Here’s the Scoop

First let me just say, you guys are completely hysterical.  We have laughed and laughed over your comments.  And some of your guesses – wow!  
So here’s a few thoughts for some of you:
Jaime & Sandee – girlfriends – you two are totally a hoot! Made us really laugh. But, ummmm, definitely not. 
 Kimberlie, I was laughing so hard when you wrote this {especially the italicized part}:
I’m thinking you are going blonde! Why else color your hair? Just kidding. I think it definitely involves hair color, and going from brunette to blonde would be a big change, one that DW might have a hard time with. 
If that isn’t right then my second guess is a nose job. Not that I think you need one, you don’t, but I am thinking that new boobs is still a bit of a controversial topic, so I go with the nose. Lot’s of women have done that.

 Wendy:  This chick barely enjoys flying….are you really thinkin’ I would be crazy enough to jump out of a perfectly good plane? Haha!  Not a chance!

mom2themonkeys & -sarah=-): Hot air balloon &  skydiving: please refer to airplane jumping comment! haha! ummm, no…

All you who guessed piercings of some kind, all I gotta’ say is:  Owwww. No!
Lisa:  A tummy tuck, huh?  That really made me laugh.  I could use one, but you go first!
stephanie: I really laughed when you said you had a headache from trying to figure it out. {In fact I’m still laughing!}  Okay, Miss Drama Queen…I’ll tell ya’, I’ll tell ya…or better yet:  Take 2 aspirin and check back tomorrow.  xo
Cate said:
You’re piercing your belly button or your tongue? Bahahaha. No, go get the tattoo. I’ll live vicariously through you.
Seriously Cate, I laughed and laughed…you living vicariously through me getting a tattoo.  
Actually about a zillion of you said a tattoo….
You guys are unbelievable…
Are you familiar with Psalm 127:3?
“Children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is His reward”?
That’s not what I did….
But if you guessed a patriotic tat?????


 That’s not what I did either.
Seriously, at my almost 52 years old…a “tat” is not on my radar.
Never has been.
Not thinkin’ it ever will be either.
But it was stinkin’ fun to think that you thought I might.
Some of our kids have them.  I’m just not a tattoo kind of gal.  
Nor a tummy-tuckin’, nose piercin, tongue pokin, kind of gal.
Now if you guessed that I was coloring my hair?
Okay, for real. 
Do you guys really believe that I don’t already color it?
Like for 20 years.
Light Golden Brown
And that’s where this story begins:
When we were leaving for seminary, some 20 years ago, I went to get my hair cut one last time.  I was 31 years old.  The girl who had been cutting my hair for a while went and got those little loopy pieces of hair samples.

She came over and held one up to my head.  I thought, “what in the world is she doing?”  She went and got another and another…holding each up to my hair.  

I finally said, “Doreen, what are you doing?” To which she said, “Didn’t Dw tell you?  He made the haircutting appointment and asked me to color it as well.”
Did he now?
Subtle, Whitey, really subtle.
And that began the coloring of my hair.  He did not like the gray I had been having come in for the last 7 years prior.
Doreen taught me to do it myself and I have done that myself for the last 20 years.
And for probably at least the last 12 years I have asked that sweet and wonderful hubby of mine, if I could quit.  And for 12 years he has said, “ummm, please, no!”
I said about 7 years ago…
“How about when we are going to be grandparents?”
He said,
“Ummm, please no.”  
So I prayed.
Cause really, I have hated coloring my hair. 
Let me also give a little disclaimer:
If you color your hair, pierce yourself till you could be used as a lawn sprinkler {like one of our daughters does, not sayin’ who, but yeah, you can probably guess}, have tattoos entirely covering your body and have tucked and enhanced everything known to womankind – you go girl!
I am not about making a statement here.
I am just sick of coloring my hair.
I am sick of seeing the bright gray roots showing up almost the very next day.  Like it is so not fun!
And I am sick of wondering exactly what all those chemicals are doing to my body.
So after I was diagnosed with these last 2 auto-immune disorders {Rheumatoid Arthritis and Hashimoto’s Disease} I decided to do a little research.   And surprisingly I found a study that said, “Women who color their hair for 15 years, once a month,{can’t really remember the exact number – so don’t want to quote it, but trust me – it was sky high}are a bazillion times more likely to develop
of all things
Rheumatoid Arthritis


