Crazy Love – Prayer Challenge

 I am absolutely loving that so many of you have 
seen such amazing answers to prayer!!
It is such a faith builder…
and just think, we get to be part of it, 
because prayers went up all around the world
Don’t you love that?  
Friends from around the world…in the past C in the Middle East said she was joining in, friends in Australia, Becca in England {just to name a few}…
really,  it’s absolutely amazing to me!!
So this is the post…
Please post your requests..
To all who are praying {and fasting} 
I can’t wait to see what God does this time!!  

137 thoughts on “Crazy Love – Prayer Challenge

  1. Please everyone pray for little Lois who has just gone through very intense round of chemotherapy, and she has her bone marrow aspiration today to see if she is back in remission. She must achieve remission so that she can have her bone marrow transplant, she needs a bone marrow transplant in order to survive. She is just 3 years old. Please please pray for her she has already been through so much. We also need to pray that she finds a bone marrow match, her brother unfortunately did not match. Thank you everyone

  2. I think this time around I would love some prayers for my husband. He has lots of projects he is in need of finishing. He is in the final stretch of finishing his masters. He has 2 papers due next week. He is also trying to finish our basement family room, not to mention working his normal 40+ hours at work. He does so much for us, his family and my parents. He never asks for much, if anything in return. I am praying that he can push through and get his papers done with not too much stress.

  3. Thanks for posting this Linny, it is such an amazing thing! Pray for God to provide financially for this adoption. We have had to pay for about 10-15,000 of dental work so far and lots more to go. Dental seems to be the area that gets hit for us.
    Pray also for my husband(police chief) and his job, he is handling some really tough cases(satan at work) at work right now. I am faithful and I know we serve an amazing God that will carry us through this and provide every penny. I will be praying and fasting as well! Thanks so much!

  4. According to current timelines in our daughters country we will be traveling next month.We still have a very large amount of money needed for this adoption. God will provide but sometimes it helps to have people praying for us as it helps us take our eyes off the mountain and put them back on the Lord where they belong.

  5. I wanted to post a request, but it is personal. Please know that God knows my heart and knows the struggles my family and I have been going thru. I appreciate your prayers as well.

  6. I have never done a request nor have I fasted (except on Ash Wendesday and Good Friday)before but I have prayed alone and now realize I need help. I want to have a child so badly. I do not care if the child is grown in my belly or grown in my heart. I have this need to be a mom. I currently live with my boyfriend and he just isn't in the same place right now. The prayers are that his heart changes and he turns the page and is ready to have a baby with me.

  7. Please pray for my fifteen year old. I adopted him from the foster care system at age 7. He is very bright and and a super gifted athlete, but is going through a really hard time, related, I think to needing to grieve the loss of his biological family at 2. Pray that the Lord would heal his poor broken heart. Pray also, that the Lord would give me wisdom as I deal with him.

  8. We anticipate our dossier going to Ch*na in the next six weeks, and we will need $5,000 at that time. We are 100% fundraising this (our 6th in 7 years) process, and God has been faithful to provide! We are working hard to do our part with garage sales, candlemaking and other fundraisers, but He is our Provision! Thank you, Linny, for giving us the opportunity to pray specifically for one another!

  9. My friend Tina is the first commenter!!!! and I'm adding to the urgency for sweet Lois. She must achieve remission or they cannot do the bone marrow transplant. It is her only chance for survival. She is three years old. I'm also asking for prayers for two little ones names Ella and Emily who are also just two and battling leukemia.

    and I'm stinking to my story! I know I sound like a broken record, but I'm asking for prayers for our finances. it's extremely difficult right now. We basically are down to nothing. I can feel Jesus' hands on us, i just have to learn to give Him complete control. Anxiety and worry rear their ugly head at times.

    I kid my hubby that I am trying to pray like the persistent widow but I think I sound more like the nagging wife. Please keep us in our prayers as you are all in mine.

    i missed something and didn't realize that we were doing this today! I just happened to fast and pray yesterday for all the requests from last time so I will fast for half the day today. And of course pray.

  10. Tomorrow, Thurs. Oct 21, we are having a garage sale to raise money for our Sophia. We have never fundraised before for our adoptions, but with this being the third one in three years – wow – do we need to fundraise!!

    Also, please pray for God's clear direction and provisions in all of this. If Sophia is meant to be our daughter and sister, let God open wide the doors of blessings and provisions. If we are not to pursue this adoption, please pray that God shuts those doors. You can see our newest prayer request at our family blog:

  11. I would like to ask for prayers as we raise funds for our adoption of Jenna. We are doing something special in the next few days (as soon as the item arrives) and praying that we can raise funds for our travel expenses to China. Thanks for prayers!

  12. Please pray for my cousin Jared. He works in Africa and is currently back stateside. He contracted mono as well as an aggressive strain of malaria in Africa. He is hospitalized in the ICU back home in Indiana currently. He and his wife Anna have five young children at home. Please pray for his healing!

  13. So excited to do this again! Mine is somewhat the same…attachment with my new 3 year old daughter, but the Lord has shown me through this that there is a lot of anger that He needs to deal with… mostly anger over circumstances that I cannot control! Today I'm praying for deliverance from my angry and temperamental heart! I want to be totally surrendered to Jesus Christ! EVERY part of my life!

    Also for a sweet little girl in Eastern Europe with some special needs that desperately needs a family to come rescue her…is it us?:)

    One more(sorry:)), for my husband…that he would be open to the Spirit moving in his life, and for a new job or promotion that would bring him HOME! He's gone a lot and we want him home.:) Praying and fasting today for all of you!:)

  14. My 21 year old son was nearing the point of proposing to his girlfriend; he had come to his dad to talk about it just a couple of weeks ago. The girlfriend abruptly cut off the relationship and won't talk to him. He is absolutely heartbroken. Please pray for him to draw near to God and for the healing of his heart.

  15. Good morning all,
    We believe we have found our daughter and we too are in need of financial provision. We are fundraising, my kids have given up their allowances, we have cut back as much as we can so far all in the name of Anna. Please pray that if we truly are Anna's chosen family that God will provide what we need. My heart aches for this little blessing and we need open doors to stay open and favor on all that we do so that we can bring her home. God is precious and in all we do, we want to glorify God. Please know that today and everyday, we pray for all of you. Thank you Linny for being such a wonderful instrument of God. Such a great example of being the hands and feet of Jesus.

    May God bless you all abundantly today and everyday.

