She’s Gettin’ Fat…

Bright eyes gladden the heart;
Good news puts fat on the bones.
Prov. 15:30

Dw and I memorized that scripture about 32 years ago….yes, indeed good news makes us want to celebrate and eat, doesn’t it??

I thought you all would want to hear some good news and rejoice with us {and go ahead eat something fun to celebrate with us!!}.

Frankly, this waiting and wondering has not been fun. And it can also be paralyzing. Which is how I have been feeling. Paralyzed. What should I do and where should I go? What about time frame? Who should I find to do the surgery?

Thank you to all who have prayed and asked the Lord to give us direction!! The other morning I felt like the Lord said, “Today you will find your answer.” I had an appointment with a rheumatologist and thought, “She will know who I should go to for surgery.”

Only thing is, when I got to the appointment I was told, “I’m so sorry, the girl was supposed to call you and tell you that there was a glitch in the system and you don’t really have an appointment – not for 3 weeks!” Hmmmm. Okay. She apologized profusely and I said, “Listen, if this is the worst thing that ever happened, I would throw a party!” She laughed.

That being said, apparently the rheumatologist was not going to be the one to point me to a surgeon. ugh. Which makes God’s plan such a stinkin’ adventure, right? I thought, “Oh, so you’re going to surprise me with who has the answer, huh?”

As I left the rheumatologist’s office, I knew Dw was meeting with a doctor who attends our church. He is a friend of ours. Dw had told me to stop by cause it was on my way home and he couldn’t wait to hear what the rheumatologist said. So I drove to meet up with Dw and our friend, the doc. I told this doc {and our friend} our dilemna. He said, “Have you thought about so-n-so? He is a personal friend and he bought your house up on the canyon, you know who I mean?” OH! Wow.

So this morning I called the office of the doctor who bought our house up on the canyon. You know what house I mean? I showed you guys pictures of that house here. That’s the one we sold so we could get out of mortgage debt and free us to go adopt our most recent four treasures!!

Anyway, his office told me that he indeed has done tons of thyroid surgeries….he is right here in our city….and just think, he kind of “knows” us {cause he bought our home, how cool is that?}. So I have an appointment two weeks from today {9/16/10} to talk to him about my situation.

Yippee Jesus!!!

I am overjoyed and feel like a burden has been lifted.

Hurdle number one is done. We have found a surgeon! He is right in our city. I can have surgery right here at our hospital, minutes from our home. Seriously, I am beside myself with relief. We had not known he would do thyroid surgery….we had not thought of him….and if that appointment had not been canceled I might not have met up with our friend {the doctor from church} and Dw….and so yes, God is always at work behind the scenes.

Which brings me to something else….

A sweet friend sent me an email this morning. She wanted me to know that the Lord is telling me not to Fear. Which is exactly what the Lord has been saying. Isn’t it funny….I know I’m not supposed to fear…but fear is so sneaky. It creeps in and can paralyze us. I phoned my friend and told her that her letter was definitely the Lord speaking. I needed to hear her say it to jolt me into reality. To remind me that He has my back. That I am to just trust.

How faithful God is. I repented of having let fear sneak in. I will go back to the scripture I memorized in the early 80’s. The scripture that set me free way back then….{and I wrote about being set free from here}

It was for freedom that Christ set you free, therefore, keep standing firm and do not be subject again to this yoke of slavery.
Galatians 5:1

Boy oh boy, fear can be such slavery, can’t it? I don’t want to be entangled at all to it. Not now. Not ever again. It sucks the life out of me. It immobilizes. It accomplishes nothing.

Almighty God has put me here to fulfill a very specific purpose and I cannot do that while entangled to fear. So I am standing firm on His promises of faithfulness, remembering that He has my back…and confident that this really will be yet another Memorial Box Monday story to be sure!!

23 thoughts on “She’s Gettin’ Fat…

  1. Wooohoo! So glad God is continuing to move you in His directions. 🙂 Praying, praying, praying for you, sweet friend! (And I'm trying to think of what I have in my dorm room to celebrate with you. hehe.) Love from Ohio! God really does have your back. 🙂

  2. You have taught me more than anyone else in my life (and I was raised in a pastor's home) how to give EVERYTHING to him; the insignificant to the significant. You have modeled that over and over for me in your blog. Thank you for choosing to be open and vulnerable so that my life would be blessed and I would be given the opportunity to grow.

  3. Ditto to what llandtmom said! I don't know you (well, spiritually I do!) and yet God uses you to minister to and encourage me DAILY!
    Matter of fact, I shared just last night with my dear husband how I had read your post "We Didn't Get the Memo" and how God has used that to stir my heart. And he agreed with me. We are taking steps to get out of debt so that we can give as our Father wants us to!

    Praising His name with you for your good news today!

  4. This is so wonderful, Linny~ Praise God! And all the support and encouragement you are receiving…what a blessing! I love the scripture….it is a great verse for all of us to memorize.

  5. Here's my very favorite "do not fear" praise song:
    It's Isaiah 43 by Hillsong

    You may already know it, but I'm the one who posts saying I always pull up your blog at work to leave the music running in the background 🙂 I've written a ton of sermons with yourplaylist going, so I thought I'd share the piece I'm using as part of a kickoff on a series about fear.

    Thanks for always sharing your struggles AND God's amazing faithfulness! God bless,

  6. oh Linny! I have been praying that you would get in somewhere and get some answers soon! I saw a billboard the other day that really helped me in this time of waiting ( for money for our home study)that said
    "God is always up to something good."
    That is so true, even when we can't see what He is doing, He is working!

  7. I pray for you every day that God will replace your fear over the situation with your thyroid with calmness and confidence. I am glad to hear that prayer is being answered! Praise the Lord!

  8. Thank you Father that YOU are a God Who is ALWAYS at work for good even when we can't see Your hands. Thank you for Linny's friend who gave her words of truth and encouragement just when she needed them most.
    Thank you for bringing Linny to complete healing and for giving to her again and again testimonies of Your AWESOME power and endless love!

  9. how wonderful! I love, love, love hearing about how He's leading you, talking to you and guiding you. Truly love it 🙂 Praise Him for organising you to see a doctor right in your city! He is so cool! Just like that! 🙂

    I wish I can celebrate with you and eat chocolates… but I'm on a special diet for the upcoming colonoscopy… but after that I for sure will have some chocolate! It's just on hold for now 🙂

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