
OH my.

Yesterday afternoon I had to go somewhere. I was gone for several hours.

When I returned home I went to moderate comments for the picture I had posted of Elijah and Jubilee. As I was reading the comments I thought, “Hmmm. Why are so many people commenting on a previous post?”

My church account is where all the comments go, but it is on my broken computer. So I have been having to moderate comments through blogger. Which is fine, but I have no idea what post people are commenting on. So to find so many comments of such a distinct nature, I thought, “What in the world?”

We had friends coming over last night so I really didn’t have time to put much thought into it all. Well just before heading to bed I decided I better open up my blog and see what all these comments were about??

Imagine my shock and disbelief when I found that a post that I had not intended to publish sitting nicely as the first post up on my blog. Aye-yi-yi. It truly was just me venting one day. I was so frustrated. Not the kind that I intended to publish and definitely not the kind that I had tweeked and prayed over. Sweet friends, before I publish anything of a serious nature I have prayed for hours. Hours and often days. A post of serious nature has also been tweeked for hours. It is a long process for me to publish anything. I know I represent Christ. I want my words to be His words and only His words. My words in this last post were merely my thoughts born out of exasperation.

I’m sorry. It was written out of frustration over people who had seen our internationally adopted children. It was not written to address anything else. It was written from my heart referring to someone’s comment about my children.

Moral of the story: Write my thoughts on something other than on my blogger. {Still have no clue how it was published. It was sitting as a “draft” when I left. But maybe little fingers maneuvered perfectly. Who knows.}

The bummer was that most people missed the adorable picture of Elijah and Jubilee.

But anyway, one of the most terrifying times in my life is the subject of today’s Memorial Box Monday…which will be published soon. I hope you will post a link for Memorial Box Monday and remember with me all the things God has done. And if I offended anyone, please forgive.

9 thoughts on “Uh-oh

  1. Happens to the best of us sweet friend and just something to think about… maybe it was time for that pop out there. I needed to hear it because we are adopting and getting ready to travel and have a long way to go with our fundraising but completely know when God guides- He provides! I needed to read this to know that indeed we are right smack in the middle of God's will for our family AND we have a lot to do as a family to completely surrender our selfishness to Him… thank you for being such an honest and precious believer!!!
    In His Love,

  2. No apologies necessary. I think God had a plan that you knew nothing about. Obviously people have feelings on the subject. I have been a reader of your blog for probably a year and a half and I have only commented once before. That "mistaken" post got a comment out of me. In fact, leaving here and going back there to make another comment to a hurting reader.

  3. Please do not apologize for being human and being so passionate about adoption 🙂
    If what you write offends anyone; maybe they are being convicted about something in their own life. We choose to ready your blog, we enjoy your blog. We are all different and out love for family and friends should be unconditional. You are an amzing person continue being you.
    Some days life is lemons and somedays it is lemonade… 🙂

  4. I said a hearty amen to your post and am so glad that it was published with perhaps the help of some cute little hands. (I also had a draft mysteriously posted one time, so maybe that does happen sometimes.)

    Thanks for your honesty in that post. A response to that kind of comment doesn't need to be sugar coated. I got a similar comment from a friend when I shared the other day that we were starting another adoption. She said, "Wow. You guys are really obsessed with this adoption thing."

    I was so stunned by her comment I wasn't sure what to say. (I was thinking, "Well, it's more like we're heartbroken over the 'orphan thing.'") I need you to write down some appropriate responses for me to read aloud for future encounters.

    Still praying for you and your family. Have a wonderful vacation!

    Much Love,

  5. God was definitely using you. We are having that disagreement in our home at the moment. I'm feeling called to help the orphan, my husband is not. We started the process before, but he lost his job and was out of work for 8 months. He started working again in April, but between worrying about the economy, and trying to pay off some big bills, he isn't feeling called. I showed him your post (and another new favorite blog http://welovebigfamilies.blogspot.com/ )and we came to an agreement – I can help those going to get their children, AND I can start setting aside the finances necessary for the process, and I will give him a year to pay off the things he wants to pay off. So God used you, to open the crack in my husband, and give me the reminder that there are other ways to help the orphans. I am grateful for your unintended post.

  6. oh…not a mistake…or if it was, God used it. I have received such encouragement…(thank you Carol, and others who sent messages directly to me.)

    Even my own reflectiong (after my redfaced immediate comment reaction)….showed how God had provided me so many lessons through my adoption finances…if not the money directly….and has blessed me with the work to support my children….

    so not a mistake…and no offense.

  7. It was ok- what came across was your care to word things well toward people EVEN when you are angry and upset and hurt by their misunderstanding you. Also, as I read my heart was pounding, I just knew God was waking me up to something. DEfinitely one of those Rom8v28 posts in a good way! We love you! and we heard you but not the way it felt to you. x x x

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