  16. So…the last time, I asked ya'll to pray for me and my hubby because we're struggling with getting pregnant. We've been trying for a year and a half and have seen nothing. Last month, we decided to try something new. I ended up getting pregnant and having a miscarriage. That was both sad and happy for us. After a year and a half of seeing nothing, we finally had something. And I've realized since that I actually got the weaker version of what I was supposed to have. Hope is a marvelous thing. So please continue to pray for us. God's will is our main desire but right next to that is the big desire to have children. Thank you all for you're prayers and know that I am praying for all of your requests.

    God Bless! Shelle

  17. For Linny and Family

    For God to show the way for me to stay home with our children and where we are to adopt from next and when, and patience for all of this

    For my daughter who has a fever this morning. Ever since she came down with Kawaski disease last year fevers frighten me

    For my Dad that he does not come down with any sickness in his lungs during the winter season

    For all in the process of adopting right now

    Thank you and God Bless!

  18. Please pray that the Lord will allow us to adopt again by moving mountains that are standing in our way. Also that He will show us the child He has chosen for our family because there are so many sweet children that need a home, and that I will be successful in advocating for orphans. Also that my husband's job situation will get better. Prayer is a powerful thing. I will be lifting up all these prayer requests. Thank you!

  19. Hello everyone and thank you for your prayers,
    We are adopting a 13 year old girl from China. She will turn 14 in March, so we have less than five months to complete a lot of paperwork. Right now, we are waiting for our state to approve our homes study so that we can send it on to USCIS.It has already been there for 2 weeks and could take 6 weeks. Please pray for this to happen soon so that we can move on to the next step.Thank you all.

  20. I need prayer for physical healing. I've had Chronic fatigue syndrome for over 10 years. So many things in my body are messed up. I specifically need prayer for my gallbladder- I've had pain for 8 years and they cannot find what is causing it. Please pray for all the hidden things to be revealed.
    I have 2 young kids and they need a healthy mom.

    I also long to have more babies by birth and adoption- and none of that is possible with this mountain in the way.

    thank you for your prayers.

  21. Hi, Linny

    Thanks for this awesome blog and opportunity to ask for prayer. I actually have two requests if that's ok.
    #1 One of my best friends is having horrible seizures many times a day (new onset). Medications are not controlling them. Please pray for healing for Denise – I know our God is capable of this miracle!
    #2 About 2 years ago, I had emailed you to ask for prayer that my hubby's heart would be opened to international special needs adoption. Praise God our dossier is now in the Ukraine to bring home a little girl with spina bifida! I would ask for prayer that the dossier be submitted tomorrow (Thursday) with a very fast turn-around time for travel so that we can have her home by Christmas.
    Thank you!

  22. Although this may seem small, I am going to ask anyway. I would like prayer for my mouth. I have a virus that gives me extremely bad canker sores. I have been getting them since I was really young, and they are always huge, swollen, and hurt so badly. I have had one canker sore in my mouth now since last monday (nine days) and the pain is horrible. I have gone to the doctor and tried every pain medicine there is, but nothing is helping it subside. It has gotten to the point where it hurts to even sit in class or eat, and I sometimes wake up in the night in pain. The pain medicine that I am suppose to apply 1-3 times daily, I end up applying roughly every 20 minutes.I went to the doctor yesterday and got blood work done, because she does not think it's normal for me to get such huge sores in my mouth at my age (18). Prayers that this pain would subside would be great…it is taking such a toll on so many other aspects of my life because it is so hard to function. Thank you!

  23. finances, sickness, extended family problems, adoption, marital issues, jobs… thank you so much for doing this! We FEEL the prayers everytime! HUGS

  24. Long time Lurker in need of prayers:)This year I lost my major income job and I'm struggling with depression and dispair. God has put in me the seed of adoption, but things are no falling into place. Please pray that I can conquer this feelings of depression and dispair,that I can have a job and for stronger faith so I can continue to do HIs Will! Thanks

  25. My sister Tonya who is 42 and has 9 children has been fighting breast cancer. We just found out this week it has spread to her brain. They started radiation yesterday…We believe our God is more than able to heal. Thank you!

  26. This is very last minute, I just saw it. However, in 40 minutes our coordinator in country will TRY to receive our visa packet. Please pray he is able to. If not, he will try again next Wed. They only allow pickups once a week. Obviously, this mama is praying for the mountain to be moved in Jesus' name!


  27. Please pray for me. I am struggling within. I have so many emotions going on and on how I need to deal, cope, and handle all that I have going on so that I can be a better child of God, mother, wife and person. And trying to get my diabeties under control without medication.

  28. Count me in to fast/pray for all the requests today.

    My prayer requests:
    1-For God to have His way in my marriage and in the lives of our adult children
    2-For the Lord to work in the hearts of 3 relatives so that they might surrender to Him & live each day for Him.

    Thank you!

  29. A repeat request for guidance as I go thru a divorce from my husband of almost 18 years (his choice). I have 2 children and work for a non-profit that I love. Good news is I was able to trade vehicles yesterday and save over $100 a month! I also want to become closer to the Lord and I refuse to give up on the hope of adoption one day!! Praying for all those who posted and the lurkers who haven't come forward! God Bless Linny and her family for everything!!

  30. I have two prayer requests.
    1. That my husband's heart will open to adoption.
    2. That a family member who is struggling with addiction with go into a Christian inpatient rehab and that his parents will support this. Praying that he will allow Christ to help him overcome his addiction. Praying that the judge will allow treatment (specified as inpatient)over jail time.

  31. asking for prayers for my pastor's wife. her name is michelle gribble (pastor is don gribble). she had a masectomy yesterday afternoon. pray for healing, eradication of all cancer, support for her family. thank you so much! i've seen over and over and over what God can do, and all we have to do is just ask 🙂 love you linny for doing this weekly post. you are truly amazing!!

  32. One again asking for prayer for our adoption from Ethiopia.

    -I am praying the Lord heals me of my phobia of flying because I am going to be on one long plane ride.
    – I am praying for the finances to work themselves out
    – I am praying for our Both Hands service project. That the widow be blessed and the funds start coming in.
    – I am praying for my friend Suzanne and her new adoption fundraising ministry with family value canvases.
    – I am praying that I can make an impact on my peers and encourage them to be part of fixing the orphan crisis.
    – I am praying for the kids in my youth group to develop a real passion for Christ.
    – sorry im prayer hogging….

