overwhelmed by all the toys, clothes, papers, book, dishes, projects etc. that are in piles all over!! Thank for the post!!

  5. i'm inspired. what a great idea. and the knoxville area rescue mission thrift store is literally right around the corner. talk about YIPPEE Jesus!!

  6. Funny – I often think I was born in the wrong era. I seem to have contradictory ideas to today's culture. I love living simply as well, though it is sometimes challenging to know what is "responsible purging" or being wasteful.
    I look forward to reading more responses.

  7. Thank you for this post. I feel like God has been speaking to me in this area lately, so your post was very timely. The whole thing spoke to my heart. I'm praying that my husband would feel the same way.

  8. I really need this. I live in an area where "more is more" (with the exception of number of children). I started simplifying our lives when we were about to bring our adopted son home. I knew our busy schedule and abundance of things would overwhelm him. But it's a lifestyle that I have to fight against each day.

    Thanks for adding this feature to a blog that is already a favorite. I'll certainly be reading and taking notes.

    God Bless,

  9. We ditched spring baseball and it has been great. Our walk to the pond to feed the fish yesterday was so relaxing. We have enjoyed the kids so much more. So thankful to the Lord for helping break the mindset that kids are missing out if they aren't in organized sports, etc. In our case we were really missing out on being a family with organized sports. We have actually had time to serve others as a family, go figure.

  10. I am so glad you are doing this! This is exactly where the Lord has us!! We have gotten rid of so much "stuff" and have more to go still. But we are on the right path!!

    Love you!
    Holly in OKC

  11. I love this idea and thought process I am just trying to decide how we utilize it in our life.

    We love the few activities we do- they give Sarah confidence, physical strength and a whole lotta fun. It keeps her involved in positive things and she meets a few friends.

    I do have a problem with where to draw the line- I know from past experience it can get quickly out of hand. I struggle with deciding what is good and what is too much. With more children coming home our family will need to make some changes.

    I now do minimal holiday decorating. For Christmas we have the tree and the stockings along with a gingerbread house that we make. No more buying all those cute decorations- I just enjoy them at the store or other places now. We have cut way back on presents- we already have everything we need.

    I am in desperate need of purging. I really need to do this and to free myself and my family of the clutter.

    Love this post and the thought provoking conversations that come from it within our family.

    Keep writing!!
    Thank you so much!!

  12. I don't really have anything to add, but wanted to become a friend, because I also have been a "lurker" for many months! You are an inspiration to families everywhere, and I would be blessed to call you friend! I'm excited to read all the idea's for simplicity! We need some of that around here, too!

  13. hi Linny, this is off topic, but something very coincidental happened today that I don't know whether to use it as a Memorial Box Monday story or not! 🙂 Maybe it's just nothing, but still… it concerns what you shared in your post. I'll share it later, YHWH willing. 🙂

  14. I loved your pictures and sweet words. You are so right. I think I will start letting go of things I do not use too. I just never take the time to do it. The pictures make me want to live in the country too! I would love to sit and have coffee with you as well and get to know all your kiddos!

  15. I grew up in a family with too much clutter, and it always stressed me out! I'm with you sister. I purge the house about every six months or so because I just cannot do the clutter.

    Purging the crazy calendar. Uh, yeah. Working on that.

  16. Miss LINN! Love this blog. I am sitting here in the sweet little town in Iowa where BK grew up. There is something special about this place. I have been praying and thinking and observing how everyone here lives. Simplicity is it. Everyone here stewards what they have well. They take care of their "things" they only buy what they need. They don't cram their schedules. They make time to help one another. They look for neighbors who need a hand. They live simple lives and there is a peace in that. I was at the pharmacy the other day and the man who owns the pharmacy. Sat with me and talked to me about the medicine he was giving me. He showed me the pills, he made sure I understood what I was taking. He cared. There is a joy that washes over me when I am here. It is the peace of simplicity. We are on this journey. God is showing me what that means and looks like in my own life. Thank you for your post. I love you. – jen

  17. Linny, long time lurker, first time commenter 😀 I love your blog, it's been a big encouragement to me, and I'd love to curl up on that swing to chat too! I had to smile at all the others posting about their yard sale fundraisers, we just got done with ours this weekend. It was epic, let me tell you, leftovers from several garage sales put into a parking lot to sell. My friend looked around and said, this is making me see how much we CONSUME. I'm like, yeah, makes me sick. We just purged big time because we had an offer on the house and were moving to a one bedroom apt. Talk about tons of stuff that needed to go quick. But the offer fell through so we're back to square one with the house.

    I used to think I could live before the industrial revolution and doing farm life off the grid would be great (and i still do to an extent) but I like my laundry machines. back breaking hand doing laundry sounds awful, and in that life, you're busy doing the basics of cooking, dish washing, laundry, baking, harvesting, preserving so you don't have much sit down time with children either. looking forward to seeing how you organize with all the kiddos!


    I respectfully, submissively "told" Mark (the pack-rat) he must read it.

    We're heading into Durango on June 15th for a dr. appt. for Tavin. Any chance we could stop by to drop off Elisha's shoes and share a cup of coffee?

    Let me know.


  19. I love it! My recent motto I say all the time is, "People are more important than things,"
    It's a simple phrase but every time I say it, it puts things in perspective. It keeps me from buying much more than I need, spending too much time on something meaningless and being just plain selfish.

  20. I loved your post! I read it on Saturday and have re-read it several times since. I have been a lurker of this blog for quite some time and I really enjoy your posts and your honesty and simplicity.
    I am looking forward to future "simplicity" posts and actually have a couple of questions too – what do you do when extended family continues to buy for your kids and you have told them that you want "a simplistic life" or another do you "decorate" your house with "stuff" or what do you do.
    I'm full of questions and ideas on all of this and will anxiously be waiting on next Saturday's post!

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