Your Hugs Are Helping

You guys are so unbelievably caring and sweet and I am truly overwhelmed by your loving comments, words and prayers.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  And God is definitely speaking through you guys…I will share how soon…

I can honestly also tell you all are praying.  Truly.  I really, really can!  I am much more at peace today.  I am digging in and will share tomorrow {Lord willing} what I am thinking. 

We have been without internet most of today {again!} argh   However, I just arrived at my office.  I am a counselor by trade and so I am here to meet with a client.  I am thankful for a moment to hop on and dash you guys a quick note. 

And as far as the hugs?  Seriously!!  I am not hugged out yet, just sayin’.  Not even close.  Funny little story……One day, when we were first married, I said to Dw, “Hey could I have another hug?”  He said, “Babe, I’ve already hugged you like twenty times today.”   I said, “And what would be wrong with a twenty more?”  So yup.  What would be wrong with twenty more or fifty more or a hundred more today?  And when times are especially tough??  A bazillion more would only start to make a dent. 

I am so thankful for each of you who are praying.  May God bless you abundantly for caring that much…..

Yesterday I brought Graham into town for something.  I had grabbed my camera, because there is a sign that we see as we drive to town.  It’s my favorite route to town because it winds through the country….well anyway, behind this sign happens to be a giant field of wild sunflowers….beautiful, breathtaking sunflowers…and I just thought you guys would want to see how gorgeous it is to see.

I pulled the car over and Graham waited, while I ran across the highway to capture the beauty.  I climbed in the field to get the best shots I could.  I climbed around and around.  I took my time – sick mamas can do that….we can do anything we want….at least that’s our rule right now…and yes, it took me awhile.   Then I ran back across the highway to the car. 

When I climbed back in, Graham said, “Mom you should have seen all the grumpy people.  They would pull up next to our car and have the meanest looks {we guess they thought our car pulled over on the side was inconveniencing them.  Such a problem for their day – grumping out because they had to move 2 feet over to go around our car…jeepers – need to hand out some happy pills I guess. … He couldn’t believe how annoyed they looked, ‘really inconvenienced people, do you want our problem?  Cause if you had our problem you wouldn’t even notice a car in the lane 2 feet!  Aye-yi-yi!}….

Anyway, so here’s some beauty to finish off with….till tomorrow….


 Check out what I found as I climbed all around that wild sunflower field!!
Not one, but two ladybugs….how amazingly special of Almighty God? I absolutely LOVE ladybugs….

42 thoughts on “Your Hugs Are Helping

  1. Sending more hugs and prayers from Maine. Just had to share a great little story. I have created a container of smooth memorial stones that I have collected from the ocean. I write down on the stones a word or two that reminds me of the times that God has been there for our family. I keep the container in our downstairs bathroom. Unbeknown-st to me, my pastor had seen my rocks when he came over to visit one Sunday afternoon. He figured out what the rocks were and ended up preaching a sermon about memorial stones on June 27th. We were away that weekend so I didn't know until I went back to watch some of the sermons today that I had missed. My pastor shared the story of the memorial stones from Joshua 4 and how we need to create memorials to remind ourselves of how God has been there for us in the past. I just thought it was so cool that your Memorial Box idea has been preached to everyone at our church without me even knowing about it. Here is the link to the sermon for anyone who might want to hear it.


  2. I've been praying for you everyday at least one time and sometimes more. Praying, in part, that the fear is replaced with calm for you and your family. So glad to hear the prayers are already being answered and looking forward to what continued prayer will bring!


  4. Here's another ((HUG))! My mom had thyroid cancer. She had her tyroid completely removed (that was like 14 years ago). But they didn't get all the tissue, so 4 years ago she started a yearly round of radioactive iodine. She did that for 3 years and it still didn't get all of it. So this past Jan they went in and took out some of the lymph nodes in her neck. That got it all! I know she would say that it is scary and very difficult. But she told me that she took comfort in knowing that God's will would be the best – no matter what was happening in her body.

  5. Sending you a virtual hug and laughing as I invision all those grumpy looks… sad! I am praying for wisdom for you and your doctors and for healing from our heavenly physician! You always enspire me een in the most difficult times! Much love sweet bloggy friend!

  6. Love the pics! Years ago we passed an unbelievable sunflower field and I didn't have my camera. I still think about how awesome the pictures would have been. On the bright side God has allowed me to remember it :-)!! Just recently I pulled over to take pictures of a hay field and Isaac was just horrified and there wasn't a single car going by!! He needs to talk to Graham about taking things in stride!!! Sheri

  7. We are never short on hugs here, wish it didn't have to be a cyberspace one!
    always sending prayers!

    Beautiful pics. Some of those annoyed people should have pulled over and enjoyed the view too!

  8. interesting that you see the signposts with the flowers in the background, especially since you're looking to the Lord for direction…

    Read Psalm 19:7… in the Message Bible:

    "The revelation of God is whole and pulls our lives together.
    The signposts of God are clear and point out the right road.
    The life-maps of God are right, showing the way to joy.
    The directions of God are plain and easy on the eyes."