  33. Please pray for a woman who has adopted 38 children and they all are having to say "good-bye" to her father and their "grandfather". He is in his final few moments on this earth. He was a pastor and he and his wife have supported her through all of these adoptions and have a close relationship with her children. These children were adopted out of horrible trauma and now once again are facing "losing" someone in their lives.

  34. Please pray for my brother, David. He's been sick for over a year and the doctors can't figure out why antibiotics are not fixing his infection/inflammation. He's losing hope and it's so sad to see him down. He's 22 and a really nice guy:). Thank you all so much.

  35. Hello! It's my first time to post on this blog. I have been following this blog and so appreciate how much you Linny have allowed the Spirit of God to move. I have a prayer request- I missed the last prayer and fasting day b/c I was fasting the internet, tv and such. I have really been prayfull of whether to post or not, please hear my heart? Our family has been trying to adopt a sibling group of 4 from the fostercare system and today is exactly a month that we were suppose to have our staffing and it was canceled abruptly. We were informed that the judge court ordered a family member to be considered-these precious children have been in fostercare for years and there have been " No " relatives involved in their lives all these years. It is unclear if the relatives have just began to be involved or if they just happened to be asked by the judge to get involved. Our hearts are broken-of course we want the best for the children however we also want our prayers to be answered- we have longed to parent these children, they have grew in our hearts over these last months and we believe we can be a family together. Please pray for us-we have 2 children at home a son-13 and a daughter-9 and we have 5 children grown living on their own. Our son has longed for a brother since he was little and he will have 2 new brothers once our adoption can take place. We believe that Jehovah God can turn this around-HE can make a way! Thank you all and God Bless
    We will be praying for all the requests as well. Thanks for the opportunity. hugs

  36. Please pray for my mother in-love. She has a very advanced breast cancer, which was diagnosed only two months ago but that already spread to her collar bone. At this point only a miracle can save her. Please pray for my husband who went to Argentina to spend a few days with her, that he can have peace in this difficult time seeing his mom so deteriorated. Also please pray for his brother who is bearing this all alone, as my husband's sister also lives abroad.

  37. I'm posting my request today, and I'll be fasting and praying tomorrow! Please pray for my husband and I to be in unity regarding some big decisions we are making. The next few months will change the direction of our family for the next several years, and I need peace to know we are doing what is best for our daughter!

  38. Please pray for my former foster child who is 4 and is now in a psych hospital. I need to know God's will in this situation. Please pray for all my foster chilren who are struggling and need healing. Many personal things as well. Praying for all of you!

  39. Please pray for my husband and I as we have not heard from our social worker about our foster/adoption process in over a month. We are starting to get really discouraged.

    Fasting and praying with all of you!

  40. 3 prayer requests:

    1-That God would bring an executive director so we can proceed with starting a Royal Family Kids Camp in our county ( for abused and neglected foster children.

    2- That I can enjoy my kids today and stay focused on what is really important and not be drawn away by tasks that really aren't important.

    3- That God would move on behalf of a sweet 7 year old orphan girl in Uganda that God has captured my heart with.

  41. I'm praying for all of the requests…
    My request is for my husband and I as we work on strengthening our marriage.

    I place this day, my Life, my loved ones, my work in the Lord's Hands. There is no harm in the Lord's Hands, Only Good, Whatever Happens, Whatever Results, If I am in the Lord's Hands it is the Lord's will and it is Good. Amen

  42. I have two requests ~

    1. Reconciliation with my son, he will be 18 in 3 weeks and has not spoken to me or his brother in over a year.

    2. For my husband, he is feeling very overwhelmed with the adoption process, so much so he is questioning if we should move forward in bringing Eli home.

    Both these requests have broken my heart. I miss my son so much.


  43. This is a repeat from last time.

    Please pray for a single mom of three from China with an untenable job situation and resultant financial issues.

    Thank you so very much,

  44. Please pray for our adoption. It seems like we will never get there. We are waiting for our travel approval and we need to complete the adoption this year because we need the tax credit to pay off debt.

    We also need the rest of the money. We have the money for the actual adoption expenses, but we still need travel costs, so we figure we need about $6K for that. On the "answer to prayer side" my husband was informed yesterday that he is getting a bonus, so that $6K is really down to about $5K. Yeah! It was not expected so we are praising God for that!!!

    God has been good to us all through this adoption and we know He will continue to be. We'd just be so appreciative if others were joining us in prayer.

    Many blessings!!!

  45. Please pray peace and comfort for our friends who are not going forward with a hoped for adoption due to circumstances beyond their control. Pray that God will direct their steps.

    Please also pray for our family and adoption(s) and the child(ren) that God will have join our family.

    Thank you. Praying will you all.

  46. The financial REALITY of adoption:

    Today I am struggling with the the reality of how much adoption and travel costs. Just when we thought we had all the bases covered, documents have to updated. Fingerprints have to be re-done, baby boy turns two so now he will require a seat on the plane when we pick them up. Fees raised because of inflation, and the list goes on. We have done EVERY fundraiser imaginable and people have given generously. We just need a miracle for the finacial part of the rest of this journey. ALSO we have a birthparent interview coming up that we are praying all goes well as this birthparent is reported to be unstable. My heart is heavy with the 19 month wait and the burden of the financial situation. BUT, I do serve a God of miracles. A God of details, a God that is faithful! Thank you JESUS, I trust in your plan!

  47. Well, James and I are trying to adopt little Berkeley from Ukraine. Our agency wasn't too pleased with our financial state as we are both contract employees. Though we see that God has blessed us beyond belief! It just doesn't look good on paper.

    As I type James is interviewing for a full-time, steady, well paying job so please pray for him that he would get the job.

    And, we need $40,000 CND before we can move ahead. We will both be fasting and praying this weekend Fri-Sun as we are doing a BIG fundraising push to coincide with Berkeley's 7th birthday on Friday the 22nd. We've got $10,000, so hoping to fundraise $20,000 as soon as Godly possible.

    Thank you all so much for your prayers, I will be praying for you too!

    It is really amazing what God does! It was near a month ago I left a few comments here, and through that God lead us to Berkeley!

    God Bless!

  48. Please pray for God's will to be done in our school system, which is currently considering some major changes.

    Also, please continue to pray for several personal things in my life. I need guidance, protection, and healing.

    Additionally, please pray for the lost loved ones in my family to be saved.

  49. Love, love, love your heart Linny! Please pray for my daughter who is deaf and received a cochlear implant, she will be activated on Monday. Pray she will hear. The doctors say her outcome is poor but we have Our God!!! Also, my daughter who is deaf has a biological sister in Korea who we are adopting also. Our daughter has only been home 6 months. We need the almighty God to work on our behave financially and to keep our daughter save and healthy until we get her next summer.

