Sunday Snapshot: One Tuckered Little Fella’

Sweet baby boy.

So busy swimming.

So much water.

So little time.

Fearlessly diving in.

Time after time.

Barely time to catch your breath.

And then a little rest in the chair.

All of a sudden, without warning….

and in the midst of gobs of swimmers shrieking, screaming and splashing

quietness and stillness overcame my little man…..

and I turned and found this:

Any clue just how exhausting all that swimmin’ can be?


Is there anything sweeter than little ones sleeping?

I am hopelessly smitten.

My little man.

Recently we sat down as a family and talked about Rheumatoid Arthritis. No doubt Elijah was paying attention. Since explaining it to the kids, almost everyday Elijah will stop his running and busyness and gently lift up my hands to his lips. Tenderly kissing my swollen joints. Sweet baby boy. Compassionately showing his momma just how much she is loved.

What a good husband you will make one day, my Elijah Mueller.


Sunday Snapshot is brought to you by Stefanie at Ni Hao Y’all….click below to join the fun…

Ni Hao Y'all

23 thoughts on “Sunday Snapshot: One Tuckered Little Fella’

  1. What a sweet boy you have!! He has a kind and tender heart.
    Thanks you for commenting as we traveled to China! We are so glad to be home!

  2. I always leave your blog with a smile and hope in my heart. Thank you for sharing your beautiful family and wonderful heart.

    I heard through bloggy-land about a family that is in desperate need of prayer. Their website is
    would you please pray for them and maybe you could also ask your readers to pray for them as well?

    God Bless and Keep you and your family.

    A faithful reader,
    Minneapolis, MN

  3. Oh my word. What a precious little man he is!! It must melt a mama's heart to have him kiss your hands like that… he will make a wonderful husband someday 🙂

  4. To me the only thing better than a sleeping child is a sleeping child in their pajamas sprawled out on mama's bed sound asleep drooling on you know who's pillow!

  5. Oh Linny, he is so precious! The love of a son for his mother is deep and unquestionable. I pray his tender heart and compassion for others always remain, and yes he will make great husband one day. God bless him. 🙂

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