Happy Monday To You Too

I am in the midst of attempting to write my Memorial Box Monday post, but have to share these laughs with all of you..

I went to bed with a plan last night.  Get up early to spend time with the Lord and then maybe even get the Memorial Box Monday post done before anyone got up.  When I woke up I remembered the plan….and I got right out of bed. I wanted to spend time with the Lord.  This is a big day.  I wanted to hear Him speak.  And although I’m sure He was talking it all got muffled when three little cherubs climbed on my lap at just a few minutes after 6.   Elijah, Elizabeth and Jubilee.  I snuggled and we talked and then one started shoving their feet into the other and some started to protest and it all went downhill from there.  So much for making cozy memories!

Let’s get breakfast guys….{so I can get to that post I need to write}….I threw some wash in and switched a load into the dryer in between getting them breakfast.

Dw got up and I talked to him for a bit.  {They had gotten home at 2:20am.} He went to shower and I finally managed to come over to the couch to work on my Memorial Box post.   I was barely sitting down and Elijah and Jubilee came running to report to me, “Elizabeth peed in the closet.”  I said, “No she didn’t! She’s been potty trained for over a year!”   They were insistent.  

I went to look and there was a plastic storage container with plenty of sloshing around evidence.  Hmmmm.  Niiiice.  The look on her face said it all.   A trip to the time out chair for little Miss Elizabeth and I went to dump and wash the container.  Finally I was able to resume my work on the post. 

I had to stop and think….where was I?  I barely set my fingers on the keys and Elijah and Jubilee came to report new news.  Nelly had diarrhea on the stairs.  “Are you kidding me?”  “NOPE!” 

Thought many of you could relate to my day and would enjoy knowing that “we’re in this together”.   Being a mom is not for the faint of heart! 

So Happy Monday to all of you from this Colorado mama who has already seen enough pee and poop for this entire week {and it’s only 9:30am!}, thank you very much!

Time to go talk to a little guy who is currently taking up residence in the time-out chair….cause I need to free it up, after all, it’s kind of looking like it’s gonna get a lot of use today….

21 thoughts on “Happy Monday To You Too

  1. THANK YOU! This was such a God post! I am in the midst of one of those days myself…Isaac pitching a fit because I won't drop everything and drive him to his friends house 45 minutes away. Oh, after lunch is fine, umm, except we are going to the library to see the turtle lady, going to vbs and home group tonight. Did I mention trying to do my typing work. Audrey's is feeding off his fit and whining about the mac and cheese noodles not being right. Olivia is practicing her "pagent walk" (usually she is the one throwing a hissy fit so that is actually refreshing!)Throw in serious mysterious eye pain and an obnoxious creepy crawly MS itch all over! I just said out loud "Lord,I am seriously fried, cooked, well done and how can I possibly think about bringing even one more child into this nut house?!" And then I saw your post! (insert angels singing!)It makes it easier knowing that I am not alone.

  2. Linny, I am in the trenches with ya today, also! Attempting to pottytrain a very stong willed 2 year old who wants to do it "MY WAY MOMMY!" (which results in a puddle of pee on the floor) and a 10 year old who is starting to try some sort of cocky attitude and thinks he doesn't have to do chores anymore. annnnnd of course I have guests coming to visit from out of state tomorrow and the house looks like a herd of swine hit it!
    Have a great blessed day!

  3. Oh my, you make the craziness of my day seem mild! Thanks for giving me perspective today!

    Reminds of the sweet mamas I see out at the stores with children pitching a fit! I always say a prayer for them because I know that has been me and could very well be me at any minute! It is hard work to take 5 kids out by myself!


  4. Oh friend, happy Monday to you too. Oh my. Praying that there will be more quiet mama time somewhere in your day, and less pee and poop (at least where it doesn't belong). Praying for God's peace to wash over you, and for you to be able to hear His voice speak–above the clamour of you day. Praying as you wait . . .

    Love you,


  5. that is rather funny!!!! I have a Mom who has Alzheimer's who sometimes too has those type accidents. The other day (a few months ago) she had to go to the bathroom but wouldn't sit on the toilet, yup, I had a clean up on my hands. Hard to believe that we go through similar things!

  6. Oh my! What a morning! Hope everyone is clean and dry at this point in the day and you have some time for yourself and for talking with God (just the 2 of you). 🙂

  7. Linny,
    Sounds like my day last Thursday. Lily, my 3 year old, woke up coughing and wet the bed at 6 A.M. Our 11 year old exchange student from Korea was going to D*sneyland and informed us she had to be at school at 6:30 not 7 as we were told. My dear husband headed out the door at 6:15 to take our sweet little friend to school so she wouldn't miss the bus. My daughter, Emily, took the dog out. She came in and said that she couldn't let the dog in because she ( the dog) had something stuck to her tail end. I proceeded to give the dog a bath. Then start some wash so Lily could have a clean sheet for her toddler bed. We finally had breakfast after that.
    Oh, did I mention the our little exchange student has been feeding our little 7 lb. dog table scraps. Our dog has a very sensitive stomach. Thursday was the tail end problem and Friday she was having trouble keeping food down. that's what woke me up at 6A.M. on Friday.
    Yes a pee and poop day! The rest of the day was ok except one sick little girl. I did miss my morning time with the Lord, but some days are like that.

  8. OK, I am sorry, but that just made me laugh and laugh! I know you wanted to have some time with the Lord today, and MAYBE those treasures will give you a break this afternoon, but it looks like certain individuals needed a little attention.

    For me, I am having one of my better days with the Dumplings. The only cause for serious frustration is when I came home from running an errand, my little girl informed me that her oldest brother had cut her hair (he's 9 and should be beyond that). It turns out it really was an accident. I had given them each some beads and string to make necklaces and he was trying to cut hers to size…while on her neck. I was so sure we were going to have to chop her hair off at her chin but the stylist did a great job of creating layers and I can still get her hair in pigtails or a ponytail. Whew!

    Will say a prayer for you right now that you can have some quiet time.


  9. Yesterday I picked up 20 or so pebble sized pieces of poop (on brown carpet) from 4 different rooms, some stepped on… I can relate! The joys of potty training… Hugs!

  10. you totally have got a busy life! 🙂

    Give your children tambourines and praise His name together 🙂 from your posts, Elizabeth loves music, I'm sure she'll love it 🙂

    (I brought it up because that was the topic of my post from a few days ago.. 🙂

  11. Thanks for sharing. It was good to read about someone having real moments with the kids. We just came home from camping, one is sick, three are fighting…it is time for bed! Tomorrow is a new day–thank God for fresh starts every morning.

  12. this thought occured to me as I was washing dishes… perhaps if Jubilee had a tambourine, she'd join in because she can feel the vibrations from the tambourine. I used to have difficulty during worship time at church because I can't hear and everything's just silent… but last year, I went to a camp, and was given a tambourine, and it made all the difference for me. 🙂

  13. Oh boy, what a start to a Monday. 🙂 Even though I do not have children yet, I have always, always said being a mother is not for wimps! I think you would agree. 🙂 BUT, you, my dear Mom of Many, do the honored position justice, and I'm sure at least 10 dear ones are certainly glad you're their mom!

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