  50. our adoption process is at a standstill as we are waiting for one document from my husband's employer. please pray for God to move that mountain and for me to be able to stand still and trust in His perfect timing.

  51. Our documents have been logged in to China for 3 years this month, and we have decided to go to the Waiting Child list. Please Pray that God would make His will clear as to which child should join our family. Please pray for His perfect timing. Please pray that Satan would not win when fear and doubt creap into my mind about adopting.

  52. A prayer for my sweet husband Brian, that he finds a new job … the one he has is so stressful, and he is just worn out. Lately it's almost like he has a look of 'no hope' in his eyes when I see him at the end of the day. The company he works for has cut and cut and cut and he's basically doing the job that 4 or 5 people used to do. He works out of the home too which means there's never a separation for him – I would fix it for him in a heartbeat if I could and I have prayed SOOO many times. He had a job interview a couple of weeks ago that we thought was going to be the answer to our prayer but he found out this week that they are not offering him the job.

  53. Please pray for my husband to find peace and strength when dealing with his stressful job, and that he will learn to deal with the stress in a different way rather than drinking.
    Also, please pray for guidance and patience for me, as well as willingness for me to understand and hear what God wants me to do and where to go.

    Please pray that the newly-discovered passion and desire to open my own business is not a distraction from what God wants me to do, and if its a gift from Him to me, to be able to do something I want to do in life – please pray for guidance and blessing in this new venture.

    Also, please pray for both me and my husband to be more patient with our son and not let frustrations of our lives stop us from being good and caring parents.

    Please pray for me to have an open heart towards my brother-in-law, so that I can be a loving christian towards him and not the wordly and spiteful, grudge-holding person I have been so far.

    Thank you.

  54. I have two prayers. They are my constant, every day prayers. The first is financial. About a month ago I lost the majority of my buiness and I am struggling big time. I so badly want to be in a position to have a home and adopt but it seems so out of the question when I can barely make ends meet. I have a big opportunity on the horizon and while it is not a long-term solution, it has the potential to take my business and career in new and exciting directions. I could really use the happy kind of excitement rather than the up all night stressing kind.

    My second is that one day, and I know it is a big big longshot, my mother will leave her monster satan husband and tell me she loves me. As much as I say I am over it, you just never walk away from wanting that kind of love in life.

    I just prayed over all the comments above me and will come back this evening when I have more time to do it several more times. I really love this idea! Thanks!

  55. I fear God and love my Jesus with all my heart. I read, study, and meditate His Word every day. God’s Word is on my lips day and night. I often say God’s Word to myself to follow sleep. I do my quite time and pray daylily (first in the morning) at least 2 hours. I am not saying these to brag about myself. I just wanted you to know these so I am just sitting here do nothing about the issue I am about to bring. My husband and I adopted 8 years boy from Thailand last year. He has been home for over a year but I don’t have a feeling for him. I don’t love him. Sometimes, I don’t even want to want to love him. I know I am like a monster and hypocrite to you all. At this point I really don’t care what anybody thinks of me but desperately in need of prayers. I know God doesn’t make mistake. He knew I could love him and raise him so He placed this boy in my arm when I didn’t even want a child. So please pray for me to love him.

  56. We are waiting for one last document for our dossier. We are trusting in God's perfect timing and plan. Thank you for your prayers! Praying in faith for all of you too!

  57. Thanks so much Linny – thanks even for letting us re-post.

    My son's spiritual heart – He is 20 and not saved. But since we have begun to pray he is meeting with a guy from Campus Crusade every week. This in itself is HUGE! Please pray for his salvation.

    My son-in-love's physical heart. – He is 32 and recently been diagnosed with cardiomyopathy. He isn't able to tolerate the best medicine for it. So we need God to heal his heart. He and my daughter are expecting their first child in April.

    Thank you all for praying. Am reading thru the requests and lifting up the other requests.

  58. My little brother is drifting further and further away from God. I really worry about him and it worries my parents terribly. Please pray for God to be in his life. Please pray for me to do well in school also. Thank you so much.

  59. Thanks for that post Linny! It was definitely for me. I really want to know what's going on in my body and had decided to fast every Sunday until I had received an answer. I've been doing that for at least a month now and still no answers. Just this week I was questioning whether I should continue to do so. I'm feeling a little discouraged but also have been thinking that maybe God just doesn't want me to know so that I can trust in Him more fully. While that may be true, I shouldn't stop asking and seeking Him in this, right?

    Please continue to pray that I would get answers pertaining to what is going on in my body, that I would know what steps to take next, and for wisdom for my doctors. And more importantly, for God to put all the necessary pieces in place so that the longing in our hearts to adopt becomes a reality…SOON 🙂 Thank you… your prayers are so much appreciated! <3

  60. my prayer request is not for me, but for the hearts of the men, women, and children i will live with in just 3 short months in mali, west africa. more than anything, i pray that the Holy Spirit prepares their hearts for the Message of Jesus. These are a predominately islamic & animist people, and God is going to have to reveal Himself to them and make known Who He is, and i just pray that they are ready for it so they won't miss it. Please, pray for the people of Mali, West Africa, and that the seed won't fall on hard ground, but on ground that will produce fruit. Please, these people, as all of you and everyone, mean the world to God. He sent His Son to die for them.
    He can deliver these precious people from their bondage and set them free. Pray for their deliverance, please.
    p.s. if you would like, i have a button on my blog that you can grab and it is asking for prayer for the people of mali. you can share it and whatever you would like.

  61. We need to sell my dad's estate property in Florida. ONLY God can help us sell this property quickly for the price to cover accounting, lawyers and maintanence bills. I truly need to grieve and not have to pay the bills every month, my dad died in 2004. We also need to use our part to pay off our medical, dental and adoption debt from a previous adoption. Thank you for being willing to pray on a strangers behalf.

  62. Please be praying for our daughter Kristin. She will be going in for surgery tomorrow at noon to have the fingers on her right hand seperated. Pray that there are no complications and her healing is complete.
    Also please pray for God's will concerning adoption. I have such a strong desire to return to China to adopt again, however there are some pretty big mountains in our way, but not too big for our God!

    It is such a privilege to join with you all in prayer and fasting. I am excited to see God move on behalf of all these requests.

    Praise Jesus!