So I went to that sweet husband of mine, armed with my new information and said, “Dude! Read this!”
And that’s all it took. He agreed.  It was time to stop.  {finally!}
I called  Abi and said, “What do you think?”
Her response was the best!
She said, 
“Mom, gray is sooo hot!”  
Okay, so I’m not trying to be “hot”, but it made me smile and gave me the encouragement I needed. 
So I am going short, sassy and gray.
There are several ways to go gray, but at this moment,
I am opting for the just plain let it grow out. I am thinking that I will cut it shorter and shorter as it continues to grow out.
So after posting that post yesterday I went to get my hair cut.  She said the roots are out almost an inch and that I am about 90% gray.  
SO there you go.
You will see the real {and almost completely gray}
 Linny unfold in the days ahead.
And last night?
Here’s kind of what my hair is doing..{it looked better than the picture does it}…headin’ toward that short, sassy, gray look.   It was one of the most delightful nights of our lives…and I will tell you why later. 
And for you {Donna, Beach Mama,Kim Foo, Kristi O, Karen, Karen Dawkins, [[Nicole]], ~Truly Tina~}who guessed some of the other things that I didn’t mention in this post…well, hang on to your britches…cause there is news on the horizon…will tell you more later…
oh, and please miss stephanie…take the aspirin girl, take the aspirin 

47 thoughts on “Here’s the Scoop

  1. Linny,
    I have always thought that women who are gray look beautiful… I can't wait to see the new do:) You are so funny… with all the funny guesses… I couldn't think of anything… but was wracking my brain to think of what it could be… now I am excited to see what you are going to share:)

  2. Good for you. I too color my hair and am tired of $$$$ paying for it. I don't think I am that grey, but not sure as I haven't seen my true hair color in about 30 years. Maybe you'll inspire me to go natural too.

  3. I think you are beautiful no matter what! I am in my 30's and already praying about what I'll do when that day happens. I have not colored my hair much ever in my life and don't want to begin the process. Not sure how hubby feels, but praying about it ahead of time so that Lord willing he feels the same as me! I am just super low maintenance and don't want to start a new "have to"!

  4. Thought about it because I had noticed the roots in your latest pictures but didn't want to offend. I am a year older and almost did it this past summer but then my daughter was starting public kindergarten so I did it for her. Like you I have been dying to let it go gray. I have always loved gray hair. You can get a non-permanent one like Natural Instincts in the interim period.

  5. Linny, you look so beautiful!

    I cannot wait to see your all grey look. In 10 years or less, I will happily clear myself of COLOR! I have gone grey early and, boy, do I hate putting chemicals in my hair every month!! Your post brought me to tears about the whole darn thing! Maybe 10 years is too long to wait.

  6. Too cool! I think there is a "rinse" or something you can do to take all the unnatural color out of your hair…it's called getting a "Malibu" treatment..I think..:)

  7. Oh how funny! I about fell over when I saw the tat photo pop up in Dashboard!! Literally gasped out loud. How funny!! I was so wrong too- totally did not think it was your hair that was changing.

    But I LOVE LOVE your hair! I think women look younger with shorter hair actually and grey is so pretty. So you go girl. Rock that sexy short grey do like nobody's business!! It's adorable on you!

  8. You will love it! When I quit my job two years ago, I quit coloring my hair and found I was almost completely gray underneath. It's almost grown out now and I've received so many complements on it. I wonder why I didn't do it sooner! Actually my hairdresser told me today, when I went to get my hair cut, that my gray made me look younger! What!? I love it!

