Wandering Home

Well here I am, in a Tim Horton’s in Tonawanda, NY. I had no intention of going back to where I grew up. Not this trip anyway. But somehow it is pulling me back….and so here I am.

Emma and Josh willingly have come with me and we are headed to check out my old stomping grounds…it has been many, many years since I did.

I’m just waxing sentimental and feeling like I need to just drive the streets and remember. Is it an old lady thing? Or are there others who have felt this way? Really, I get all choked up just thinking about it.

It’s about 50 miles from Dw’s hometown to mine. But even with leaving in the morning for Colorado I had to come. And on the way I called my dad. He wasn’t home.

Then about 1/2 hour later my cell rang. It was him. I asked him if I could come by to visit. He said he would like that. I even asked if he would want to go to get a bite to eat with me. This is very big and brave for me, just in case you wondered.

So for now, I’m off. To remember. To take a few pictures and to see my dad. Lord willing, tonight I will post some pictures of my ‘roots’. xo

28 thoughts on “Wandering Home

  1. WOW! I will be praying about dinner!!! Lord, may you be a bright light shining through Linn for the next several hours and forever. Amen!

  2. how cool!!!!! Have a good time with Dad and the kids! I love Tim horton's. We have one here that we go to everyday so that Mom gets out of the house. It is important she get out so that she doesn't become too homebound.

  3. An old lady thing? Well, if it is, I'm an old lady too! Last summer, while driving around my hometown in western Kansas, my husband saw streets, houses, and buildings… while my mind was going a hundred miles an hour seeing people no longer there and things as they used to look; remembering smells, feelings, events.

    Oh, Linny, praying for peace for you right now!

  4. Praying for healing of the past and that your dad will accept our Saviour (if he haven't already). May He restore all things to good and let there be joy and peace in your hearts with full and complete forgiveness.

    Hi Linny, I don't know if I am off track, but I am praying that your visit with your dad will be blessed, that he may ask for forgiveness for hurting you so that there may be joy in full forgiveness and restoration.

  5. linny, i went thru that very same thing this past summer. spent a very hard week with my dad. but i'm glad i did. it didn't change him, but it changed me, and we made memories. sometimes hard things are the best things. blessings!

  6. Oh Linny – I haven't commented in a while but I am so in awe of what you've done today. I know I am probably reading this after you've spent some time with your dad but I am praying for it to have been a day of amazing healing for you. I pray that God has given you peace today about your past.

  7. No, it's not an "old lady" thing!

    It's just memories taking over. Good times and bad, it's interesting to remember the past – where we've come from, decisions we've made, how we've changed…

    I always feel drawn to the house I grew up in, even though it has been owned by several different families now and the surroundings have changed significantly. Seeing the house brings back memories of sledding down the driveway, or following my dad around while he gardened (things I don't normally think about).

    Enjoy your visit with your dad!

  8. Praying for you sweet Linny.
    Haven't seen or talked to my dad for over 6 years, but, i think of him every now and then.
    Be blessed on your trip home!

  9. when i was in my 20s, i went "back home"- to walk the same sidewalks and path i walked from my house to my elementary school…then i showed my husband my school and we walked on the playground and peeked in windows…all these memories came back; it took my breath away;

    i think we tuck these precious memories away somewhere, thinking," oh, i'll get back to that time somehow; i won't forget!"…and then 20 years goes by, and you wonder how you ever left it behind…so much changes.

    praying for you as you see your dad again; praying for healing and peace for you!

  10. Hey there sis.
    Did the drive too. The streets, schools, by the Jet donuts, and Leader drugs, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin…remembered the boy who died there in a fight. Remembered Ron Pierce, our back fence neighbor died in Viet-Nam.

    Remembered the daily fights growing up…20 years after leaving Buffalo, I was working in a house I was remodeling in TX and the father came home and a verbal fight exploded downstairs. My stomach went into "the knot"…I said to my partner…I haven't felt this since I left Buffalo, and to think, I felt this way literally every day growing up and did not realize it.

    I remember after being married a few years, my wife asked me "what is your best Christmas memory" I said to her, I didn't have any until after I had met her. I was not being politically correct, it was the truth.

    Hope your time with dad is great…you are in my prayers.
    Remember, Job 42:10 "And the LORD turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends: also the LORD gave Job twice as much as he had before."

    BB Dan in TX…far away from Buffalo. (but I still love the beef on weck)

  11. You are one brave gal! Only fully understanding God's amazing grace could allow you to put yourself on the line and extend grace when it is so clearly unmerrited. May you be fully submerged in God's peace. Linny, you are such a good witness for Christ.


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