  63. I am starting the foster-to-adopt program and want the Lord to lead me to the right little boy or girl to come into my family. I am a single mom of two girls from China and want to add another child to our family. I want to follow God's lead on this decision and want only what He wants for our family. Thank you for your prayers.
    – Candis in Georgia

  64. Our adoption and my husband's job, and that God's perfect will and timing are done. I'm trying hard to give it up to him, but I often worry that if we have to move then we won't be able to complete our adoption but I know God has a plan. Thanks

  65. We know one day we want to adopt…but financially we are just shy of being 'allowed' to. We think now is the time for us to move to a smaller, more affordable home so that hopefully we will be that much closer to adopting. Please pray for our wisdom in the matter and that we are truly listening to God's direction for us.
    You are truly amazing for doing this, it feels silly to ask for prayers on this but I think every little bit helps! Thank you thank you.

  66. I am asking for prayers for two friends who need especially quick and big help from our big and always on time Father! The first family, the Dziagwa family, is leaving in less than a week and needs nearly $15,000 if they are to adopt the two special needs girls God has laid on their heart…around $4,000 if God only intends for them to adopt one. They are trusting in His sovereignty but would love prayers for provision.

    Another family is the Cornish family who is also going to adopt one, and maybe two, special needs orphans in Ukraine. The mom has been asked to give a speech about special needs adoptions in Ukraine to the US Embassy there next week. Pray her words would touch hearts! One of the children they hope to adopt, a little girl with Down syndrome that they've tried unsuccessfully to adopt before, is still in an institution with a director who is not warm to international adoption, to put it mildly. We are praying that because they have adopted three other children with Ds since they first tried to adopt the little girl, that this man would have the scales removed from his eyes and see the love they bring to her.

    Thank you so much for your prayers! We all know, as do the families for whom I have requested prayer, that God's heart is for the orphan and we know He will accomplish His purpose for them.

  67. Hi.

    My boyfriend just broke up with me. We dated for almost three years and I'm so crushed. I've had depression before, and I can feel myself slipping back. Please pray for me.

  68. Somehow I missed the day of prayer this time around! I will have to come back and pray tomorrow. But I will pray through them.
    Here is my request, basically the same as last time:
    There has been a little boy in China on my heart. He has a very severe heart problem. I believe he is our son. My husband is not so convinced; he's hung up on finances. But since last time, he's agreed to pray earnestly about it. I am, however, having a lot of trouble waiting on God's timing because of this little boy's medical needs being so great.
    Thank you to all who are praying!

  69. Please continue to pray for our adoption. We are in the process of a precious little girl with Down syndrome from Eastern Europe. We have some big mountains to get out of the way. We are hoping to hear something today or tomorrow. We also need to raise more money to bring her home. We serve an amazing God and we believe our sweet girl will be with us soon!

  70. I so love this. And I have been praying. My requests are the same as last time, but I will post them here so that they're easily accessible. 🙂

    -I posted this the last few times: I would so love a mentor. One or a few lady(ies) that are a bit older than me that can and will walk alongside me and encourage me and just mentor me.

    -That I would be able to find the right church here at school. It is my junior year & I still haven't settled into a church.

    -That I would find the words to write my support letter for my 3 months in Uganda. I'm having trouble writing it. (Which is weird, because writing usually comes naturally.) And that all of the details for me to go will get worked out. (Mostly figuring out school stuff/credits/internship stuff.)

    -This one feels a bit silly, but it's on my heart, so I'm posting it anyway. (It is so on my heart that I wrote a whole blog post about it yesterday) I know that I am only 20, but I would so like to find a man to marry. A man that is passionate about orphans and who is crazy enough to put up with me & love me & live in Africa with our house overflowing with kids. 😉 Or, if God wishes me to remain single, that He would ease the desire for a husband.

    -That God would confirm whether it was Him speaking to my heart earlier this month & how He wants me to proceed.

  71. I am a medical student who failed my licensing exam — I'm retaking the exam in November and I humbly ask for your prayers that God's will be done. That God will bless my mind as I try to keep my sanity and endurance in these last few weeks of studying, that God would be in my heart when I'm answering those test questions and that I will pass this test in November. I would love for nothing more than to work as a physician and share God's love with my patients – I need to pass this exam in order to do that. And if God has a different plan for my life then please pray that my heart will be open to His perfect plan – I want to serve Him with JOY.

    To all those who pray on my behalf, THANK YOU, it is truly a gift.

  72. Hi all,
    I am praying and fasting as well! My request is for financial provision and clear direction on a new buisness opportunity. May God ALONE be glorified!

    Blessings to you all,

  73. I am making the same request as the last two times. First for our son Matthew to come back to the Lord and his family. Second for our son Jeremy to know the Lord and to be accepting of us adopting again. Third for our son Nick to be listening to the Lord and to find a job.
    Also please pray for my step-mother, Marci, she is in the hospital with gall stones and in a lot of pain.

  74. Seeking prayer yet again for our on going financial struggles. We have been hit so hard since we took the first step of faith and signed with our agency to begin the adoption process. We are beginning to see a light, a possible second job nights and weekends may come to fruition this week after dozens of applications and interviews. I have complete faith in His provision, for our daily needs and for our adoption. It will happen! We are doing what we can and learning to trust completely in Him and His timing. Thank you for continuing to lift our family up!

  75. First, I've been crazy in love with my best friend for years. I don't make friends easily, in fact he's pretty much the only real friend I have, and so the reason I haven't done anything is because I'm terrified of losing him. I need God to either help something to happen between us, or help me find a way to get over him because the heartache I feel every time he talks to me about his girlfriend (that changes to a new person frequently) isn't good for me. I know that, I just don't know how to get over him. The way I feel about him almost scares me. I've actually dreamed about spending the rest of my life with him, and I honestly think I would be perfectly happy that way. I want him to love me, too…SO BADLY…but if that's not meant to be I need to get over him.

    Also, prayers for my schoolwork. I'm in college, and I just missed two weeks because of a MRSA infection in my foot. I was just told by one of my professors today that she needs to have a "conference" with me because of how much I've been out. My grades are so important to me, I'm usually an A/B student, and I have to keep my GPA up because of my scholarship. I'm so stressed out I feel like I'm suffocating. I need prayers for peace, prayers for strength, and prayers that my grades are not too terrible, because I'll be letting a lot of people down, including myself.

