Totally Busted

As you guys can tell I am completely smitten with architecture. I ooooooh and ahhh over all kinds of structures…barns, outbuildings, outhouses {yes, even old outhouses}, farmhouses, big old houses in towns and cities, little quaint cottages…all of it.Anyway, I had to go to a neighboring town last week to take Dw to get the moving truck. Joy, oh joy!!
I have long admired the homes in this beautiful little town just 12 miles from where Dw grew up. So after dropping him off I went to get a few groceries.
Suddenly I thought, “hmmm, some of my bloggy friends would totally enjoy these homes also. I think I will take a few pictures.” {I stopped the car to take them…no need for anyone to panic.}

The only trouble was that snapping a few pictures, led me to a few more and then a few more…every street I turned down was screaming to take more pictures……and my family was waiting for me {my cell was dead and they were unable to reach me – haha}….they couldn’t imagine what I was doing or where I was. Later I found that they thought I had gone Memorial Box hunting…who me?? Like I would do that!! But truly, I was having a special time just enjoying the beautiful architecture…until I got busted…and it’s been a while since I was that embarrassed……
Look at the attic windows…they were just begging me to come snoop up in that ol’ attic….

Imagine the times that have been shared on this porch….and I just had to take a bunch of pictures of porches…cause in the comments when I posted here….Kimberlie and purejoy said they loved the porches…and Jen from Australia said they have nothing like that there…..

And check out that cupola up there…wonder what’s up there??

Some more of those beautiful attic windows…

Hard to see…but notice that leaded glass window on the side of the house in the bay?? Oh my. Such beauty.

And check out this place – God’s house! Isn’t it simply beautiful? Can’t you just imagine a beautiful fall wedding with the leaves turning and the steps as a backdrop for pictures??

And then I remembered that ~Truly Tina~ and Melody, both said in the comments that they love red doors…so I took this one for you my sweet friends….
And then the inevitable happened….I snapped this one…but thought I could get a better shot of it….so I went to take it again…

and then I heard a voice say, “Can I help you?” Oh my. Oooopsie!
Totally and completely busted by the lady of the house. I was so flushed…. “Oh, please forgive me! I am so sorry. I just love your house. I live in Colorado and we really don’t have architecture like you find here in Western New York and I just wanted to take some pictures for my friends to show them and I am so sorry…please forgive me!!” I was embarrassed to the max. Talk about an instant hotflash!! Aye-yi-yi.

This sweet lady could have scolded me…but instead she laughed and said, “No they don’t have this kind of architecture out there. Snap away!” I told her home was absolutely beautiful and thanked her profusely!!

And my personal favorite…..can you imagine how many beaus came a-courtin’ to this porch? Nervously wondering how the dad will react…and how the date will go….I love it!!

The road back to Dw’s childhood home…isn’t it so pretty? Dotted by dairy farms….

Windy and twisting through the countryside….

So blessed we are in America!!

30 thoughts on “Totally Busted

  1. Thank you for posting the porches for me! Several of these homes were similar to the house that was in Paul's family for 33 years. We moved into it in Wisconsin and purchased it after his mom passed away. Then we sold it and moved back to OK where I have family after his dad passed away. Boy do I miss that house (quirky bathrooms and all) and the beautiful front porch that welcomed our neighbors to stop and visit.

    Someday we'll have a house with a porch like that again – a house with aged beauty and a "welcome home" feeling. I am just dreaming about it now. 🙂

  2. I just love looking at those homes – we have the same taste in houses! I would absolutely LOVE to go on a house tour and check out all the nooks and crannies inside them. 🙂

  3. That is so funny that you take pictures of houses. My mom and I used to do the same thing on road trips. We are both such house freaks! She will actually go through houses that are for sale when she is not actually looking to buy, just because she loves houses! Beat that…; ) I know, she's naughty. lol

  4. I love old houses too. The ones with the big porches are my favorite. I have always imagined what they look like inside and who might have lived there. I have always lived in a tract home here in CA.
    We drove to the beach the other day and I was admiring all the houses along the way. I should have had my husband stop so I could take some pictures. Maybe next time.
    Sounds like you had a lot of fun. I love the pictures.


  5. I read through a bit of your blog tonight. You have a beautiful family and I loved your pictures. I was so interested in your house fire story–
    praise God you were all alright. And I do agree..we are SO blessed here in America!! I enjoyed your blog very much. My favorite part is the feet picture that says "our family so far ". (made me smile!)