  9. I'm so proud of you! I have never colored my hair, but I am getting pretty gray and coming up on my 40th birthday. I was seriously thinking about it. I love gray hair, too, but I just am not quite ready. I think you have given me the courage to embrace it! Besides, I am pretty dedicated about "no chemicals." You are beautiful and will be even more so with gray hair!

  10. I love your blog and feel compelled to comment. I started turning gray at 23, most of my adult life I have been salt and pepper and now in my 40s I am much more salt than pepper. When I started going gray, I made the decision not to color it. I thought that most colors looked unnatural (this was before highlights/lowlights and other new color tech) and honestly, it was beyond my budget. Plus I was gray enough and my hair grew fast enough that I knew I would always have a strip of white on the top of my head. I have always embraced my gray and made no apologies for it, and you know what? I have gotten hundreds of compliments on my hair color, and only one person who ever said anything negative. (A vain coworker who mentioned weekly that I really *should* start taking care of myself and do something about all my gray. Ugh)
    Anyway, once you get over the shock, I KNOW you will love it. Be proud that you are taking back your natural color and don't take guff from anybody.
    Much love,
    PS I am eagerly waiting new pics of how beautiful you will look.

  11. Linny, you are beautiful! The new haircut is so chic and stylish and the gray is stunning! I agree with Abi, gray hair is hot! 🙂

    I remember being in high school desiring a silvery streak of gray hair to grow right in the front as a vibrant contrast to my black hair (think Stacy London from “What Not To Wear”). Of course, now years later, my prayers have been semi-answered. Yep, I have gray hair, but um, those hairs have not grown in in such a fashionable way. 🙂 But you know what? So be it. I have gone against the “advice” and comments of being “too young” for gray and allowed the gray to come on in as it pleases. I like it. I'm looking more and more like my mother each day as I glance into the mirror and that's a beautiful thing…gray and all! 🙂

    P.S. I commend you on doing research on the effects of chemical dyes and hair processes on your body. I was quite stunned when I delved into the topic myself a couple of years ago. I've since relinquished the hold I had on relaxers, dyes and such. I just love being naturally me. 🙂

    P.P.S. I cannot wait to hear more about the news that's on the horizon. Hmmm, I wonder what it could be….

  12. Forget all the fluff, girl. It's all about attitude! …and skin tone…ha ha! You look BEAUTIFUL! Hope DW told you — repeatedly.

    "Even to your old age, I am He, And even to gray hairs I will carry you! I have made, and I will bear; Even I will carry, and will deliver you."
    Isaiah 46:4

  13. That is so incredibly awesome! I quit highlighting my hair almost 2 years ago mostly because I didn't want to spend $100 every 3 months to keep it up, but also because I have three Chinese children who want their Mama to have hair like them. Well, mine will never be a gorgeous dark brown/black like they have but I thought the least I could do is let my natural dishwater dark blonde grow in. I actually really like the darker color. Also, I am looking forward to gray. The few strands I have so far are growing in that kind of white/silvery color my grandmother had that I always admired, so I am pretty excited about that.

    I can't wait to see what you look like totally gray. You looked beautiful last night all gussied up and sassy with your new hair cut! As my son says, "you will look gorgeouser."


  14. Boy was I off base! (I thought you might be running for a public office!) LOL!

    Good for you that you are going gray. I have thought about it many times. I, too, am "light golden brown" when I color my hair but "mostly gray" really!

    BTW, Kevin and I think a reunion of bloggy friends would be fantastic!! All those people in one place holding a big ol prayer meeting. Too cool.

    janet and gang

  15. Oh girl, I can't stop laughing. I'm sooo behind on my blog reading but I headed to yours first…I missed out on all the fun 🙂

    You are gorgeous mama and gray is absolutely beautiful!!