  76. Well first, please pray for our daughter's birthmother. we dont know who either of them is yet, but I feel very strongly that she is pregnant with our Zoey right now. Please pray that she would feel the hope and peace of God and know that in giving up her baby, it is not the end of knowing her.
    Secondly, please pray for the hearts of my family to be opened to our adopting. Many of them wont even talk about it. They have negative views of it, of adopting from Africa, of us adding a 4th child to our family.

  77. I would love prayer for patience (again) and wisdom. I have been feeling called to go serve in Uganda and we have a window of time before we'll be bringing home our next son. Yesterday an opportunity arose to "host" an orphan from Eastern Europe during Christmas and my heart is tugged, but I also feel led to Uganda. I just want clarity and wisdom in making decisions, especially as my husband is on board with both. And, I could use some serious patience in waiting on God's timing and not trying to maneuver things.

  78. God has been AMAZING in our adoption journey. Now, we seek Him to grant quick Travel Approval and to handle ALL the details/costs of travel. We want this baby in our arms!! In His Mercy ~ thank you!

  79. I wanted to share that the prayer I requested for the CT Scan to see if I had any sign of lymphoma turned out to be a good report! No lymphoma found…..

  80. Sweet praying friends,

    Please be praying for my sweet daughter Sarah who is still battling cancer–currently spending a month in the hospital receiving a high dose of chemo followed by a bone marrow transplant. Thank you!!!!

  81. For our son Adam…walked with the Lord and now is walking in total rebellion….very angry at God for hurts in his life, very prideful, lives from couch to couch and wherever he can sleep…now this last week is talking of suicide and nothing we say or do helps…
    We haven't seen or heard from him for almost 3 weeks…only hear things from a couple of his friends….drinks and some drugs and who knows…God Knows and He is Faithful…..
    Thank you for adding him to this pray/fast list.

  82. On October 6th, I posted this prayer request:

    I need Him to confirm to me that I am indeed in the way that He has prepared for me, so that I may know with certainty that I have been hearing Him correctly all this time.

    Thank you so much for all of you who have been praying for me, amazing things happened, that caused me to praise Him that I was indeed in His way when I travelled to USA, the most unexpected and special was praying for Shannon's Georgia.

    I am now back in Australia, and something that our Lord (YHWH) seemed to show me, has not come to pass yet, so I am still perplexed and puzzled and waiting on Him for it… could you please pray that if it is indeed from Him, that He would reveal it in His way.

    Thank you so much for praying for me 🙂 It is a Memorial Box Monday in the making if it comes to pass. Please pray that He will continue to guide me in His way.

    Thank you.

  83. please pray for our sweet Jeremiah, age 2 and half. We adopted him in June from Taiwan and he has severe cerebral Palsy and some other issues including blindess. The Neurologist told us his brain damage is massive and all his brain above the ears died and was reabsorbed by the body and now is fluid where brain was. Basically he has a brain stem and part of a cerrebellum. The Neuro says that as he grows this wont be able to sstain life and he is going to die. We are believing God for a miracle and trying to TRUST that God's will is best. PLEASE be in prayer for Jeremiah for a miracle and also for us to be able to give him as much stimulation and life experiences as we can while we can 🙂 Also, we are haivng some MAJOR financial issues and are trying to work out some mitigation on our home loan. PLEASE pray God will move in a mighty way in that way of our finaces. thank you for hte prayers.

    Praying 4 a MIRACLE 4 Celeste

  84. Thanks, Linny, for this great forum where we can pray for one another, as God tell us to. It's impossible for us to bear one another's burdens if we don't know what they are.

    1)Please pray for us here at Redeemer House Orphanage in Uganda, as we go next week to Jinja to look for a suitable home for our orphanage. We believe God is moving us to Jinja for many reasons, and I want to hear from God so I can find the right home for our kids. I am praying that we might find a larger home so that we can take in more children. (We have 15 wonderful kids right now, but there are so, so many who need a home!)

    2) Please pray for Trevor, one of our kids. He is 7 and came from a terribly abusive situation. He had been here a short time when I realized he was having small absence seizures. He was tentatively diagnosed with epilepsy, and with low-dose medication his seizures seem to have disappeared. He is scheduled for an EEG at the national hospital for Nov. 3. He appears to have some learning disabilities – probably ADD – but he speaks a different language than our other kids, so it's hard to communicate with him. He is absolutely the sweetest kid, and there is not much future for him in Uganda, as medical management of his disease will be problematic, he can't attend a regular school, and special education is almost non-existent and extremely expensive. I am praying that a Christian family will be blessed by adopting this wonderful little guy. Please pray with me!

  85. Please pray for Rachel and Cameron. Their 4 year old daughter, Makiah, was killed in a car accident on 10/8/10. She was their only child. Rachel is pregnant with twins due in March. Pray for peace for them as they grieve. Pray for two healthy babies. They are strong Christians but of course they are deeply hurting.

  86. I would like prayer for my trip. I am going to the Morning Star Family home in China to help out in February. I need to raise $400 more to purchase my plane ticket. Also I could use prayer for my kids, my daughter is starting to have anxiety before school and we are getting my son tested for attention deficit. Please pray for wisdom for my husband and I, so that we will hear God's voice and make the best decisions for our family.

  87. My husband is home from being long term in the hospital. Many of you prayed with us while he was away for the insurance to pay for the whole stay, he is home after 9wks, we are still dealing with lots of insurance woes… but now that he is home, its a difficult transition for all of us. Also my mom has a hurt back and has been in bed for two weeks. Last but not least my dad is up for reelection and their medical insurance is provided thru this elected office, we know God has placed him in this office and are asking for God's provision once again for this election, his name is Gary. thank you…. I am praying for you all. I am weary and under awful attack but I am pressing on…

  88. Please pray for a relationship and desire to come to life that I believe God has told me is meant to be. Pray for clear guidance from God and openness to his will. thanks!:)

  89. We are in process to adopt a baby boy from Korea. We also *need* him to be home by July when my DH turns 45. Please pray everything continues on as it needs to so that we indeed are settling in with our new son by our cut off date "theirs" not "ours".
    Also prayer for our 8 yo son who is having difficulty with honesty lately.
    Thank you so much!

  90. Vanessa was unable to post the following request {so I am doing it for her}..

    Please pray for the family and friends of a sweet girl from our town that was killed in a tragic accident last week.
    Also, for God to lead us to our next child. ~Vanessa

  91. Hi Linny.

    Busy day. Should be cooking dinner right now but after reading your post about keeping asking… well,I'm asking again; I don't think I can ever give up.