  6. Linny- I so agree! We are so blessed! We are so free to pray and worship! We don't even realize all our blessings.

    Your pics are beautiful and I love architecture! Whenever I see an empty home or barn my mind wonders who lived there and why did they move- where did they go, what happened?

    Love your pics and love your post!!

    Thinking about you and praying for you dear friend!

  7. Four words:

    Porch envy.

    Architectural drool.

    Love you. Thanks for taking the time to escape your worried family, oops, I meant thanks for taking the time to bless us with all of those gorgeous pictures!

    Tina ~ xo

  8. I love old houses, barns, churches and yes outhouses too. Actually it looks like our house would fit right in with your pictures.

    I actullay asked Chris a couple of weeks ago if we could just move a very cool barn I found to our land and make it our house.

  9. Love it! This is what I do! My kids think I am nuts! Our new town has lots of goreous houses like this! We looked at them for 2 years before moving into a 70's ranch. Yea, I know, Don't judge. Its a ranch with 4 bedrooms. Hard to find for people with a problem with stairs and the need for just one more child!!

  10. The fourth photo of the house below the church… the blue and white house with the American flag… almost took my breath away. Such beauty! 🙂

    I remember arriving in St Louis, Missouri (from Australia) last year, and driving towards Eminence, was delighted to see their type of houses while driving on winding roads and plenty of green around… so beautiful…

  11. I could drive & look at old homes like this to. BEAUTIFUL!!!!
    I also read above that someone wants to move a barn to her land. I have ALWAYS wanted to convert a barn to a home, I would like it in my old home town in Vermont.

  12. Ohhh….looking at these pics doesn't help me! HA! Karl and I have been playing with the idea of moving back to the sleepy town we grew up in. We long for the simpler days! There is an old 100 yr old house for sale that is screaming our name! It's a perfect location with an easy walk to downtown, schools, library, etc. Hmmm…maybe the Lord had you post those pics for me! oh…so itchin' to go…if only we didn't have THIS house to sell! sigh.

  13. Ohhh….looking at these pics doesn't help me! HA! Karl and I have been playing with the idea of moving back to the sleepy town we grew up in. We long for the simpler days! There is an old 100 yr old house for sale that is screaming our name! It's a perfect location with an easy walk to downtown, schools, library, etc. Hmmm…maybe the Lord had you post those pics for me! oh…so itchin' to go…if only we didn't have THIS house to sell! sigh.

  14. Oh, Linny…my eyes and heart almost cannot take in more beautiful homes. It is so like homes in Wis./Upper Mich. where I grew up….and in Pa. where my hubby grew up…..Thank you tons for taking the pictures for all of us to see…Also, the cow country is beautiful as well…so quiet and laid back…very not like the city…
    God is so good to us to give us beauty all around, if we would just take time to look.

  15. I LOVE looking at houses, old stores, buildings, churches, etc too! Thanks for these pics – absolutely gorgeous!!

    So glad you're home! Sorry that we missed you guys at church yesterday – we didn't get back from camping until 2:00 pm.

  16. I am so in love, and can't wait for my sweetheart to get home so that I can show him these homes!! Thank you so much for thinking about us and sharing. It makes me long all the more to get back east to visit my family:O)

  17. Gosh, I haven't been on the computer in weeks…. so excited to see all of your updates! Hope all is well with you my friend. I'm moving forward with my life and things are looking up!

  18. Love the red fact on another post you showed a picture of a yellow house, green shutters and a red door. I have the same colors on my home and have always wanted a red door but wasn't sure it would look okay with my house colors. Well no more! I will send a picture when I am done!

  19. Amazing pics. I was in Western NY in early August (Batavia,Oakfield, Wellsville). It was absolutely beautiful. As I saw towns with American flags on every corner post, and practically every porch, my heart got happy. Oh, how I miss small town USA. Glad you guys had fun.

  20. Ooooh! Absolutely beautiful! Thank you for taking a picture of the gorgeous home with the red door! You have no idea how much I enjoy looking at homes, especially craftsman, victorian, and colonial style houses. These types of homes just become more and more stunning as they "age." Glad you're finding joy in your small town excursions!

    The last photo would make a great front cover picture for a novel waiting to be written. It seems to be speak of stories yet told. Hmmm, any novelists out there? 🙂

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