    Now for the 'news on the horizon'…you are naughty to keep us all hanging 🙂 but I can't wait to hear what's coming!!! HUGS!!!

  16. Dear Linny,
    I have just a handful of days left before I fly to China to meet Elaina. I am super swamped. I missed your last post and then this! aaauugh. Girl!
    Could you pause your life so I don't miss anything until the end of the month? Nah, give me til November 1st will ya?
    Oh wait. It's not about Me.
    Drat I keep forgetting!
    I want to go WHITE whenever my hair starts maturing. Since I'm blonde I'm hoping I have a shot. I think white is so cool. Can you dye your hair white? oh wait, dye is evil. I did know that and I don't need any more chemicals on or in my body either thank you very much!
    I think you are gonna LOVE your new look. Really!
    Holly from Purpose Driven Family

  17. So, I see the picture of the tatoo show up in my feed and I just can't picture it. Linny with a tatoo! And as I look at the tatoo and see skin and a little 'crack' then I am like WHERE DID SHE PUT IT? Good thing I kept reading!
    You will look Fab with "new" hair. If DW does not like it, you can get your hair cut like his! :)You know that hair cut works well on the mission field as you "Shine for Jesus!"

  18. you are going to look GREAT!!!! doing my hair is my one treat. I love to make my "spa" appointment every few months…. but I am supportive of whatever style people go with….. So bring on the Grey!
    NOW…. I am giddy with a pending announcement. To be able to have a "Simplicity" gathering would be such a huge PARTY and blessing.

  19. i missed all the guessing fun as our clayton elijah turned 2 yesterday!
    i'm so glad you and DW had that night and can't wait to hear what all it entailed. you will be stunning grey! for real.

  20. You little stinker!! That's not fair… that's more like what you're finally NOT going to do. ha ha! But good for you! Can't WAIT to see it all gray. And I think Abi's right… Gray IS hott. Oww owww!!!

  21. Beautiful! You look just beautiful!

    And I maintain my vote of a cross country road trip with the whole fam. I would love to host you and take you all to the beach. 🙂

  22. Good for you! I started going gray at 30, and could never bring myself to color – it just wasn't me. Now I'm 43, and almost completely gray. I've really noticed in the past few months that gray is IN, and becoming more popular all the time.

  23. I'm having a hissy fit here, I want to know what is going on with you guys besides the gray hair. I've haven't dyed my hair in years. It's mostly gray now and everytime I look at it I think about how I'd love to dye it. I love the picture…one very cool chick. Hugs

  24. You two are as cute as can be together! You are both beaming!! It is so sweet!!

    I agree with Abby- grey is in!! You will look beautiful with any color hair!!

  25. I LOVE your new look! Loving the Lord with your whole heart is the best beauty secret. And you, my friend, are radiant.

    I've been letting my hair go natural, too. The other day I overheard a conversation with my 10 year old daughter and a new friend. The other girl was describing her mom as having "light brown hair with blond highlights." Then my daughter replied, "Oh she sounds so pretty. My mom has dark brown hair with silver highlights." (Well, at least my "highlights" are free.)

    You are proof that God's masterpieces don't need touch ups! (Soooo glad you didn't get a tattoo!)

    Much Love,

  26. I'm so proud of you Linny! This is one of my pet peeves. The Bible talks so highly of people with gray hair yet so many women cover it up. In Titus 2 where it talks about the older women teaching the younger women I wonder how the younger women are supposed to find the older women when they are so busy trying to make themselves look younger and fit in. Thanks for taking this step 🙂


  27. Good for you!!

    I have the same thoughts – about the unhealthiness of the chemicals that I'm putting into my body from the dyes.

    I'm 32 and I've been going gray since I was 20. My husband has been telling me for years to just let it go natural, but recently (about two months ago) after a nice long talk with my very encouraging salon girl, we decided on a progression back to the natural – a slow one so it's less noticeable. I'm about 80% gray naturally and I have it about 30% natural at the moment.

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