    Looks like were moving closer and closer to leaving for Kenya again – a long term journey. Pretty excited about serving orphans and widows in Jesus name. There's so much work to do…

    My heart's desire is to
    WALK off that airplane,
    KNEEL down and
    SCOOP up bunches of kiddos to hold for a very, very long time. Then,we'll
    Please keep praying for healing to manifest in my muscles.

    Thanks Friend.

  92. Please join me in praying for my 31 year old sister, whose lymphoma is not yet responding to chemotherapy. Her family, including 2 dd ages 3 and 1, and I really appreciate it.

    Thank you.

    With prayers for all of you,

  93. that my son will find some peace within himself so he can stop being an angry destructive distant part of our family and we can finally learn to love each other after all these years.

  94. URGENT prayers needed!

    Starting to feel God's call to adopt a special needs little girl from Ch*na (actually found her through Linny's post about No Hands But Ours). I just fell in love with this girl and have requested her file. I am asking for prayers for God's guidance and His will.

    We have no money. What we had went to our older sons adoption from S Korea and to the hospital bills from our second sons birth in march. We have 2 boys 2 and under and are really trying to figure out what God wants us to do.

    I need prayers that if this is God's will that a) I would be able to hear that and b) we could find money somewhere to pay for this.

    Please pray for us, I would appreciate it SO much!


  95. Please pray for the precious birthmom of some of my children who is pregnant and found out today it is twin boys. Pray for the state to allow us to help, support, and be the hands and feet of Jesus in this situation. Also, please pray that all these siblings will have the opportunity to love and know each other.

  96. We are still trying to sell our house. It's been almost 6 months and I have to wonder if we really felt God leading us to sell it….I know I need to trust Him and rest in His goodness, but some days I am just so worn down from waiting for it to sell. I question why He would possibly want us to keep "wasting" so much money on this mortgage. We are so changed from where we were when we bought this house. We don't want it anymore. We want to downsize so we can focus more on family and friends than on our home, so my husband can be less stressed and more available and involved with the kids.

    And our dossier is sitting here–COMPLETE–just waiting for us to have the funds to send it off… I never thought I'd have one ready and waiting….

    So I guess my prayer request is for God's will to be clear–to sell or not (and if not, some surprise funding would be nice!) and for us to have the funds to send off our dossier.


  97. Please pray for my friend J who is pregnant with twins. She has suffered through much hyperemesis with this pregnancy and is now on bed rest due to pre-term labor. She could use a break before her twin girls get here!!

  98. I need prayer for my brother's salvation. I cannot go to eternity without him (and his wife).

    I am a first-generation Christian; met Jesus when I was 30. Radically changed my life.

    My brother? Intelligent, moral, loving man. Who does not know Jesus.

    Prayers, please? And thank you.

  99. Thank you, Linny for your blog and your amazing love for families and orphans. I am asking for prayers for our finances and for my husband's health problems. We are basically down to no money right now. It hurts so badly to have to see our four little ones go without. I was in the hospital for 10 days in March and now my husband has had to be home from work with back problems. He goes back tomorrow and is worried that he may get fired for being out so much in the last 6 months. Please pray for good MRI results on his back that was taken on Monday. I will be praying for all the other prayer request.

  100. Please pray that my near constant pain, migraines, and headaches will go away or that I will have new and continued grace to cope with them. I have so many good intentions and desires to serve and feel that Satan uses pain in my life to hinder or slow down God's plans for me. Thank you!

  101. Thank you Linny, and thanks to all who are praying. Please add my family to your prayer list. I have my eye on a little boy to adopt this will be number 4 from China … just waiting on my husband to come around. Also please pray for our oldest son who is planning on going into the ministry. It seems to me that Satan is on his back. I know God has great plans because Satan is trying hard to get hime off track. Please pray protection over him and that God will pour out wisdom on him. And that he will be wise in his decisions.

  102. Please pray that our house will sell soon and that God will open doors for my DH's job where we are moving. Thank you so much for doing this Linny! I'm so thankful that everyone here are such prayer warriors. Praying for Ryan and Abi and Finn too!!! Can't wait to see pictures!!

  103. Please pray that the boy I like will have courage to ask me out. He likes me (he told a mutual friend) but is concerned that a relationship will get in the way of ministry. So please pray that God will speak to him in this situation.

    (And that he wants to adopt about a million children!)

  104. Please, please pray for my sweet Maylee! She has been down a long road medically for the past year and we thought that she was finally headed in the right direction.
    Long story short: She is currently fighting a bone infection through round the clock antibiotics through a picc line. She is on 2 of the strongest antibiotics that are allowed for a 3 year old child.
    Then, this evening she began running a fever of 103 degrees.
    My husband is making the 3 hour drive to the emergency room right now.
    Please pray that they find the source quickly.
    Also, my youngest son is having neurosurgery this Friday.
    Thank you so much!

  105. I have been praying for all these people with needs as mentioned in your prayer requests. I see there are several more that have been added later in the day. I promise to pray for those needs as well tomorrow morning when I wake up.

    Okay, this is my second post today. It is almost midnight my time in the U.S. I just received some very discouraging news about our adoption. Our adoption has been slowed down by about another month and a half (at least), so this slow down is predicted to keep us from travelling to meet our child until late next spring. I am devastated!

    Linny, you received a long e-mail from me in August pouring my heart out about some very specific personal things. Please continue to pray for us. Thank you so much for your promise tonight to continue to uphold us in your prayers.

    Everyone else, thank you so much for praying for me and the needs I have brought forward. I have definitely felt God's touch on my body and know that He is right here with me giving me strength, wisdom, and hope to make it through all that is happening.

    God Bless you all,

  106. I know I'm really late for this but I thought I would post anyway. I need prayers for myself and help with my financial situation. I so badly need calm and peace to struggle through. Please also pray for my family who also have their own needs.
    Bless all of you who read this and pray for myself and everyone on here.

  107. So I'm a day late, but hopefully others will still read this. I'm asking for prayer for my very best friend. She and her husband brought home a beautiful baby girl last week from the hospital, they loved and cared for her for a week until her birthmother(mother) changed her mind and they had to return her earlier this week. My heart is broken for them. We know God has a plan for the baby girl and for them as parents but we don't understand it right now. I just sat and cried and prayed with them all weekend. Please pray for peace for them and protection for their baby girl who is now back with her biological family. Thank you!

  108. I am always so humbled when yuou have the crazy love prayer challenge. It makes my needs seem so small and insignificant when looking at the needs of others. I am also one of those people always wiling to help, but not asking for help. This really stretches me even though I have seem God move mountains in my life and I know His power.