    I think God has you enjoying the beauty of His creation while He leads you…

    more hugs,

  9. Hi,
    I have never written to you, but I have followed your blog for a little while. Your blog is inspirational and so honest. I just love reading it. Your family is so beautiful! I wanted to let you know that I too have Hosimoto disease and have had it for ten years. An ultrasound found a nodule on my thyroid before we left for to bring home our third child and second adoption from China. I was told that getting a biopsy would most likely prove to be inconclusive because of the difficulty in getting the cells from that area. You have touched my heart and I am sending you a hug.

  10. I read your last post last night before i went to sleep and meant to comment today but never got around to doing so. so here is your hug. feel it?

    i'm praying for you and the rest of your family too. linny, He has His arms wrapped around you guys. 🙂 love yall!

  11. Okay, have to share about our "sunflower" story! On July 5, we were driving down the highway in Bulgaria to pick up our new daughter, and there were huge sunflower fields planted everywhere…and every sunflower was facing the SUN!! I mean EVERY ONE…I thought it was a fluke and then we traveled on to where the sun was in a different location…and again, the fields of sunflowers had their little yellow faces pointed right at the sun… So, we got home and looked it up, and sure enough…there is something(chemical, I think) in them that makes them turn toward the sunlight during the day…totally reminded we as Christians always look toward the SON for our provision each day?? TOO COOL!!! It was amazing to see all those beautiful little "faces" looking toward the sun for their nourishment! And here is another {{{{HUG}}}}!:)

  12. I've never posted, but I thought I would share that I am already blessed and encouraged by how God is going to use this struggle in your life for such beauty…just like the sunflowers. I've been deeply touched by many of your posts. The "fire" posts, your heart for simplicity (I REALLY believed you after you showed up pictures of your first house you gave up sharing you'd rather fill a small house with children), the post you did about how God is still moving in your heart about words that were spoken against you as a child, your love for your husband, bringing home Liberty, how an uncle (I think) that does homeschooling with you…I say all this to say that your life has been filled with incredible testimony of God's goodness and His love…I know there is beauty at the end of this chapter as well! Praying for you!

  13. I didn't comment yesterday. So here is a huge hug all the way from California. I would love to be able to hug you in person. I have been praying for you and will continue to do so. I know God has you in his arms.
    God's blessings,

  14. Love the sunflowers!!! Aren't people funny?? You just have to wonder what is so wrong in their little world that a car pulled over would cause them to have sour faces?!?!
    I love that despite what you are going through, Yahweh is lifting your countenance! Blessings to you! and another cyberhug! and yet more prayer!

  15. I am very behind on my blog reading this week. Funny thing is that I was having a conversation about you with a friend tonight. I was sharing with her just a very few of the MANY things you have taught me over the last 19 months. I so wish with all of my heart I could hug you in person and tell you face to face how grateful I am for the MANY MANY things you have taught me. My heart hurts so badly for you right now. I am praying like crazy for you and for your family. Thank you for choosing on a very repeated basis to be vulnerable and to share. It has changed my life in sooooo many ways.

  16. Beautiful sunflowers, Linny, I'm glad that you did stop and take in the beauty of His creation 🙂 How many of us rush by and miss out on the little beautiful things.

    I was hanging my washing on the line just a moment ago, and saw a most beautiful rainbow. It was drizzling a little. I wonder if that is Him telling me something, a promise of some kind? I hope so. Guess will just keep telling Him what I'm thinking and hoping for, and wait on Him.

    That's the key word it seems, waiting on Him.

  17. I used to like lady-bugs, but then we moved to King George, VA – lady-bug capital of the WORLD. Every spring, every house is swarmed with lady-bugs. Everyone has them crawling all over the (I think) south windows of the house. They all get in and I end up vacuuming up thousands by the time the swarm passes.

    Weird, weird, but I could send you a big old box of them next spring!


    ps. I'm praying for you!

  18. Oh Linny I just LOVE the sunlower pics! Those were your bazillion hugs straight rom the Lord above! How sweet of him! Maybe that was His way of showing you ALL the virtual hugs sent from your bloggy friends who SO want to reach out and hug and comort you!
    Blessings today my friend!

  19. Beautiful flowers! The other drivers probably thought you were an annoying tourist out in the field!
    Since you cannot get enough hugs (I totally agree with you!), sending 4 big hugs from me and my 3 sweet little boys. Thank you for sharing your heart, your love, your God and your circumstances. My favorite passage right now is Phil 4:11-13. You can do this and you will have another amazing story of God's faithfulness when it is all done.

  20. Oh Linny, I have not been on blogs all summer. For some reason I felt like I needed to read yours tonight. I am praying for you and your family.

  21. Dear Linny,
    I have visited your blog occasionally over the past few years and I popped in today, reading of your illness. My heart is heavy. I am carrying you to Jesus and asking that God take this cup from you if at all possible. Praying for your spirits, that you feel the embrace of Him tighter than ever. Praying for Dwight as he faces the fear of watching his beloved spouse suffer. Praying for the kids, as their Mama embarks on a difficult journey that they too will make. May God in all His glory have mercy and grant you the fullness of health so that you may continue to serve Him in this world.

    Sending love from Long Island, NY,

  22. I am in Ukraine right now and taking custody of my FOUR loves tomorrow. but I am thinking of you as always and sending hugs. I always say how can there be TOO MUCH LOVE? how is that even possible? or as Maia says "how can you even DO that?"

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