    My prayer requests are much the same as before. My SIL & MIL for physical healing; my church for the upsets/turmoil going on within the congregation; my beloved pastors for their strength and steadfastness; God to reveal His will for another adoption; financial provision; healing for our country. Thank you so much for your prayers.

  109. Well, if you could please pray for me today to have peace, that would be great. I might be losing one of my best friends today and I've been having bad panic attacks where I can't breathe. I've felt like throwing up for almost two days (it's not the flu) and I'm begging God for peace today.

  110. Oh, what an awesome God.
    I am praying for God's hand to move on a manuscript. I have written our Ellie's story in a book form. It is over 53,000 words long, and I still think it could use a few more chapters.
    I want to encourage others to consider special needs adoption. I want others to know that Ellie has blessed me far more than I have blessed her. I want them to know that God provides and His grace is suffiennt even when our prayers aren't answered the way we think they should be.
    Please join me in prayer that we can find a publisher and that God gets the glory!!!!!!!!!!
    If any of you have not seen our sweet Ellie's face. Travel on over to

  111. Please pray for our friend, Mark, who is starting radiation tomorrow for neck cancer. He and his wonderful wife, have 10 kids, 6 currently at home, 4 grown. The 6 at home are all adopted and they are working on adoption number 7.
    Please pray not only healing for Mark, but that through all of this they will come to know the saving grace of our Saviour.
    Also, please pray for husband to soon be ready for another adoption. He has not said "no" but said he is not ready. I told him I would wait 6 months before I brought the subject up again. That will be December and there is a beautiful boy whose file will go back soon. I would so love to bring this boy home. I believe in a miracle working God and know that if this is supposed to be God will make a way.
    Thanks so much!

  112. Please pray for my family. My husband and I have struggled to learn how to be first-time parents and to learn how to best parent our 15 year old son (who joined us last fall as a foster child). Though we have experienced many joys, the year has brought a good share of struggles, pain, and emotions. My husband is emotionally exhausted and after our most recent low period with our son, he has chosen to distance himself, emotionally and physically. While I do not blame him, please pray with me that he can come to a spot in his heart where he can be ready to find a solution together, where a relationship with our son can be formed again for him, where we can parent together, and that the holy spirit may fill his heart and restore love and hope and a vision in the deepest reaches.

  113. Oh how my heart breaks for the orphans with out families… We have been blessed to by the Lord with 3 wonderful children 2 have come to us from China. My heart longs to bring more home! My husband says we are done. Oh please pray with me that the Lord will work on his heart or mine!!! His Will!!! And prayers that sweet little Mark's family will find him soon!

  114. Please pray for my dear friends baby girl. I will call her N. She is 4 months old and they have been fighting to get her to gain weight.
    At 4 months she weighs 10 lbs (that is down 1 lb from 3 months). Yesterday she was admitted to the hospital…Please pray for wisdom for the doctors and nurses…pray that they will be willing to work together with other doctors and listen to the Mama who has a pretty good idea of what is going on. (her nieces and newphews all have had a similar condition but the doctor does not want to hear about it). Above all just pray that this little one gets better!! Thanks

  115. I need prayer for our finances still….and for a rebellious teen…that he would see his need for Christ and run to Him and CLING to Him as his PRECIOUS Lord and Savior…
    Thanks Linny…As I am reading your blog top to bottom, your last post made me cry…I think I also want to be like you in your discipline of prayer…I see God bringing it along, but I am still not where I would like to be.

  116. Ok, if you never tire of the same requests then here goes…we need finances for our adoption and for my dad and his side of the family to have their hearts broken for the orphan because once we tell them we are adopting again, our first thought is that they will disown us 🙁 It took them 3 years to warm up to our son so to tell them there is another coming..wel it may be the straw that broke the camel's back. If they do choose to act like this, then another prayer would be for us to hold up under this. For strength/confidence/encouragement in knowing we are doing what is right even even though they choose not to come alongside us. thank you Linny! Someday I plan on meeting you!!

  117. My nephew was killed this morning when he crossed the centerline into the path of an oncoming semi. Please pray for his parents who are in their 80's and for the extended family. Many are lost.

  118. I'm really late posting here, but really need prayer, so hoping someone sees this;

    1. A job for my husband who has been unemployed 2 years and actively searching for a job all this time. I dont know how much longer we can make it.

    2.Finances. House payment due on the 1st… only GOD can possibly know how we could make this deadline.

    3. House – our payment is less than the cheapest apartment would cost. Please pray that we dont lose it!

    4. Our 14 yr old dd is bedridden with chronic lyme disease. Insurance wont cover the treatment she needs. So, nothing can be done for her, which brings us back to point #1 and #2 again!

    5. Adoption – please pray with me that God will change my husband's heart on this.

    6. That our marriage will be strengthened and that we will both grow in Christ.

    I have prayed each day for ALL the prayer requests above, and will continue.

  119. we have the official referral of a handsome 6 year old Ethiopian boy. God has given us 6/7 of the money to accept the referral. . we are praying for the remaining 1/7. . .I am trusting God has this all under control. .and there is a reason He has not given the 1/7. . that we are suppose to sit next to someone on a plane or some timing. . .If I keep my eyes on Him, I have peace. When I start thinking of the money needed to finish the referral fee. . and then money to travel to Ethiopia times 2. . I start to wonder How in the world??? Pray that God would show off so that people would see how big and real and powerful and all loving He is. . .so provision for this adoption and provision for the travel is what I want prayer for.

    I will spend the next week or so reading 3-5 prayer requests a day. I will pray!!!!!!

    Thanks Linny. . I love your Crazy Love Challenges. . I love your blog. .

  120. I need Prayer for healing. For strength. For Peace. For a clear mind to make the correct choices in regards to the clinical trial for my cancer.

    I need some Friends. I am alone, with my 2 cats. It is difficult to go out, as I am in a wheelchair. HE says that "he places the lonely in families", and I am so desperate for family.

    I would like to have some families that will adopt me and let me be "Aunt Jo", to their children. Families that will send me drawings from the children and photos to put on my fridge.

    For more info on my journey, go to JO's CORNER.

    I believe that having some friends to Pray for me will be healing to my soul.

    Please, Pray that I don't die alone. Thanks, so much! Love in Jesus ~ JO

  121. Please pray for a little girl in China who wants a family and for a family to come forward for her. Please pray for God to make everything clear in how he wants us to help her.

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